Chapter 8
It was now the weekend, which was both a good thing and bad thing at the same time. Good because now I don't have to wear the male school uniform but bad because I have to wear the outfit my mother made me.
She's made so many white polo shirts and teal ties that I'm going to have to wear the same outfit all the time when I'm not in school, which is very embarrassing because it will be like I'm a cartoon character wearing the same things all the time.
You would think she would get me t-shirts and sneakers like all of the boys my age wear outside of school but no, I have to look like a business person everywhere I go. So annoying...
Mother wanted me to come with her for a day out today to make sure that I wasn't doing anything she wouldn't like but I lied and that I would be hanging out with some friends that are boys instead. She was suspicious and also annoyed but I was very convincing and polite so she had no choice, meaning I was free from her!
I left the house and then walked over to the Kagamine house where Rin was already waiting outside for me. We met up and then walked to the local park where we were going to meet up with IA and Yukari.
"I can't believe your mom makes you wear stuff like that..." My best friend sighed, pointing at my outfit with disgust.
"I know, and it's not like I even have a choice because she's thrown out all of my old clothes and has made like twenty pairs of the same outfit!" I ranted.
"Even though we can't really do anything about you outfit, we can still do your makeup and do girly things together!" Rin reassured me.
"Thank you for everything you're doing," I expressed my gratitude while blushing a little, "I never thought you would be this accepting and go to such lengths..."
"There's no need to thank me, all I want is for you to be happy and true to yourself and even though we do have certain limitations, I still want you to be as comfortable as possible!" She responded, "Besides, I'm not the only one helping you out!"
"Yeah, IA and Yukari are do kind as well," I replied.
Soon enough, we arrived outside of a park where the two girls were waiting for us. All three of my friends were wearing such cool outfits and I felt so embarrassed to be around them while wearing my stupid outfit, but they were still kind and treated me no different.
IA did my makeup, and after that, we decided we might as well play in the park. Her and Yukari did have plans to take me to a shopping centre but it would be pointless as my clothes would just be thrown away again and also we would have ended up going past the clothes shop my mother works at, and she's probably gone back to work today as I decided not to go out with her.
The park was empty so we had it all to ourselves. We started off by climbing on the the climbing frame before jumping off the highest point. We then went on the swings and saw who could swing the highest, with the winner obviously being Yukari with Rin not being two short behind, and then we went on the seesaws after.
Me and Rin went on one side and then IA and Yukari went on the other. Both sides were balanced because both pairs combined weighed about the same so we had to use out legs to push us up and down. Even though it was a lot of effort for me because I felt so useless and weak, it was still a lot of fun.
After that, small children began to arrive with their parents so we decided to all sit on a bench outside of the park so we could let them play. We then all chatted together about things in our lives.
I did feel like the centre of attention in most of the conversations which was a little embarrassing but it was interesting hearing about my friends' lives as well. Hearing about the day Yukari confessed her love to IA, how IA told Hippi about how One was acting and now she won't let her out of her sight, and hearing about Rin's life too.
I thought I knew everything about her, but it turns out I didn't. She does do nice things for Len and she doesn't always annoy him, however she will always find him annoying, which I knew very well. She admires me just as much as I admire her, and it suprised me more that she even admired me at all. She misses her father despite how much he criticised her while he was alive, which really shocked me as I thought she really hated him and wanted him to rot in hell. She also has a crush, but she didn't reveal who it was...
Once we had all finished venting, it was unanimously decided that we should all get some ice cream to treat ourselves after everything we've been through.
However, as we were walking out of the park, I heard familiar voices approaching from behind. I spun around to see Gumi, Lily and Galaco walking over to us, all three girls looking very annoyed to see me but yet they were still coming for me anyway. Rin, IA and Yukari turned around with me and immediately went into what I call 'Protect Miku Mode'.
"Hey Mikuo~" Galaco greeted, her annoyed expression quickly turning into a smug smile.
"My name is Miku..." I gritted through my teeth.
"Still pretending, aren't you?" She questioned rhetorically, "I feel so sorry for you that you are this delusional to still believe in that lie..."
"If you really don't like her that much, why don't you just walk away?!" Rin exclaimed.
"She's right, why don't we just leave-" Lily spoke up but was quickly interrupted.
"Lily, you're here to back me up," Galaco interrupted, "You're supposed to be on my side and not betraying me..."
"No, I'm here for Gumi!" She argued, "I'm here to stop her from being full on possessed by you!"
"Possessed?" The green haired girl questioned, "What do you mean?"
"Galaco in manipulating you into becoming a bully like her! She's using you to take the heat off her and transfer it all to you so you're the one left with the bad reputation!" Her friend explained, sweat beginning to drop from her forehead as she worried what Galaco would do to her after she exposed this.
"I'm not bullying, I'm educating," The blonde and brown haired girl responded in a surprisingly calm tone
"You're not a teacher!" Lily yelled, her repressed anger spilling out
"Lily, I don't need protecting," Gumi put a hand on her friend's shoulder, "Galaco is our friend and, even though I've known you longer, I trust her more at the moment..."
The girl with long blonde hair opened and closed her mouth to respond to her green haired friend but she walked off to stand beside Galaco. Lily looked down at the floor with regret and didn't say anymore...
"Anyway, back to this-" The blonde and brown haired 'princess' tried to redirect to the former argument.
"Mikuo, you don't need to pretend!" Gumi interrupted and held my hands with a warm smile and blush on her cheeks that made me freeze, "I loved you just the way you were and you don't need to change for me!"
I quickly pulled away from her firm grip.
"I'm not pretending, and neither am I interested in you anyway!" I argued.
"But Mikuo, we're meant to be!" The green haired girl pleaded and tried to pull me back, "I loved you back when you were truly a boy! Unlike Rin who only likes you as a fake girl-"
"Why are you getting me involved?!" Rin exclaimed, her face going red with embarrassment.
"Just leave it, Gumi, you don't deserve him anyway..." Galaco sighed and patted the sad girl on her shoulder, and then turned to us and snapped, "You can all walk away now!"
"You don't have to tell us twice!" Rin yelled and then grabbed my hand and pulled me away, IA and Yukari following behind us.
As we walked off, I turned back for a second to look at three girls. Gumi was looking at me with hope in her eyes and blush on her cheeks as she smiled longingly at me, Galaco had her hands on her hips as she glared between her and Lily, and finally the latter who watched the green haired girl with a sad expression, sad that her feelings towards her were unrequited.
Soon enough the three girls were out of sight and Rin stopped dragging me to take some deep breaths. IA and Yukari patted her on her shoulders reassuringly and I watched everything while feeling guilty that it is all my fault that this happened.
"I'm sorry, Rin-" I tried to apologise, but she cut me off.
"No, Miku, it's fine..." She interrupted, "It's not your fault I have anger issues..."
I was about to argue otherwise as she only gets angry when defending me, but I didn't get the chance before Yukari stepped in.
"Maybe we should leave this for later and go and get the ice cream now," The purple haired girl suggested, "I think both of you need to it after all of that..."
Me, Rin and IA nodded before we followed Yukari's lead to the ice cream truck. IA and Yukai were holding hands while I looked longingly at Rin's hand. I wanted to hold it but I didn't want to make things anymore weird between us...
We arrived and then all four of us ordered the ice cream we wanted. I got mint chocolate chip, Rin got orange, IA got strawberry and Yukari got chocolate.
After we had all finished eating, we all felt much better. I had done some reflecting during the bites and kicks I took and I had realised that I should be grateful to my best friend for always sticking up for me, not completely guilty. I then smiled at Rin and held her hand with both of mine.
"Thank you for continuing to stay by my side," I said, "I not it's not fun but, I really appreciate all of the help you give me!"
"It's no problem," Rin responded, "All I want to do is support you and make you happy..."
"I'm glad you two are happy again," IA smiled.
"Same, it's no fun watching your friends suffer sadness!" Yukari added, hugging her girlfriend.
The two girls then started playing around with each other, which made me and Rin giggle. We both turned to face each other but we both couldn't help but look away quickly, blushing as we did.
After that, we decided to head home. I decided that I might as well go back to Rin's house as my mother wouldn't be back home for a while and I didn't want to take out my hair or wash off my makeup yet.
Also because I felt there was something we needed to talk about...
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