Always Remember...4
Nathans P.O.V.
2. Remember our first day at kindergarten, it was the end of summer and every one was excited to start a brand new school year, but me. I wined about how I wanted to stay in pre-k and didn’t want to move up to kindergarten since we didn’t get naps in kindergarten. That day I will never forget.
I didn’t hesitate to look back at our first day of Kindergarten
Beginning Of Flash Back:
“Mommy, I don’t want to go to kindergarten I want to stay in pre-k.” Autumn wined as her mom tried to shake her off her foot and bring her through the double doors of the schools' front door.
“Autumn honey, it's not going to be that bad, it's going to be fun. You’ll get to make lots of new friends and Nathan is in the same class so you’ll have someone to talk to.”
Autumns' mother been trying to convince Autumn that starting kindergarten would be fun, but she didn’t believe it. Nathan and his mother were watching as Autumn had a hiss fit in front of the school, but she wasn’t the only one. Other kids were making a fuss with starting kindergarten and all of them we’re crying and screaming, just like Autumn.
Her mom finally got Autumn off her leg and carried her inside the school as Autumn screamed and started to hit her mother on her back to make her let go.
Nathan didn’t think starting Kindergarten was bad but he was nervous. I thought having Autumn with him on their first day would make each other feel better.
They finally got to the right classroom filled with kids and teacher helping them with their stuff.
“Bye Nathan, have a good first day I’ll see you after school.” his mom said kissing Nathan on his cheek and then walking to the classroom door waiting for Autumns' mom to join her.
A teacher was trying to pull Autumn away from her mom as Autumn screamed to the top of her lungs. When the teacher finally pulled Autumn off her mom her mom quickly kissed her forehead and told her to have fun before disappearing out the door with Nathans' mom.
When Autumn finally calmed down a teacher named Mrs. Appleton came up to them and grabbed both their hands.
“Hi, you guys, I’m Mrs. Appleton and I’m going to be your teacher.” she said
“Hi” Nathan said but Autumn didn’t respond to her, she didn’t even smile. Autumn was mad.
“You must be Nathan, and you little girl must Autumn. Both of you have very unique names.” she said
“Now come with me I’ll show you where to put your stuff.” she lead Nathan and Autumn out in the hall where their cubbies were. They had their names on top of their cubbies with smiley faces surrounding it.
“Ok, I’m going to go inside and check on everyone else, I’ll be right back.” she said before disappearing back into the classroom.
“I hate it here Nathan, I want to go home.” Autumn said as she took her back pack off and hung it on one of the hooks in her cubby.
Nathan smiled at her as he did the same. I didn’t care to be there as along as Autumn was with me.
“I’ll be ok, we’ll have fun.“ Nathan said trying to convince Autumn, but she was stubborn and didn’t believe him or her mom. She just wanted to go home. Maybe if she pretended to be sick, she would have to go home, so that everyone else wouldn’t catch her sickness, but they would probably think she’s lying.
“You know we don’t get nap time anymore, Nathan! This is serious! How I’m I suppose to have fun if we don’t get nap time?” she said almost yelling at him.
He didn’t get to answer because then Mrs. Appleton decided to come back into the hall and check on them.
“Are we all ready and set to go? We were about to go outside and play a little before we sing our morning wake up songs.” she said
Nathan nodded before grabbing hold of Autumn hand and following Mrs. Appleton back into the classroom.
The rest of that day was good, even for Autumn. We learned, had fun and played all with out having nap time. Autumn was wore out by the time her mom came to pick her up. She felt asleep in the car and Nathan did the same. Who would of known that kindergarten was so much work?
End Of Flash Back:
I looked up from the paper smiling again just like how the other flash back bought a smile on my face. As if the nurse was right on time, she walked in and smile at me.
“Sorry, but visiting hours are over, but you can come back tomorrow at nine.” she said before hurrying and leaving the room.
I didn’t want to leave Autumn here with all these strangers but she needed their help if she was going to survive through this.
Thinking about Autumn dying would make me both mad and sad at the same time. If she ever died on me I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot myself in the heart with a silver bullet. She was my life, my best friend, she was my mate…… She couldn’t leave me, she belonged to me as I belonged to her. If she died on me it would be like half of my soul dying with her.
Deep down In my heart I knew she was going to survive, but as seconds turned into minutes and minutes turns to hours I keep losing hope. That my cupcake will be gone forever and never come back to return to me.
I slowly walked over to the side of the hospital bed and kissed her cheek. She was still alive and she wasn’t going to die on me, not now at least. She really needs to wake up so that I could tell her what I wanted to tell her since we were ten.
That she was my mate and I loved her very much. I could of swear she shivered a little but, when I looked at her she was still in the same position.
Maybe tomorrow she’ll wake up, and then I could tell her.
Just maybe tomorrow…………….
-I drove all the way home and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. The last time I ate was before I got the message from India and that was hours ago.
I went in the house through the back door not wanting to see anybody right now. But there in the kitchen my mom was sitting on a stool going through papers that came in the mail.
“Hey, Honey is she ok?” she asked as she took off her glasses and patted the stool next her so that I could sit down.
“No she’s not ok. They found her almost dead in the woods by Sun Raise park. She’s in a deep coma right now but it looked like she got jumped, her face is all bruised and she has broken part and…” I stopped. It was hard for me to see her that way. She looks so hopeless and weak. My mother understood. She nodded and changed the subject.
“So are you going to tell her when she get out the hospital ?” my mom asked as she went over to the fridge and started to look through it.
“I don’t know I think I should but I think it's to soon.”
“Well Nathan you have to tell her before she figures it out herself. Cause if she does figures it out herself it might make her mad and trust me you don’t want your mate mad at you. Because then you don’t get any…”
“Mom, I get it.” I said quickly.
“Ok, ok fine.” she said taking out stuff to make a sandwich. “ When that does happen don’t come crying to me.” she said as she begun to make a sandwich.
“I won’t come crying to you because it won’t happen. Knowing her for as long as I did, I think I know a thing or two about her when it come to relationships.”
“Oh yeah like what?”
“She’s shy when it comes to boys” I pointed out.
“You’re a boy and she’s not shy around you.”
“Well we’ve been best friends since we were four years old she got use to me.” I said
“You got a point. Ok, go on what else.”
“She’s extremely shy when I comes to boys she like. For example, she would try to ovoid the person she likes. She’ll hide from them, try not to look at them and try not to think of them.”
“That’s not a very good way of showing someone you like them.” my mom said as she slid the sandwich towards me and begun to put the stuff away.
“Well it keeps her from having boyfriends and I’m completely find with her not having a boyfriend. I would be even happier if boys would just look away from her, she’s mine. Mine forever.”
“That’s the boy I raised. I want you to be by her side when she wakes up ok. The first thing she should see when she wakes up is her mate that loves her.” she said
“Don’t worry ma. I’ll make sure of that.” I said before she left the room, leaving me all alone in the kitchen.
I can’t wait until tomorrow.
Thats chapter 4! Please comment & vote! Will really appreciate it!
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