Chapter 4
The next day was another day of school, and even though this would be my second day, I was dreading it more than I had the first.
Yesterday I had been able to avoid a lot of people by hiding behind Rin's back but it's not like I can do that forever, especially because I am taller than her.
I need to reintroduce myself to everyone and hope it works but, it sounds so scary, especially because I'm lying...
I did my whole morning routine without talking to my mother whatsoever and then left and then walked over to the Kagamine house.
Rin and Len came out and we then started walking to school. Both of them kept on giving me looks for some reason and then I realised I was pretty much hyperventilating.
"Are you okay, Miku?" The blonde haired girl asked.
"Yeah, I'm just worried about how everyone will react when I have to reintroduce myself as 'the real me'" I responded.
"Why lie when you can just be your real self?" Rin questioned, "Everyone would understand if you just told the truth."
"Until I move out, which is a really long time away, I can't, I just can't..." I replied.
We then arrived at the gates of our school. Len walked off to go and hang out with his friends while Rin grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a group of three girls.
I recognised all three of them. The girl with tired blue eyes and long blonde and pink hair was Lia, who was more commonly known for her nickname IA. The tallest girl with lavender hair and eyes tied into two ponytails was Yuzuki Yukari. And lastly the shortest girl who had blue eyes with blonde and orange hair was One, and is IA's sister.
They all turned to look at us as we approached them, and I could tell most of there attention was on me.
"Hello Yukari, IA and One!" Rin exclaimed, "It's so great to see all of you again!"
I'm honestly really suprised that we had gone to them rather than Gumi, Lily and Cul, three girls that we had been closer with back in elementary school.
"Hello Rin!" The three girls greeted, but then turned to me and then there a silence.
"Wait, is that you, Hatsune Miku?" One worked up the courage to ask.
She was loud enough for many of the friend groups to turn and look over at us.
I was so glad she was using my nickname, but, it isn't my real name, which is what I'm now to supposed to be referred to with...
"Well yes, b-but-" I stuttered.
I looked over at Rin and she looked so hopeful for me to talk about what my mother had done to me, but, I just couldn't do it. I couldn't destroy my mother's reputation which would then lead to her destroying me...
"My name is actually H-hatsune M-ikuo, Miku was just a nickname," I eventually said.
Everyone that was watching gasped and their eyes widened. Rin frowned but still stayed by my side.
"But wait, isn't that a b-" Before One could continue, the bell went.
With that, I quickly dashed through the door and to my homeroom classroom, leaving everyone behind. I even ran straight into the room to avoid the lineup outside.
I landed on my knees as I bolted in and I was now sweating and breathing heavily, which was definitely enough to catch my teacher's attention.
"Mikuo, are you okay?" Miss Megurine asked in a panicky tone.
I looked up at her and a fake smile stretched across my face.
"Yep, I'm fine!" I lied, shaping my hand into a thumbs up to further demonstrate how 'fine' I was.
She still looked concerned but she sighed, nodded, and asked for me to wait outside with the others. I got up, opened the door, and kept my head down as I walked to the back of the line.
We all then walked in and did the basic homeroom class stuff. I still kept my eyes down in it and for all of my lessons up until break because without Rin, I was too anxious to face everyone. Even while I was walking to lessons and people simply asked if I was okay, I looked past them and didn't respond.
It probably made me look cold and edgy but really, I was too scared that the question would come up after, even if these people were people I had never seen before and knew nothing about me or my past.
At break, I saw Rin was already with the three girls so I walked over to them. Once again all the attention was back on me.
"So Mikuo, can you now answer my question?" One asked, not looking happy to see me and it also showed in her fed up tone.
I nodded.
"So, are you a b-"
I recognised the voice instantly and I spun around to see Megpoid Gumi right up in my face, strands of her green hair just inches away from touching me.
"Hello Miku!" She greeted.
"H-hello?" I replied.
"Wait a second, that's the boys uniform and... you're hair..." She somehow only just noticed, and then she gasped, "Are you a boy now?"
She was so loud that she then got the attention of Lily and Cul so they both came over. And then shortly after, Galaco arrived too.
Galaco was the mean girl back in elementary school, and it's quite obvious based on how she looks. She has long blonde hair with locks of her fringe dyed pink, blue and yellow. And on top of all of that, she wears a crown, to show off just how much of a spoiled princess she is.
She never picked on me but Rin and I always stayed clear away from her and I'm guessing she's now manipulating Gumi, and that's why my best friend had avoided them earlier on.
"Yes, well, I always have been, I just pretended to be a girl for the longest time," I explained, partially telling both the truth and a lie.
"Well you completely fooled me!" Galaco exclaimed dramatically, as she always did.
"Well, I think I like you better like this, Mikuo," Gumi said, a blush creeping on her cheeks.
"It's Miku, and she's a girl," Rin said, glaring between the green haired girl and the blonde haired girl.
"No he isn't, he literally just told us," The green haired girl argued.
"How do you not know she's lying?" Rin questioned rhetorically.
"Oh poor Rin, you're just in denile because your fragile little lesbian heart has been broken as even you couldn't figure it out!" Galaco said maliciously.
"Wh-what?!" Rin exclaimed, completely caught off guard.
"Yeah, it was very obvious you're lesbian eyes were fooled, but don't worry, I still think he's cute!" Gumi added, blushing even more.
My jaw dropped.
"Yeah girls, don't you think he's cute?" The green haired girl asked.
Both Lily and Cul widened their eyes. Cul had never seemed interested in romance and as for Lily, it had always seemed quite obvious she had a crush on Gumi.
"Are you being serious?" Lily questioned in a quiet tone that I could still hear, but honestly I didn't mind as I was just as confused as she was.
"Yes," Gumi whispered back firmly.
"Well I think he's cute too!" Galaco exclaimed, playing along, "But don't worry Gumi, he's all yours!"
"Let's just go-" Rin said, trying to drag me away with her but Gumi took my other hand.
"Do you really have to go, Mikuo?" Gumi asked while pouting but a smile quickly grew on her face as she nuzzled her cheek with mine, her hair tickling my cheek, and hugged me, "Don't worry though, I'll make sure you'll see me again!"
I gritted my teeth as I tried to move away but luckily enough my blonde haired best friend is such a strong grip that she managed to pull me away from the space invader, almost pulling off my arm in the process.
Me and Rin were both so out of it as we walked away and just really wanted to be left alone but then suddenly IA, Yukari and One appeared in front of us.
"I'm really sorry my sister got you into that, Mikuo," IA apologised.
"But don't worry, we support you!" Yuzuki reassured.
"Thank you..." I replied, "But is it okay if you can call me Miku instead?"
"I'm so confu-" One was about to mutter but then IA put a hand over her mouth.
"Of course!" IA and Yukari responded in unison.
I don't think One will ever understand me but, at least I've got new friends in IA and Yuzuki Yukari...
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