Chapter 5
I woke up the next day and I wanted to rush out to avoid my mother but I didn't really get a lot of sleep as I had stayed up to watch a stream of my favourite VTuber, meaning I did have to speak to her.
I went downstairs to make my breakfast and there she was in the kitchen, her makeup already on and her hair already curled. I don't really understand why she's so obsessed with having wavy hair but I just decided not to initiate the conversation and made my breakfast instead.
"Good morning, Mikuo!" She said cheerily but with the most evil looking smile ever.
"Good morning, Mother..." I responded in an emotionless voice.
"You haven't been speaking to me recently, what have I done to deserve that?" She asked.
I didn't reply as I knew she wasn't going to like my response. Why does she care anyway?
I finished pouring milk into my cereal and then sat down at the dinner table to eat it. Mother finished making hers and then she sat down on the opposite side to me.
"So, how is school?" She asked.
"It's alright," I replied.
"Are you getting good grades?" Mother questioned.
"I've only been going for two days, how am I supposed to know?" I asked back.
"Don't snap at me!" She yelled, "Do you think you're getting good grades?"
"Probably," I responded.
"Good," She said.
I honestly don't know if I am. I used to get really good grades back in elementary school and I was seen as a prodigy but, at the moment I'm trying to do really poorly to rebel against her.
"Have you been hanging out with boys?" She asked.
I could lie and say that I have but then she would probably ask what I do with them and I don't know what boys do together, so-
"No..." I muttered.
"Are you still hanging out with Kagamine Rin or something?!" She exclaimed.
"Yes, she's my best friend!" I yelled.
"You need to learn to move on!" She shouted back, "You need to start hanging out with boys, it's for the best!"
"Is it really?" I asked.
I mean, maybe it would be better for both me and Rin if I started hanging out with boys. That way I could fit in and Rin wouldn't have to defend me all the time and she could actually get along with others...
"Yes, it's about time you start making friends with boys, it's better to start now than later," She responded.
"Okay..." I sighed.
I had finished eating my cereal by that point so I washed my bowl in the kitchen and then went upstairs to get dressed into my uniform. Once I was finished I went back down and left the house as I didn't want to talk any longer with my mother.
I wasn't too sure if I should pick up Rin and Len because of my plan but them I thought about how they would probably be very confused and try and look for me and I didn't want them to be late to school so I went to their house as usual. They came running up to me but paused when they saw the serious expression on my face.
"Rin, I've made a decision!" I announced.
"What is it, Miku?" Rin asked.
"Well, I think maybe it would be best if I stop hanging out with you during school," I said.
"What?!" The blonde haired girl exclaimed.
"I just think it would be better for both of us if I just start hanging out with boys like I'm supposed, that way you could actually make friends without me getting in your way," I explained.
"But you don't-" Rin was about to argue.
"My decision is final!" I declared.
"But who would you hang out with?" She asked, "You aren't really friends with any boys..."
"Excuse me, I'm right here," Len said, pointing at himself.
"Len, please can I hang out with you?" I asked
"Sure," He replied.
"Please look after her!" Rin exclaimed, "Please make sure Fukase doesn't make any inappropriate comments about her and-"
"Don't worry, I'll look after her," Len responded, "But to be completely honest, I think she can look after herself."
"I'll be fine!" I reassured her, even though I wasn't completely sure of that myself.
"Okay..." She sighed.
And with that, we walked to school. We didn't really talk as we had to rush there because my announcement took up more time then I was expecting.
While me and Rin were speed walking down the corridor, she then tapped me on the shoulder and looked over at me.
"Will we never hang out again?" She asked with a sad expression on her face.
"Just for now, I'll just see how today goes and make my decision after," I replied.
She nodded and then walked to her homeroom class and I walked to mine. I couldn't help but feel bad that I had made Rin upset but this is for the best, I'm doing this for her...
In the first two morning lessons I was sat next to her, which was fine since I am obligated to work her and that counts as an exception that I wouldn't get me scalded for. But after that was break, where I would have to be away from her.
Luckily, Len was in my previous lesson so I just followed behind him as he led me to a table outside. On the table there were already four people sat down.
I knew all four of the people from elementary school. The curly red haired boy with a smug grin always on his face is Fukase, Len's best friend. The grey haired boy with heterochromia and was looking down at the laptop he had in front of him for some reason was Utatane Piko. The blonde haired boy sat next to him with the eyepatch was Oliver. He was originally a transfer student to my elementary school from England.
And the last person who was sat next to Oliver was Flower but, she looked different. It looked like she had gotten a lot of hair cut off during the holidays and she was also wearing the boys' uniform, which was strange. And if I recall correctly, I remember her being really good friends with Gumi and Cul, so what was she doing hanging out with the boys?
Fukase came running up to Len and did a secret handshake with him.
"Banana boy!" He called as he had ran over.
"Clown man!" Len called back as they had initiated the handshake.
Such odd nicknames, I hope I don't get any from them.
The red haired boy then turned towards me and for once I saw him without a smile but instead a puzzled face.
"Miku?" He said.
"Yes," I replied.
The low pitch of my voice caught the others off guard and they all looked up at me from the table.
"What happened to you, Miku?" He asked.
"I don't want to talk about it..." I said.
"Don't worry, you aren't the only one here who changed gender, isn't that right, Flower?" Fukase responded.
"I've already told you, stop calling me Flower!" They shouted.
"Oh great, not this again," Fukase sighed to himself, putting a hand to his face.
Flower(?) rolled their eyes at him but then turned towards me and stared. It felt like they were staring into my soul, which made me a little uncomfortable.
"Quit staring at Miku!" Fukase shouted at them.
"I'm not staring!" They shouted back.
"Fukase, why don't we just introduce Miku to all of them?" Len suggested.
"Great idea, Banana boy, I'll go first!" His best friend replied, "My name is Fukase! Some may see me as a class clown, which I am, but I prefer to be known as a showman!"
He then reached into the pocket of his trousers and pulled out a tiny black top hat which he placed onto his head and switched his school tie for a bow tie.
He then walked over to the other side of the table where the other three were. He rested his elbow next to Piko's laptop.
"Next to me is Piko, a nerd who spends all his time staring at a screen," Fukase introduced him.
"Shut up, at least I'm doing something important with my life, unlike you!" Piko retorted.
For a moment Fukase looked very caught off guard and started sweating, but he quickly wiped the sweat away and walked over to the blonde haired boy next.
"This is Oliver, you might remember him as the Bri'ish exchange student in elementary school," The red haired boy said.
"Oh come on, not all British people talk like that," Piko replied.
"How would he know? He hasn't been to England for a few years to the point where his accent is barely noticeable, how would he remember that when he thinks his bird toy he takes everywhere is real," Fukase argued.
Oliver began to whimper and he shuffled up to sit closer to Piko. The grey haired boy then put an arm around him and tried to calm him down by putting on a YouTube video on his laptop with his other hand.
Then Fukase finally made it around to the other side where Flower(?) was sat.
"And here is..." He was about to say but he didn't know what to call them.
"VFlower," VFlower replied.
"Are you seriously telling me you made all that fuss just because I did put a V in front of Flower?!" Fukase exclaimed.
"Just quit bugging me you bas-" VFlower was about to swear.
"V!" Piko shouted, hugging Oliver who had his ears covered.
"Oh, sorry," They responded.
Fukase then walked back around to me and Len.
"And this is my bestie, Banana boy!" He said and pulled him into a hug, "I love him so much!"
"Just friends though!..." Len laughed nervously.
After all of that, the three of us finally sat down opposite to the other three. I was opposite to VFlower and they continued to watch my expressions with a concerned look so I just avoided eye contact with them and tried to chat with the others for the rest of break.
I sat next to them for lunch as well but, it didn't feel the same as when I was with Rin and the girls. The boys just didn't really talk about anything I'm interested in, and when they did, they just mocked it instead, specifically Fukase.
I just don't have that connection with them and, I would rather hang out with the girls, even if I'll get judged to the end of eternity by others. I just want to be happy, and I think I would be much happier if I returned to Rin.
At the end of the day, Rin's last class had been let out early, meaning I couldn't walk home with her. Her twin brother had been in my last class though so I decided to walk home with him instead.
"Len, today was great, but-" I said but paused as I didn't know how to word the next part.
"You want to go back to hanging out with Rin?" He asked.
I nodded.
"That's alright, I could tell you weren't enjoying it as much, I think VFlower could too," He replied.
"Is that why they kept on staring at me?" I questioned.
"V is very good at reading other people's emotions but yeah, it does come off as it looking like they are staring you down," Len explained.
"Oh okay," I nodded, "Could you tell Rin-"
"Yeah, don't worry about that, Miku," He interrupted.
"Thank you, Len," I said.
"No problem," Len responded.
Maybe things didn't go as well as I had hoped today but, you don't learn until you try new things and, I'm glad I tried hanging out with the boys, but it just isn't for me.
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