Chapter 3: Truth, Doubt, or Lie?
Woodsboro: ???????
When I saw those two girls drunk out of their minds, thinking they were gonna be able to make their way back home in the condition they are in, I knew that people wouldn't be surprised if they ended up..... in a bit of an accident. As in, say, they made a wrong turn and/or pissed off the wrong guy with no mouths that currently have no filter on them. When your prey this time, isn't a nobody, you'll have to play your game a little more carefully. You'll have to tip the deck of cards into your favor, having no choice but to risk the casino catching you in the act.
When I see one of them walk into some sort of closed establishment, I drive my car forward just to find a random parking spot a block or so forward. However, I don't even half way when the girl that's been left behind starts flagging me down. Why? She doesn't know me. Unless.... she ordered an uber and didn't even bother checking the details of her vehicle. Wow, her survival instincts rivals Tom the cat, that's for sure.
I pull over, reach into my back seat for my special mask I keep on occasions such as this where I feel like I may need to hide my face. After all, I don't need to depend on charisma when it comes to this situations. The girl gets into the car, completely oblivious that she's actually opening Hell's gates instead of a car door. "Oh man, you arrived so fucking fast. Thank gosh, I feel like I'm gonna throw up soon."
As she gets into the backseat though I don't say a word, instead, I calmly equip my gloves, lock all the doors so they can't be opened from the inside. Then, slowly turns towards her, allowing her to see the face I am order her to see. The face that allows anyone, even a child on Halloween, to feel true power. The face that shows what I really am on the inside.
"So, you mind waiting for a few seconds? My friend..."
She slowly stops her sentence, her face sobered up in seconds thanks to fear...
And then she screams.
Once that's over, I step out of my humble car and walk over to the trunk, opening it up and taking out my repair drill, one of the big ones that works everywhere so it's just for backseat surprise attacks. I like this weapon over most of my others, the drill bit, knowing that you don't have to work too hard to get deep into the skin and puncture the vital organs. You can just.... watch as the life fades away from your victim's eyes.
It's intoxicating.
Closing the trunk, I then calmly enter the coffee shop. But I don't do it through the front door. Instead, I block the handle with a plank I spotted near the dumpster earlier. Instead, I go in through the side door, using a little... special technique I've acquired with practice and error that allows me to enter without a key. Now, the escape route is blocked off. Everything is perfectly in place.
Closing the door behind me, I then look around the back, no one in sight. I then open the door leading to the counter and all of the tables and such, and there she is leaving the bathroom. I entered the building just in time. She looks a little bit better than when I saw her earlier, but it was from a distance, so what do I know?
I remain in the shadows for a few seconds, waiting for the perfect moment. She walks over to the front door, only to find it not opening like it did when she asked the janitor inside to pee. "What the hell?" She utters out-loud, trying multiple times to no avail. "Okay, very funny Kris! Now open up!" She yells as she bangs on the door, forgetting how doors work for a second until she glances down and sees the lock from her side.
Now is the time. I slowly step out of the darkness and towards her, gripping the handles of my drill as I loom behind her. I always love this part. As she turns around, I raise my drill, and that's when she screams, just like her friend or maybe sister did. I slice her in the arm when she raises it up to block, and she surprisingly bonks a salt shaker over my head before I can even raise my weapon.
I'll admit, it hurt a little bit, and I grab my head in pain. She then runs past me to the alternate exit, and that prompts me to give chase as fast as possible. I bring my and my drill around the back, cutting her off from the only exit with the use of speed and using the faster route between everything in here.
She yelps right before I slice her in the stomach. She then stumbles back until she slips on blood that she's spilt and falls on her butt. I slowly walk towards her while she's desperately trying to crawl away. "No, no, no, please.... please..." She begs, just like all of them do when they are in a situation where they can no longer run. Her back eventually hits a storage room behind her, meaning that she's now completely corner. I stand over her, by drill hanging between my legs as I tilt my head, observing her weak form. "Please... don't.... don't..."
I ignore her, and rev up the drill.
Then, I drag her body out before using spare janitor equipment to clean up after myself, like the staff of this modest coffee shop always does. And, because I'm a really good boy who knows that when he makes a mess, it's up to him to clean it up. I dump the water that's been tainted by red, put the equipment back where I found it, and then leave the building, whistling to myself as I close the door behind me.
Except for the mop, I'm... going to need it.
I take off the plank and put it back where I found it as well. Then, I drag the two girls out into to the alley where I plant a now bloody broom onto the two of them. I rip their clothes apart and expose their sex regions in a way that would hurt these girls if they were alive. And lastly, I sprinkle a bottle of piss that isn't mine on the both of them.
By the time the janitor returns from the shower, I have completed my make-up work and left the scene.
Woodsboro High:
Alright! Now that that's done you guys ready for another week of school? Yeah, I bet you do. It's time for learning, being social with your classmates, and.... well, trying to see if that person you've been watching from across the classroom has noticed you yet. I'm not into that kind of stuff, I only pretend to be, but if it's your kind of boat, then go ahead and let it float. Did they cooler than the original version of that saying? I'm trying to be extra crafty with my words every single day. Make sure I adapt with the generation, you know?
"Hey, Y/N!" I hear Chad calling out to me as I walk into my locker, turning around to see him walking towards me with a seemingly tense look on his face. "Hey, um.... where were you last night? You know, after you left?" He asks me while trying to be as delicate as possible. I blink. Why is he asking me that? Is he suspicious? I framed the crime scene to the best of my abilities and what time would allow. Did the cops find something that threw them off the Red Herring scent?
"Why?" I ask him, looking as calm and collected as possible on the outside. Just sounding curious.
"Well, um....." Chad swallows, smacking his lips together as he glances around. "One of the girls from our school officially went missing on the weekend, and now..... the cops have just arrested a janitor that was working at a coffee shop for killing Kris and Lilly Donovan." He reports to me. I react as 'human' as I possible can.
"What?" I simply say, raising a brow of bewilderment. I usually always go with silent mental shock so I don't exaggerate anything with my face.
"Yeah, and the police are gonna be questioning everyone here in relation to the missing girl, so... yeah." Chad then tells me, shrugging after laying everything out for me as if I don't already know that. Which, in his defense, he doesn't..... I think. There's just one little thing that makes his attempts to be friendly feel off to me.
"And, what does this have to do with where I was last night? I just went straight home." I ask him with a curious look, eyeing for every nook and cranny of his reaction that I see. Chad opens his mouth, and then closes it. He nervously glances off to the side next. Both of those makes it very clear that he has a thought, but doesn't think it's a good idea to share it out loud to me. That makes me suspect that.... "Wait, you don't it was-"
"Hey, Chad! Class starts in one minute!" That girl appears once again and informs the jock as she passes him with a teasing smirk that encourages him to get there before he's late. I now know her name is Mindy thanks to overhearing her and Chad last night. The guy nods and walks away, giving me a quick 'bye' as he leaves. However, that interaction I feel like, could've gone a little better.
Why am I starting to think that he does suspect me of something?
Looking down the hallway, I spot Amber doing the same thing as everybody else. Thankfully, we share Bio as stated before, so I quickly walk up to join the route that she's taking for the sake of, well, keeping my image looking good. "Hey." I act brave, yet tuck my hands in my pockets to hide my nervousness. You don't know what a female could be thinking, not really, so you kind of have to act like you did something wrong. So, if she snaps at you, you know you did and thankfully didn't make it worse with a cocky remark.
"Hey." Amber nonchalantly returns the greeting, wearing a blank expression on her face that makes me feel.... a little weird, if I can be honest. I know I likely dashed out of the party before it really ended, along with people who had an actual reason to leave, that being that they were drunk. And since she has this slight need for attention from the people she likes, I predicted the possibility that she didn't like my rapid departure.
"Great event last night, sorry for leaving so suddenly. I..... I think I had too much junk food and began throwing up." I apologize to her, doing my absolute best to make it sound like I mean it. I technically do, but showing genuine guilt is hard when you are built and constructed from your mother's womb as I have.
"Pfft. If you think I'm gonna be mad with you leaving after already showing me a good time, you must think I'm some kind of attention whore." Amber remarks with an amused scoff. Well, shit, she got me there. Though, part of me suspects that she's still a little bit disappointed that I left sooner rather than at the very end, and not to lie, I would have, I just.... after I felt my hands touching my syringe, I knew I head to leave before I lost control of myself.
The idea that any girl could fall in love with me and be in a safe relationship is... absurd.
"As long as you assure me that I haven't scared you off yet, we should be fine." Amber tells me with a playful look, to which I nod with a small chuckle. The idea of her scaring me is like saying a wiener dog scares the grim reaper from collecting its soul, though I'm sure she thinks I'm just laughing at her personality, which is only half-true.
"You most certainly haven't."
Sadly, that's about as far as we go in the conversation, because as mentioned, class was about to start one minute ago, and it's been one minute.
We make it just in time.
Woodsboro High: Principal's Office
About halfway into the period, however, I get the inevitable but dreaded moment that I hope wasn't going to happen. When I saw the police cars outside, the possibility dawned on me. I haven't ignored it, far from it. The pass is handed over to me, the reasons on said note are very clear. I must proceed to the principal's office for the sake of, well... answering some questions, based on the missing girl.
Being questioned about a girl that went missing isn't technically new for me. However, what is new is having be in a town like Woodsboro. There are chances that the ways a deputy asks me could be different then how an officer asks me. Same job, different title, but states also have different laws, meaning that questioning can also change depending on where I'm at. And I'm currently in California.
I find myself in the offices, where I eventually walk towards and locate the principal's office thanks to the words that are right on the window of the door, pretty obvious to spot if I do say so myself. I step inside, getting everyone's attention, their heads turning in a way that makes me start assuming that they were talking about me. "Ah, there you are. Come in." The principal, Principal Becker, waves me over to encourage me to sit down. "This is Sheriff Hicks and Deputy Vinson
"Mrs. Becker..." I greet calmly, sitting down on one of chairs that is pointed towards where Judy is sitting and Vinson is standing. "Sheriff." I add with a nod.
"Y/N Blackwood...." Judy greets me by name, nodding as she checks the thing on Vinson's notepad as he crosses it. "The mid-transfer student, right? Good to meet you." She says in a very friendly adult manner, which I suspect she always gives to people my age. The last name Hicks caught my attention, since I eventually learned that Wes last name was Hicks. Since this is a small town, I feel like thinking that the two are connected wouldn't be that big of an assumption.
"Nice to meet you too." I reply with the same politeness, behaving like a simple kid who just repeats what the told does in terms of being friendly. She tells a joke? I chuckle. She smiles at me, I wave or smile back. A simple term used for introverts trying to fit in to their school environment, and although I may try to act extroverted, this case could not be any farther than that on the outside.
"Alright, so, what's going to happen here, Y/N, is that these policemen will ask you a couple questions for their case, and I expect you answer honestly, okay?" Principal Becker tells me with a seemingly blank expression. However, there's this one moment where her hand is my shoulder, and she rubs it faintly but enough that I can feel it. I thought it was just my imagination, but Judy's eyes squint in a way where I think she may have spotted it too.
"Okay." I promise her I will with a nod, not sure if I should feel uncomfortable or calm, and I'm talking about when I walked in, not about the thing I just mentioned. I then look at Judy expectedly.
"It won't be anything difficult, just something I need to for my office to check, you okay with that?" Judy then asks me really quick before we begin, to which I nod.
"Shoot." I encourage her, making it seem like I have nothing to hide, which may or may not be a mistake on my part. Judy nods in return and glances at Vinson briefly who visually confirms that he has his pen and paper ready.
"How old are you?"
"Eighteen and a half."
"Your address?"
"231 Elm Street."
"Ah, the neighborhood that offers a good view of the nature, nice." Judy compliments with a small nod and smile, to which I smile back, trying not to twitch.
"Thank you."
"What can you tell us about Nadia Craven, the girl who went missing a week ago?" Judy then asks next, letting me know that we are now getting into the more tense questions. Her body language then seems to get more monotone, but I'm not very sure to be honest. However, I play the apathetic jock, so I just stick by to the rumors and act like every piece of gossip could be true.
"Uh, not a lot. But, I know she was sneaking around."
"Sneaking around?"
"What do you mean, 'Sneaking around'?" Judy asks me with squinted eyes, doing it in a way that seems interested, yet way too calm. It's almost like she's paying attention to how I answer this next instead of what I am going to answer. I feel my fingers grip the arm rest tightly for two and a half seconds.
"Well, I heard that she was a closeted homosexual who always had an incest love for her biological sister that also goes here, that kind of sneaking around." I say calmly as if I believe or something. Like I said, apathetic teenager. Judy slowly nods, the two cops pretending not to sigh. Interestingly enough, Becker doesn't react as much, like she isn't even disappointed that I brought a rumor up.
"So, do you know what kind of girl Nadia was? Besides the rumors you've head." Judy then asks me, looking much calmer and casual than during her previous question. I swear, I could be losing it, or she's as unpredictable as me.
"Nothing superficial, like being quiet and keeping to herself except with friends." I answer, before letting my paranoid thoughts win for a brief moment. "Do you believe that something happened to her?"
"Why do you ask?" Judy asks, her eyes suddenly hardened on me. Shit, shit, shit, shit! I shouldn't have asked that!
"No, not really."
Judy shrugs, looking like she's innocently accepting that answer, throwing my intuition for another loop yet again! "Do you know where Nadia hangs out?"
"Hang out?" I blink. "Like, as a hobby or with friends?"
"Just.... hang out." Judy non-answers with a waiting look, now making me feel like I'm being tested. See? This is what's having me stressed out right now.
"Well, I saw her at that family friendly bar on main once, but that's about it."
"Was she eating, drinking, or doing anything she wasn't supposed to?"
"I'm not sure, I only remember seeing her walk past me. That was the last time I never saw her."
Judy slowly nods, looking up at Vinson who's been writing all of this down, or maybe all of the necessary parts. Already, I'm thinking about what he wrote in, what he left out. Whether there's some kind of major suspect list on that notepad and I'm on it. But before I can drop a sweat due to these thoughts, Becker saves me by clearing her throat.
"I think we're done here, Y/N's parents wanted him to be home as soon as possible." Becker tells the police men as she silently nods towards the door while glancing at me. I quickly accept the suggestion and grab my stuff, giving a grateful smile to the woman. Becker smiles in a way that makes me feel like she was more than happy to help. More than happy....
"Alright then, call us if you learn anything or have something you feel like sharing with us, okay?" Judy requests, to which I nod before quickly walking out of the office and into the school. I march down the hall and back into the parking lot, letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding the second my feet touch concrete. Yes, I know that's a cliche line to say, but this time, it was actually true. I felt like I turned into a robot for a second there that was about to overheat if my functions kept running.
Either that cop was the most unreadable person on the planet, or I am just that anxious.
As I start walking, I see Tara talking with someone I don't recognize, eventually spotting me in the crowd. She dismisses her student acquaintance and approaches me. "Y/N! Hey!" She greets me loudly in case I didn't hear her, I think. "Are you okay? Looks like your questioning didn't go so well."
Shit, am I sweating?
"Oh, no, no, I just.... the A.C in there would kill ten dogs in comparison to a car." I quip with my best joke, letting a bit of my dark humor slip out. In spite of that however, Tara laughs, and so do I, but faker than her. "How about you? They ask you anything.... weird?"
"Um, not really. Just that if I ever went to that coffee shop on Dalton Road." Tara answers with a nonchalant shrug, which, weirdly enough, gives me some weird sense of relief. Maybe it's just because I'm glad that they didn't mention me in there. Heh, look at me, acting like the police were eagerly waiting for my turn while holding bottle of lube and a crap ton of bad trips to the past. "So, um hey... if you're willing, my mom's going to be out of town for a while, and I was wondering if you wanted to, like..... hang out..... there?" She asks, getting more nervous with each word. I blink, the suggestions coming with that house invading my dirty mind, though I try not to jump to conclusions.
Right as I plan to answer that, I notice someone looking over from behind Tara, a few feet away....... Amber Freeman. I quickly change my mind. "Sounds like fun, but.... I can't do it tonight, dad needs me to help, like, work or something." I tell her 'regretfully', a massive lie on my part, but I feel like it's white enough for now. Besides, I do plan on hanging out wit her for ulterior motives. I'll let you know what kind of reasons those are when he get to that bridge.
"Oh, o....." Tara tries to react calmly, but I am already walking past her to get into my car, wanting this day to just be over with in all honesty. "-kay?"
Once I'm at my means of transportation, my mind starts feeling heavy, and I rub my face for a good few seconds as if I'm tired, yet I don't actually feel tired either at the same time. I don't really know how to define in. Dropping my hands, I then notice Wes staring at me, and I share eye constant with him for a little bit longer than necessary, and it's not because we're in love.
He makes this weird face before heading off on his way home on foot. I then make one of the slowest blinks I think I have possibly made, trying to make sense of that.
What is he thinking about this time?
Woodsboro: L/N Residence
"Mom!? Dad?!" I call out as I enter the house, not getting any response back. As I set my stuff down, I then remember that they are both away on some kind of date, both having a day off this week. Good for them, though that will likely mean that they will be late for a very, very long time. Am I complaining? Hell no. Does that mean I am going to partake in my indulges while I have the place to myself? No to that either. That would be stupid and me being arrogant, two things that I refuse to identify myself with.
Once I'm done getting re-settled and are not just in my casual clothes, out of my jersey, I simply watch horror movies for the rest of the night. This is usually what I always do, pick a movie and take inspiration from it. I still remember how video games get blamed for modern day violence, but to this day, I've still never seen any proof. Just like how it was with violence in Cinema. That's when I realized, horror movies don't make psychos, movies make psychos more creative.
However, I'm.... pretty sure I'm not the first person who's said that.
Then, at one point, the doorbell rings. I look over, curious, thinking my parents just arrived at first, and they like letting me know I'm here if they've arrived early, so I just lean back into my couch. But then, the ringing is replaced with a knock, a very serious knock, the knock that kind of says, 'open the door, or else you're gonna look like an ass'.
So, I stand up, pause the movie, and go open the door.
To my honest surprised, Amber Freeman is standing there behind it. "Amber? What are-"
"Can I come in?" Amber requests with a very serious face, the most serious I've seen her. Now, I think I'm about to become the victim of my own game, which.... turns me on for some reason. Sorry, I know, I've said too much now. "Look, I'm probably gonna sound really crazy, so I would like it if I did it with nobody else around."
I blink, this choice of words makes me feel even more worried that my actions have made me already approach the moment of my life that I was hoping to get to when I was at least 30. Because at least then, I knew I enjoyed the fruits of my labor. "Um.... sure." I accept with a nod, opening the door wider and stepping aside so she can come in. I know I'm probably looking simply confused on the outside, though that mask will probably go away if I break a sweat, which I feel like is getting close. "What's wrong? Did something happen at-?"
"What's the deal between you and Tara?" Amber asks me without letting me finish first, which makes me almost fail to hear her on the first attempt.
"Look, I know Tara likes you, or at least wants to be your friend to see if things like that could happen, so... I really need to know something before I make a huge mistake." Amber confronts me, looking pretty confident that it's the truth. To be honest, I've noticed the signs too, but... I thought I've been doing a pretty good job at being casual about them. I guess according to the pretty girl in front of me, I've only done a good job on one side of that regard. "So, do you like her or not? And please, don't be a complete dick and lie."
I open my mouth, before taking a deep breath as I consider this answer through. I think this makes Amber's face drop a little, starting to come to the conclusion that I do, but after everything, this time, it's best to tell the blunt truth. Well... more like the truth about what she asked for. "No, no I don't."
"You sure?" Amber then asks me, curling her fingers together and playing with them. She likely wants to believe me, but a dark part of her wants her to not believe that, and be jealous and angry for all of eternity. The kind of demon that mine would be best friends with as they discuss all of the evil shit they did. "Because I-I-I really hate taking about my feelings like this, but I keep thinking about last night, and I keep thinking that it was one way and then another, and now, I think I'm starting to become that one mean girl I've always despised on TV who's constantly breaking relationships apart because she can't tell who wants her and who-"
Needing her to shut the hell up, I quickly lean in and kiss her, something I know she's been waiting for the entire week. Amber freezes up, but then I feel her applying pressure back against the same space I am, her arms subconsciously leaning towards me and wrapping me into a web of passion she's been holding back.
That's when the feeling I've always dreaded returns, the feeling of losing control. She starts sliding her tongue in as the kissing continues on, jump starting my cravings to the ultimate level. However.... I don't feel..... the need to kill. Is this..... is this the craving my fellow jocks always run towards? The ones that all the 2010 slasher teens always boast about? The need for sex?
Ah, I'm thinking about this way too fucking much.
I feel Amber pulling on my collar, prompting me to remember where I am and getting back into the action. I reach under Amber's jacket and shirt, prompting her to help me take it off before she pulls me again, encouraging me to push her against the wall, which I happily do without hesitation. I feel her hands exploring a similar space on my body, and I quickly help her take off my shirt as well. She looks like she's going to jump, so I quickly catch and hold her by her thighs while she wraps her legs around my waist.
Then, while we still have our lips attacking each other the entire time, I carry her all the way to my bedroom, ignoring that I left a streaming service on, and frantically open and shut the door behind me before we both fall on the bed. There, we continue making out still, but also while wrestling around, switching from top the bottom and all while removing the pieces of clothing that covers our underwears.
Well, except for one.
Eventually, she breaks the kissing part of the encounter, her eyes tell me all I need to know. Thankfully, I am still able to emotionally read that, at the very least. Amber then pushes me onto my bed aggressively. "Fuck, I've been waiting forever to do this..." She whispers hungrily, despite it being three weeks, and quickly crawls down to the area below the hip. There, she frantically and impatiently begins messing with my belt until she finally gets it off, and when she sees the item inside the boxers, she strips it down without hesitation. "Look, just don't say anything, all right? Just fucking keep your eyes on me."
She then does the expected and puts the tip of the shaft into her mouth, getting a little taste to start. She then sticks how her tongue and licks the entire thing top to bottom with an enjoying hum. At this point, I am now starting to understand what all the hype of this activity is about. Okay, yeah, I know what it sounds like, but no, I'm not a virgin at the time of this happening. It's just.... oh, fuck it, I don't know how to explain it, just read the rest of this chapter.
Despite the pleasure systems that I am activating inside my body, I keep doing what she wanted, I maintain eye contact with her. That's how I'm able to see when she stops the playful tasting and takes my entire shaft into her mouth, still staring deeply at me the whole way through. I'm sure I'm going to remember this part and be impressed by how she does it. She bops her head up and down, now giving me the experience that every guy who's gone through this anticipates for.
Eventually, the sensory stars to become a little too much for me, but in a very good way. I feel that need when this position happens where I reach forward and holds her head by the hair, just like the previous girls except.... whatever her name was, Amber doesn't mind, just hums in a way that encourages me to play with how she's pleasuring me.
I do, moving her head up and down myself, I swear I can hear Amber somehow giggling while having my baby maker in her charismatic device, which kinds makes it better. I eventually can't cling to being polite about though, and starts getting more demanding. I start pushing her further in, but despite some noises, her eyes tell me that she actually isn't impressed.
Is that really, all I got? Fuck to the no.
Once I'm at what I suspect are my last five minutes, I grab her head tight and start pushing her all the way down until her nose is rubbing against the hairs surrounding the thing she's sucking on. She makes a surprised yelp, but then makes a sound that begs for more, so I do it. I do it again and again, while also increasing the speed with each second that passes.
Then, I eventually do what I haven't actually done for a girl and that is cum. Not climax, not squirt, I straight up cum in her mouth, while forcing her to drink everything in. She starts gagging a bit, her eyes rolling back so far that they might disappear. I finally let go, letting her let loud the loudest gasp I've ever heard from someone.
However, despite those last few seconds, she looks up to me like she really... really... needed that.
Wiping her mouth, she urgently crawls back, and the two of us begin kissing again. This is that moment where I believe the person that pleasured wants the other to taste what they let out of their own body, and.... I think I can taste it. She's swallowed 98% percent of it, but drops here and there are still around.
But, this can't end here, I still remember the night at the party, and I suspect myself of knowing something else she's been craving. "My turn..." I growl as I suddenly turn her around without warning, forcing her to face the wall standing behind that one end of his bed. Amber moans, clearly knowing what I'm planning to do and already getting her stamina back. I remember that one scene from Supernatural, and before I begin, I slap her ass hard. She makes a wincing sound, but then exhales with a moan.
I take that as a sign she likes it, and slaps the other cheek, Amber makes the same noise, slightly higher. "Come on, please, just do it...." She begs with a begging tone, no longer able to keep the mask she usually wears on her face. "Fuck me already!"
I don't do the talk where I respond with something that makes me sound like the owner of the house, but that doesn't mean I don't keep the girl who's now gone from bottom dominant to bottom submissive waiting for much longer. I grab onto her hips, and penetrate her shield with my laser cannon.
She curses, and lets out a loud, drowning moan, her expectations likely having been way over-met. She puts a hand on her hip, her fingers slightly caress her own ass, and turns around to look at me, her mouth whimpering, her lips biting, and her eyes begging. I then start to repeat what I did, and slowly start moving faster, much to her liking.
It kind of feels like the dance, where I take after what she did, even if this type of sex is much different that what did to me fifteen minutes ago. As I keep going, she looks back at me again and nods rapidly while moaning, as if trying to say that my actions could make her cum, even if I'm not hitting the spot where she will. I guess that also means she's ready for my second motor barrage as well.
As things get faster and harder, my grip on her hips tighten and a few more slaps on her ass seal the pleasure deal. Amber's moans then get louder, and she looks back towards me again, this time, warning that she really needs me to let it all out again and to do it inside her hole or else she'll be really mad. I guess that also means she wants me to let loose, request accepted.
I feel the bed getting shakier and louder as the last minutes that happen next. Amber lets out the loudest scream I've ever heard, and I hear myself sounding like a caveman as I do the same. This feels a little different than the previous time, but that doesn't mean there's something to complain about. Once it's over, I'm able to pull out without much resistance, and the two of us collapse.
While turning myself around so I can be laying on my bed, I feel something wet on my sheets, and look to see that I was correct, Amber was feeling so much pleasure just from getting penetrated from behind. "Wow, I have never made such a bigger mess-"
"Shhh..." Amber shushes me, her finger on my lips. "You were awesome, the best fuck I've ever had.... but I'm way too tired for pillow talk." She tells me with a small smirk, though I don't recall intending to commence in any pillow talk. In private, unless it has anything to do with my secret, I mean what I say.
But she's right, I'm very tired too.
Guess I'll suffer the aftermath tomorrow.
(A/N) All right, there is the next chapter!
Feeling very tired, way too long since I wrote a scene like the last one, so that probably explains it. I also wrote the chapter of Freddy vs Jason vs Y/N on the same day as this. Like I've said before, (forgot when) I'm on a major writing grind today, and I have no intention of stopping while this motivation lasts.
The next chapter will now start including the real stakes in the story. The cops, the friend group, etc, so be prepared for that.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, add this to your library for when updates happen, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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