Always Remember...2
Autumn P.O.V.
“This is something you don’t see every day.” My mom said as I begun to wake up.
It was bright outside and the sun was shining my leg were numb and so were my arms. I look down to see Seth’s heavy body on my right leg and India was hogging the pillow.
“I wish these three would get along more often. But seeing them like this makes me believe today is going to be a good day.” he said. “No arguing no pulling pranks on each other. Today might be a good day to stay home and be together as a family.” my dad said sarcastically as he sat on the edge of my bed.
“Stop moving the bed” Seth said flipping over so that he was on his other side.
“Yeah, and can you continue this conversation somewhere else. I don’t know, like somewhere but here. You people are so rude, have no respect for people who’re sleeping” India said taking the pillow and putting it over her face.
“Ok come on Arthur, let’s leave our little demons to sleep.” my mom said pulling my dad by his arm.
“I thought they were our little angels.” he said getting off the bed causing Seth to growl.
“Well they were, but they became demons when they became teenagers. Now they’re only angels when they’re sleeping.” she said as they disappear out my room.
I looked over at the clock to see it was almost ten a.m.. That way to early for me to be waking up. I tried going back to sleep but that didn’t work. Usually I had a whole bed to toss and turn on but now I only have a small portion of that.
I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I put on my jean shorts and a purple t- shirt I got from Rue21. On the front of the shirt I said ‘We're each others back up’s and it had a ketchup bottle and a mustard container turned so that they had each other back towards each other. It was my favorite shirt.
I went back to my room to check if India and Seth were awake but they weren’t they were sound asleep. I went down stairs not knowing what else to do. My mom was in the kitchen making something that smelt good and my dad was sitting in the living room watching t.v.
I decided to go bother my dad. He was watching wrestling.
“Hey dad!” I said plopping down on the sofa next to him.
“Hey sweetie” he said not looking away from the t.v. to look at me.
“I bet I could beat you in wrestling” I said knowing I can’t.
He just laughed at me and shook his head. “Sweetie, every time you say that it makes me laugh. I’m way stronger than you. If I wanted to hurt you I can. Didn’t you learn you lesson last time?” he said smiling.
“Yeah, you really did teach me a lesson. Not to wrestle with weak people like you.” I said smiling as I added the last part.
“What?” he said, studded by my words.
“Yeah, you taught me how to not wrestle with weak people like you. Yeah, dad trust me I’ll never kick your butt like that again. I can’t believe you went crying to mom.” I said shaking my head. “That had to be your lowest moment ever.”
“You asked for it!” he yelled before lifting me up and dropping me on the floor making a loud thump sound.
“That’s not fair! I wasn’t ready" I complained. As I grabbed his leg and pulled it hard, so that he could fall on the floor with me. But he didn't , he stumbled backwards a few step, but didn’t fall.
“Your not going to get me down that way again.” he said sticking his tounge out at me. Then turning to leave the room. But before he could get far I was off my butt and jumping onto his back.
Once I was on his back I couldn’t get off he was holding my legs so that I couldn’t get off his back.
“I think I’m going to take a nap on the floor now.” he said as he bent down and laid on his back, making me suffocate.
“Dad get off me!” I yelled.
“I don’t think so, you know this floor is strangely soft?” he said
“Mom can you tell dad to get off me!” I yelled as she walking into the living room.
“Arthur get off her, breakfast is ready.” she said.
He hesitated for a second before saying“Your lucky,” and with that he got off me and then walked into the kitchen to eat.
I wasn’t hungry. I wanted to get some fresh air instead. “Hey mom, I’m going to take a walk in the woods. I’ll be back in about an hour.” I said before grabbing my phone and leaving the house.
I walked a couple of blocks away from my house until I got to Sun Raise park. I started for the woods area where there was a path all the joggers and bikers would go down. But today their weren’t a lot of people only a few.
I begun to walk down the path alone. I wonder why there is barely any people here especially on a nice sunny Saturday like this. I can’t wait until the end of the school year next week, I can’t wait until my summer starts and I can’t wait until my birthday on the 21st!
This last month of my junior year is going to be amazing especially when I have a best friend like Nathan to share it with. I didn’t notice how far I was until I stopped seeing people on the trail or what was suppose to be the trail. In fact I never when this far into the woods so I decided to turn back.
“Hey, Sweat Cheeks! Or should I say Hey Cupcake?” some one said from behind me. I turned around to come face to face with the one and only Kendal Harrison.
‘What the hell is he doing here? I thought we got rid of him last summer.’ I thought to myself. “Hi Kendal. How very sickening it is to see you again.” I said smiling at my words.
“Your still the girl I remember last summer. The girl that I loved and adored. The girl that left this scar on my face." He said pointing to a pink line that was on the side of his face, going from his jaw to his right eye. But I can’t lie that scar does make him even more cuter than before. Well before he tried to force me into marrying him.
“How can I forget about that scar? You look better with it.” I said crossing my arms over my chest.
He looked down at the ground smiling to himself before walking closer to me.
“Little Miss Autumn thinks she all tuff but little does she realize who’s here to make some scars of their own, Some permanent scars.” he said as he looked up at me to meet his eyes.
“What are you talking about? You know what, you shouldn’t be here anyways your ban from this area. And you can thank your self for doing that.” I said pushing him back.
“I know that I’m not suppose to be here but you can’t blame me for checking how my favorite girl is doing. Oh, yeah how’s your friend, um I think his name is Nathan right?” he said
“I’m not your girl, and Nathan? Why would you ask about him he hates you for what you tried to do to me.”
“Baby, you didn’t even give me a chance. You could of liked it.” he said bring his hand up to my face but I just slapped it away.
“I come from a family of wolves, I can’t be with your kind as in a relationship status. I have a mate to find.” I said before I added. “And trust me Kendal I would never like the feeling of you sinking your teeth into my neck then marrying you. I can promise you that it’s never going to happen again.”
“Well I’m sorry about what I’m about to do to you then.” he said as he begun to walk after me. “If I can’t have you, then no one can.” he said before I started to sprint away.
He was chasing after me, he was right on my heels and thats when he hit me, making me fall to the ground. He kicked me in my rib cage five times before laughing.
“What happen to the tuff girl that was here just a few minutes ago?” he said kicking me in my stomach. I rolled over to my side holding my body as blood started to flow out my mouth.
He bent down so that his face was near my ear. “Your blood smells good.” he said running his index finger on my bottom lip before putting it in his mouth. “It taste good too.”
“Leave me alone.” I said but it came out as a whisper. I rolled me over to my side so that my back was on the woods bare ground. Then he got on top of me making my ribs snap and I cried out in pain. But he just smiled and continued starring at me before he finally slapped me hard across my face.
“Shut up, you stupid slut. I still can’t believe you left me for that mutt, Nathan.” he paused. “ I can give you way more then he can, we could of have been happy together, but then you had to mess it up!” he yelled before punching me in my face as more blood came out my mouth.
“Well I think it’s time to end this nightmare of yours don’t you think?” he said but before I could nod or shake my head there was a sharp pain in my head then… blackness. At least he kept his promise and ended that nightmare before it got worse, it could’ve been any worse than that.
Nathan P.O.V.
‘ring’ ‘ring’ ‘ring’
I opened my eyes and looked at the clock it was twelve in the morning who the hell would call me at this time.
I grabbed my phone off the nightstand that was next to my bed. I looked at the called I.D. to see that it was Autumn. Her calling me made my heart leap.
“Hello” I said before closing my eyes again.
“Nathan?” a voice said from the other line, but it didn’t belong to my Autumn.
“Who’s this?” I asked not wanting to open my eyes..
“It’s me India. Umm something bad happen to Autumn and right now she's in the…” she trailed off. I sounded like she was crying, but why would she be crying.
“What wrong, it sound like your crying? And where is Autumn?” I asked
“Umm, she’s in the hospital right now.” she said slowly.
I opened my eyes and sat up more aware of the situation. “Why is she in the hospital, is she ok?” but she didn’t reply. “India answer me.” I almost yelled.
“She’s fine, for now. Me and Seth found her bleeding and all bruised up in the woods in Sun Rise park. She was knocked out and by the time we brought her to the hospital she was still bleeding like crazy, especially from her head.” my mouth went dry and my hands curled up into fist.
“What hospital is she in?” I asked jumping off my bed and grabbing some jeans to put on.
“We’re at Clare Barton hospital, but we can’t see her yet. They’re still looking over her and what not for anything else that might be broken or bruised. But before you come here can you do me a favor?” she asked.
My frist intinct was to say no but instead I said “Yeah, what is it?”
Instead of telling me to do something she asked a question. “Did Autumn give you a set of numbers? Like for a combination for a lock?”
I took a minute to think, when I remember yesterday when she gave me a piece of paper with the numbers 7-26-19. “Yeah, she did.”
“Ok, can you go to our house and up to her room. In her room go in the closet and move all the shoe boxes in their until you find a safe. When you find it try to put the combination in, ok?” she said.
“Ok, but what’s in the box?”
“I don’t know but Autumn said if anything bad like this happened to her to open the box.” she said before adding. “Just hurry up and get here I’ll wait for you in the parking lot.” she said before hanging up the phone.
Once she hung up I quickly went down starts and ran to the back door.
“Nathan where are you going, and why are you such in a rush?” my mom said as she followed me to the back door.
“Autumn is in the hospital” I said quickly before running out the door to my car.
I quickly made my way over to there house and the door was unlocked. I ran up the stairs skipping them three at a time before coming to a stop in front of her door.
I quickly opened the door and stepped in. Her room looked the same as it did the last time I was here, which was probably last weekend.
I went in the closet and moved all the shoe boxes like India told me and found a silver box with a black combination lock on it. I turned it to seven and then continued until I put all the numbers in and then it opened with a click.
I took the lock off and then opened the box. At first I was confused, because all that was in there was a few envelopes. But when I looked closely all the envelopes had a name on it.
There was four envelopes. One that said mom & dad. One that said Seth and one that said India. The last envelope had my name on it. I was about to open the envelope with my name on it but I remembered I had to get to the hospital.
I drove all the way to the hospital and India was leaning against Seths' black car in the parking lot. I parked right next to it and then got out with the envelopes in my hand.
“Is that what was in the box?” she said taking the envelopes way from me.
“Yeah each one of them has a name on it. I think she wrote it for them to read only.” I said as she lead me inside the hospital and into the elevator.
She pressed the number 3 and as the door closed she opened the envelope with her name on it. She started to read it and by the time she was done a tear escaped her eye and she folded the paper back up and stuffed it in the envelope.
She looked stressed out and depressed. I wonder how the rest of her family looks. I thought to myself.
We turned down a hall to see her mom and dad looking stressed and worried. And Seth who had his head in his hands.
They didn’t look at us as we got closer, but they only looked up when India started to hand them the envelopes with their names on it.
“What’s this for?” Seth said as India poked him with it. His eyes we red from the tears that he’s been silently crying.
“It’s a letter to you from Autumn.” I said.
“Thanks, but I wasn’t asking you.” he said coldly to me before turning away and looking at India. “What’s this for?” he asked again.
“It’s one of the letter that was in Autumns safe. It was locked up in her closet and she told me if anything happen to her to open the box.” she explained to him.
He looked down at the letter and then looked up at me. We locked eyes for a few seconds before he shook his head and started to open his letter.
He unfolded the paper and then started to read it. But stopped as a nurse started down the hall towards us. She had everyone attention as she smiled and looked down at the clip bard she was holding under her arm.
“Well she’s a lucky girl to escape a beating like that. She has two broken ribs, a spiraned ankle, a spiraned wrist, bruises on he arms and legs but mainly her arms and then she has one serious bruise to the head. We had to give he a few stitches. But as of right now she’s in a coma.” she said as she put he clip board back to her side.
Everyone was quiet. Everyone was frozen in place. It felt like the world just stopped turning for those seconds.
“If she doesn’t wake up from her coma soon or within three days, her chances of living will get slimmer and slimmer. She’s healing but if she doesn’t wake up the healing posses will fade and then lead to her death.” the nurse said.
I felt angry, mad, furious and sad. I should of prevented this from happening. She was my mate. I didn’t want her to die on me. I swear, whoever did this to he is going to pay dearly with their life.
“If you want you can go see her.” the nurse said.
Everyone got up and followed her down the hall into a room with the number 317 on it. The room was dark and the only light was the light room outside.
I could hear the beeping of machines and the sound of soft breathing. I couldn’t bare to look at the hospital bed in the middle of the room.
He parents sat down in the chair closet to the hospital bed and Seth sat in the chair that was all the way across the room. He looked scared to go anywhere close near his sisters bed side all he did was stare right past me to her. His eyes swelled up with more tear as he dragged his head down in defeat.
India was standing near then bed looking down at her sister was she silently cried to herself.
I finally looked at the hospital bed and my heart sank to rock bottom. She was breathing softly and looked hurt every time she breathed in. Her head was wrapped in a white cloth and on her right side you could see a red spot with dry blood on it.
She had a scar that went from her left cheek down to her jaw. Both her arms were above the hospital sheet. Her left arm had a IV that was convert to the machine. Her right arm was wrapped in the same white cloth that her head was wrapped in. Both arms had bruises scattered on them and disappeared at her shoulders.
The rest of her body was covered with a white blanket and I was glad that it was. I couldn’t stand to see her this way. Without knowing I felt water come to the surface of my eyes and not caring that her family was in the same room as me. Not caring if a nurse walked by, I cried and cried until there was no more water left for me to cry.
Slowly people started to disappear since visiting hours were almost up. I was the only person felt in room 317. The lights were on and looking through the window I could tell that the sun was setting.
I remembered that I had my letter in my hand but still didn’t open it. I decided that I would rather read it while I’m with her instead of when I left to go home.
I opened the envelope and unfolded the paper. It was written in her beautiful handwriting which was a combination of print and script. The letter even smelt like her.
With no more hesitations I started to read.
Right now I must be in pretty bad shape or worse. But either way I want you to do me a favor and don’t cry over me or. Just do me a faver and remember me as I was. Not as I am now.
I want you to remember all the fun times we had together and all the bad times we went through. No matter how rough, we somehow got through it all. No matter what, you were always my best friend through thick and thin and I will always love you for that.
Those were her last word before there was a list of things with caption under them. I begun to read.
Thats the end of this chapter! ok tell me what you think! The next upload will be June 29th!
How do you like Kendal? Is Autumn going to wake up anytime soon? What else does the letter say? Does Seth really hate Nathan?
& Don't forget to comment & vote! Mucho Gracias! :) And thanks to my editor who did a wonderful job fixing my errors(: Brianna! Thanks alot!
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