Memory Lane
It was the middle of the night. Everyone was sleeping in the Goetia Manor, even Octavia even though she has been especially worried about Y/n the last few days. Ever since Halloween, the amalgamation had been different and even more suspicious of their surroundings. Were they scared that Stolas would summon more fireworks? Or maybe something worse? She didn't know and probably won't for some time until Y/n starts speaking properly. Until then, she'll have to rely on her assumptions and intuition to guess what Y/n was saying most of the time.
The Goetia Manor, Pride Ring
November 3rd, 20XX
2:06 AM
In the princess' chambers, Octavia's seen sleeping with her covers over her body. However, her door opens to reveal three glowing eyes peaking through the darkness. The three eyes then come forward to reveal a worried-looking Y/n, who flinches when thunder goes off outside. They quickly scurry forward towards Octavia and begin poking her to wake her up. When she does, she groans and sits up slightly to look at Y/n.
Octavia: "Y/n...? What're you doing up so..." *checks clock* "... early?"
Y/n: "Boom."
Octavia: "What...?"
Y/n: "Boo--"
A loud crash of thunder goes off, making Y/n jump a bit and reach forward to cling to Octavia's arm. She looked at him in confusion before looking out her bedroom window to see the pouring rain and the dark clouds. She then gets a realization.
Octavia: "Are you scared of thunder?"
Y/n: "Thoondah?"
Octavia: "The big booms outside. Oh, wait, that's right. You haven't seen a storm yet, have you?"
Y/n huffed and shook their head in response. Octavia could only giggle a bit at this.
Octavia: "Don't worry, it can't hurt you. It's just noise."
Y/n: "Boom bad..."
Octavia immediately had her amused face fall. She realized she shouldn't be laughing, considering how Y/n was around Stolas' fireworks a few nights ago.
Octavia: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have laughed. That's inconsiderate of me."
Y/n: "It fine..."
Octavia: "So what do you need?
Y/n: "Sleep...?"
Octavia looked at the amalgamation in confusion for a moment before her face lit up red. She realized what Y/n meant.
Octavia: "Y-you want to sleep... with-with me?"
Y/n nodded as they looked over at Octavia's bedroom door before turning back to her.
Y/n: "Fiiine...?"
Octavia stared at Y/n for a few shocked moments before clearing her throat, her cheeks still blushing red.
Octavia: "That-that's fine. You can... sleep with me, Y/n."
Y/n perked up a bit at this as Octavia moved over so Y/n could join her on her bed. The amalgamation immediately hops onto the bed and circles around before curling up to lie down on the bed next to Octavia. She looks at them for a moment before sighing and just smiling, thinking it wouldn't be too bad to do this for one night. So she just yawns again and lies back down next to Y/n.
Octavia: "G'night, Y/n..."
Y/n: "Ne-ight, Via..."
And with that, both fall asleep with Y/n now comforted by the presence of Octavia alone.
Later that morning, Octavia and Y/n were now in the kitchen eating breakfast. Octavia was eating handfuls of cereal while Y/n was eating eggs as they did their best to use a fork. Stolas walks in with a tired hunch, but instantly gains a smile when he sees his daughter and Y/n.
Stolas: "Good morning, sweetings! How did you two sleep?"
Octavia: "I slept fine, Dad."
Y/n: "Weth Via."
Octavia immediately began choking on her cereal when Y/n said this, making owl noises as she tries to clear her throat. Stolas looks at the two in confusion.
Stolas: "Pardon?"
Octavia: "They-they were scared of the storm! They just wanted to sleep with me so-so that they'd feel safe."
Stolas just looked at his daughter as she turns to look at Y/n, who only looked away in what seemed to be shame.
Octavia: "They were just scared."
Stolas watches as Octavia places a hand on Y/n's head. They flinch momentarily before leaning into her touch. The Goetia prince thinks to himself momentarily before looking at his daughter.
Stolas: "Octavia, can I speak to you for a moment alone, dear?"
Octavia: "Uh, sure, Dad."
Octavia says before telling Y/n to stay at the table as she stands up. She walks over to her father and they both step out of the kitchen.
Stolas: "Via, have you noticed that Y/n has been a bit more... skittish lately?
Octavia: "Yeah. Ever since Halloween... they've been jumpy. Those fireworks you made really scared them."
Stolas: "I apologize. If I had known, I wouldn't have--"
Octavia: "Dad, it's not your fault. We don't really know much about Y/n. I know that they may want their privacy, but that also means we don't know what affects them. Since whevere they cane from was a bad place, we don't know what kinda shit was done to them. Anything could've happened."
Stolas: "This is true. And since they are yet to speak correctly, they can't tell us anything."
Octavia: "I just wish there was a way to--"
Octavia stopped midsentence when she realized something. Then she looked up at her father with a smile.
Octavia: "Hey, Daaaaaad."
Stolas: "Via, I know what you're thinking. And yes, there's a spell for it."
Octavia: "So you know my plan?"
Stolas: "It's very dangerous to mess with another's mind, Octavia. Especially when it concerns a mind like your friend's."
Octavia: "But Dad, this could help us learn more about them! It could take forever to teach Y/n how to talk right, and by then we may be too late to help them."
Stolas: "I don't know, Octavia. The brain isn't something to be meddled with."
Octavia: "Please, Dad. I-I need to know. If I do, I can help them. I know I don't understand them, but I want to. And I can, but only if you help me."
Stolas looks at his begging daughter, unsure of what to do. He wanted to know as much as Octavia, but he also knew that the spell that she wanted him to use was risky.
Octavia: "Please."
Stolas sighed, finally giving in as he nods.
Stolas: "Alright, Via. I'll help you. But do know that this might have unforseen consequences."
Octavia: "Thank you, Dad. You won't regret this, I promise."
Stolas: "I hope not. Now, go tell Y/n what's going on. I'll gather the things necessary for the spell."
Octavia nodded and walked back into the kitchen while Stolas walked off to gather what was needed for the spell.
In the kitchen, Octavia spots Y/n still at the table just finishing up their eggs. When they heard Octavia enter, they looked up at her and smiled at her. They were just excited to see her even though they just saw her a few moments ago, but Octavia was fine with that. She found it very cute.
Octavia: "Hey, Y/n, can I talk to you about something?"
Y/n: "Ye-ahs."
Octavia couldn't help but giggle at how Y/n responded, but she talked anyway.
Octavia: "So... you know how my dad made the big, bad boom-boom-fires a few nights ago?"
Y/n's smile immediately fell as they remembered that night. Octavia looked down at this before clearing her throat.
Octavia: "I'm sorry again that we didn't know that was going to affect you like that. Which is what I want to talk to you about."
Y/n raised an eyebrow at this, confused at what Octavia meant by this.
Octavia: "I know you can't really talk good right now, so I came up with a plan. Do you what magic is?"
Y/n: "Stolhas fwam-fwash?"
Y/n said as they flicked their wrists back and forth. This makes Octavia giggle again, but she gets back on topic.
Octavia: "Yes, Y/n. "Fwam-fwash". And I had an idea to use "fwam-fwash" to... see inside your head."
Y/n: "What?"
Octavia almost busted into laughter since that was one of the words Y/n could say perfectly and it made her laugh for no reason with how confused the amalgamation sounded when they said it. However, she controlled herself and went on.
Octavia: "My dad has a spell that can let us see inside your head. We can see your memory and see what happened to you so that we can help you in case something like... Halloween happens again."
Y/n looks away, unsure about what they heard. They didn't exactly like the idea too much, especially since it involved essentially messing with their head. They didn't like that at all.
Y/n: "Head... bad."
Octavia: "What's bad?"
Y/n: "Head... bad-bad..."
Y/n shook their head as they said this. Octavia didn't know why they didn't like the idea. Was it something that happened in the past?
Octavia: "Did something happen with your head? Is that why you don't want us, for lack of a better word, poking around in there?"
Y/n just shook their head as they held it, not wanting to face Octavia.
Octavia: "Y/n, this is what I'm fucking talking about. I want to help, but you don't let me because, one, you can't talk right and, two, you don't tell me!"
Y/n: "Bad-bad-bad..."
Octavia: "Please, Y/n, I just want to help you."
Octavia tells her friend as she sits down next to them and rests a hand on their shoulder.
Octavia: "You just have to let me in."
Y/n looked at Octavia, unsure of what to do. They didn't like the idea or someone going into their head, even if it was someone they trusted like Octavia.
Octavia: "It's okay if you don't want us to. If you want to keep your privacy, that's fine. I'll respect your decision."
Y/n looked over at Octavia for a moment before letting out a breathe. They then nod at her, which catches her off-guard.
Octavia: "Wait, you're okay with it?"
Y/n: "Y/n trust Via. Trust much."
Octavia smiled at this and hugged Y/n, who went stiff for a moment before calming down. Then they smiled, wrapping a tail around her as they rested their chin on her chin.
Octavia and Y/n were now in Stolas' study, said prince walking around the two as they sat down on the floor. Stolas had his Grimoire out and flipping through the pages to find the exact incantation he needed for the spell Octavia wanted to use.
Stolas: "Not that one, not that one, certainly not this one..."
Octavia and Y/n watched Stolas walk around them as they sat in an indigo circle of sorts with symbols inside of it. Candles were at four points around the circle, with Y/n at the center and Octavia at the right of them.
Stolas: "Aha! Here it is! Memory Walking. Via, dear, are you and Y/n in the proper places?"
Octavia: "Yeah, Dad."
Stolas: "Wonderful! Then we can get this started."
Stolas said as he walked over to the circle and sat at Y/n's left. He read the spell in his Grimoire, studying it for a moment before closing it and setting it aside.
Stolas: "Now, let us commence. Octavia, please hold one of Y/n's hands, will you?"
Octavia: "Oh, uh-uh, sure."
Octavia said and carefully grabbed one of Y/n's hands, and the amalgamation instinctively wrapped his fingers with the princess'. She blushed at this, but made sure to hide it as her father turned to Y/n.
Stolas: "Now, Y/n, hold mine, please."
Stolas told the amalgamation as he offered a hand to them. Y/n did as told and held his hand, but not doing the same as they did with Octavia with wrapping their fingers with Stolas'.
Stolas: "Now, close your eyes and copy what I say, okay, Octavia?"
Octavia: "Alright."
Octavia nodded as she closed her eyes as did Stolas, who began chanting in Latin.
Stolas: "Ambulemus in mente eorum."
Octavia: "Ambulemus in mente eorum."
Octavia said as she said copied what her father said word-for-word.
Stolas: "Ut per eorum memoriam ambulemus."
Octavia: "Ut per eorum memoriam ambulemus."
Stolas: "Ambulemus in mente eorum."
Octavia: "Ambulemus in mente eorum."
Stolas: "Ut per eorum memoriam ambulemus."
Octavia: "Ut per eorum memoriam ambulemus."
Stolas and Octavia then began chanting together in unison once the teenage princess got into the rhythm of the chants. They began chanting more and more, which made Y/n slowly more and more tired before their eyes drooped down and closed. The candles all have ignited by now, and the entire room began spinning faster and faster before Octavia opened her eyes to find out that she was suddenly falling in some kind of black void.
Octavia: "Oh, SHIT!"
She began screaming as she fell further and further down into the black void, seeing and not seeing anything at the same time which scared her to no end. However, she eventually started slowing down and her descent became nothing but a feather fall before landing on some kind of invisible floor. She was shaking, making sure not to fall from how weak her knees felt. And then her father appeared next to her.
Stolas: "First time?"
Octavia: "AAAHH!!"
Octavia screamed in fright as her soul almost jumped from her own body. Stolas simply giggled at this.
Stolas: "Apologies. That's always just fun to do to others."
Octavia: "H-how many time-times have you done thi-this?"
Stolas: "About three times. Come along now, we have much to explore."
Stolas told his daughter and began walking forward. Octavia, once gathering herself, followed him and walked right next to her father as she looked around.
Octavia: "Is it... always like this?"
Stolas: "So dark and empty? No, not really. It's always different, but I've very rarely seen a mind such as this--LOOK OUT!!"
Stolas called out as he put an arm in front of his daughter, keeping Octavia from falling down into the abyss from a hole in the nonexistant floor. Octavia just looked down with wide eyes when she saw the cracks in the invisible pathway, along with the jagged hole in front of her and Stolas.
Octavia: "That-that can happen?"
Stolas: "No. No, it shouldn't. It's unusual, but Y/n is the unusual type. From wherever they came from and whatever happened to them, their mind is obviously broken because of it. We must tread carefully so we do not fall."
Octavia: "What happens if I fall?"
Stolas looked at his daughter and chose not to answer, just deciding to walking around the hole instead. Octavia followed right behind him in worried panic.
Octavia: "Dad? Dad, what happens?"
Stolas still didn't answer.
The father-daughter Goetias continued walking through Y/n's mind. It was, unsurprisingly, empty as well as being filled with cracks and holes. It kinda made Octavia a bit depressed to know that someone like Y/n is so... not all right in the head. What made it worse for her was that she and Stolas haven't found anything yet, and it felt like they had been walking for maybe five minutes.
Octavia: "Dad, how much farther until--?"
Stolas: "For the last time, Octavia, I do not know! Dammit, this usually doesn't take this--"
Both Stolas and Octavia stop when they come across a rectangular brick box with a steel door. What confused the two was that there was nothing else for seemingly miles to come. It was just the door and them.
Stolas: "Well... that's quite odd."
Octavia: "It... can't be just this, right? Isn't there usually more in someone's mind?"
Stolas: "Usually, yes. Perhaps this door will lead us to something."
Stolas says and approaches the door. He opens it and looks inside before turning to his daughter and motioning her to follow him inside. Octavia did as told and walked inside behind her father to see where it would take them. Once inside, they made their way down some concrete stairs and into some actual darkness that made it very difficult to see. So both Stolas and Octavia summoned flames from their hands to light their path, and eventually to a set of double steel doors.
Stolas: "This might be where we find what we're looking for. Are you ready, Octavia? You might not like what you find."
Octavia: "I'm ready. I need to know so I can help them."
Stolas: "If you insist."
With that, Stolas pushed the doors open and walked through them with Octavia. They came across a massive corridor with big metal doors lining both sides, leaving Octavia confused.
Octavia: "What...?"
Stolas: "Memories are usually portrayed in ways different with each person. Some may have them as paintings, others as books, but they're always different in some way. But this is... What is this?"
Stolas asked as he walked forward, looking at the doors he passed which also had wide viewing windows that allowed one to look inside. There was also a single terminal by each one, presumably used to open each door they were stationed by. Octavia walked up to one and became curious, deciding to use a terminal to open one of the doors. When it opens, she silently gasps to herself when she sees the memory.
Memory of Octavia: "And this is a Hellphone. Well, cellphone, but it's a play on words."
Octavia watched as a memory of herself showed a memory of Y/n her phone. Y/n eyed it curiously and cautiously, making the past Octavia giggle.
Memory of Octavia: "It's pretty neat. It can take pictures. Watch."
The memory of Octavia aimed her phone camera at Y/n and took a picture of them, a flash going off which made the amalgamation roar in pain as they hold their eyes. Octavia immediately became regretful as she reached out to the amalgamation.
Memory of Octavia: "Oh, shit, I'm so sorry! I didn't know the flash was on!"
Octavia couldn't help but giggle at the memory and turned to leave, which made the door close on the memory. The young princess walked over to her father, who was watching a memory of Octavia washing Y/n in the bathtub for the first time.
Stolas: "These all must be Y/n's most recent memories. Heheh. He seems just as fixated on that rubber duck as you were happy playing with it when you were younger."
Octavia: "Heh, yeah. But if these are the most recent ones, then the older ones must be... further back."
Octavia said as she and Stolas turned to look down the long corridor. The two Goetias looked at each before going to walk down to it, attempting to find the memories they needed. However, they further they went down the worse it became. The walls and floor became messier and grimier, covered in stains that neither Stolas or Octavia wanted to even touch. Something dripped from the ceiling, forming puddles and even more stains on the floor. They whole section was left in disrepair, and it put Octavia at unease.
Octavia: "Why is this part so disgusting?"
Stolas: "As you know, not all memories are nice. Some people don't to remember them, or even think of them. That disdain appears like this: a mess that ruins those memories like a home that no one repairs over time. But I've never seen so much..."
Octavia was left shocked. There was so much ruin in this section of Y/n's memories, it overshadowed all the good memories she and Stolas just walked away from. There was more bad than good.
Octavia: "If this is so bad... then this is where we'll find what's wrong with Y/n."
Stolas: *nods* "Let us split up, but be careful. The mind is very fragile. Do not mess with anything that you shouldn't be messing with."
Octavia: "Are you kidding me? There's not much in here to begin with. No offense, Y/n!"
She yelled into the distance, as if Y/n could hear her. Stolas simply rolled his eyes and turned to explore the memories, and Octavia did the same. She walked past some doors before deciding on one and opened it to reveal the memory.
Memory of ???: "The date is June 14th. The tests have been... partially successful."
A woman Octavia didn't recognize appeared in a laboratory. She was missing one of her horns and her tail, but she completely okay with it. In her hand was a tape recorder, which she was speaking into. Around her were demons in white labcoats, all looking through a glass viewing window in front of them.
Memory of ???: "The experiments have all been useless. They've either failed at the start or died not long after their, quote-unquote, birth. Few have made it to testing stages, but none lasted very long."
A twisted grin formed on the woman's face.
Memory of ???: "Mainly because 626 didn't let them."
Something suddenly slammed into the viewing window, making the demons jump back. The woman, however, just smiled at what slammed against the window while Octavia gasped at who it was. It was a very wild-looking Y/n, covered in blood and guts with a metal collar on their neck as they clawed at the window. When they realized they couldn't get through like that, they jumped away and started clambering around to find a way out of the chamber they were in.
Memory of ???: "Stop it."
One of the demons nodded and pressed a button, making multiple robotic arms sprout from the walls and ceiling in the chamber Y/n was in. They launched at the amalgamation, grabbing all of their limbs to keep them from moving at all. The amalgamation roared and struggled against them, but failed in the end as another came up from behind and moved the collar down to put a needle into their neck and inject something into them. Y/n kept fighting against the arms for a few more moments before slowing down, becoming weaker and more tired before their eyes close and their body goes limp.
The arms begins to bring them back to the ground as some demons walk into the chamber with a containment pod of sorts. The arms place the sedated Y/n inside of it as the woman watched.
Memory of ???: "Experiment #626 is a success, and we will run more tests to measure the extent of its abilities. In the meanwhile, we will try to replicate the procedure that produced 626. Miranda, logging off."
The demoness, now known as Miranda, presses the "STOP" button on the tape recorder as the containment pod closed shut, trapping Y/n inside of it. Octavia was mostly just shocked, her pinkish-red eyes wide in surprise as the door closed on the memory.
Octavia: "What...? Y/n was a--"
Stolas: "Via, you may want to come look at this."
Octavia turned to her father who was looking at another open door. She walks over to him, only for her eyes to widen in horror when she saw a strung up Y/n with flamethrowers firing at them. They were screaming in pain and anger, struggling to escape from their bonds as Miranda and the other demons watched.
Memory of Demon Labcoat #1: "Miss Miranda, is this truly okay? It's--"
Memory of Miranda: "In pain? Yes, it is. It's punishment. It'll learn not to try to escape again. Besides, it doesn't matter. 626 will heal anyway, and will be ready for more tests within the hour."
Memory of Demon Labcoat #2: "Y-yes, ma'am."
The demon labcoats all turn away from Miranda who turned to leave as Y/n roared in pain again. Octavia couldn't bear it anymore and slammed a hand on the terminal, closing the door and the memory off. She was shaking from what she just saw, now knowing why Y/n said that fire was bad.
Octavia: "What kind... What kind of person does that to someone else?"
Stolas: "One who does not care for another's life. Whoever that woman is, I hope we never see her."
Octavia: "Y-yeah..."
Octavia said, not moving from the terminal which was being used to keep her standing. Stolas noticed her shaking and decided to say something about it.
Stolas: "Via, dear, if you want, we can leave. I don't want you here any longer if you cannot--"
Octavia: "I'm-I'm fine. I can keep g-going."
Octavia told her father as she stood up, wiping away her tears before Stolas could see them and walked onward. Stolas watched his daughter for a moment before sighing and followed behind her. They walk around and examine a few more memories, none of which were pleasant, before coming up to one that was closest to the newer and cleaner memories. Octavia looked at the terminal hesitantly, her hand shaking as she held it above the activation button. Stolas placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.
Stolas: "Remember, we do not need to continue. We can leave."
Octavia: "N-no. I-I can do this. Just... just one more."
Stolas, although hesitantly, nods and removes his hand from his daughter's shoulder. Octavia then takes a minute to steel her nerves and gulps before pressing her hand on it, turning it on as the door creaked and slide open upwards. Inside the memory was the same lab as before, with Miranda standing in front of the viewing glass with demon labcoats all around her. There were also demons with guns wearing military-grade uniforms, ready in case anything happened.
Octavia: "What's going on here?"
Memory of Miranda: "Start up the process. Wake it up."
The labcoats did as told as they began pressing button and flipping switches. The robotic arms from before came down from the walls and ceiling, approaching the containment pod and opening the hatch door. The arms pull out Y/n, who soon wakes up as they're lifted up from their pod and they look directly at Miranda. Not with fury and untamed anger, but with a "calm" face and dead eyes. They watch as Miranda looks all around the laboratory and at the demons around her.
Memory of Miranda: "This is the day, people! The day we prove we truly ca create life from nothing. It's breathing, yes, but it's time to show it how to be think. To act like us."
She turns to one of the demons in a labcoat.
Memory of Miranda: "Take off the collar."
Memory of Demon Labcoat #3: "Yes, ma'am."
With that, the demon pressed a few buttons and flipped two switches before one of the robotic arms come up behind the tamed Y/n. It's metallic claws snap open with a bolt of electricity between them before stabbing into the back of the amalgamation's metal collar. It began beeping and flashing green before turning red as Y/n started yelling, clenching their fists tightly as their eyes widened from the shock.
Octavia and Stolas gasped as they watched this go on for a few moments before the collar finally came off and fell to the ground, leaving Y/n's neck who immediately becomes limp. The robotic arm pulled away as Miranda and the demon labcoats waited for any sign that the amalgamation would move again. However, after a few minutes of waiting, there was nothing.
Memory of Miranda: "Check its vitals."
Memory of Demon Labcoat #4: "Checking vitals."
The demon did as told and opened a screen that showed Y/n's vital signs. However, there was no heartbeat or anything to show that they were alive.
Memory of Demon Labcoat #4: "Vitals are... negative, ma'am. It's dead."
Memory of Miranda: "Satandammit... Alright, someone go get the body and dispose of it. And someone please tell me how close we are to producing a 627!"
Memory of Demon Labcoat #5: "Well, if you'd look here, ma'am..."
Octavia stopped paying attention to what the demon was saying. She was too shocked to. Y/n just died in front of her eyes, yet was still alive now and sitting in the middle of her father's study. This didn't make any sense. What was going on?
Octavia's eyes wandered over to Y/n's body, which was being lowered to the ground where some demons were waiting for it to dispose of it. When the body came close, the demon at the front stepped forward and reached to unclamp one of the robotic arms from Y/n's wrist.
Memory of Cleanup Demon #1: "That kinda sucks how this thing just up and died like this."
Memory of Cleanup Demon #2: "Yeah. This thing could've been somethin', huh?"
They unclamped the first arm, but it was an immediate mistake. Almost immediately did Y/n's eyes snap open and lock onto the demon nearest to them. The demon looked at them and his pupils shrank in fear.
Memory of Cleanup Demon #1: "Oh, shit."
Y/n roared and turned their free arm into a bundle of fleshy tendrils to grab the demom closest to them and bring him up to completely bite their head off. This makes the others of the cleanup crew scream in terror which makes the others in the viewing room to turn and widen their eyes in horror.
Memory of Demon Labcoat #3: "It's not dead!"
Memory of Miranda: "Fuck! Get the sedatives! Put this whole place on lockdow, NOW!"
The demons listened and began running around to do as told while Y/n uses their tail to stab the neck of a second cleanup demon. Then they tore their other two hands from the robotic arms and fell to the floor with their legs still clamped as the third demon began running away to the exit door, only to find it closed shut.
Memory of Cleanup Demon #3: "Hey! Let me out! LET ME OUT, PLEASE!"
The amalgamation growls and aims all three of their arms at him, sending a swarm of tendrils at the demon which stab into him before tearing him apart.
Memory of Miranda: "I said hurry up! Where are the sedatives?! We need the--!"
Miranda was shouting out orders before turning back to the viewing glass, only to find Y/n gone from where she last saw them. Her eyes widened in shock as she run up to the window and stared inside.
Memory of Miranda: "Where is it? Someone, get me some thermal and--!"
Something gets slammed against the glass and Miranda looks back to see that it was the body of one of the dead demons inside the testing chamber. His head is suddenly crushed, spraying blood and brain matter all over the glass and the cause of the bloody explosion: Y/n, who took down their camouflage and glared at Miranda with slitted pupils.
Memory of Miranda: "Oh, shit."
Memory of Y/n: "GARAAAAGGH!!!"
Y/n roared at Miranda and started beating against the viewing glass to get through to the viewing room. Miranda took a few steps back in fear before one of the armed demons, now weilding an RPG, comes up to her and grabs her by the arm.
Memory of RPGDemon: "Ma'am, you need to leave now!"
Memory of Miranda: "Rgh! Fine! But don't kill it, we need it alive!"
Miranda said as she turn and ran off to safety as she was escorted by a few other armed demons. The one she just spoke to, however, simply smirked.
Memory of RPG Demon: "Yeah, sure. If it survives this, that is."
The demon said and aimed his RPG at the viewing window that Y/n was beating their fists against. The demon pulled the trigger and fired the rocket, causing a massive explosion on impact that sets fire to the control consoles and shatters the viewing glass from the blast. The demon simply chuckled when he saw the destruction.
Memory OF RPG Demon: "Eat that, you son of a bitch."
The other demons seemed to be relieved for a moment, only for something to leap from the flames and land on the floor. The demon that just shot the RPG took a few steps back in fear when he sees the flaming figure of Y/n standing in front of him with glaring slitted eyes.
Memory of RPG Demon: "Oh, shit."
The memory of Y/n roared at the demon and charged at him. The demon tried to reload his RPG quickly, but was too late as Y/n reached him and grabbed him by his jaw. They then grip the top of their mouth and pulls, ripping his head in half with blood flying. Y/n then grabs the demon's body and throws it at two others who topple over at the impact.
Bullets begin firing at Y/n's back, and they turn to scream at their attackers. Then the amalgamation grabs the rocket that the demon they just killed failed to load into his RPG and threw it, blowing up five demons before more open fire on the amalgamation. Y/n raises their arms to block the bullets before rushing at the other demons, stabbing one hand into their chest while morphing the other two into masses of tendrils and shoot them and two others, impaling them and killing them immediately. Then Y/n dropped them and went on to continue their killing.
Octavia watched in horror as the memory displayed Y/n tearing all those demons into meaty pieces. There was no mercy for any of them, whether it was death by getting impaled or getting their spin ripped out from their back, or even getting their heads completely eaten off. None was safe from the newly awakened amalgamation, and no one escaped their wrath.
Stolas: "Octavia, stop watching!"
Stolas said as he grabbed his daughter and brought her close to hide from her what the memory was showing. However, it didn't stop Octavia from looking through the gaps of her father's arm. She couldn't stop for some reason. Was it the shock of it all? Or were her instincts just so messed up by what she's seen today that they just refused to listen to reason? Octavia didn't know. All she could do is watch as Stolas tries to shield her from the horrors of Y/n's memory.
Said memory would not last much longer, however, as multiple beeps and whirs sounded throughout the room. The memory of Y/n didn't acknowledge them as he broke someone's arm in two and shoved the broken bone into their mouth, killing them immediately. Something then hit them in the neck, and Y/n yanked it out to see that it was some kind of needle. They look up to see multiple drones come down from the ceiling and turn to the amalgamation, red laser dots aiming at them. Y/n growls at them before one behind them fires something that lodges into their neck, and the amalgamation pulls it out to reveal that it was a dart of sorts. They crush it in heir hand and scream at them, only for one of the only remaining demons to sneak up on them and aim a shotgun at their face. The amalgamation wasn't too quick to react this time as they were blasted in the face and they stumble back a bit from the force.
Memory of Shotgun Demon: "Haha! Take that, ya fuck... ing..."
He slowly stops as Y/n turns to face him, a portion of their face blown off with one of their eyes missing and the other was burnt from the heat of the shells. They growl as their face regenerates, regrowing their skin and tissues back as their eyes return to normal.
Memory of Shotgun Demon: "O-oh... shit."
Y/n roars at the demon and grabs him by the neck to lift him up from the ground. However, before they could do anything, the drones fire more darts at the amalgamation and hit him in the arms, back, and face. This makes them drop the demon with the shotgun as they scream at the drones. However, they kept firing at the amalgamation which made them drop to the floor from all the sedatives pumping through them. They try to get back up, but fail as their eyes droop and eventually close as they fall unconscious. The drones then deactivated as they returned to the ceiling and walls, their job complete.
The demon with a shotgun stared at the unconscious amalgamation in shock and fear. He had never seen someone react that way to a shotgun blast to the face, nor did he expect to witness the amalgamation to tear his whole team to bloody shreds.
Memory of Armed Demon #1: "You good, pal?"
A demon asked as he approached his teammate and offered a hand to him.
Memory of Shotgun Demon: "Y-yeah... Best as I can be..."
The demon says as he grabs his teammate's hand to be pulled up. Another behind them was talking into a radio.
Memory of Armed Demon #2: "This is Red 3. We're gonna need an extraction and medical. There's... a lot of bodies here."
Almost immediately, instead of another random demon answering, it was Miranda that answered.
Memory of Miranda(Over Radio): "And what of 626?"
Memory of Armed Demon #2: "It's knocked out. The drones drugged it out of its mind. It's flat out lying unconscious in front of me."
Memory of Miranda(Over Radio): "Alright. Extraction and medical are coming, but prepare 626 for transport. We're bringing it to a new location for testing."
Memory of Armed Demon #2: "Ma'am, is that really wise?"
Memory of Miranda(Over Radio): "I will make sure it does not get out again. It will learn not to disobey and try to escape again. I promise."
And with that, Miranda got off the radio and the demon just sighed.
Memory of Armed Demon #2: "At least this ain't gonna happen again."
Stolas, done with the memory, presses his hand against the terminal and closes the door to end it. Once it closes, he finally hears his daughter crying into his shirt as she holds tightly onto him.
Stolas: "Octavia, are you--?"
Octavia: "Please... Just bring us home..."
Stolas only nodded and lifted his hand into the air. A purple light swirled around his arm before expanding around both father and daughter. When Octavia opened her eyes, she saw that she was back in her father's study with a resting Y/n in front of her and Stolas on the other side of them. Stolas opens his eyes after his daughter does, and looks at her before turning to Y/n. He began to worry since Y/n hadn't woken up yet, which also made Octavia worry as well.
Octavia: "Y/n? Are you--?"
She reaches out to him, but Stolas felt something change and realized something was wrong.
Stolas: "Octavia, wait!"
It was too late. Octavia touches Y/n's shoulder, making their eyes all open up as their pupils become slitted and they look at Octavia. She gasps just before Y/n lunges at her and pins her to the ground, their claws out and ready to slash through flesh.
Octavia: "Y/N, WAIT!"
Y/n: "Grraaaaagh!!!"
Stolas: "STOP!"
Stolas ordered as he shot his hand out, which covered Y/n in purple energy and lifts them off of Octavia and into the air. The amalgamation struggles against the magic hold and swiped at Octavia, only for Stolas to throw them into a wall and drop the telekinetic grab on them as they fall to the floor.
Stolas: "Via, are you alright?!"
Stolas asks his daughter as he runs up to her to help her back on her feet.
Octavia: "I-I'm fine, but--"
Stolas: "No buts. Did they hurt you? Are you--?"
Octavia: "Dad, I'm fine! Just let me see if Y/n's okay!"
Stolas: "They attacked you! What do you mean?!"
Octavia: "We probably just made them relive that awful nightmare! Let me just--!"
Octavia noticed Y/n in the corner of her eye trying to push themself back up. They blink and their eyes become round again as they turn to look at Stolas and Octavia. The latter immediately pushes past her father and makes her way towards the amalgamation.
Octavia: "Y/n, are you--?"
Y/n: "Said so..."
Octavia: *stops walking* "What?"
Y/n: "Head bad... Bad, bad, bad...!"
Y/n stated as they held their head as they shook it back and forth. However, Octavia ignored what they said and went to approach them further.
Octavia: "Y/n, I saw what you went through."
Stolas: "Via, wait!"
Octavia: "Maybe I can help and--"
Y/n: "NO!"
Y/n pushes Octavia away once she got close and got up to run away. They ignore the callouts from Octavia and even Stolas as they run on two legs before getting on all fives as they dash through the manor. They even come across Stella, but ignore her as they simply leap over her and taking her by surprise.
Stella: "What the--?!"
Y/n continued running as Octavia chased after them, passing her mother like the amalgamation which left her even more confused. Then Stella saw Stolas, she finally spoke up.
Stella: "What the fuck is going on?!"
Stolas: "I-I don't know! Y/n just started running and Octavia is chasing them!"
Stolas told her before continuing chasing after both Octavia and Y/n.
Stolas: "Octavia, come back! Wait for a moment!"
Octavia may or may not have heard her father, but either way she wasn't stopping. She needed to catch up to Y/n before they did something drastic, or--
Octavia: "Oh, no."
Octavia realized where Y/n was going. They were heading right towards the window right at the end of the corridor. Octavia couldn't let them go. She needed them to stay.
Octavia: "Y/n, please! Wait!"
Y/n didn't listen, and it was too late anyway. They leaped forward and smashed right through the window, glass slicing at their skin and some even stabbing them once they landed on the ground. They didn't care, however, as their regeneration immediately kicked in and started pushing out any glass in their skin and healing the cuts. Y/n looked back up at the window they just fell from to see Octavia arriving there and looking down at them. She was panting and out of breath, but worry filled her eyes.
Octavia: "Y/n... please..."
Y/n didn't say anything. They instead turned to run away, running into and avoiding all incoming traffic before disappearing into an alleyway. Octavia watched them go, and her legs went weak which immediately sent her to her knees as she began sobbing again.
Octavia: "Please... I just wanted to help..."
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