Always Remember...8
6. Do you remember when I got wasted at our first high school party? Even though some parts of that night are still blurry in my head, it sounded like I had fun.
Flash Back:
Autumn and Nathan were in class. The last period of the day. They were watching a video about the Great Depression for social studies.
Nathan was too busy talking with a few boys in the back of the room and Autumn was too busy daydreaming about Nathan and doodling little picture’s of them she didn’t noticed when Natasha Jackson came to sit by her.
“Hey Autumn what’s up?” she asked as she tried to pair over the notebook to see what she was doodling. But autumn quickly put it out of eye sight.
“Nothing much, how about you” she said back.
“Same old, same old. Are you going to the party on Davidson St tonight? I hear it’s going to be the party of the year!” she said as she squealed at the end.
“Oh, I don’t know, my brother….” but she cut Autumn off.
“Oh, come on Autumn. I don’t want you to miss the party of the year!” she said as she gave her the puppy dog eyes and begged. “Please, pretty please!” she said as she cross her finger.
Natasha wasn’t a person Autumn talked to everyday. They would talk to each other anytime they ran into each other.
“I’ll try but I’m not sure I’m going yet.” Autumn said. She didn’t want to say she was going and ended up not going.
“Yes, and you should bring Nathan with you, I’ll like to get wasted with him around.” Natasha said as she nodded her head in Nathans direction. Autumn looked over her shoulder and when Nathan caught her eyes with his, he winked at her before she turned back around to face Natasha.
“You like Nathan?” Autumn asked.
“Yup, I had my eye on him for a while now. He’s so fine!” she squealed again as she brushed her blonde curly hair over her shoulder and waved at him. “But if you like him I’ll just get out of your way. I mean all I want to do is bang him once and then I’m done.” she said looking back at Autumn.
“No, I don’t like him in that way. I thought you were a virgin?” Autumn said. Autumn knew she was lying to herself but didn’t want to say it out loud. Getting a little mad at the fact that all she wanted to do was bang him and leave.
“ Yeah I am, but I don’t mine giving my virginity to him. He’s all you could ask for in a guy.” Natasha said.
“Well, make sure you be there at ten o’clock sharp missy! And make sure you bring the goodies with you!” she said before the bell rang and she disappeared into the hall.
“Hey cupcake” Nathan said as he came up from behind her and gave her a hug. Not touching her skin.
“Hey Nathan, what are you doing tonight?” she asked
“Nothing why, you wanna do something?” he asked as they slowly made their way out the classroom.
“Yeah, I was thinking that we should go to the party on Davidson” she asked not caring if he said yes or no.
“That’s sounds good but I doubt Seth would let you go.” he said before we stopped in front of my locker and then I bent over so that I could put the combination in.
“Seth doesn’t have to know, I mean I’ll just say I’m sleeping over at your house and then we could go to the party from there.” Autumn said as if it were that simple.
“Error, if Seth goes to the party and sees you? What are you going to do hide?” Nathan said sarcastically.
“Yes” Autumn said before running down the hall and calling over her should. “I’ll be at your place at seven.” she said before disappearing around the corner.
Nathan and Autumn just got into the party. It was in a big red house that looked expensive. Most of the house was covered with windows. People were dancing everywhere, getting wasted, making out, and passing out everywhere.
Autumn was in the kitchen getting something to drink while Natasha was busy flirting with Nathan near the stair, trying to make him go up there with her.
“Come on Nathan, let’s go upstairs. I wanna show you something.” She said as she pushed her chest out and pressed them against his chest.
“I already said No, just leave me alone” he yelled at her from over the music.
“Don’t be a party pooper! It’s just gonna be me and you, alone. We could do anything we want together.” she said pouting and showing him her puppy dog face.
“Listen again. I don’t like you. I will never like you. The only girl I want right now is…” but he cut himself off short unsure if he should finish his sentence or not.
“Who do you want? I’m the prettiest girl here! You should be happy I’m offering you to take my virginity and not one of these other guys that are way hotter then you.” Natasha complain as she crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.
“Where’s Autumn?” Nathan asked. He clearly wasn’t listening to what she was saying. The last time he saw Autumn was almost an hour ago, and he needed to fine her.
“Did you hear me! I was talking about…..” but she was cut off by Nathan.
“You where talking about how much of a hoe you are and you wanted to fuck with me tonight. You probably wish you were a virgin because your far from it. I don’t fucking want you, never will fucking want you and never fucking will be with you. The only person I want is my mate right now, and that’s the only person I want to sleep with too. So do me a favor and hop off my dick!”
Natasha felt stupid, everyone was starring at her and laughing. Everything that Nathan said was true. She wasn’t a virgin but she wished she was. And she fucked around with most of the football, soccer and baseball team.
But Nathan knew if his mother hear him say that to a girl she would slap him silly.
Nathan was going through every room making sure that Autumn wasn’t in any. Then he went back down stairs and looked around for her. When he finally found her he was flaming with anger. She was grinding against some Junior named Greg. His hands were on her hips as his other hand keep brushing her long brown chocolate hair over her shoulder. He whispered something in her ear that made her laugh before she nodded her head.
He took the red plastic cup away from her as he grabbed her other hand and lead her over to the stair case.
Nathan rushed after them and when he finally caught up, He grabbed onto her other hand before tugging her away from him.
“Hey Nathan what’s wrong.” she asked with a drunk smile on her face.
“Where going back to my place now.” he said but was stopped when Autumn didn’t move.
“I can’t go now Greg was about to show me his room.” Autumn said.
“No he wasn’t because if he does I’ll tell Seth what he was planning on doing with you in his room. Not to meanch I will rip his junk off and shove it down his throat” he said glancing over at Greg.
“Wait, this is his sister. Wow, I’m sorry I didn’t know. We should just forget this happened because that guy scares me. And I would love keeping my junk.” Greg said before he ran into the crowd of dancing people and disappeared.
“Come on we’re going.” Nathan said but Autumn stood her ground.
“Look what you did Nathan! You scared him off! I’m never talking to you again!” she said
“Ok, you’ll thank me later.” Nathan said before her grabbed her arm and lead her towards the kitchen.
“No we can’t go in there Seth’s in there he’ll kill me if he sees me here!” Autumn said from over the music.
“Ok, lets go the other way.” Nathan said leading her to the front door.
As they got farther away from the party the quieter the music became. Autumn was trying to walk with out stumbling but couldn’t. When Nathan offered to help her she refused it. She stated ‘she could walk their all by herself.’
They finally got back to Nathan’s house and the house was quiet. The only people who were home was Nathan older sister Kassie and Nathan‘s younger brother Jackie.
“Had to much to drink.” Kassie said referring to Autumn. Autumn just ran up to her and kissed her on the cheek.
“I love you Kassie!” before she ran off upstairs.
“Ok, she’s extremely wasted.” Kassie said as she turned back to Nathan. “So how did your night go? Did Seth or Markus see you guys?” she asked.
“Yeah I saw them. I’m lucky that I found Cupcake before she did something she would of regretted.” Nathan said as Jackie came into the room.
“Your girl is O.D. drunk. Just now she came into my room and started to pet me like a cat. Then she said that my new name is snowball. Then she ran into your room.” he said. Nathan couldn’t help but to laugh at that, so did Kassie and Jackie.
“What did she do?” Kassie asked again.
“She almost let a guy take her up stairs into a room alone.” Nathen said.
“Oh, your are lucky you caught her before she did anything.” Kassie said.
“Nathan! Get Your Ass Up Here!” Autumn yelled from upstairs. Kassie and Jackie started to laugh at him.
“ Coming” he yelled back.
“Alright baby!” she yelled back.
“Aw,” Kassie said.
“Your luck just might keep growing.” Jackie said winking at me.
“Yeah, let’s hope it does” Nathan said before running up stairs and finding Autumn in his room in just her undershirt she was wearing under the shirt she was wearing and panties.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were changing.” he said as he quickly looked away. He wanted to look back at her knowing that the sight would be amazing but didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
“It’s ok. It’s not like you never saw me in just a bathing suit bottom on. It’s the same thing.” Autumn said coming up from behind him and snaking her arms around his waist.
He turned around and tried not to look down at her. “Are you going to put pants on?” he asked.
“Do you want me to put pants on?” she asked as she laid her head on his chest. She was making him so hot it wasn’t even funny.
“I think you should.” he said knowing that it was already hard to resist her as it is, but knowing that she was in only her under shirt and panties made it even harder.
“Fine, be that way!” Autumn said as she stormed over to her bag and put on shorts. When she was done she climbed into Nathan bed and curled up in his covers.
Nathan did the same thing. He took off all his clothes only leaving his boxers on. He put a few sheets of covers on the floor and then put a pillow on the floor before closing the lights.
“Did you sleep with Natasha tonight?” Autumn voice came from above.
“Huh?” Nathan asked confused.
“Did you sleep with her?” she asked again sounding like her normal self again.
“No, the only person I’m ever going to have sex with is my mate. Plus I would never have sex with a fucking smut like her.” Nathan said. Just saying her name made him angry.
“Good, I’m glad.” she said before a few more minutes of silence passed by.
“You wanna sleep up here with me?” she asked him.
“I’m not sure about that.” he said.
“Come on dn'to be a sissy. Just get your ass up here.” Autumn said before moving down and making room for him.
He got off the floor and only hesitated once before going on to the bed with her.
He laid down next to her far off to the other side of the bed.
“Good night Nathan” she said before slowly falling to sleep.
For a couple of minutes he watched her sleep peacefully, she looked like angel. But soon he fell asleep himself.
The next morning they woke up and found each other in the other persons arms. Nathan told her what happened the night before and she made him promise not to tell anyone especially Seth.
End of flash:
“I love how you guys hide that from me for so long, but since I didn’t know about it Thanks for preventing her from making that mistake. I feel like I owe you.” Seth said.
“You don’t owe me anything we’re family now. We do that type of stuff for each other.” I said.
“I’ll find away to make it up to you anyways, bro. Now tell me what’s next on that list.” Seth said before I started to read the next thing on the list.
Thats the end of this chapter & if you are reading this story, you should be voting because if you don't like this story you wouldn't be readibg ( No affence, but true!) So please vote and keave a comment! It will really mean alot to me! Thanks!
Peace, Love & A Pocket Full Of Doves!
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