Always Remember...9
7. You remember when we went to the homecoming dance together? I was getting all dolled up for Cameron Dulbecco for no reason. Then he dumped me in the worst way ever! I hated that night, and I hated myself for crying instead of staying strong. But the good part about it was that I had people who cared about who help me get through it. You, Seth, India & even Michael.
"Wait she said my name?" Seth said grabbing the paper out my hand.
"Yeah why do you sound so surprised?" I asked
"Well we never really got along to well or agreed on many stuff. We always fight and then make up the next day. But this time it's going to be different. This we won't make up..." he said trailing off. I knew exactly what he was pointing out.
"If your thinking she's going to die, do us all a favor and take that thought out your head. She not going to die. She's to young to die. Trust me who ever did this to her is going to pay with their life and that's coming from the heart." I said seriously. I meant every word I said.
Seth just laughed and shook his head as he pushed his food to the side. "Your starting to sound like me." he said.
I laughed to. I was starting to sound like him. "Yeah I guess I am." I said.
"I remember that night I beat that little bitch up right in front of everybody. He even cried and begged me to stop." Seth said as he laughed at the memory. "That teaches him not to mess with my little sister." he said more to himself then to me.
"Yup, I definitely learned his lesson." I agree. "Let me start from the beginning of that night"
"India I'm serious which dress should I wear the blue one or the red one." Autumn complained.
It was the night of homecoming and the only people left at the house were Autumn and India. Seth already left early so that he could grabbed a few drinks before the dance. India was all dressed but was waiting for her boyfriend Michael to pick her up.
"Why do you care which dress you look good in both." she said laying down on Autumns bed.
Autumn wanted to look at least half as pretty than India. India was wearing a gray flowing short dress that was strapless.
"Come on India I want to look good for Cameron! So choose one please and quickly. Nathan should be here any minute." Autumn complained.
"Let's wait until he come's he could choose for you. He probably would love to stay while you change." India said winking at me. But when I kept a serious face she sighed. "We all know you want to make Nathan jealous. That's why you want look hot, just for him. Plus I think you should break up with Cameron. He's no good for you and plus I hate him." India added quickly. "We all know you have feeling for someone one else." she said before smiling and sitting up before someone cleared their throat that my bedroom door.
" Who are you trying to look hot for?" Nathan said as he invited himself into Autumn's room. Autumn felt a blush cross her face and quickly turned around and made sure her robe was on good.
"Hey, Nathan we were waiting for you Autumn wanted to know what dress she'll look hotter in. She wanted you opinion." India said.
"You'll look good in any dress" Nathan said looking up at Autumn to meet her green eyes.
"Talking about looking good. You look cute in that Tuxedo." India said complimenting him.
"Yeah, your looking good." Autumn chipped in.
"Thanks both of you look good too." Nathan responded look from Autumn to India.
"I'm not even dressed yet!" Autumn whined.
"That's the whole point." India said before running out the room. "I'll see you guys there!" she yelled from over her shoulder.
"Thanks!" Your a big help!" I yelled after her before turning back to Nathan. "Ok which one?" Autumn asked him holding it in front of her.
"You'll look good in anything cupcake, believe me." he said. Autumn just shook her head and looked straight at him.
"Thanks you helped a lot just like India. I guess I'll just wear the red one." Autumn said before shooing Nathan out her room so she could change.
When she came down stair, she came down looking like a model that just stepped out a magazine.
All Nathan could do was to just stopped and starred at her. He couldn't find one word to describe what he was looking at. She was perfect in all ways imaginable.
"So, how do I look?" Autumn said turning around in a circle so that Nathan could see her whole body.
She was wearing the bright red dress that hugged her curves perfectly. The bottom of her dress stopped at mid-thigh length and her boobs filled the top part of her dress perfectly. The dress was tight on her but a good kind of tight, there was one strap that crossed over her right shoulder. She was wearing very little makeup. Only mascara, liner and a thin layer of pink lip-gloss. Her long chocolate hair was in wild natural curls flowing down her back. Then jet black pumps she was wearing made her a inch taller, but not as tall as Nathan. He was still four inches taller then her.
"You look amazing cupcake." Nathan said before walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her.
She looked up at him with a shy smile on her face and got lost in his warm hazel eyes. He didn't move away he didn't pull her in any closer he just held her there.
He just wanted to lean down and kiss her soft, smooth pink lips. He wanted to get high off her love and scent. Nathan really could care less about the fact she had a boyfriend. He was her mate and she would end up with him anyways.
Autumn wanted him to move down and kiss her, but she had a boyfriend. She still liked Nathan way more than a friend. She like Nathan more than she liked Cameron. She wanted to kiss him at that moment more than ever.
Nathan didn't realize what he was doing. His hand found the back of her dress and slowly pulled down the zipper. All Nathan wanted to do was to rip off her dress and carry her up stairs, closing the door shut behind them. He wanted to feel every part of her body that he longed to touch , to feel, to taste, to see. He was so caught up in the moment he didn't noticed when Autumn started to push him away.
"Nathan your hurting me." she said as she tried unwrapping his arms from around her waist.
Nathan quickly let go and stepped back. "I'm so sorry, cupcake." he said as she straighten her dress and zipped it back up.
"It's ok, you didn't mean to. Let's just get to homecoming." she said as they went outside to Nathan's car. He was just weak at the moment.
Nathan climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine and drove to the school. Most of the ride was silent, they were thinking about what just happened back at the house.
Autumn was thinking about how badly she wanted Nathan to kiss her. And what she would do just to get another chance like that in her entire life time.
Nathan was thinking about how he should of kissed her and carried on from there. He should of told her right there that they were mates, but couldn't. He promised himself to tell her when they were a little older. But every time he saw her with another guy, it was like a knife aiming straight at his heart.
When Nathan parked the car people started to stare at them or better yet Autumn. As they walk into the school she was getting many glares from girls and most of the guys were flirting her.
He didn't notice anyone looking at her in a special was. She was looking for Cameron.
"Hey babe, you look sexy!" A husky voice came from behind them.
Both Nathan was Autumn turned around to come face to face with Cameron. When he reached them he pulled Autumn into his arms and kiss her on her cheek.
"Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself." Autumn responded.
"I know I always look good" Cameron said looking at Nathan and then back at Autumn.
Nathan hated Cameron even more than India did. He hated him because he was not only flirting with his mate right in front of him, but Cameron was the school biggest player.
"Come on baby, let's get to the gym. The party just begun." Cameron said as he pulled Autumn along side of him.
Autumn forgot that Nathan was there, she was just to happy that she was going out with the most popular guy in school.
Nathan on the other hand was mad! Me felt like he have just been left in the dirt. He watched as Autumn and Cameron left hand in hand. Instantly Nathan eyes started to darken, something that they rarely did.
It's been a whole hour and a half of dancing for Autumn and Cameron. They were both tired and decided to take a walk on the schools field. As they got farther away from the gym doors, the music faded away.
That's when everything happen in fast forwards.
Cameron stopped Autumn from walking by pulling her into his arms. When he lean down to kiss her on the lips she quickly turned her head away. He didn't mind though he just started to kiss her jaw and then went down to her neck.
"No, Cameron." she said pushing him back but he wouldn't budge. "I said no yesterday and I'm going to say no again.!" Autumn yelled at him as she pushed him back this time.
He raised his hand and slapped her across the face, making her fall to the ground. She was holding her cheek in her palm as it throbbed in pain.
"Stupid bitch!" Cameron yelled at her. She was frozen with terror not knowing what to do. She never saw this side of Cameron before.
"Next time you do as I say or else you'll end up with something broken next time. All I was trying to do was give you a favor and make you lose you virginity." he paused as he tried to collect himself to calm down before speaking again.
"If this ever happens again we're going to be broken up. Now go make yourself useful and go home. I'm going to find Natasha. At least she'll be a easy fuck." he said before running back to the school.
Autumn tried to keep herself from crying but very time she breathed she felt a sob fighting to get out. She couldn't fight it any longer she just let the tear fall slowly out her eyes and down her cheeks.
She didn't know how long she have been sitting on the floor crying until she saw a couple walking on the football field holding hand. As they got closer she noticed the two figures were India and Michael.
At the same time her and India looked at each other, but Autumn quickly looked away.
"Autumn, what happen?" India said as she run the rest of the way over to Autumn with Michael following her closely behind.
India made Autumn look up at her and when she saw he cheeks India was filled with anger. "Who did this to you!" she partially yelled and when Autumn didn't respond she quickly came to realization and shook her head before going over to Michael was whispering something in his ear. He nodded before he ran back to the Gym doors.
India came back to Autumn said hugging her. "Don't worry he'll pay dearly for what he's done to you, baby sis."
"You were right" Autumn said. But right when she was done saying it she saw three figures this time coming towards her. When they got closer she knew exactly who they were. It was Michael, Seth and Nathan. "Why did you tell them to get them?" Autumn said hurrying to stand up and walk the other way. "I don't want anyone to see me like this." she whined. Then Autumn started to run the opposite direction, to the school front entrance.
"Autumn, stop!" India said running to try to caught up to her but gave up after the guys caught up to her. Autumn didn't know where she was going but she didn't want anyone to see her like this.
" I swear, once I find that mother fucker he's going to be die." Seth said coldly under his breath.
"We'll deal with him later right now we have to find Autumn." India said as we made our way back into that school.
"How about we split up? India and Michael you guys can go check the first and second floors, Seth you could check the third floor and I'll check the fourth floor." Nathan said knowing that he had an advantage of finding her first.
"Ok, let's go Michael." India said pulling onto his arm and he followed her.
"That kid will be lucky if I don't find him first." Seth mumbled as he walked away from Nathan.
When they were clearly out of sight Nathan went to the forth floor of the school, he could sense she was on the fourth floor. Now he just had to find out exactly where.
Nathan eyes were black, yup he hated Cameron even more now. He hated Cameron so much he want to snap his throat out and feed him to the dogs. But right at that moment Nathans' main concern was finding Autumn.
Nathan turned corner to corner until he came to the science wing. He could hear soft crying from the other side of the door and he knew he found her. He reached for the handle to find it locked. But the next time her turned the handle so hard and fast the Handle broke off and the lock snapped.
The room was dark expect for a stream of light coming from the moon. Autumn didn't hear him come in so when she felt someone's arms pulling her to their lap she was surprised.
She looked up through blurry vision to see Nathan, but something was different about him. When she finally noticed his eyes were pitch black she froze.
"Don't worry you don't have to be scared anymore." Nathan said and instantly his eyes when back to their original color.
At that point Autumn didn't care anymore, she just buried her face into Nathans tux and cried. When he started to rub back with his hand her cries stopped.
She looked up at him to see he was starring down at her with a loving smile? She shook her head. That couldn't be it. She told herself. They just starred at each other, not moving any closer or moving away. They both loved being in the company of each other.
Nathan looked to her right cheek to see that it was red. With out thinking he brushed his thumb across it. She flinched a little but didn't tear her eyes off him.
"It hurt's doesn't it?" Nathan asked
"Yeah" Autumn said but once Nathan touched it. It no longer hurt like before. Instead it felt tinglely. That was probably the first time Nathan touched her bare skin in along time. Five years to be exact.
"Don't worry cupcake. Seth is probably taking care of him right now. You want to get some ice for your cheek?" he asked
But without think Autumn said. "You make me feel go when you touch me". When she noticed what she said she quickly tore her gaze away from him and looked out the window. But the fact that she was sitting on his lap with his arms warped around her waist didn't help her situation.
He laughed before holding her tighter. "Look at me." he told her. But she couldn't help looking at him. She was to embarrassed and Nathan just found it cute and sexy. "Cupcake, look at me." he begged her but still she didn't look at him.
This time when he spoke he said it softer. "Autumn, please look at me."
She turned her head to meet his warm hazel gaze. Before he spoke the words he wanted to say to her for a long time. " I love you." he didn't regret saying it. It was all to true, and for the first time ever he spoke to her from the heart.
She was shocked by his words. She never thought she would hear it coming from him before. "I love you too, Nathan" she said before he bent down a little. He was starring at her lips hungrily. His was his chance to kiss her. He thought to himself.
She looked up at him to see him staring into her eyes before his eyes looked down at her lips. She didn't know that her extra chance to kiss Nathan would come so soon but she was will to take it.
Their lips were an inch a pert before the door bust open and India and Michael came in.
India looked at how Autumn was curled up in Nathan's arm. She knew that she interrupted something so she said "Sorry" before walking out the room.
Once the door was closed again Autumn quickly stood up and straighten her dress. Nathan did the same thing but this time her felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest.
"You wanna go home." he asked.
But she quickly shook her head no. "I don't want a guy to ruin this prefect night." she said. "Let's go back to the gym." she said.
Nathan agreed. The dance was going to end in almost fifteen minutes anyways. The walked awkwardly back down stair to the gym. When they got their it was giving the ending of Katy Perry ' Teenage Dream'. Then 'True Colors' by Cyndi Lauper started to play.
Nathan didn't hesitated to bring Autumn through the crowd of people dance and pull her close to him. He grabbed her arms and wrapped it around his neck before he wrapped his arms around he waist. She was tensed and stiff.
Nathan started to sway her body from side to side and whispered into her ear "Relax, cupcake."
A few seconds later her body let loose. She laid her head on Nathan chest doing as he said and relaxing. Letting the music and Nathan take control of her body.
She saw India dancing with Michael not to far away from them. When India saw her, she smiled and winked at her. Then she saw Seth dancing with some girl that looked familiar. Seth looked down at her with love in his eyes and kissed the top of her head. That's when Autumn knew they were mates.
After a while of starring at them Seth finally looked up from her and meet Autumn eye. He smiled at her and for the first time ever didn't seem mad that she was in Nathan arms.
The rest of the night went by smoothly ending at Autumn house where both Nathan and Autumn feel a sleep on her bed. They watched a video that some one recorded of Seth beating the crap out Nathan. Cameron's pants were pulled down as Natasha tried to cover herself with her tiny dress.
End of flash:
"I had to teach that kid his lesson, not to mess with my little sister." Seth said.
"Yeah you sure did teach him his lesson. I can't believe he actually cried!" I said before we erupted into laughter.
"You should of saw it in person it was hilarious." Seth said.
"Yup I wish I were their but I was busy. We should get back to the hospital it's almost five." I said not wanting to be away from Autumn any longer.
"Yeah we should." Seth said as he gather the rest of the food and throw it away in a near by garbage bin. "let's go." he said.
We walked out front and he got in my passenger seat. "Where's your car?" I asked him as I put the key in ignition.
"I didn't take it I ran here in thought the woods so no one can see me. I thought running in my wolf form would help me burn off some steam." he said
"Did it?"
"Nope" he said popping the 'p'. "What next on the list?" Seth asked after a minute of driving.
Nathan stopped at a red light and took the paper out his pocket passing it to Seth. "you read it." he said hitting the gas once the light turned green.
"Ok, I will. You just keep your eye on the road." Seth said before reading the next thing on the list out loud.
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Peace, Love & A Pocket Full Of Doves!
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