Always Remember...3
That's chapter 3! Please comment & vote! I can't stress that enough@ Please & thank you!
It was a list. A whole list worth of times she wanted me to look back at. It was listed from 1 to 10. Now that I think about it, it seems like she made this letter because she knew something was going to happen to her. If she thought something this bad was going to happen to her, she could’ve just told me and I would’ve tracked down this person and killed him.
It was almost like I could hear her voice reading it to me, but I knew it was just my imagination. The girl that I loved since I met her, was in a hospital bed in a coma, looking beat up and tore apart. I swear once I find out who did this to her I will make sure they die a slow and painful death. I just hope hat she wakes up soon.
I looked down at the letter and read the first thing she wanted me to look back at.
1.Remember the first time we meet….lol…. Thats when you gave me the nickname cupcake. That day changed my life. That’s when we official became friends. I know I will always remember that day.
I thought back to that day. I remembered it like it was yesterday. It was true that was the first time I called Autumn cupcake.
Flash Back:
It was the middle of June. All the little kids, including Nathan were out side play and having fun. The ice cream truck was driving down the street as people got their money out and ran after the truck.
Nathans' mother was on their porch, watching Nathan and his brothers play basketball and his older sister Kassidy playing jump rope with her friend down the street.
It was like any normal day. Everything was normal expect for the moving truck that was down the street. All the parents started to whisper and looked in the direction where the moving truck was.
But none of the kids including Nathan paid it any mind, they were all to busy having fun and laughing, enjoying the beginning of their summer break.
The sun was setting and it was getting late. It wasn’t long before Nathan’s parents called them inside. All four of them went inside and were told to take a bath and then put on some decent close.
When Nathan mom was done dressing Nathan and his brother Jackie, and was done doing his sisters hair his dad came into the living room wearing a decent looking suit.
“Mom, where are we going?” Cassidy complained as she tugged and tried fixing her dress in a move comfortable position.
“Kassie, spot tugging at your dress, you look very pretty tonight in it we don’t want it to end up like you other ones.” she said pulling her hands away from her summer dress and fixing at her sides.
“Mom, I hate wearing dress and you know it! Why can’t I wear something more comfortable? I mean look at the boys, they’re all wearing pants!” she wined.
“Kassie, baby it’s only for tonight, ok? And I want all of you to be on your best behavior.” she said looking at the boys especially.
“Are you ready Kathryn, it’s almost 7.” he said.
“yup, I just hope your kids actually listen to me when I tell them to be good.” Nathans mom said as she picked Jackie up and held him against her sides.
They all left their house and walked down the street to the house that earlier had a moving truck in front of it.
They all stopped outside the house and turned around to the mother.
“Ok Markus and Nathan don’t do anything stupid to upset their kids. Kassie their should be a girl around your age so you could hang out with her and be nice. Ok.” Nathans mom said looking at them.
We all said ok, and when she did she turned around and rang the door bell.
Their was screaming coming from inside the house, and I sounded like it was complete disaster in their. There was a bark and a little girl scream. After a few second of more noise the door finally opened.
Their in the door way was a little girl around my age with dark brown hair and pretty green eyes. She was wearing a green and white summer dress and her hair was all wave and short. It looked like she had some white stuff on her mouth, which made her look kind of funny when she smiled. She smiled at my mom and then looked at everyone else behind her.
“Hi, sweetheart. Is your mommy hear?” Nathans mom said to her.
“Yup she’s here, and who are you?” Autumn said. Her mother appeared behind her and came to the door.
“I’m sorry. Everyone's a little unprepared, with the moving and getting ready on time. Come in.” she said.
Nathans whole family went in the house and were lead to the living room. Autumns father came into the living and smiled at Nathans family. Nathan noticed that the little girl was on her mother heels. Two more kids came in, one was a boy and another girl.
“Hi, everyone. My name is Theresa. This is my husband Arthur.” the lady said pointing to herself and then the man next to her. "This is Seth.” she said pointing to the boy. “And here are our two daughters India and Autumn.” she said pointing to the older girl first and then to the little girl that was clinging to her side.
“It every nice to meet you guys. I’m happy that a decent family moved into this neighborhood. This my husband Drew. Our sons Markus, Nathan and Jackie, and this is our daughter Kassidy.” Nathans mom said doing the same as Autumn mom did and pointed to each of them.
The parents start to talk about stuff the we didn’t care about or understand.
“You kids could go and play. The food won't be ready for a while.” Autumns' mom said to them.
“Yeah, Markus you and Seth are the same age. And Kassie you and India are the same age. Go and play.” His mother said. The guys immediately left the room together talking about action figures and then the girl hesitated but also left the room talking about girly stuff.
“And it looks like we have a shy one here.” Nathans mom said referring to the little girl that was still holding onto her mother side.
She didn’t say anything, but she did move more behind her mother.
“Come on Autumn, it's ok. You don’t have to be shy around these people. Their our new friends.” Autumns' mom said pulling her from behind her and then pushing her a little in front of her.
“Yeah, you don’t have to be shy around us princess.” Nathans' mom said grabbing onto her hand and pulling her toward her.
Autumn was very shy, especially in front of new people. She looked up at Nathans' mom and didn’t smile.
“Come on sweetie smile” Nathans mom said.
Autumn only smiled a little before her mom came over to them and started to brush the crumbs away from her mouth.
“Did you sneak, a cupcake after I told you not to?” her mom asked smiling at her.
“Nope” Autumn said shaking her head from side to side making her dark short curly hair rock and bounce.
Nathan liked how her eyes would shimmer as the light hit them.
“Are you sure” Autumns' mom said to her.
“Yup mommy I’m sure.” she said lighting up a little bit.
“Ok, how about you show Nathan where the cupcakes are and give him one.” her mom said.
“Yeah, you two have fun but don’t eat to many of them.” Nathans' mom said pushing Autumn in Nathans' direction.
They looked at each other, but didn’t know what to do. Autumn instantly thought he was cute with his light brown hair and hazel eyes. She made no movement to move anywhere so he smiled at her as he took her hand and they went off into the kitchen together.
Once they were in the kitchen Autumn instantly pulled her hand away from him and went to the counter where the cupcakes were and offered him one.
He took the cupcake out her hand and then she showed him where all the frosting was.
“What kind of frosting do you want?” she asked him. She looked tense and Nathan knew that she was still shy around him. Maybe it was because she moved to a new town, or maybe it was because she didn’t usually talked to boys.
“Do you have chocolate frosting” he asked following her to the fridge.
“Yup, we have Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch, and Strawberry frosting, but my favorite is Chocolate.” she said as she took the chocolate frosting out the fridge and then set it on the table.
She went by the sink and pulled out two spoons. She handed one to Nathan and then opened the container and got a big scoop of chocolate frosting.
‘Why don’t we use a knife to frost it?” he asked taking a scoop just as Autumn did and than started to frost his cupcake.
“My mommy and daddy don’t let me use knifes'. They said that I might hurt myself, but I won’t” she said trying not to make eye contact with Nathan.
Nathan noticed it and decided to ask her a question. “Why are you so shy?” he asked.
Autumn didn’t know how to respond so she just shrugged her shoulders and said” I don’t know.” She was done frosting her cup cake and stuffed her face with it.
She got another cup cake and started to frost it again.
“Do you like cupcakes?” Nathan asked her eating his.
She looked up at him and smile for once at him.
“Yup, they’re my most favorite food to eat. I could eat them for the rest of my life and I wouldn’t get tired of eating the same thing over and over again.” she said proudly.
He smile back at her and ate his cup cake that he just finished frosting.
“I’m going to call you cupcake.” he said to her.
Autumn looked at him with a blank expression but looked away as she started to blush. That was the day they became friends.
End Of Flash Back:
That day brought a smile to his face. That day was the day they became friends and they had fun too. Later at dinner all the kids got in trouble because we got in a food fight, that was started by Seth.
He wouldn’t ever forget that day. That day did definitely changed their lifes'. It was that start of their friendship. From that day on Nathan had a crush on her but couldn’t tell her.
I looked at the hospital bed where Autumn was laying down all bruised and beat up. The sight of her quickly wiped the smile off his face. The sun was setting and he knew that visiting hours would soon be up.
I looked down at the letter ready to take one more trip down memory road before visiting hours were up. And I would have to leave my mate here, alone….
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