Back at Auradon
In the limo going back to Auradon*
Evie:Ughhh let go of me
Mal:no you are coming with us
Evie:No I don't want to go back with you guys to Auradon with "all you perfect people,princesses,princes,queens, and king" live
Mal: well too bad
She shoves her in the limo and ties her up*
Going to Auradon*
Evie:Let me go I have to go back to my crew and friends
Mal:Evie we are your crew and friends
Evie: no you are just lying to me my crew and friends are Uma, Harry, and Gil I don't even know who you are.
Mal:well you'll learn in Auradon
*is put under spell*
Mal:Guys you have to help me get her to my dorm
Ben:I'm really sorry
that things didn't go
the way you wanted them to.
Mal:I mean, as long as
you're safe, that's...
Ben:Well, I mean, at least
I got to see the Isle.
They're my people, too.
Uma helped me see that.
Mal:Ben, Uma captured you and your own sister and you are calm about it?
She's an angry girl
with a bad plan.
Ben:That's not so different
from you when you came
to Auradon, Mal.
Carlos:Dude, I know you can talk,
but it doesn't always
mean you should.
Jay:Why don't you
stop by practice later.
Lonnie:What, in the mood
to break some rules?
They arrive at Auradon*
Lonnie:I'll get these
back to the gym.
See you later.
Mal, Ben, Carlos, and Jay go to Mal's dorm*
Mal:Ok let me find a spell From being good to being bad please come back.(horrible spell I made ok)
The Evie wakes up and looks around*
Evie:What happened
Mal:um well we were on the isle.
Mal:after you and your brother got kidnapped by Uma's gang you were put under a spell and fought against us
Evie:Omg I am so sorry and pardon me did you say Uma's gang as in Uma, Harry Hook, and Gil
Evie:Well then maybe Harry planned this out cause earlier before that I remember going to Dizzy's shop and then he came in when I was done.Then I called him out and then said Uma is going to like this something like that then the last thing I remember is just being spelled.which would also explain these clothes
Mal:oh good thing they didn't make you do any thing bad before they got you and I love your hair
Evie:Gosh I love yours
Lets go with the gang.
Mal is still mad at Ben*
Jane:Ben, there you are.
Cotillion's tonight.
Come here.
Look, this is the stained
glass window for Mal.
Isn't it beautiful?
She's gonna love it.
Do you want to cancel?
Um, you know what?
I can come back.
-Uh, but, like,
really, really soon.
Ben:No, no, no.
No, no, no.
Now's fine. Um...
Do whatever
you need to do.
EvieWe need to talk again because I know you aren't feeling yourselve.
Carlos:You guys are always
going off in a huddle,
whispering your girl talk
stuff or whatever,
and Jay and I
are tired of it.
Jay:I'm not.
Carlos:We're your family, too.
We've been through
a lot together.
We're not stopping
that now, okay?
Everyone sit.
Come on.
You too.
I don't know how
to start girl talk.
Jay:What up?
Mal:Um, well...
I'm a mess.
I'm such a mess.
I mean, six months ago,
I was, you know,
stealing candy
from babies, and now
everybody wants me to be
this Lady of the Court.
And I have no idea
how to keep up the act.
Jay:Then don't.
See? This was dumb.
Evie:Maybe it wasn't.
We're always gonna be
the kids from the Isle.
I tried to forget it.
I really tried,
especially since I'm queen so I know how hard it is
but those are our roots.
And we all did what
we had to do to survive.
But it made us who we are.
And we're never gonna be
like anybody else here.
And that's okay.
That's okay.
Carlos:And we can't fake it.
Mal:Yeah. I mean, especially
without my spell book.
Carlos:Mal, if Ben doesn't
love the real you,
then he's not the one.
Evie:I like that.
Carlos:Give him a chance.
Evie:I'm gonna make some
changes to your dress.
And if you're up for it--
only if you're up for it--
it will be
waiting for you, okay?
Carlos:Come on, buddy.
Jay:Come to Cotillion
tonight, all right?
If Ben isn't smart enough
to love you
and you can't stand
another day,
I'll drive you
back tomorrow myself.
Dude:- "Girl talk."
- Crushed it.
Carlos:Yeah, except when it comes
to asking Jane out.
Then I'm
a total chicken.
Dude:I'm gonna paraphrase one
of the bravest boys I know.
If she does not like you,
then she is not the one for you.
Carlos:You really are
a man's best friend.
Come on, let's go.
Jay:Let's bring it in, boys.
Let's bring it in.
All right.
You all know I come
from the Isle, right,
where things
are pretty whack.
but there is one thing
the Isle's got on Auradon.
If you're strong,
we want you by our side--
girl or boy.
Chad:Hey, Jay, hold on here.
We don't--
We don't break the rules
here in Auradon.
That's over
on the Isle.
Jay:"The team shall be comprised of
a captain and eight men."
So, uh...
give it up for your
new team captain.
The boys:Whoa!
Lonnie:Thank you.
Lonnie:Give me 10!
Come on, guys.
-1, 2...
-Pick it up, Chad.
-3, 4...
-Nice form, Jay.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Okay, practice is over.
Get out of here.
Go get ready for Cotillion.
Hey, Jay.
Lonnie:Wait until I tell my mom.
Jay:Let's get out of here.
Evie:Come in.
Doug:I have a scout badge
in s'mores!
How could you go
camping without me?
Doug:Are you seeing
someone else?
-Are you?
Doug:Is it Happy's son?
Because let me tell you,
he is not as happy as his dad.
Kind of a dark streak,
in fact.
Evie:Doug, Ben was captured
on the Isle.
We rescued Ben
and saved Auradon.(she lied about herself to not alarm him)
Doug:So you're not seeing
Happy's son or anyone else?
Evie:Don't be dopey.
Besides, we have
dresses to deliver.
It is Cotillion day,
after all.
And you know what?
I was lucky enough
to have been given a chance,
and now I need to give
someone else a chance, too.
Doug:My Uncle Bashful
used to say that.
Evie:Did he?
But really quietly.
Evie:Let's do this.
Jane:Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Say no more.
Carlos:Jane. Jane. Jane!
Hey, hey, uh...
-Would you go to
Cotillion with me?
Jane:Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.
We're all taking a stretch
carriage over at 6:00.
No, no, no. The pen toppers
are in the port side cabin.
No, I--
Carlos:I mean... with me.
Jane:Yeah, want me to
swing by your room?
No, no, no. So, when you're on
the boat facing the left...
Yeah, yeah. Right.
No, no, no. Not right, left.
This is gonna be tricky.
Would you be my date
for Cotillion?
And if you don't absolutely
hate me by the end of it, um,
would you consider maybe
being more than friends?
Jane:Like boyfriend
and girlfriend?
Where we can hold hands
instead of slugging
each other all the time?
And we can text, and I can
tell you how great you are?
Because, Carlos, you're
really, really great.
And I'm-- I'm the luckiest
girl in the world!
-You're so nice and cute.
Carlos:Me too!
I am the luckiest girl--
I mean guy.
Luckiest guy.
Random person:Jane? Can you hear me?
Jane:Oh, sorry.
I'll see you later.
Carlos:Yeah. Totally.
-Right. So...
Good boy.
Yeah, oh, yeah.
Come on, Dude.
Let's go. Yes!
Oh, what's that?
Why no, Audrey,
I haven't chosen my queen yet.
Why no, Audrey--
Who could be calling me?
Ohh! Audrey!
Carlos:Chad! This is
my room, Chad!
Yeah. Yeah?
Well, yeah. Oh, well,
that's wonderful news.
She got a flat tire
in Sherwood Forest,
and she wants me
to go fix it.
Carlos:That's six hours away.
Chad:Really? Only six?
I'm gonna be there faster
than I thought.
Carlos:Ah, ah.
My printer, my crown.
Chad:Oh. Yeah,
about that, I was j--
Chad:I'm coming, Audrey!
Authors note
Hey guys.Sorry for not being active but to make up for that I made a long chapter for you guys.Hope you like it.
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