The Meeting
Here it is: the Halloween special! Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to get the full book out by Halloween, but I'll try to get hopefully a good bit out by then. Now, enjoy!
Pentagram City, Pride Ring
October 14th, 20XX
11:27 PM
It was a chilly night in Hell. Not many were out at this hour, only the bottom of the barrel patrolling for any victims to prey on.
A quartet of trucks makes their way down the road, not caring for anything that could possibly be in their way. And by that, I mean people. Other vehicles would hinder their travel, but any demons in their path would just get ran over without a care.
In the third truck, a figure hidden in the darkness sat chained to the wall, asleep. Few lights from nearby buildings made it through the cracks in the truck, but they were enough to illuminate parts of the figure. From what could be seen, their skin was varying in shades of color with scars from multiple surgeries and stitchings lining their naked body.
The truck the chained demon was in suddenly went over a pothole in the road, making the demon slam their head against the wall they were against. They growl at the sudden pain, but only stir a bit from sleep before falling back to slumber.
At the front in the driver and passenger seats, two demons sat. One of them drank coffee from their thermos.
Random Demon #1: "So, did you see the game last night, bro?"
Random Demon #2: "Nah, got too busy dealing with my wife's parents. They're fucking aggravating as all hell, bro."
Random Demon #1: "I feel ya there, bro."
The demon takes another sip from his thermos. Unknown to the two demons, when the truck drove over another pothole, the bump finally made the figure awaken from their sleep and they shake their head. The figure looks around before turning to the front. A low growl escaped the figure's throat as their eyes flash dangerously.
Random Demon #2: "How did that game go last night, bro?"
Random Demon #1: "Ah, the Pentagram City Hellchargers won again. I wish the Diablos got a chance to prove themselves, bro."
Random Demon #2: "What? Dude, the Hellchargers are gonna dominate this year, bro."
Random Demon #1: "Whatever, bro."
There was a moment of silence as the truck continues on. Then a pale white hand smashes through the back wall, enlarging itself to grab the passenger demon and crush his head into a bloody mess. The other demon screams in surprise and terror as he violently turns the steering wheel to the side.
Random Demon #2: "Oh, fuck!"
The wheels turn, making the truck veer to the side and made the other trucks steer away so they wouldn't crash into each other. The truck that the figure was in toppled over and crashed, sliding away a few meters before it stopped.
The other trucks stopped as well and armed demons run out of them. They all stop a few meters from the crashed truck and aim their weapons at the truck. They all waited for something to happen, only for one of the doors to swing open and the truck driver scrambles to get out.
Random Demom #2: "H-help me! Help me, please, dammit!"
He tries to escape, only for a tendril to wrap around his neck and pull him back into the truck. His screams are quickly silenced as blood stains the cracked windows and the insides of the truck.
The silence from the truck made the other demons suddenly become unnerved. Then a pale hand grabbed the outside of the truck and pulled its owner out, whose face and chest was now stained in blood. He growled at his former captors.
Random Demon #3: "Fire! Open fire!"
The demons do as told and fired their guns at the pale figure. The figure pulled off the truck's side door and used it as some kind of shield that blocked the bullets before charging right at the gunmen.
They didn't survive the night.
Goetia Palace, Pride Ring
October 15th, 20XX
12:56 PM
Octavia snapped awake at the sound of yelling and things being thrown. She narrowed her eyes in annoyance before groaning and sitting up from her sleeping position. She reached to grab her phone on her nightstand next to her bed, only to miss which made her lose her balance and fall off the bed. As she did, she heard her mother yelling at her father.
Octavia: "Goddammit..."
Octavia quickly picked herself back up and grabbed her phone properly this time. She then plugged in some earbuds and put them in her ears so she can play some music to block out the yelling. The Owl Demon quickly went to change into her what she usually wears.
(Found this on Pinterest, so I don't really know who made the art. Credit to artist anyway)
After changing, Octavia left her room as she listened to her music to ignore the yelling going on. It was always her mother, Stella, yelling at her father, Stolas, for sleeping with an Imp. Octavia herself was a bit upset that her father did that as well, but she doesn't treat him as her mother does. She mostly gives him the cold shoulder, but still really cares for him.
As Octavia walks down the hallway to the kitchen, yelling can still be heard along with things being thrown and smashed. It can even be heard a bit over Octavia's music.
Stella yelled as she and Stolas were in the kitchen.
(Why do I find so much good art and not know exactly who made it? The image says Gatome or something, so credit to them. Sorry, I'm doing my best here)
Stolas: "Please, if you'd just let me explain! Whoa!"
Stolas ducks down to avoid getting hit by a vase thrown by his wife which smashes into pieces once it hits the wall. Stolas gulps nervously as he stands back up and Octavia walks past them, ignoring their fight as she walks to the pantry.
Stella: "I don't even understand why you stay here! Everything would be better if you just left!"
Stella yelled in rage as she turned to storm out of the kitchen. Stolas chuckled nervously for a moment before turning to see his daughter stuffing some food into a backpack she had grabbed earlier. He puts on a happy face for her as he greets the owl girl.
Stolas: "Good morning, Octavia! How are you, my little starfire?"
Octavia: "That an actual question?"
Stolas gulped before continuing.
Stolas: "What's with the backpack?"
Octavia: "I'm going out for a bit. Getting some snacks."
Octavia told her father as she closed the pantry door and began to walk away.
Stolas: "Oh! Well, I hope you have fun! Byyyye!"
Stolas waved his daughter goodbye who left the kitchen without a word. This made the Goetic prince sigh and walk over to the kitchen stove to make some tea.
Later, Octavia is walking outside as she listened to her music. It was most likely music by Fuck You Dad. Don't worry, it's just a band.
As Octavia walked, something caught her eye which made her stop. Then her eyes widened as her mouth gapes open at the sight. Damage Control, which was basically all Imps, surrounded and made sure people stayed away from four trucks, one which had been toppled over, with blood and bodies everywhere. Some were completely mauled and mutilated to the point that their carcasses were completely ripped open with their insides sprawled around them. Others had it a little better, but not much since they were missing limbs and even whole sections of their bodies. The whole scene was grotesque and Octavia wanted to vomit at the sight, but pushed it down and swallowed it so she herself wouldn't make a scene.
Octavia shuddered in disgust at both the scene and the taste of her own vomit before prying her eyes from it to walk away. She walked away for a few feet before stepping in something that squished under her boots. The Goetia daughter hesitated to look before panning her head down and moving her boot to look at what she stepped in: an arm. Octavia let out a surprise and slightly scared yelp as she jumped back a bit away from the torn limb. She kept on suppressing the urge to vomit before noticing that a trail of blood went from the arm and across the sidewalk. And despite her gut telling her to ignore the trail and leave, she took a step forward and started following the blood trail.
Octavia: "Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. What are you doing Octavia? Why are you following the blood? This is such a bad idea."
Despite what she was telling herself, Octavia kept following the blood anyway. It led her to what looked like an abandoned building.
Octavia: "You're not some moron character in a horror movie. Just ignore this place, leave, and go on about your day."
The owlette just stood there in front of the building before groaning and approaching it. She crawled through a broken window, careful not to cut herself on any glass shards, and made it inside the (hopefully) empty building. It was extremely dark, but due to her owl-like eyes she can easily see in the dark. However, just to be safe, she took out her phone and turned on its flashlight function. The white beam pierced through the darkness, giving her a better look inside.
Octavia moved her phone around to shine the light all over the room she had found herself in. She was actually curious about who or what caused the incident outside, but she'd never think she'd be so curious as to explore some abandoned building to find out. Especially a creepy looking one where she could get killed. Or raped. Or both.
Octavia: "This is so fucking cliché."
Octavia told herself as she made her way forward into the building. She explored around, trying to find any sign of anyone or anything being inside. However, she only found dark and empty rooms with the occasional leftover drugs addicts left behind and even some discarded beer bottles, along with trash and even bugs.
Octavia: "Satan, this place is nasty..."
Octavia said, unsure as to why she was being so quiet. Though she was concerned about the fact that there might be someone or something inside the building with her. It could be hiding around any corner just waiting for the right time to strike and jump out at her. That thought unnerved Octavia and made her decide to leave.
Octavia: "Okay, screw all of this. I'm out."
Octavia turned around to leave and began making her way back to where she entered. However, she stopped when she heard something above her. Something moving. It made the Goetia look up at the ceiling, staring at the second floor of the building. She gulped a bit in terror before making a decision.
Octavia: "Fuck it..."
Octavia made her way around the building before finding a set of stairs and walking up them. She makes it up to the second floor where she could better hear whatever it was moving up there, and she did indeed hear something. It sounded like low, possibly hungry, growling mixed with chewing noises. Octavia gulped nervously before making her way forward to find out what was making the noise. It took a few minutes, but she finally found the source of the sound. Well, she didn't exactly find it, but more so find the direction it was coming from. It was just around a corner she was about to look around.
So that's what Octavia did. She made sure to cover her flashlight before peeking around the corner. Using her spectacular eyesight, the owlette looked through the darkness and her eyes widened at the sight. There was some kind of demon hunched over and sitting on their knees, gripping onto something before a sickening crack is heard with the sound of tearing flesh. The demon brought an arm, torn from a body, up to their mouth before bearing their fangs and biting into the arm. The demon tears off some flesh and meat from the arm, eating it as blood dripped from their lips. Octavia gasped at the sight, accidentally letting the gasp be too loud which made the demon cease its eating and perks their head up a bit. They turn their head to look at who made the noise, showing that they had two right eyes. Octavia quickly spun around and hid behind the corner to not be seen.
The demon that Octavia had caught the attention of lingered their eyes a bit longer before letting out a low growl. They stand up and turn around, revealing themself to be completely naked with a mix of ivory white and grey skin covered with stitch marks and mix-matched limbs that somewhat fit his body, and an assortment of spines down his back. One of their three arms were slightly bigger than the other two while one of the others had three fingers instead of five, and they did have only two legs which the second had more claw-like toes while the other had more human-like toes with a skinnier ankle. They seemed to be missing an ear, which was only just a flatter ear closer to their head with three horns, the middle being thinner and shorter than the others with another being goat-like and the other being jagged and the longest, sprouting from their long, messy (H/C) hair and three mix-matched eyes (which the colors are of your choice) with the third slightly off-center from underneath the second, with absolutely no shine in any of them. Their torso looked a bit normal, only being slightly thinner than the usual one. A tail with spines on it also moved back forth behind them, similar to an Imp's or an Succubus/Incubus.
This amalgamation of a demon sniffed the air and moved their head to the side to listen to whatever they could find. A small clicking noise came from their throat, and Octavia covered her mouth to hide her breathing. Her heartbeat raced as the demon walked forward, approaching closer to the corner where Octavia hid as they sniffed the air again. Their clicking slowly transitioned into a growl as their footsteps grew closer and their tail swished behind them.
Octavia made sure to stay complete still and to not breathe so she wouldn't get caught. The amalgamation walked up to the edge of the corner and waited their, craning their head to listen to who they thought was there. However, they heard nothing which made their growling cease and they began backing away to go back to their meal back down the hallway. This made Octavia finally let out a breath as she could finally breath, sighing in relief that she wasn't caught. She can leave now and go on about her day, and she can just forget about what she had just experienced.
A three-fingered hand suddenly shot out from around the corner and grabbed her. Octavia screamed in terror as she was yanked and the corner and thrown to the floor. The demon yelled at her and took a step forward, only for Octavia to shoot out a hand and freeze the demon in place with her magic, coating them in a purple aura. They growl and throw themself around to try to get out of Octavia's magic hold, but failed as they weren't stronger than Octavia's magic.
Octavia: "Gotcha, motherfucker! Thought you could just get me, huh?! Man, I should really use my magic more often..."
Octavia told herself as she stood to her feet, making sure to keep her spell up on the strange ivory white demon in front of her. They threw themself around in an attempt to get out of the magical hold, but still it was no use.
Octavia: "You can stop struggling. You're not gonna be going anywhere. It's useless."
The demon looked at Octavia, staring at her wild eyes. However, they seem to calm down as the demon finally relaxes. This took Octavia off-guard as she had no idea why they suddenly calmed down. Was this a trick? She couldn't tell. The demon's eyes had no shine or emotion in them, so she couldn't make heads or tails of what they were thinking. Did they just give up?
Octavia: "Um... you're done now? Like, actually done? Calmed down, yeah?"
The demon didn't respond verbally, but only snorted out some air instead. Octavia starred at them in confused hesitation before dropping her spell, letting her hand fall to her side as does the amalgamated demon in front of her. They grunt upon landing and shake their head before looking back up at Octavia. Said Goetia takes a step back and readies her magic again just in case, but the demon ignored her and scurried around her to get back to their meal. Octavia watched the demon as it grabbed the arm they were eating earlier and resumed they're meal. The demon took a few bites before noticing that Octavia was staring at them and then looked at the arm they were eating. The amalgamation then held it towards her, asking if she wanted some and Octavia immediately shook head with a face of disgust.
Octavia: "N-no thanks."
The demon seemed to understand and brought the arm back to themself, taking another bite of it as blood stained their lips. Octavia's cheeks puffed up with vomit, but swallowed it and shuddered in disgust at the taste of it.
Octavia: "Oh, Satan, that's gross. Why are you eating that?"
The demon simply gave a glance at Octavia over their shoulder before going back to the arm.
Octavia: "Can you understand me?"
The demon didn't respond verbally again, but instead smacked their tail on the ground. They then quickly finished and stripped the meat from the bones of the arm they were eating. They tossed the bone aside and reached for another limb to eat, making Octavia grimace in disgust.
Octavia: "Okay... Can you speak?"
The demon looked at Octavia, a leg now in their hands which they intended to eat. They looked down in thought and then back at Octavia before opening their mouth.
Amalgamated Demon: "Bum-bum, bum-bum."
Octavia: "What?"
Amalgamated Demon: "Bum-bum, bum-bum. Bum-bum, bum-bum."
Octavia looked at the demon in confusion before realizing something. She placed a hand over her heart, feeling the heartbeat.
Octavia: "You can hear my heartbeat? That's incredible... But is that the only thing you can say?"
The demon just looked at Octavia.
Octavia: "Oh! Uh, one bum-bum for "Yes", two bum-bums "No". Okay?"
Amalgamated Demon: "... bum-bum."
Octavia couldn't help but smile at this. She was actually glad that she was having a (somewhat) conversation, even if it was with someone who just tried to attack her. Maybe it was just the adrenaline getting to her? She doesn't know, she hasn't had many adrenaline moments before.
Octavia: "Okay. I'm Octavia. Do you have a name?"
The demon looked at Octavia before it looked down in thought.
Amalgamated Demon: "Bum-bum... bum-bum?"
Octavia raised a brow in confusion. Was the demon trying to say no, but as a question?
Octavia: "Okay... So you don't have a name?"
The demon was silent at this and bit into the leg they held. Octavia held back the urge to vomit again and shook her head.
Octavia: "Well, everyone should have a name. Even cannibalistic... Frankenstein monster... things. I can give you one if you want."
Amalgamated Demon: "... bum-bum?"
Octavia: "Alright, I guess I can give you one. I was always good at naming things when I was really young, so I think you'll be okay?"
The demon arched a brow in question as Octavia began to think. Then she got one.
Octavia: "Alright, how about Bum-Bum? Since that's all you can say right now?"
The demon looked at Octavia weirdly and she nodded.
Octavia: "No, no. You have a point. That sounds like I'm calling you an ass. How about... Y/n? I like that name."
The demon looked at Octavia for a moment before responding.
Y/n: "Bum-bum."
Octavia: "Alright, Y/n it is. Thanks for not eating me, I guess. Heh."
Octavia didn't get a response this time, probably because Y/n didn't know how to say "you're welcome". This caused a little moment of awkward silence between the two before Octavia tool her backpack off and sat down with it.
Octavia: "So can you tell me where you're from? Of course, you can't actually tell me, but maybe just point?"
Y/n looked at Octavia with a confused look, so she decided to give an example by lifting her arm up and pointing in the direction of her home.
Octavia: "I live over there in the palace. It's not that far, just a mile or so by foot. What about you?"
Y/n looked down in thought, trying to come up with an answer. However, they just shrugged and bit into the leg they were eating. Octavia looked at Y/n before sighing and opening her backpack to take out some of the snacks she had packed. She opened a bag of hellflower seeds and started eating them one handful at a time.
The two sat there in silence as they ate their own foods. Octavia didn't try to start anymore conversation since she knew nothing would come out of it, so she kept quiet as she ate. Eventually, she had been sitting there for an hour and decided to finally leave. So she grabbed her things and stood up as she slung her backpack over her shoulder.
Octavia: "Alright, I'm gonna head out now. Again... thanks for not eating me."
Y/n stayed silent. They were just curled up into a ball now on the floor, finished with their meal and now tired. Their eyes looked drowsy, half-lidded and sleepy. Octavia couldn't help but smile at them. Even if this demon tried to attack her only an hour ago, she had already relaxed around them.
Octavia: "Uh, see ya around, Y/n. I might come back tomorrow. Is that okay?"
Y/n let out a breath before finally closing their eyes to sleep. Octavia took that as a good answer and turned to leave. She walked down the sketchy stairs she used earlier and then walked out of the abandoned building she was in for the past hour. She stretched her arms out as she walked down the sidewalk, making sure not to draw any unwanted attention to herself. She's not very well-known as a Goetia out in the public since she's not shown off much and she prefers it that way, but someone might recognize her since she looks an awful lot like her father who is much more well-known. So it's better for her to steer clear of any kind of attention.
Octavia: "So first hours of being awake, and I've been attacked before sitting down with the same person to eat with them. Who was also eating someone. Man, today has been messed up so far."
Octavia told herself as she walked past some random Imps and Sinners. They paid her no mind, thankfully, so she just went on with her walk. But... she finally found a reason to look forward to the next day, she supposed. Y/n brought something new and possibly exciting to her old, boring life.
Maybe tomorrow wouldn't be so bad.
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