Twin Magic
(Tim's p.o.v.)
It was about five minutes that I clung onto Tom, literally. I was slightly embarrassed from this, but I really wasn't comfortable without somebody by my side. After that, I began to adjust to Tom knowing my own secret, in which was sort of odd since I would instantly feel comfortable when confessing my darkest secrets to him. My heart pulsed as I began to feel myself lighten up.
"Hey Tom, u-uh..." I stuttered. "Thanks for being p-patient with me... From holding onto your s-sleeve like that." I glanced over at Tom, who was smiling. He then looked over at me with his soft, chocolaty-like eyes.
"You're welcome," he assured. " And it's alright." I smiled and softly chuckled.
"So... W-would you like to meet (Y/N)..?" I asked nervously. Tom paused for a moment and then nodded.
"I would love to," he replied. He then pointed his finger up into the sky. "Lead the way, Tim!" I snickered. Man, Tom really knows how to brighten up somebody's world.
"Okay, then. Let's go," I motioned him to follow and I began to run into the direction where (Y/N) was. Close behind, Tom was teleporting from tree to tree without any trouble. Then, I could feel myself fade as I ran through the dark woods. Well, not fading in a bad way, but in a teleportation manner. My whole body had vanished and I had reappeared into a tree. My mind had spun around a bit from the sudden teleportation, because I really don't teleport unless something bad had happened. Tom had stopped teleporting.
"Is something wrong?" he called out to me. I shook my head.
"No. Nothing at all, or not for me," I replied. "Something's going on." Both me and Tom were then surrounded in a dull shade of pink and was teleported to Lillian. She had an expression of fear entirely shown on her pale face.
"Tim, Tom," Lillian gasped. "We need help. (Y/N) is being attacked by her friend." Suddenly, like lightning striking down on the ground, I heard (Y/N) scream. Tom and I gasped and looked at each other, identifying the fear and tension that began to rise. Lillian then nodded and teleported us all to (Y/N). I glanced behind us and found (Y/N) laid against a tree behind us, heavily wounded on her whole left arm. Blood had freshly stained her shirt's sleeve and side, while some had trailed on her arm to the ground. She was physically shaking from the fear that was in the thick air. I could feel the anger inside me begin to bubble and fume. Quickly, I took out my whittling knife and flipped it in my hand, turning it's dull blade down to the ground. In front of us was Mylissa. Her clothing stained with dry blood and her knife dripping with fresh, clean blood. Her eyes had shifted from a pure, empty green to a deep, thick purple that seemed to be clouded with hatred.
"Oh hey..." she sneered, slurring her words together. "Look at the kids the demonic bunny girl has summoned. A crooked kid who's been wrecked by a train and a smiley dorky kid." I could feel my heart bubble up with anger. A crooked kind who's been wrecked by a train? Smiley dorky kid? Man, she will swallow each little letter that was slipping out of her mouth and choke on them. My grip on my whittling knife's wooden shaft hardened.
"Stop it. You don't know who you're talking to," Tom threatened.
"Pfftt. Who I'm talking to?" she asked. Mylissa looked away from us and closed her eyes. "Do I look like I give a CARE?" She turned over at Tom, her eyes suddenly bursting into a deep bloody red. Without a warning, she dashed over at him and pinned a knife onto his neck. Tom squeaked and tried to get the knife away, but failed.
"W-what are you-"
"Shut it," Mylissa commanded. She then pressed the knife onto his neck harder, causing it to slightly bleed. I could feel the pain that Tom was trying to resist. In both of eyes, we could both sense the fear in our souls and see the tears that were hidden behind our emotionless masks. I teleported behind Mylissa in silence. She didn't seem to notice, because she was focused on Tom, admiring his pain, tears, and every sudden struggling movement by him.
"Hey..." I whispered darkly into her ear. "Over here." She whipped her head around to face me, but I had teleported next to her.
"Show yourself!" she shouted. "Or I will hunt you down in your sleep!" As she threatened me with more weak threats, I slowly froze the time in the small area. When Time had completely stopped, I gently pulled away her knife away from Tom, who was the only thing not frozen by time, and helped him out of Mylissa's headlock. After I got him out and fixed Mylissa's position, he embraced me into a hug and began to sob. I hugged him back and comforted him.
"It's alright, now," I cooed into his ear. "She won't hurt you. Not now, not ever." Tom sniffled and nodded.
"I know..." he replied weakly. "But will she hurt anybody else...?" I softly pushed him away and held his shoulders.
"She won't. I promise," I answered, taking off his mask and wiping the tears away from his cheeks. "We'll be safe." Tom smiled weakly and I smiled back at him. I then took off my mask and put it onto his face.
"Tim, w-what are you d-doing...?" he asked me as I put on his mask.
"Twin magic," I replied, exaggerating the word magic. "Use you ability that causes people to hallucinate." At first, Tom didn't understand what I was trying to do, but then instantly started to develop my own thoughts. He began to chuckle.
"Sure thing," he replied with a smirk. He then stood where I was standing and caused everyone to hallucinate that he was me. I let out a low chuckle and unfroze time.
"Where is that other kid?" I heard Mylissa mutter. "Oh well... That doesn't matter!" She stabbed the knife into my neck, but failed. Before she could stab me, I had grabbed the knife's bloody blade and stopped it from advancing anymore. My heart began to throb in my chest from the pressure from almost being stabbed. She then looked down at me and her eyes widened. "W-wait.... H-how did you... You're entirely in good sha-"
"Now!" I shouted, cutting her off. Tom ran towards Mylissa and kicked her down, taking the knife in the process. I fell down with Mylissa, but instantly got up and took out my whittling knife.
"How did you..." she muttered. "You were just in terrible shape a few minutes ago!" Both me and Tom began to chuckle. We put each other side-by-side and pointed our knives down at her.
"Twin magic," we both replied at once. Mylissa's eyes widened and she backed away from us in fear. "This is why you don't pick on ghost twins. Ever." She got up and ran off into the woods, screaming. Tom reduced his hallucination ability and 'turned' back to normal. I took off his mask and handed it to him, while he did the same. We both put on our masks and sighed. Just then, I remembered about (Y/N). I froze and the raced to (Y/N).
"(Y/N)! Are you alright?!" I asked her, struggling to resist the sobs that wanted to come out all at once. (Y/N) didn't answer. "(Y) - (Y/N)?"
(Your p.o.v.)
I couldn't hear anything.... I couldn't see anything.... I couldn't even feel anything, but the empty wind that had frozen still. The only feelings that had rushed through me were fear and the pain that was throbbing through my left arm. My friend, Mylissa, had stabbed me in the arm without a warning while answering me. I didn't know what to so because it happened so fast. I didn't know how to react, and I never would be able to on such short notice. I took a deep breath, hoping to fill my lungs with pure, clean air, but there was nothing for my lungs to be expanded with. My lungs burned from the lack of oxygen and screamed at me to breath some more. The only thing was that I couldn't. No matter how much air I pulled into my lungs, there was no oxygen to be found in each breath I took in. Suddenly, I could hear a faint, familiar, voice. It was calling for me, begging me to wake up. I could hear more than one voice, however... I could hear about three voices. All of them attempting to wake me from my zoned, dark, nightmarish, place that I was in. They were all begging the same thing, over and over. Again and again.
"(Y/N)! Please wake up! Please, just wake up!" they all cried.
I suddenly could remember who the first two voices were, but not the other one... The first two were Lillian and Tim. The third voice sounded like Tim, but more shy and careful. I could feel something cold hold my hand and guide me somewhere. I couldn't see, but I somehow knew where I was and the direction of where I was going. The cold hand had let go of my hand and I could feel a familiar breeze brush across my face and hair. The voices had all stopped begging and let out a surprised gasp. The first thing I felt was someone hug me tightly.
" (Y/N)! Y-you're okay!" Tim sobbed. My breath wavered a bit at first, but then steadied as I relaxed. I hugged Tim back and began to cry as well.
"Y-yeah," I managed to choke out. "I-I'm okay..."
"We're all okay
and that's all that matters right now..."
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