Alyssa's Pov.
I sat in the front seat of my new Ford f-250 super duty. I watch my dad in front of me with his horse trailer turn onto a dirt road. I turn as well, I look behind me at the trailer that has my forewheeler and dirtbike on making sure everything is fine.
We pull up in front of a big house that's old but also very nice. I stop my truck and put it in park. I turn the engine of and step out of the vehicle.
"What do you guys think?" My father asks Maddy and I. I look at Maddy and she looks at me as we roll our eye.
"I think it's awesome" I say to my dad as I look up at his face. I turn back to the house and look it up and down then back at my dad "can I go riding after I unpack my room?" I ask my dad with a smile.
"Then you better start" he says and I grin and grab some of my stuff and run in the house with Maddy trailing behind me. I bolt up the steps looking for the best room. I run to the end of the hall and open the door and the room is huge.
"Mine!" I say loudly so that Maddy can hear me. I hear her foot step coming toward the room as I set my stuff on the bed already in their.
"That's not fair Alyssa" Maddy says as she stares at the large room that is now my room. I put some of the stuff away that I had brought up with me.
"Yeah it's fair, I'm older" I say to my little sister and she sighs and walks out to go find her room. I smirk to my self and go get the rest of my things.
-A long while later-
I put the last pillow on my bed and sigh with a grin on my face as I look around my finished room "I'm done" I yell to my dad as I grab my helmet from my dresser.
"Ok be careful" he yells just as I'm running out of the door. I run over to the trailer and jump on my forewheeler and back it off. I put my helmet on and drive toward a trail near the horse barn.
Once I'm on the trail I smirk in my helmet and full throttle it an I weave around the trees on the trail. I make it to a opening and look around the lake that is in front of me.
I drive around for a couple more hours before I decide it's time to head back before my dad goes crazy with worry.
I park my forewheeler under a tree and take the key out. I walk in side and smile at my dad. I then go to my room and change into my pj's, then I crawl into bed with a content sigh.
New story!!!!!!!!! I know this sucks but please believe me it will get better if you give me a chance. So let me know if I should continue or if this is a dead end.
Love, Marlayna!
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