Always Remember...22
ANNOUNCEMENT! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Ok, I think that got your attention! Anywho......'Always Remember' is slowly coming to an end in a couple of chapters. This will be my second complete story and I'm so happy and proud with myself. The last chapter of this story will be chapter 26 meaning that after this chapter there are only 4 chapter left.
Now that I got that out of my way....HAPPY READING!!!
Nathan's P.O.V.
Cupcake has been in such a bad mood today and I could tell it's not her time of the month. Something's bothering her but I don't know what but I'm determined to find out so that I could make her feel happy again. I've been holding back for the last two days. I haven't kissed her a two days and I tried not touching her in any intimate way at all.
It's hard but I'm trying not to mate with her...and if I slip up Cole will have my ass and Seth will win our little bet. Just a couple more days then she's all mine. I watched closely as she talking and giggled with Kendal's bitch. Yes, I call her Kendal's bitch because she is one by the way she spoke to my mate so that's her name for now on.
I can't lie, I love seeing her in heels even though she would wobble a little or stumble over flat surfaces. She's sexy and she's killing me with that tight skirt and blouse. Only if I could pounce on her here and now in the middle of this resturante.
"Get your mine outta the gutter Nathan," Cole told me. Cole's weird I got to admit, he not even looking at me but he knows exactually what I'm thinking. He just playing with his coffee. I pulled my eyes away from my mate body and starred out the window, I could here their conversation but not clearly due to the noise in the resturante.
After cupcake gave Kendal's bitch her some type of lotta, she started clearing table's as if she worked there. Cole called her over to tell her she was doing a great job but she glarred at him as if she was going to rips his head off when no one was looking. I don't know if it was because she was in a bad but by the time she left the table Cole looked a little on edge.
When Kendal's bitch finally left after giving cupcake a note, Autumn made her way straight to the bathroom and changed out of the costume she was wearing. She didn't greet us with words she just shoved the beg in Cole's hand and made her way out of the resturant. I looked at Cole funny and he gave me the same look but there was something behind his expression that told me he had a clue.
Once we got in the car and started driving away Autumn spoke up making all eyes go on Cole. " So it's prince Cole Jacob Leon isn't it? Hier to the Leon thron?" Cole was shocked as he gripped the stirring wheel in his hands. I looked at him and asked " What are you talking about?"
" I'm talking about how Kendal's entirer family are royality, including Cole. Both of them are princesand heir to throns. Apparently Cole forgot to mention that little detail," Autumn said crossing her arm over her chest.
We both looked at Cole, but he didn't say anything. He just sat there looking angrey before mubbling, " I'll explain myself once we get to the hotel."
For the rest of the ride to the hotel everyone was silent off in their own little worlds. Autumn was the last to enter our hotel room closing and locking it behind her. She turned around with her arms acrossed on her chest, I definately need to find out what shoved up her butt.
" My name isn't Cole Hendricks, it's Cole Leon. I'm not realy tweenty three, I'm acutally tweenty one. I'm not poor but my fithly rich and yes I'm suppose to be King once I turn tweenty four," He just stood there and lissened. Cole definately has a lot of explaining to do.
Autumn snorted at his explanition, and shock her head. " So tell me this. Why did you feel the need to lie to us for so long? Clearly we were going to find out sooner ot later so why? Oh, wait I got it. Since Kendal is an only child and if he dies your taking over his kindom also? The only reason why would offered to help us in the first place is because you wanted more power!" She yelled at Cole.
My mate was being a little feisty and that turned me on, for crying out loud I think there is something wrong with my sex drive. It's like every little thing that she does turns me on. Cole on the other hand stayed absolutely calm. He didn't raise his voice nor did he take what she said easily. He looked at her and smiled a little. Out of all times he choose's now to smile while we were having a serious discussion.
His smile only turned into a smirk, " Nathan I think you should calm your girl down a little cause she's starting to tic me off." This statement just made cupcakes already bad mood even worse because her arms dropped and her hands started forming in fist. That way my cue to jump in, I quickly pulled cupcake to me ignoring the warn feeling that she always gave me.
" Before I was rudly interupted I was going to say that I'm not taking over the Leon thron even though I'm next in line to be king. I don't want to be king because before I could be king I'm going to have to marry and I haven't found the right girl yet. That's the reason why Kandal wants to get married with Kourtney. The sooner he gets married the faster he gets the thron. Me on the other hand don't want to marry just any girl, I want to love her and warn her before I take her into my world. I want to be able to have a family that not in front of the eyes of the world. I act the way I do because I don't like being a spoiled brat that lives off of their family money and the reason why I lied to you guys was because I didn't want anyone in America finding out who I really am. Once people find out I'm a prince they'll start treating me different, just like how your jumping to conclusion about me," Cole said referring to Autumn.
Autumn expression changed from angery, to calm and then to guilt. I dropped my arms away from her knowing that she wasn't going to attach Cole anymore but still kept an eye on her incase her mod changed again. " I'm so sorry Cole," she whispered with her hand over her mouth. He rolled his eyes at her before getting off the bed and walking towards the door. He paid her no mind while walking to the door and slamming it shut behind him.
Now it was just Autumn and I and we were both quiet. She didn't say anything, she just keep starring at the spot where Cole was once sitting in as if she was lost in a daze. " Nathan, I didn't mean to offend or to jump to conclusions I just though that---" she trailed off and looked at me. " I'm such a horrible person!" she yelled.
" No your not," I told her, I wanted to huge her and make her feel better but not now. I don't think I'll be in control if I do that. Just a three more days and then I'm home free....Free to do anything that runs through my wild fantasy.
Two days later---STILL NATHAN'S P.O.V.
" So how was your day?" Cole asked me with that annoying smrik on his face. If looks could kill trust me Cole would be die right now.
Cole is a very confusing person. One minute he's yelling at me for fantasizing about my mate and then the next he wants to go to the beach. For the past two days he's been pushing my wolf to the edge so that I could mate with her and then he's telling me that I can't, It's unfair.
" So how was your day Nathan?" he asked again his cocky smile just growing even more. "Cole shut up, you know exactually how my day was," I tolding him running my hand through his messy brown hair. Yesterday he brought us to find Autumn a dress for the wedding so we could blend in at the wedding, meaning I saw her in all types of dresses. Today was even worse we went to the beach and I saw her in her swinsuit but I couldn't touch her. Not one bit and it was killing me!
Cole just shrugged, lookin up at the sky. "Pretty soon you won't have to take to torcher anymore, tomorrow's the wedding. So just suck it up for one night and then before you know it your on the plane back home then you could do whatever to her. Your a pretty lucky guy and she's a pretty lucky girl to have you," Cole said all while starring up at the sky.
This reminded me of the conversation we only had days ago. The day when he left the hotel after telling me he didn't think that their was anyone out there for him and I told him he was wrong. To the day I still think he's wrong. " Cole, just because your not a wolf doesn't mean that your not going to find someone out there that'll love you for you. There are millions of girls out their it just about finding the right one," I told him. Even after Cole lied to us about who he really is I still saw him in the same light.
I mean he's a prince but before I knew him as a prince I knew him as my friend Cole. Someone that was realiable and someone that you could trust. He deserves someone as committed and trustworthy as a girlfriend and then wife. Cole sighed before looking at me and saying, " Well Nathan love really sucks at this point for me," there was a playful spark in his eyes but you could see it also hurts him to say that. For some strange reason I couldn't help but to compare him a little to a------ Nope that a stupid question Nathan.
" What?" Cole asked looking at me, I shrugged and desided to tell him. " In a way you remind me of a wolf finding his mate," Cole snorted before walking back in the direction of the hotel. " Psh, I wish I were a wolf at times too. You guys have it easy with the bond crap and all, no affence." " None taken."
With in minutes we were back in front of the hotel, Cole turned to me before saying. " Well remember what I said Nathan after tonight your home free," he said before patting my shoulder and heading towards his car. Is it gay if I asked Cole to sleep with my tonight cause I honestly don't trust myself with Autumn anymore. " ---don't let the bed bugs bite," Cole said before speeding away.
I groaned as I climbed to the hotel room chanting the same thing over and over again in my mind. One more night and then I'm home free. I'll win the bet. Cole won't kick my ass and I won't mess up the plan. One more night and then I'm home free!
I got into the room and once I locked the door I turned around to see my mate laying on the bed already fast to sleep. I could slowly feel him Wolf take over but quickly pushed him back down. One more night and then I'm home free!
I turned the lights off thinking that if I couldn't see her that well then I won't be able to get naughty thoughts. But sadly I saw her perfectly clear, some how the moonlight made her curves look even more attracted as her pink lips were slightly apart as she snorred away. One more night and then I'm home free!
Maybe if I feed my hunger a little bit, all of this might fad away. Before I could second guess my plan I was already moving towards the bed and slowly placing my lips on her soft pink ones. I couldn't pull away so I kissed her again and again. Mate. My wolf screamed at me and at this point I forgot everything. I forgot what Cole told me, I forgot about that bet and I forgot about the plan. All I wanted and need to do was claim and mate with beautiful creature in front of me.
Her soft lips sent shooks throghout my body but the feeling was hitting my manhood hard. Before I know it Cupcakes green eyes opens and she starring back at me, confused,tired and excited all at the same time. I managed to pull away just to stare into her eyes. " N-Nathan what are you going?" she asked.
" I'm staking a claim on my mate," I growled out before crushing my lips back to hers.
Half of next chapter will be R-Rated but I'll put warning before anything to bad happens! Anyway what did you think?
This is also dedicated to kitttycat777 because she's an awesome fan! I she pretty much reads all of my stories! Thank you so much you AWESOME!!!
Peace, Love & A Pocket Full Of Doves!
P.S.- Rest In Peace Daddy! I love you and we all miss you, see you soon!
Love Your Daughter Kerna,
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