Always Remember...23
Ello everyone, just a short not there is only three chapters left after this one and I would like to say thank you. Happy Reading! Half of this chapter id R-Rated but I'll warn of and tell you when the sex scene is over! Oh, Bye for now!
( Sex Scene )
Autumn's P.O.V.
" I'm staking a claim on my mate," he growled, before setting his lips back on mine. Me being tired and all went with whatever he was doing as the words slowly processed in my mind. I'm staking a claim on my mate......... Mate? Why does that word sound so good now that he's kissing me but the word claim sound even better as he held my body gentally.
Am I his mate? I think I'm his mate. No, I know he's my mate and I couldn't be happier. Now we could actually get married like how he asked when we were younger. We could actually have kids. Now I know why for so long I've been in love with this guy, because he's the man I'm suppose to be with until the end of time.
This time I kissed him back hard and long, showing him all the passion and love I had for him. He didn't pull away but instead wrapped his arms around my waist smiling into the kiss. Oh, how I craved his sweet kiss for so long. My hands reached for his shirt and when he seen what I was doing, he took it off for me.
His chest was so toned but the thing I loved best about it was the dark brown mark on his right hip. His birthmark started there and disappeared in his jeans. I slowly let my hands slip to his right hip, running my fingers over the mark. Through out the years I away wanted to touch it but I never dared to but if he was going to feel and touch every part of my body I was going to the same.
Nathan moaned into my mouth making me smile at what I caused. He looked at me with pure lust in his eyes. Even though his hazel eyes were slightly darkened because of his wolf, they were still beautiful in my eyes. He pulled away from my lips to leave a trail a kisses down my neck and on my breast.
My breathing begun to pick up at the way he just starred at my breast as if trying to remember every detail to them. He was sattling me while my hands dropped to the side of the bed. When he didn't do anything I started feeling self conscious. Covering my chest with my arms only to have them pulled away and pinned down with one of his larger hands above my head. Nathan stayed quiet as he gazed at my body.
After what felt like forever he finally made a move. With his free hand he brought it to one of the breast and covered it with his hand. He squeezed it causing me to gasp. " Did I hurt you?" he asked looking at me with concerned written all over his face. " No, I like it," I told him making him smile as he squeezed it another time.
He pulled my shirt off and through it on the floor before placing his hands back on my breast. He continued what he was doing but once his finger rubbed against my nipple through the material of my bra I moan loudly. He did it again and again making me moan in pleasure over and over again. He begun sucking on the expossed part of my mound before his hand slipped behind my back and suddenly my bra became loose. Be grabbed a hold of my staps in his mouth, pulling it down slowly until my bra was completely off and on the floor.
Nathan's P.O.V.
He mounds are prefect. They're nice and plummed and begging for my touch as her brown nipples were already erected. I didn't hesistaed to lower my head and take on in my mouth making my mate gasp as her hands dugged into my hair pulling my closer to her, hold me to her chest like a baby and oh yes, I was very thristy for her.
I gave both of breast the same treatment. Sucking, playing and blowing on them, making her moan everytime I did so. I could smell her juices pouring into her panties like an endless waterfall. Just the smeel of her aroused was making the blug in my jeans harder then steel. Both my wolf and I needed release but I couldn't, at least not right now.
I want to make her first time specail. I really don'y care that this is the first time for me too, I could careless about myself right now. I know that in the end I'll be happy and ready to make love with her again and again, but for her it's going to be painful being that she've never been touched by many man in the area which made my wolf over joyed because of it.
With out really conprehending what I was doing I was pulling her P.J. shorts off her body as she worked on getting my jeans off. Within time we were only left in our panties and boxers but before anything I wanted to mark her. At the thought I could already feel my mouth watering as my canines extended. When I bit down into her neck could tell she wasn't especting it by the way her body tried pulling away in pain. No matter how much she tried making me release my teeth from her neck I couldn't, I wanted everyone to know she was mine. Once I pulled my teeth out I licked my mark taking every drop of blood in my mouth making me feel all the more happier now that our bond could go as deep as feeling each other emtions.
" I love you so such Autumn," I told her kissing her slightly swollened lips softly. " I love too Nathan," she told me kissing me back. For a while we just kidd until she acciently rubbed up against my manhood making her gasp and pull away. Now there was a smirk playing on my lips from her reaction of how my dick felt against her thigh.
Just for fun I brought it closer to her making it rub again the side of her thigh. She looked shocked and nervous by my actions as she starred at me with her green eyes fulled with ecitement and lust. Taking her small hand, I cupped it in mine as I led it down until I had her hand in side my boxers and on my dick.
Autumn's P.O.V.
I knew what he was doing but I couldn't stop myself from going along with it. He guided my hand down into his boxers and then my finger tips touch his dick. His eyes closed as he moaned from the touch. He wrapped my hand around his dick and started moving my hands up and down. I didn't mind it after a while but instead I was nervous. He felt thick and long and I don't know if it's going to fit in my small hole.
He pulled off his boxers leaving him naked in all his glory shined. Just as I thought, be was long and thick which increased my worry even more as his erection stood facing up proudly. " Nathan," I whispered not knowing how I'm going to tell him that he might not fit. "Yes cupcake?" he asked excitement and so much love filled in his eyes.
" I don't---Your just so big---it's going to hurt me," I suttered out be he shut me up by kissing me. " You don't worry about that, I'll make it as painless as possible. I just need you to trust me," he said hold my hand as he looked down at me, I nodded before he pushed me back so that I was laying down. He hungerly pulled my panties down and I shivered at the cool air that hit my core.
He pulled my legs apart as his fingers teased me by lingering on the skin around my vagina, he didn't even touch me yet and I think I'm about to burst. As if he could feel the need I had he lower his head all while keeping eye conectiong with me before slowly blowing on it making me legs buckle together.
Fast then the eyes could see, he flickered his toung out licking the thick sudstance off my pussy lips. My wolf and I begun whimpering in pleasure from our mates intimacy. Nathan part my pussy lips and taking his sweet time, he tasted me and slipped his fingers into her making me moan wildly as my body only continued on letting more and more juice spill between my legs. It's time. My wolf purred and as if he could read my mine he came up to my lips kissing m hard and long. He positioned himself between my legs before before my mind could comprehend it he thrusted inside of me but not every far but still the pain was huge.
My breathing was uneven and my heart rate picked up. He wasn't even fully inside me but then again it hurts like a bitch. Tears were brought to the surface of my eyes as a cause to all the pain but he didn't pull out. He stayed as still as possible telling me that it's be ok and that the pain will soon fade. After a couple of minutes he was right. The pain did faded and was replaced with pleasure.
He moved his hips against mine all while kissing me and telling me how much he loved me. I felt whole and happy and it was all thanks to him. My wall closed around him at the same time he released himself inside of me. He moaned together and we did it over and over again until the break of dawn.
( End of Sex Scene)
The sun wasn't out yet but then again you could here all of the bird outside calling each other with their songs. Nathan held me to his chest as he kissed my shoulder, " I love you so much Autumn," he told me again for the millionth time. " I love you too Nathan," I whispered back before falling asleep.
" Hey love birds, wake up!" A voice yelled causing me to groan at the loudness of his voice. Who the hell was waking us up so early in the moring? By the sound of his voice Nathan was up and blocking me so that he wasn't able to see me.
I opened my eyes to see Cole standing near the window in a white tux with a blank expression on his face. Nathan growled at him as I held the sheets closer to my body. Cole just smiled at us before saying, " today's the wedding meaning that you guys need to pack and get ready." " How did you get into the room?" Nathan asked almost growling at Cole again.
Cole pulled of a card key and then set it down on the night stand farthest from me. " I swipped it from you when you were daydreaming about your mate yesterday after I told you to wait one more day," he said looking at Nathan, " then again I knew you were out of your control and would mate with her anyways." I'm confused how did Cole know about us being mates before I did.
" Lucky you I was prepared, I got Autumn a pill just like yours so that no one cloud smell the scent you put on her." Cole said before pulling out an orange pill, "Oh, yea and you might want to take this too," he said pilling out a small blue pill.
" What's the blue pill for?" Nathan asked taking both from Cole, now that he had his boxers back on. " It's the morning after pill, you know so she won't get pregnant." My cheeks admittedly turned red from what he said, " don't thank me Autumn you should thank your brother. He's the one that told me I should probably get it for you." he said before giving Nathan a look.
"Well, I'll see you guys there and remember don't bring any attention to you at all. I'll give you the sigh when it's all set up." With that Cole left us in the hotel room alone before winking at me and leaving. Once the door was closed Nathan walked up to me and kissed me on my lips making me smile at how gental he was with me last night.
" Come on cupcake, lets go shower and get ready, then we could pack before we leave." he said pulling the sheets off of me. I was still naked and that made his eyes sharkle with lust. I pulled the sheet up to my chest before saying, " I should probably take those pills first," he handed me both pills before getting me a bottle of water to drink with it.
"Let's go shower," he said getting up and I nodded, " you can gop first I'll start packing." Nathan smirk before ripping the sheets off my body and picking me up, " I meant together mate," he said before bring me to the bathroom with him and together we showered together. My mate and I.
Yeah! They finally mated and she finally know, next up is the wedding or should I say weddings! Don't forget Seth his getting married also, but not on the same day but in a couple months he will. Anywho-----you know what to do! Comment, Vote & Fan!!!
Peace, Love && A Pocket Ful Of Doves!
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