Baths and Movies
Unknown Location, Pride Ring
October 22nd, 20XX
11:03 AM
At the unknown place of the snake-haired demoness, she is seen standing by a window. Some of the snakes in her hair were up as well, looking out into the city as well. Then the door to her office was opened to reveal the demon scientist from earlier.
Demon Labcoat: "Ma'am? I have... news."
???: "Let me guess... The capture team failed."
Demon Labcoat: "H-how did you know?"
The demoness couldn't help but laugh at this as her snakes hissed in amusement. She turns to the labcoat.
???: "You really expected that a capture team meant for Betal Threat Levels would take 626? They're far... worse than that."
Demon Labcoat: "What? But... then why did you give the order to send the capture team?"
???: "I just wanted to see what 626 is capable of now that they have something to fight for."
The demoness turned back to the window, only to look down instead at a tablet in her hands. The screen showed the feed from the body cameras of the capture team, all showing Y/n right before they kill the demons one-by-one. The demoness grinned at what she saw.
???: "After all, they're far different from what they used to be."
The Goetia Manor, Pride Ring
October 26th, 20XX
11:47 AM
Octavia is seen sleeping in her bed with her covers up to her chin. She seemed to be resting peacefully and enjoying whatever she was dreaming about. However, it didn't last long as something moved and Y/n poked their head up from behind her. Their tail goes up to her head and pokes it lightly, making her stir a bit but she stays asleep regardless. So the amalgamation pokes her again and again to wake her up, making the young princess groan as she finally stirs from her slumber and turns to Y/n.
Octavia: "Ugh! Y/n, don't you know how to sleep in?"
Y/n: "Slleeeh... Sleeeeeaaap..."
Octavia sighed at Y/n's attempt to say "sleep". They've been trying to speak more since four days ago when Helsa tried to get some dirt on either them or Octavia's family. And since then, Stella had allowed Y/n to stay at the manor. To say she was surprised meeting Y/n and seeing who (and what) they were was putting it lightly.
Octavia: "Y/n, you can stop now. I know you're trying to say sleep."
Y/n snorted out a response and crawled away. Octavia sighed as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She then looked at Y/n who was now standing and waiting for her to get up.
Octavia: "Why are you even in my room? A girl needs her privacy, Y/n."
Y/n: "Prrraaaaaahvaeeecah?"
Octavia couldn't help but giggle at Y/n's speaking attempt. They hadn't gotten very good at it, but it's progress from just saying "bum-bum" all the time.
Octavia: "It means I need my space. Just wait outside for me and I'll be right out, okay?"
Y/n: "Bum-bum."
Octavia sighed as Y/n turns to leave her room. Once they're gone, the young Goetic princess stretched and yawned before getting out of bed. She goes over to her closet and pulls out her clothes, quickly getting changed before heading to her bathroom. She washed her face and fixed her hair, and put her beanie back on, before leaving and stepping outside of her room.
Octavia: "Alright, Y/n, let's g--"
Octavia stopped when she didn't see Y/n outside her room. She looked up and down the hall, but they weren't there at all.
Octavia: "What the--? Where are tbey? Oh, no, did they take me literally when I told them to wait outside again? Oh, please, no."
Octavia made her way down the hallway to see if Y/n was indeed waiting outside again. However, when she passed by the kitchen, she was taken by surprise when she hears her father.
Stolas: "No, no. Not like that."
Octavia almost passed the kitchen, but she stopped when she saw who her father was talking to.
Stolas: "Here, hold it like this."
Octavia looked into the kitchen and became surprised. Inside she saw her father in his bathrobes talking to Y/n who was sitting at the table. In front of him was a plate of waffles with a fork and knife, and Y/n was holding both as Stolas showed them how to hold them properly.
Stolas: "There you go. Now, move you hands like this and..."
Octavia watched as Stolas showed Y/n how to cut their waffles. The amalgamated demon follows almost instinctively and does as told, cutting a piece off from the rest of the first waffle. They then bring it up to their nose and sniff it before biting into it.
Stolas: "So what do you think?"
There was a moment where Y/n was silent, only for their eyes to go wide and look at the waffles. They then proceeded to quickly cut the first waffle into more pieces and devour it, taking Stolas by surprise by how eager Y/n was to eat his cooking.
Stolas: "Oh, my..."
Octavia: "Yeah. He's a glutton for food."
Octavia said with an amused smile as she walked into the kitchen. Both Stolas and Y/n looked at her, but only the former smiled as the latter was busy with food in their mouth.
Stolas: "Good morning, Octavia. It seems they are. And quite a fast learner, too."
Octavia: "Yeah, with everything but talking. But they're doin' okay for now."
Y/n: *with mouth full* "Waaahfuul."
Stolas: "Please don't try to speak with your mouth full, Y/n. It's disgusting."
Octavia: "Also, it's waffle, not waffel. Or however you were trying to say it."
Y/n swallowed their food before snorting out a response. Octavia rolled her eyes at this.
Octavia: "Yeah, yeah, I know what you meant. But you need to learn how to actually speak."
Y/n grumbled as Octavia walked over to the pantry to grab some cereal. Stolas couldn't help but snicker at the interaction. He was glad his daughter had found someone to be friends with, even if it was with someone so... strange.
As Octavia walked over to the table to sit next to Y/n, the clicking of heels can be heard and Stolas silently groans to himself. Stella enters the kitchen, only to stop immediately when she smells something and waves her hand in front of her face.
Stella: "Eck! What is that disgusting smell?"
Stolas: *to himself* "It's probably you..."
Stella: "What was that, Stolas?"
Stolas: "Nothing, dear."
Stolas said as he discreetly rolled his eyes and walked off to make some morning tea. Stella walks forward and sniffs the air a few more times before almost gagging.
Stella: "Ugh! I think it's your date, Octavia."
Octavia: "What is?"
Stella: "They smell. They need to clean themself if you want them to stay here. I won't tolerate disgusting houseguests."
Stolas: *to himself* "How ironic..."
Stolas muttered to himself as he stirred his tea.
Stella: "What, Stolas?"
Stolas: "Nothing, Stella!"
Stella scoffed and turned back to her daughter.
Stella: "They get cleaned, or they get kicked."
Stella told Octavia before turning away to leave. Y/n growls at her as the spines on his back and tail lift up, not liking how she was talking to Octavia, only for said teenage princess to rub their back. This calms them down and Octavia eats a handful of cereal from her hand.
Stella: "I'll be back before dinner. I'm going to hang out with some friends of mine."
And without a proper goodbye, Stolas' wife left and the husband sighed in relief.
Stolas: "Thank Satan, she's gone."
Octavia: "Dad!"
Stolas: "I-I mean, I hope she has a wonderful day! I pray she won't be ran over today."
Octavia groaned at this and Y/n looked at her curiously, their second waffle already three-quarters gone.
Octavia: "They hate each other. Don't mind it."
Y/n tilted their head curiously at what Octavia meant by that, but the princess waved them off.
Octavia: "Just... don't think too much on it. I try not to. Hurry up and finish your food. I'm gonna show you how to take a bath."
Y/n raised a brow at this. What was a bath?
Octavia: "Y/n, get in the 'tub!"
Y/n hissed at Octavia as they clung naked to the wall with their claws. There was no way they were going into that thing.
Octavia: "Y/n, stop being so stubborn! Get in the fucking bathtub!"
Y/n hissed again and climbed up onto the ceiling, glaring at the bathtub. Octavia just groaned and looked around for an idea. Sure, she could use her magic, but in such an enclosed space like the bathroom wouldn't be a good idea. She knows Y/n would thrash around if they were caught in her telekinetic magic, which would just cause Octavia more of a hassle than she wanted. So now she needs another idea.
Her eyes land on a basket of bath toys she used as a kid, and Octavia got an idea.
Octavia: "That could work."
No later was Y/n in the bathtub, sitting in the water as they watched a demon-like rubber duck float in front of them. Octavia washed their hair as the amalgamation eyed the duck, smiling in disbelief.
Octavia: "Holy fuck, that actually worked."
Y/n was indeed in the tub, but they only got in because they were interested in the rubber duck and were still hesitant to do so anyway. Octavia wasn't sure why they didn't want to take a bath, but it might have something to do with where they came from. She decided to talk to the amalgamation about that at another time.
As Octavia washed them, Y/n started investigating the rubber duck. They pushed it down into the water, only to see that it immediately came back up to float above the water. Then they grabbed the duck and squeezed it, but nothing happened until they let go and it squeaked. Octavia snickered at this.
Octavia: "You really like that duck, huh?"
Y/n: "Bum-bum."
Octavia rolls her eyes at this. Y/n was still using "bum-bum" as an answer for yes-or-no-questions. She found it kinda cute in a way, but it was getting annoying now. Thankfully, Y/n was starting to speak now, so hopefully they'll start using "yes" and "no" soon.
Octavia: "Well, glad you do. It was one my old toys from when I was a kid. Check this out."
Octavia grabbed the duck from Y/n who eyed her. However, she just rolled her eyes and dunked the duck into the water and squeezed it. When she brought it back out, she squeezed it again and water shot out from its bill in a thin line.
Octavia: "See? Cool, huh?"
Y/n looked at the duck curiously now as Octavia set it back into the water and went back to cleaning their mane of messy hair. Then Y/n remembered what Stella called them and looked at Octavia.
Y/n: "Daaaaaht?"
Octavia: "What?"
Y/n: "Daa... Daaaht?"
Octavia looked at Y/n in confusion before her white face lit up red in realization.
Octavia: "Oh, right! Date. My mum called you that in front of you, didn't she?"
Y/n just looked at Octavia and nodded.
Octavia: "Right. So, um, a date is basically what two or more people go on when they like each other a lot. They would go to the movies or something, but it would always involve eating food. And people would call the person they're with their "date". And they do things like... kiss each other."
Octavia gulped, now involuntarily imagining her and Y/n kissing. She then cleared her throat and tried to get rid of her blush when she sees Y/n was still staring at her.
Octavia: "I had told my mum that you were my date to her Halloween party coming up in a few days. It caught me completely off-guard and I panicked! I hope you don't mind?"
Octavia gave a sheepish smile to Y/n who just looked at her. Then they looked at her weirdly, still not knowing what she was talking about.
Octavia: "Oh. I, uh, should probably show you what all of that is and stuff. I'll show you what a movie is, too, okay?"
Y/n tilted their head again. What's a movie?
Y/n sat in between Stolas and Octavia on the couch. They watched what the father and daughter called a "TV", which was basically a box with people in it. Y/n thought it was a prison of sorts at first and tried to destroy it, but was talked down by the Goetias who assured the amalgamation that it was perfectly fine.
They had watched a movie earlier that Octavia had picked, called Alien. She told them it was set in space with humans trying to survive an attack from an extraterrestrial that would later be called a Xenomorph. Now they were watching a show that Stolas had picked, called Hell-a-novela. Y/n had no idea what it was about and could barely keep up with what was going on, but basically it was all drama. The main character cried a lot, but Y/n didn't know why. Octavia said she was depressed or something. Whatever that means.
Octavia and Stolas are really into the show. Y/n doesn't know why. The father and daughter got really angry a lot when things went wrong, apparently. Like when one of the characters were revealed to be with someone who was cheating on their spouse.
The three have been watching Hell-a-novela for an hour-and-a-half now, and Y/n's actually gotten pretty interested in it. They've enjoyed it so far, especially when the character start singing. Oh, did you know it's a musical? Y/n really likes those now. They even began singing along with them, or at least to the best of their ability. They can't say actual words yet, so they mainly mimick the beat.
Y/n: "Bada-pada! Bada-pada!"
Octavia and Stolas hate it, though.
Octavia: "Y/n, stop singing!"
Y/n: "Bada-bada! Bada-pada!"
Stolas: "You're ruining the moment!"
Y/n: "..."
Octavia: "..."
Stolas: "..."
Y/n: "Bada-pada!"
Octavia & Stolas: *angry owl noises*
So, yeah. Things are going pretty good for Y/n now. Of course, things are still a bit bumpy and they have things to learn still, but they feel... comfortable? Is that what it feels like? Yeah, comfortable. After all, they're Octavia's date. That seems good to them.
The van Eldritch Manor, Pride Ring
October 26th, 20XX
2:47 PM
In her room, Helsa is seen asleep at her computer. However, her eyelid twitched before she gasped and sat straight up in her chair. Her eyes darted around her room before she sighs and rest her head in a hand.
Helsa: "Just a fuckin' dream..."
She rubbed her eyes and groaned before leaning back in her chair. She runs a hand through her hair before looking back at her computer. She had stayed up doing multiple all-nighters in a single row trying to figure out something.
Helsa: "What the fuck were you?"
She narrowed her eyes at her screen.
Helsa: "Why don't you have a soul?"
Alright, the second to last part of the Halloween segment is here. Unfortunately, I might not be able upload the actual Halloween chapter until tomorrow because I'm gonna be hanging with a friend today. So it'll most likely come out tomorrow. To make up for it, here's some pics of Helluva Boss Halloween!
Alright, buh-bye now, y'all! Ya boy is going as the Joker this Halloween, but a very different one. See ya!
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