Chapter 3
The next day, I didn't really want to wake up. I know I have now confronted the issue with my best friends but, I still don't like the way I look.
And along with that, junior high starts today and, almost everyone from my elementary school is going there. I wasn't really that close with my other friends in the way I am with Rin but they were all still my friends and... soon they would all know too.
If I could just stay alseep then they would never know but, Mother wasn't going to let that happen.
After my alarm went off and I still hadn't gotten put of bed, she came in and pulled me by the arm and dragged me out of bed and across the floor. It was painful but I was too out of it to let that show on my face.
She watched me as I brushed my teeth so I wouldn't try and lock myself in the bathroom and then, I could tell that when she made me get dressed that she was peeping through the crack of my open door.
This made me feel very uncomfortable but, what could I even do about it? Mother is someone that I don't want to mess with...
After that, she told me that I couldn't have breakfast because I didn't wake up and get ready at the specific time I'm supposed to every day. She then told me to go to school early so that I would be on time and get more learning done.
I really wanted to watch an idol documentary that had just csme out last night and that I wasn't allowed to stay up and watch but I just nodded and got my things and left the house.
I felt do much better now that I was free from her for a little while...
I walked to the Kagamine house so that I could collect them and we could all walk to school together. They came out in their new uniforms and I was so envious of Rin's female uniform but I wouldn't let that show.
While the three of us walked to school together, me and Rin still chatted about the things we used to before the secret was revealed while Len followed behind and texted his friends on his phone, just like old times. Unfortunately we couldn't talk about the new idol documentary because I wasn't allowed to watch it but we still talked about music and ranking shoujo anime theme songs, just like we had before.
I'm glad Rin kept her promise.
Once I got to the school gates, I couldn't help but panic a little. Rin noticed and she held my hand and looked over at me while smiling. I smiled back with a blush on my face too and I was instantly calmed.
We walked in and along the path. As we looked around, we saw a lot of our old friend groups still together. They were all chatting and on their phones so I wasn't noticed.
I had been holding Rin's hand really tightly before but I then loosened my grip as I started to feel safer while everyone Ad their attention somewhere else.
We both waited outside until the bell went off and we were allowed in. Everyone was too busy trying to get to their very first class so I still wasn't noticed that much, but I did feel some eyes on me.
It turned out that me and Rin were in different homeroom classes, which did make me feel even more anxious, especially once she dropped me off to my classroom and then went to hers.
I sat down and tried to breathe calmly while closing my eyes, despite the fact I could feel everyone's eyes on me and my name being called from every corner.
Then I heard the door open and I opened my eyes to see a woman with long pink hair stride across the class and over to the teacher's desk. She took a deep breath and then smiled.
"Good morning everyone. My name is Miss Megurine and I will be your homeroom tutor," The teacher introduced herself.
"Good morning Miss Megurine," Everyone, including me, choruses as we had for the teacher's in our previous school.
She then went through the register. I was freaking out up until she got to my name because I knew no matter which name happened to be on there, something would start up.
"Hatsune Mikuo," Miss Megurine called.
I then heard everyone whisper around me. I started sweating and my legs started shaking as the pink haired woman raised her eyebrow at me.
"Quiet down class, I'm trying to take the register," She said.
"H-here!" I finally stuttered out in my cracking voice.
There was some more whispers until the next name was called, and then it stopped. I was then much calmer for the rest of the lesson.
Miss Megurine is a really nice teacher. She's very calm and she has a really beautiful voice which she only had to waste raising it to stop my classmates from theorising why I'm the way I am now.
During the rest of my lessons I did hear some whispers but they were all easily shut down by teacher's telling them off from talking in class. And also Rin was in a lot of those lessons and would tell them to shut up, and she never got caught for that.
At break and lunch, me and her sat together by ourselves. That was because I just felt more comfortable with it just being us two today before I then would have to reintroduce myself to the others and also because my blonde haired best friend's glare scared anyone away who caught a glimpse of it.
I'm glad the first day went well but, who knows what will happen next when everyone finds out what happened...
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