Stylish Occult
Y/n's Abandoned Building, Pride Ring
October 21st, 20XX
2:21 PM
It has been almost a full week since Y/n had saved Octavia from the Sinners the day after they met. Since then, Octavia had visited Y/n quite often through the week and brought food every time. She talked to them every time and told them about what's happening in her life. The teenage princess talked about her daily life and what she does. She's even taught the. how to walk properly on their two legs since Y/n's default is to crawl on all fives. Octavia is being hesitant on teaching them to talk, though, since teaching them too many things at once may mess with the amalgamation.
Octavia also learned that Y/n had some abilities she doesn't see too often in other demons. At least, all packed into one. Y/n was very strong and fast for someone of their... odd body structure with an incredible sense of smell, sight, and hearing. They could use their claws to crawl on walls and ceilings, and can turn one, if not all, of their arms into fleshy tendrils to grab things. They could also camouflage themself to hide with their surroundings so they wouldn't be spotted. After learning what games were from Octavia, Y/n started using their camouflage to mess with her from time-to-time which always got both a spook and a good laugh from the princess.
Now the day came where Octavia was going to fulfill her promise to Y/n: to get them some clothes. So she packed some food as usual (her family has plenty of it, so they won't have to go shopping for another month even with all the food she's taking) and left her palace home to make her way to the abandoned building Y/n had housed themself in. When she entered, Octavia did a special little knock she's been using the past few times she came by which let Y/n know it was her.
Octavia: "Y/n, I'm back!"
Almost immediately did Octavia hear the scampering of hands and feet on the ground before a head poked out from a hole in the ceiling connecting to the first and second floor. Then Y/n dropped down and stood on their two legs as they approached Octavia. The princess smiled at the amalgamated demon and walked up to them as well. The two were around nearly equal height, with Octavia being a few inches taller than Y/n.
Octavia: "How are you today, Y/n?"
Y/n snorted a breath and shook their head side-to-side in response. Octavia has gotten pretty good at reading into what Y/n was saying without them even speaking, so she was pretty sure that they were doing good.
Octavia: "That's great to hear. I got your favorite snack if you want it."
Y/n immediately perked up at this as their tail swished behind them, almost like a happy dog. Octavia giggled at this as she reaches back into her backpack to pull out a bag of (favorite chips). She then tosses it into the air before it's grabbed by a few tendrils and brought back down to Y/n who rips open the bag and begins eating the chips inside.
Octavia: "I still don't know how you like those so much."
Y/n responded by throwing some chips in Octavia's face, making her laugh a bit as she glared at the demon.
Octavia: "Hey, that's not funny! Those'll get my clothes all dirty!"
Y/n let a strange sound from their throat, which Octavia came to realize that it was their laugh. It was a strange one, but they've probably never really laughed before and are trying to figure out how to make it sound good. This is the best they've got right now.
Octavia: "Alright, funny guy. You ready? We're finally going to get you some clothes."
Y/n lets out a snort in response.
Octavia: "Alright. Uh, don't worry about being naked. No one should really care. And I don't think you do either."
Y/n shook their head and Octavia chuckled. She then told Y/n to follow her and they do as the two make their way through Imp City. They got weird looks and glances in their direction, mainly towards Y/n, but Y/n didn't even realize they were being looked at while Octavia did her best to ignore the looks.
After some time walking, the two finally arrived at the destination: a store called Stylish Occult. As they walked towards it, Octavia explained to Y/n that the store sold Gothic-themed clothing as well as weird taxidermy. However, they looked confused at what she was saying, so Octavia scratched the back of her neck.
Octavia: "I'll, uh, just show you. Come on."
Octavia told Y/n as she lead them inside. Once in, the two demons were met with aisles of racks full of clothing, mostly dark in color, with assortments of sizes and styles which were all centered around the Gothic theme. With their height, Y/n could also tell that there was some kind of back to the store that sold something else which were all either on little podiums or in glass cases. Were those the weird taxidermy Octavia was talking about?
Octavia: "Follow me. I know the best spot for the clothes here."
Y/n didn't make any objections as they followed Octavia through the store. They got a few weird looks from the other costumers in the store, but Octavia did her best to ignore them as Y/n wasn't even paying attention to them. The amalgamated demon follows the young Goetia to an aisle of clothes, staying close behind her as she looks through the basically endless amount of clothes in the aisle.
Octavia: "Now most of these clothes here are unisex, which I don't expect you to know about, but it'll make it pretty easy to find something that work with you since... you know."
Y/n tilted their head in confusion as they wondered what Octavia was talking about, but the owlette just giggled at this before returning to looking for clothes. As he does, she lingers on a shirt or a pair of pants every-so-often and glanced at Y/n as if determining whether or not they would work with them before either taking them off the rack or ignore them. This was going on like this a few times before Y/n starts sniffing the air, finding a pleasing aroma before landing eyes on a female Hellhound that was looking at some clothes on a circular rack. They go to walk towards her with a hungry look in their eyes, only for Octavia to stop the amalgamation.
Octavia: "Where are you going?"
Y/n huffed and looked towards the Hellhoumd they spotted earlier. Octavia looks at her as well before realizing what the genderless demon in front of her was planning.
Octavia: "Oh, no you don't! What did I say?"
Y/n growled as they narrowed their eyes at Octavia.
Octavia: "No eating people! I don't care if you're hungry, you're not doing it!"
Y/n growled again. They were hungry, and they didn't want to sit around and wait for any food.
Octavia: "Don't you give me that fucking attitude. If you're hungry, I'll just give you something from my backpack."
Y/n huffed his breathe in response.
Octavia: "I'll give you a proper meal after this. Just be patient, alright?"
Y/n stayed silent as they glanced over at the Hellhound, only to find her gone. They then grumble before turning back to Octavia.
Y/n: "Bum-bum."
Octavia: "Good little Frankenstein."
Octavia told Y/n with a smug smile and patted their head before going back to looking for clothes. The amalgamation simply grumbled quietly and began looking around again to pass the time. However, they soon looked back at Octavia and at her beanie, still partially fascinated with it since the young princess first took it off. Y/n had thought it was just part of her body until that moment, so he was still a bit curious about it.
Octavia: "What do you think about this, Y/n?"
Octavia asked as she pulled a white shirt the rack, revealing that it also had a black pentagram on the chest area with four sleeves. Y/n looked at it and sniffed it before snorting out a breathe through their nose.
Octavia: "Okay, I don't have a fucking clue what you mean when you do that."
Y/n shrugged and began looking around again, losing interest in the shirt. Octavia just groaned as she let her head fall back.
Octavia: "You're no help, you know that?"
Octavia composed herself and decided to finish up finding clothes for Y/n. So she gathered all the clothes she picked out for them and handed them to the amalgamation, much to their confusion.
Octavia: "You're holding those while I look for my own clothes. Come on, follow me."
Octavia told Y/n as she walked off. Y/n followed her, not all bothered by the clothes they were holding since they only needed on arm to hold it all. So the ivory white/gray demon followed Octavia to another aisle with more feminine clothing hanging on more racks. Y/n simply watched as the young princess picked out clothes for herself, and asking them their opinion every-so-often.
Octavia: "What do you think?"
She had asked once when she showed a purple skirt to Y/n. They didn't say anything, but the color did draw his attention since they stared at it for some time. She took this as a good sign and decided to take it along with some other clothes she picked out. Octavia then led Y/n to some doors and she turned to him.
Octavia: "These are dressing rooms. People use 'em to change into the clothes they picked out in private. But I'm just gonna assume you've never worn clothes before, huh?"
Y/n: "Bum-bum, bum-bum."
Octavia: "Well, I--ahem! I guess I can... help you. And it's not gonna be weird since you're technically not a guy! Or a girl. You're a really confusing demon, you know that?"
Y/n saw Octavia's smile and assumed she was trying to be amusing or something, so they let out a chortle from their throat. This made Octavia snort before laughing.
Octavia: "We really need to find you a better laugh, Y/n. Or at least fix the one you have."
Octavia said with an amused smile, making Y/n feel good. So he attempted to mimick the young princess' smile, only to make Octavia cringe a bit.
Octavia: "Are you trying to smile? 'Cause you're doing a bad job at it."
Y/n immediately dropped his attempt at smiling and looked at Octavia with a "seriously?" face.
Octavia: "Sorry, but it's more scary than it should be. But don't worry, I'll help you out with it later. Right now, I'm just gonna help ya change, 'kay?"
Y/n nodded at this and followed Octavia to an empty dressing room. They step inside, finding it conveniently being able to fit both of them and Octavia closes the door before locking it to show that it was in use. Then she turns back to Y/n, a little embarrassed about what she was about to do.
Octavia: "Alright, let's get this done as quick as possible, okay?"
Y/n huffed through their nose and Octavia let out a breathe to calm her nerves. Besides, it wasn't like she was doing this to a boy or another girl. It was a weird amalgamation-thing, so it's not weird. It's perfectly fine.
Octavia then proceeded to take ten full minutes helping Y/n change into his new set of clothes and showing them what to do. It was a bit embarrassing for the young princess, but she managed to get through it, thankfully, since Y/n wasn't able to say anything about their situation.
Soon enough, Y/n had finished getting their new clothes on with Octavia's help, and said princess quickly walked out of the dressing room. She sat down at one of the chairs nearby and pulled out her phone to record a video.
Octavia: "Alright, Y/n, you can come on out!"
Almost immediately, the door to the dressing room opened and out walked Y/n in a brand new outfit. They wore the white shirt with the black pentagram on the front that Octavia showed him earlier underneath an open black jacket that looked rather similar for Octavia's, except that it had four sleeves to accommodate their three arms. The amalgamation also wore jeans that reached above his ankles with no shoes since Octavia would have to buy two separate pairs to accommodate Y/n's completely different feet.
Octavia: *smiles* "You look great, Y/n! Rocking that outfit."
Octavia tells the genderless demon as she stands up and walks up to them with her phone still recording. She pulls them in from the side as she focused her phone on both of them.
Octavia: "And we're wearing matching jackets? Pretty cool, huh?"
Y/n snorted through their nose before lifting up their single arm, which also lifted up the empty sleeve in the jacket and shirt. Octavia noticed this and chuckled nervously.
Octavia: "Heheh. Yeah, uh, I'll fix that later after I buy it. But we'll have to deal with four for now, 'kay?"
Y/n: "Bum-bum."
Octavia smiled at this and decided to finally ended her video recording. Y/n becomes curious at what she was using and looked over Octavia's shoulder, getting rather uncomfortably close to the young princess' face. This made Octavia nervously laugh a bit as she pushed Y/n's face back.
Octavia: "Personal space, Y/n. You need to respect it."
Y/n huffed out a breathe, making Octavia giggle again. However, her phone goes off as a notification appears on her screen. The young Goetia looks back at her phone, only to see that the notification was a text from her mother.
Octavia, where are you?
We need to talk.
Octavia gulped as her eyes widened in fear. What did her mother want with her? Did she find out what she's been going out to do? Was she in trouble? What did Stella want to talk to Octavia about?
Octavia: "Oh, shit..."
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