Chapter 6
Then Cole takes a turn and I stay silent, I didn't want to tell a complete stranger about my crappy personal life. I look out the windows and see small villages and children running around. I sigh, remembering the childhood I never got to have, I don't realize I am crying until I feel the tears running down my face.
"Are you okay?"
I look up and see Cole's worried face looking back at me, with his brilliant green eyes seemingly starting into my soul.
"Yes I'm fine." I snap and instantly feel bad.
"I sorry for snapping at you, but I don't want to talk about my past with a complete and utter stranger." I say to him.
He still looked worried but didn't say anything and kept driving.I looked out the window and take a look at my surroundings again. I could no longer see the village, just green and more green. I realized we were not driving on a road anymore, it was starting to get bumpy and my seatbelt was starting to strangle me. I stare outside some more and realized I didn't see anymore people. Oh my god maybe he really is going to kidnap me. I start to freak out mentally and finally get the guts to ask him where the heck we were going.
" Um, where are you taking me?" I say, voice shaking slightly.
"Oh sorry, um well you seemed kind of overwhelmed so I decided to take you to one of my favorite places." He said with a smile crossing his face.
"And where is that exactly..."
"Right here" he says, smile getting bigger.
I step out of the car and into my wildest dreams. It seems everywhere I go in this place is beautiful so I shouldn't be that surprised but when I see right now is the most beautiful thing I have seen in all my life. I see beautiful cherry trees with pink blossoms and deer grazing in the distance, lush grass under my feet and a sun, a color as pure as gold up above me, tweeting bluebirds and a crystal blue lake just a short walk away. I felt like I was in a trance, the beauty of it all calling to me until Cole started waving his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of it.
"This is were I go when I'm stressed out and want to have some fun." Cole says looking more happy than I have ever saw him before.
"It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life."
"Follow me" Cole says and jumps into the crystal blue lake with all his clothes on.
I giggle and shrug not caring about my old, smelly clothes and jump in with him. I feel the water flowing on my skin and silently thank god that the water was pretty shallow. I break to the surface and splash the cold water on his face, laughing. He splashes me back, harder and my hair gets soaking wet. We have a splash war and soon I am soaked to the bone and shivering.
"We should probably get out now, you look freezing, P.S I totally won that splash war." he says, smirking at me.
"What ever you say."I say smiling back at him.
Cole puts the jacket that I left back around my shoulders again, making sure I stopped shivering and we talk the rest of the car trip, awkwardness gone. Suddenly I see the castle come into view and Cole was heading right towards it. I look from the castle back to Cole and and my eyes get even wider ( if that's even possible.)
"Cole.. Why are we going to a castle?"I ask, voice merely a whisper.
"Its kinda my home and its going to be yours too." he says, laughing at the look on my face.
I could feel my heart thumping loudly in my chest to the point that it was deafening me as we get out of the car and head straight to the doors of the castle with beefy guards with stony faces were guarding. I gulp and stop for a second before Cole tugs on my arm and motions me to go forwards. When we were only a few feet away the large doors open.
"Welcome back your highness" they said in unison,bowing
Oh my god I splashed water in the face of royalty.
As soon as we passed the scary guards I turn to him frantically. Thinking that I must be going crazy
"You are royalty" I said incredulously.
"Is it that hard to believe " he says smirking while I stifle a laugh.
Then I remember the situation. Wait why Am I in a castle and how on earth is Cole of all people royalty, like seriously how does that that work? Am I going to meet other royalty? Oh god I look like crap.
"Im sorry for not telling you, I just didn't want anything to be weird." He mumbles.
"Everything is already weird." I say to myself recapping my day in my head, woke up in an insane asylum and now in a castle.
I shake my head and almost laugh. Maybe I am crazy and this is all an insane dream. Wait why would I be dreaming about castles and cute boys. I did not just say that, I don't think Cole is cute. Yes you do. Being locked in a room for my whole life seeing only your parents would make you think anyone is cute. Yeahhhh righttt. Ugh, I hate my thoughts. I blush, recallibff what I had just been thinking about.
"Why are you blushing."Cole asks, looking confused.
"Err" I say, blushing again
This is going to be a long night
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