Second Day
Unknown Location, Pride Ring
October 15th, 20XX
2:47 PM
A woman stands in the middle of a ruined lab, walls torn apart with glass shattered and bodies laid about. Most of them were torn to shreds with some limbs missing and their insides outside of them. Blood was everywhere, and the woman was standing on one of the many blood stains on the floor. The emergency lights that were on gave everything a red hue.
The demon woman seemed to be quiet tall, wearing some kind of suit and dark sunglasses. She had medium-length hair that reached just below her neck with two thin horns poking out of it, with one having half of the horn missing. She also used to have a tail, but no longer had it since it seems to have been surgically removed.
The woman looked around with her eyes as a few pairs of footsteps approach her. She doesn't turn to look at them as they stop behind her, most of them wearing white labcoats.
Demon Labcoat #1: "M-ma'am... we're very sorry we're late."
Demon Labcoat #2: "B-but we have news about the test subject! I-if you'd like to hear it, of course..."
???: "What is it?"
Demon Labcoat #3: "So the test subject was successfully sedated and... was being moved to a new facility for further testing."
???: "Was?"
The woman asked as she looked over at her hired labcoats over her shoulder. They all froze in fear under their employers stare, but one managed to gather the courage to step forward and speak up.
Demon Labcoat #2: "They managed to shake off the sedation and... tore the moving teams to shreds."
???: "What?"
The labcoat immediately lost all courage he had gathered as his boss turned to completely face him and his coworkers. Her sunglasses hid her angry glare as her hair rose up, revealing it to be made of snakes.
???: "You're telling me that the sedatives made specifically for them was shaken off? And that they are now out there in Hell doing Satan-knows-what?!"
The snakes all hiss and glare at the labcoats who all tremble in fear as they hold each other. The woman demon in front of them growled in anger before scoffing and running her hand over her head of snakes, calming them down as they fall flat back down and return to looking like normal hair.
???: "It's fine. I'm fine. Everything's gonna be fine. Do you know why?"
The demons in the labcoats all look at each other before turning back to their boss. They all simultaneously shake their heads, but their boss only smirks.
???: "Because I'll find them. It's not too hard finding a creature like them with how bizarre they look. Heheh. They'll stand out like a sore thumb."
The snake-haired demoness turns away from the labcoats and walked toward the smashed control panel that was underneath a shattered viewing glass panel. Blood covered the controls and stained the frame, and beyond that was a the room being viewed. The woman couldn't help but smirk a little more as she looked down at a stain of blood that was different from the rest, mainly because it had more of a much darker color, almost black, than the other red stains.
Demon Labcoat #1: "But h-how do you know we'll find them? They can b-be anywhere in Pride by now."
???: "I just do."
The demoness trailed a claw across the white bloodstain, picking up some of the dried blood and rubbing it in between her fingers before chuckling.
???: "Call it... mother's intuition."
Goetia Palace, Pride Ring
October 16th, 20XX
2:39 PM
It was the day after Octavia had met Y/n in the abandoned building. It was later in the day that when she met the amalgamation the day before, but she was unable to see him earlier because of Stella venting to her about Stolas. She didn't really care to listen, so she just nodded and did a few responses that made it seem like she was paying attention. She wasn't, but it made her mother happy. Or, well, seem to be happy. Stella was never really happy, mostly mad and angry, especially with Stolas.
Thankfully, the venting didn't last too long and Stella left to do whatever. Octavia didn't care. Instead, she just ran back to her room and reached under her bed to pull out a backpack. She then goes back to the kitchen and starts getting some food, like some snacks and a few sandwiches before leaving. As she leaves, she passed by her father who was in his study reading a book.
Octavia: "Bye, Dad! I'm heading out again!"
Stolas: "O-oh! Okay! Have fun!"
Stolas told his daughter as she quickly left. This left the Goetic prince a bit stumped since he's never seen her this excited in the last few years.
Stolas: "I wonder what's got her so excited."
Back with Octavia, she was quickly making her way down the sidewalks and pass the people walking about with their normal day. The young Goetic princess was quite excited since she would be seeing Y/n again, and she didn't know why she was so excited. They had tried to attack her and eat her, they were a cannibal, and didn't know how to communicate. So why was Octavia so excited about seeing Y/n again? Maybe it was because they brought something new and possibly exciting to her boring life.
Eventually, Octavia made it back to the abandoned building and walked inside, not realizing that she was being followed. Stepping inside, Octavia looked around before calling out to Y/n.
Octavia: "Y/n, it's Octavia! I'm back! I brought you something I think you'd might like!"
Octavia said as she walked further into the building. However, she didn't get any response. Then other footsteps appear from behind her and the owlette turned to see three Sinners walking inside behind her. One was like a fox, the second looked like some kind of bird, and the third was a bat. Octavia gulped as she backed up a bit.
Bat Demon: "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"
Fox Demon: "Looks like a litte birdie got lost from the nest. What're you doin' here all alone?"
Octavia: "That's none of your fucking business, now isn't it?"
Bird Demon: "Don't you got a fuckin' mouth, huh?"
Octavia gulped a bit and tried to lift a hand to use some magic before the Sinners tried to do anything. However, her wrist was grabbed before she could do anything and she looked behind her to see a chameleon-like demon had appeared behind her. She then tried to backhand him, but the chameleon grabbed that arm and pinned both hands to Octavia's back.
Chameleon Demon: "Nuh-uh-uh! Sorry, sweetheart. Whatever you were planning, it's not happening."
Octavia: "H-hey! Let me go! Let me go!"
Octavia yells out in anger as she struggles to get out of the chameleon's hold. She failed however, and the Sinners all laughed at her attempts. However, her yells got the attention of someone else in the abandoned building who perked up at the sound. They sniffed the air before growling hungrily and angrily.
Fox Demon: "My, my! Ain't she a fiesty one!"
Bat Demon: "Hey, don't she look familiar? Like, she looks like someone, but I just don't know who."
The other demons all take a look at Octavia who glares at them. Then the chameleon's eyes widened upon realization and laughed to himself.
Chameleon Demon: "Holy shit! Yeah! She looks an awful like that rich fuck Stolas, doesn't she?"
Fox Demon: "I bet you're that fucker's daughter, ain't ya?"
Octavia: "Why do you care?"
Bird Demon: "That asshole has bundles of cash probably. Now imagine what we could do if we take his little girl hostage."
Octavia looked at all four of the Sinners around her who all grinned evilly. However, instead of being afraid, she just started laughing, much to the annoyance of the Sinners.
Bat Demon: "The fuck you laughing at?"
Octavia: "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. You fucktwats really think my dad is gonna negotiate with the likes of you?"
Chameleon Demon: "Well, he'll have to if he wants to see his girl alive and well."
The chameleon says as he takes out a knife and puts it up against Octavia's neck. However, she just chuckles at this.
Octavia: "Okay. First of all, my dad's the Prince of the Ars Goetia. Have fun with that. And second of all--"
A low growl comes from above and everyone looks up to see three eyes looking down at them all, but no seen body. All three narrow at the Sinners as they become slitted. Then they drop from the ceiling and their owner drops their camouflage, revealing to be Y/n who glares at the chameleon holding Octavia with a knife to her throat.
Octavia: "That. That's the second of all."
Fox Demon: "The fuck is that thing? I've never seen anything like that before!"
The fox's loud voice got Y/n's attention whose three mix-matched eyes all turn to look at him. The Sinner took a step back as Y/n growled before leaping towards him and the two other Sinners. They all yelp in shock as they move to avoid the amalgamation who slams into the wall, and the Sinners all pull out guns to shoot at Y/n. The bullets all pierce their body as the amalgamation cries out in pain, blackish blood pouring from the bullet wounds before they fall to the floor, limp and unmoving. Octavia's eyes go wide as the Sinners unload their magazines into Y/n, wasting all the bullets into them before their guns starting clicking as no bullets came out anymore. All of the Sinners finally stop and look at Y/n's corpse bleeding out onto the floor.
Octavia: "O-oh, shit..."
Bird Demon: "Well, that was fucking anticlimactic."
Fox Demon: "Damn moron got ahead of himself. Oh, well. Fucker's dead now."
The Sinners all laughed with each other as they turn back to their chameleon partner and a shocked Octavia. She couldn't believe that Y/n just died like that, especially after knowing that they were most likely the cause of the gorey scene from yesterday. How did they die just like that?
Chameleon Demon: "That's one problem outta the way. Now we gotta get in contact with the prince, and then we'll be loaded with cash."
As all the Sinners laugh in agreement, everyone doesn't pay attention to Y/n's body. It seems limp and motionless at first, but suddenly the bullet holes start healing as they bullets themselves pop out and fall onto the floor. Then the amalgamation's body twitches before their hand balls into a fist. As this happens, the Bat Demon had his Hellphone out as he tried to find a way to get in contact with Stolas.
Fox Demon: "What are you guys gonna do with all that cash we're gonna get?"
Bird Demon: "Dude, do you see where I live? I'm getting myself a new place."
Bat Demon: "I'm gonna get me some bitches. Women flock to guys with cash."
Chameleon Demon: "Okay, but before you do that, get yourself a haircut."
Bat Demon: "Excuse me?"
Fox Demon: "He's got a point. You're not going to get any bitches on your dick with that yee-yee ass haircut of yours."
Bat Demon: "Shut the fuck up, man! You know I have trouble with my hair!"
Bird Demon: "I think it looks fine."
Bat Demon: "Thank you--"
Three hands suddenly grab the bat from behind and pull him back as he screams in fright. Then Y/n pulls the Sinner's head back and bit down on his neck, making everyone scream in terror and confusion as the amalgamated demon rips out the bat's esophagus and other internal parts from his neck. Then Y/n's arm transforms into a mess of tendrils and rips off the Sinner's head with a sickening sound with ease, and the body fell to the floor with blood leaking from the hole in both neck halves. Everyone stares in horror of what just happened before the Chameleon Demon looked at the other two Sinners.
Chameleon Demon: "Well, don't just stand there! Get him!"
The Fox and Bird Demons immediately scramble to reload their guns, but Y/n was faster as he threw the Bat Demon's head at the fox who stumbled back into the bird.
Bird Demon: "Back off me, man!"
The Sinner told his friend and pushed him away, only for blood to go flying as three horns penatrate the Fox Demon's torso. Y/n roars as they lift the Sinner up into the air before throwing him away, and then he turned to the Bird Demon who immediately began quivering in fear. He immediately dropped his gun and raised his hands up in surrender.
Bird Demon: "H-hey, man! I give up! I--GACK!"
He didn't speak much more after a tail pierced his neck, belonging to Y/n, and then sliced it off which fell to the ground. Y/n looks at the head before lifting their foot up and slammed it down on it, smashing the skull as blood and brains stain the floor. Then a low clicking sound came from Y/n's throat as they turned to face the Chameleon Demon and Octavia, both who looked terrified at what they just witness. And Octavia knew what that clicking noise most likely meant. She heard it yesterday when she first met Y/n.
He was hunting.
Chameleon Demon: "T-take her, man! Just leave me be!"
The chameleon told Y/n as he pushed Octavia out in front of him, almost like a sacrifice to the amalgamation so that he may live. Y/n looked down at Octavia who froze in slight fear, but they ignored her as they turned to hungrily stare at the chameleon whose eyes go wide in terror.
Chameleon Demon: "H-hey! Wait a sec, man! I wasn't going to do anything to her, I swear!"
Y/n doesn't listen, or just doesn't completely understand what the Sinner was saying, as he went down on all fives and approached the Chameleon Demon. He tried to back away before tripping on something and falling onto the ground.
Chameleon Demon: "Pl-please! I'm sorry!"
Y/n: *quickly* "Bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum."
Y/n said, mimicking the sound of the Sinner's racing heart as he prowled closer to him. And in his terror, the chameleon brought out his knife and swung it at the amalgamated nightmare to front of him, only to miss and have half his arm get sliced off by their tail.
Chameleon Demon: "AAAAAGGGHH!!"
The Sinner yelled in agony as he held the rest of his arm in pain. Then Y/n brought up his three-clawed hand and stabbed it into the demon's leg, causing him even more pain as blood seeps from both his amputated arm and his punctured leg. He weeps and whimpers in pain, and Y/n then grabs the top of his head which he slams against the wall. Then Y/n opens his jaws to open to bite down on the Sinner, but someone intervened.
Octavia: "Wait!"
Y/n stops what they were doing and turned to look at Octavia. They huffed out a breath which made the young Goetia princess narrow her eyes.
Octavia: "No, you cannot eat him! You already killed the other guys, you don't need to kill another!"
Y/n growled in disagreement, but Octavia was having none of it.
Octavia: "No! I already brought you food, so you don't need to resort to cannibalism!"
Y/n gave Octavia a questioning stare, but gave in when the Goetia kept her glare. They growled in annoyance before grabbing the Sinner and tossing him across the room to the door. He lands with a painful grunt and Octavia glares at him.
Octavia: "You can get the fuck out! And never show your face near us again!"
The Sinner nodded and, somehow, picked himself up before limping away from the building. Octavia watched him go before letting out a sigh of relief.
Octavia: "Thank, Satan, that's over."
She said in relief as Y/n crawled towards her on all fives, sniffing her to make sure she was alright. Octavia couldn't help but giggle at this and placed a hand on Y/n's head.
Octavia: "I'm fine, Y/n. No need to worry."
Y/n looked up at Octavia for a moment before snorting out a breath and crawled away from her. She raised a brow, wondering where they were oing before she realized they were heading to the bodies of the demons they just killed.
Octavia: "Hey! Hey, hey! No! No bodies!"
Octavia yelled at Y/n as she ran past them and grabbed the Fox Demon's body by the legs to drag it away. Y/n watched her do so in annoyance as she also grabs the other bodies with her magic, dragging them out and away from the building. When she came back, Y/n looked at her with an annoyed stare.
Octavia: "Hey, don't look at me like that, buddy. I'm not letting you eat people anymore. Kill them? Sure, I'm kinda okay with that. But cannibalism is a no-no!"
Y/n let out a grumbled growl, as if asking what he would be eating then.
Octavia: "Don't worry, I got that handled."
Octavia said as she took off her backpack and placed it down next to her as she sat down. Y/n watched her as she opened the backpack and pulled out a wrapped sandwich. She unwraps it from the plastic wrap and sets it down for Y/n to take, but they just look at it weirdly.
Octavia: "Do you... not know what a sandwich is?"
Y/n looked up from the sandwich and at Octavia, giving her a confused head tilt.
Octavia: "It's just bread with meat and cheese, or other things, in between. Here, let me show you how to eat one."
Octavia said as she reached into her backpack and pulled out another sandwich wrapped in plastic. She unwraps it and makes sure Y/n watches as she bites down into it. She then chews the bite before swallowing, and then looks at Y/n.
Octavia: "See? Now it's your turn."
Y/n looks at Octavia before down at the sandwich. They grab it, trying to imitate what Octavia did and brought it up to their lips. They opened their mouth and took a bite of the sandwich, and began chewing before their eyes widened a bit. The sandwich was surprisingly good.
Octavia: "See? There you go. Now you can eat regular food and--"
Y/n stuffs the rest of their sandwich into their mouth, making Octavia immediately panic.
Octavia: "Y/n, no! You're not supposed to eat the whole thing like that! You'll choke!"
However, instead of doing what Octavia thought they'd do, Y/n just chewed and swallowed the sandwich easily without choking. The young Goetia princess looks at the strange demon in shock, confused as to why he didn't even gag.
Octavia: "What...? Do you not have a gag reflex or something?"
Y/n looked at Octavia, curious about what she was talking about. Then they began sniffing the air, finding a smell that caught their attention and they began crawling towards Octavia's backpack.
Octavia: "What are you doing?"
Y/n didn't respond as they got closer to Octavia's backpack before grabbing it. Octavia immediately called out in retaliation as she grabbed it and tried to pull it back, but she was no match for Y/n's strength as they put their head inside the bag.
Octavia: "Y/n, stop! Don't eat everything!"
Eventually, Octavia was able to pull the backpack away from Y/n as she kicked them away. They're sent tumbling back and they land on their back with a bag of (favorite chips) in their mouth. Octavia also fell to her back from pulling so hard on her backpack, but pushed herself back up and glared at Y/n.
Octavia: "What the fuck?! You can't just do that! You have to ask to--"
Octavia stopped as Y/n sat back up with their legs open, making her blush as she used her backpack to hide her eyes from Y/n.
Octavia: "Oh, fuck, I just realized that you're naked!"
How the hell did Octavia just realize it now? Maybe it was all of the adrenaline and it had finally wore off? Jesus Christ, she's sitting on the floor across from some naked demon she just met the day before!
Y/n huffs out a breath as they drop the bag of (favorite chips) from their mouth. They begin an attempt to open it before succeeding and looking inside before sniffing it to see if it smelled any good. As they did that, Octavia lowered her backpack a bit to look at Y/n again, but put it back on the floor when she realized something: the demon in front of her didn't have any kind of private parts. No penis, no vagina, and they didn't even have any nipples on their chest!
Octavia: "What the fuck are you...?"
Octavia asked quietly as Y/n grabbed a single chip from the bag and examined it before popping it into their mouth. They chewed slowly before their face lit up and immediately started stuffing their mouth with handfuls of (favorite chips). This just left the young Goetia princess puzzled.
Octavia: "Hey, Y/n."
The amalgamation demon looked up from their bag of chips to Octavia.
Octavia: "What are you?"
Y/n stared at Octavia, giving no response to her question. This just made her sigh as she puts her chin her hand, still confused and curious about Y/n. However, her attention is drawn back to the amalgamation in front of her who turns around so their back faced her.
Octavia: "Y/n, what're you--?"
Octavia stopped when Y/n pulled his hair to the side to reveal his neck. On it was what Octavia assumed to be some kind of messy tattoo, but upon closer examination she realized it wasn't just some tattoo. It was some kind of set of numbers, reading 626, tattooed onto the back of his neck along with an assortment of old needle marks from needles. Octavia gasped quietly into her hand before crawling over to the demon. She sits behind them on her knees before bringing a hand up to Y/n's neck to touch it, but the demon leans forward to avoid the tough and turns back around to face Octavia. She looked at them in surprise and even more confusion. Why did they have that number on their neck? Who gave it to them? Why?
Octavia: "Y/n..."
Y/n: "Bum-bum. Bum-bum. Bum-bum."
Octavia looked at Y/n for a moment before trying to wrap her arms around them. However, she fails as Y/n backs away with a growl as his spins stick upwards, not wanting to be touched.
Octavia: "O-okay. Sorry. I just thought that was a good moment for a hug. Guess not."
Octavia says as she laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck a few times. Y/n looked at her before calming down and crawling back over to her. They sit down next to her and point at the backpack full of snacks, and Octavia gets the idea.
Octavia: "Oh! Yeah, sure. Here ya go."
Octavia reaches back into her backpack and brings out some water bottles along with other snacks. She teaches Y/n how to unwrap and eat them, and how to properly drink the bottles of water.
The two stayed sitting next to each other for the next few hours, wasting all of the snacks Octavia had packed as she talked to Y/n. She told them about some things she's interested in and even vented to them about things she found frustrating, such as her family. Y/n never really said anything in response since he couldn't communicate properly, but they seemed to give some kind of responses through huffs and snorts.
Eventually, the time came for Octavia to leave and head back to her home so her parents wouldn't get suspicious or worried about her whereabouts. However, before she left, she told Y/n something.
Octavia: "Hey, how about we get you some clothes, yeah?"
Y/n looked at Octavia in confusion as they lied on the floor.
Octavia: "Clothes. To cover your body so you don't look indecent in public. Like what I'm wearing."
She says as she takes off her beanie, showing off her head of black feathers sorted into long hair. She then puts it back on as Y/n looks at her beanie now with curiosity.
Octavia: "I'm planning to go shopping for some new clothes next week anyway, so you can come with me. I know the place like the back of my hand, so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find you something to wear."
Y/n snorted out some air as a response.
Octavia: "I'll take that as a "yes". See ya tomorrow, Y/n."
Octavia says as she waves Y/n goodbye and walks out of the building. Y/n watches her before looking at their own hand before mimicking the young princess' hand motion. They then turn back to where she was and saw her in the distance, and they waved her goodbye as well as they watched her form walk off and shrink in the distance. When they could no longer see her, Y/n dropped their hand and lowered their head back onto the floor so they could go to sleep.
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