Always Remember...15
Autumn P.O.V.
You know how a teen would be jumping for joy when school’s over. They would spend their summer on the beach and with friend, going to parties and getting drunk. Well for me this summer was going to be different and I was pretty sure I can wait until school was over. But unfortunately school ended leaving me at India and Kassie.
My parents and her parents rented a place to have a big party to celebrate them graduating college. If I really wanted to I could walk home, all I have to do is cut throw the woods but I wanna be with my sister. Even though India is going to a near by college, I’m going to miss seeing her everyday at home. Thanks to Michal moving near by and buying an apartment for them to live to gather. India was so happy when she found out Michael came just to see her. The last time I saw them, they were making a fool out of themselves on the dance floor in front of a lot of kids from school.
Me on the other hand slipped away from the crowd. Even though I heal most of the way I was still sore around my rib cage and my foot. Right now I was alone up on the roof top looking down at the woods. Hearing wolves howl into the distance was calming. Sitting under the moonlight was calming.
Tonight was the first second fully moon this month. I watched as it shined though out the woods glistening over the trees. I think full moons at night were the prettiest things ever. It symbolizes strength, love, power and mystery. When people look at full moons they instantly think of mates and love. When I look at a full moon I think of beauty and power.
Sitting on the edge of the roof swinging my feet and just listening and watching as the music from bellow sent vibrations up above.
As for me and Nathan I did as much as possible to stay away from him. I would avoid eye contact. I would stay an arms lengths away from him but even though it was working I couldn’t help but to feel bad for pushing him away. Sometime I think Nathan know about my little plan and gets all mad at me when I push him away and storms off, just so he could come back again acting like nothing happened.
I never knew of him having an anger issue and I’m scared of his flickering emotions. When I went back to school he even got jealous because I asked one of my guy friends, David to help me up the stairs. He gets mad over the littlest and stupidest things.
Pulling my thoughts away from Nathan, I thought about what was going to happen tomorrow. Well, tomorrow morning I’m going to leave to California and basically kill Kendal and get out of there as quickly as possible. Since the pack doesn’t want to draw suspicion that we were the cause of Kendal death, they said only two of us can go and they left the decision up to my family to figure out and guess who they voted for to come with me for the second time. Yep! Nathan!
He gladly accepted and that were I go back to saying ‘this summer was going to be different and I can wait until school was over’. But luck is never on my side and school was over with in a flash.
I leaned back letting my feet sway back and forth and supporting my body up with my good arm. It was kind of cold considering I was wearing a dress and flats. I tried not paying attention to the coldness and instead let out a big sigh and gazed up at the moon and stars.
Someone arms wrapped around my waist making my jump a little as I turned my head to see who it was. “Relax cupcake it’s only me.” Nathan said pulling me closer to his body and kissing me on my cheek. The last time he kissed me was last week when we were in my room and I was trying to pretend I was sleeping. He caught me off guard.
When I just starred up at him with out saying anything he winked at me and rubbed my arms with his hands. “Why are you up here all alone?” he asked looking up at the moon as he still held me.
“I..I don’t know. I wanted some alone time I guess.” I said shrugging. I was thinking about removing his arm from around my wait but I didn’t want to get him mad and have him push me off this building. I nearly had a near life experience last week I don’t think I need another one.
“So I guess I ruined your alone time, huh?” he said sadly
“No, no, you didn’t. I wasn’t really thinking about anything. I was just thinking about how pretty the full moon id tonight.” he told him as I looked back up at the moon. We stayed in silence for a moment and with out noticing I leaned back into his chest, closing my eyes and then deeply breathing in his scent.
“Hey” I quickly opened my eyes to look up at him. I wonder what happened to staying away from him. “You know every full moon someone marks their mate?” he asked looking down at me with and unknown look, I didn’t know what he was feeling right now but I could tell he definitely cared for me.
“I never knew that.” I whispered as I snuggled in his arm. “ I wonder when mine is going to come. At this rate I think he probably don’t want me.” I whispered. I wasn’t talking to anyone in particular but I guess Nathan heard me.
“Maybe he just wants to surprise you or he wants you to live your life before you get tied down to one person.” Nathan said his voice sounding hard and ruff. I just shrugged and yawned. The pain meds that I took for my rib cage were starting to kick in and make me tired.
“You tired cupcake?” he asked looking down at me as he stroked my long brown hair. I didn’t answer him I just nobbed. “How about we go home then?” he asked me.
“No, I’ll ask my dad or Seth to drive me home. I don’t wanna ruin the party for you.”
“That’s no problem, I’m tired to so I’ll just bring you home.” he said pulling me up so that I was off the end of the roof and leaning into his arms. I gained my power and stood up and put my hand on my hips.
“No, Nathan your just saying that so I won’t feel bad.” I pouted. He started pulling my towards the door that lead back downstairs into the party.
“Here’s my keys. Wait in my car and I’ll tell your parents and my parents we’re leaving.” he said handing me over his key but I refuse to take them. He sighed deeply and grabbed my good hand at opened my palm putting the keys in my hand and then closing it.
“Nathan,…” I wined.
“I’m taking you home whether you like it or not!” He yelled making me flinch in fear and back away from him. When he saw me flinch he quickly reached out for me and pulled me to him as he hugged me. “I’m sorry I scared you, it’s just that I want to take care of you and you haven’t fully recovered from the accident.” he whispered in my ear.
I didn’t say anything I just stayed there frozen, he never yelled at me before….why is he yelling at me now? He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. “Are you going to wait for me in the car?” he asked with hope and I nobbed.
“Good” he said before kissing my forehead and giving me a boost in the direction of the door. I had to make my way throw the crowd of dancing teenagers and all the away to the exit. Going into the parking lot I easily found Nathan’s black BMW.
Unlocking the door I slowly and carefully made my way inside the closing the door behind me and taking in a deep breath from the pain it caused me to bend down and get into the car. With in seconds Nathan came into the car taking the key’s from me and drove out the parking lot.
“Before you bring me home can we stop somewhere?” I asked Nathan.
“Sure where do you wanna go?” he asked
“Sun Raise Park” I said. If I were to look over at him he would have a confused look on his face. I don’t know why but I wanted to go there. It didn’t both me that that was the place I almost lost my life at. I mean of course the memory will hunt me but I have to get over it someday. When I have kids I don’t wanna be scare to go to the park with them.
He pulled over across the street from the park and I got out the car. He quickly followed behind me but I didn’t care if he went with me. We walked slowly around the play ground pasted the swing set and onto the path that lead into the woods.
The deep we walked into the woods the more wolves we saw running throw the tree’s. Some of the wolves looked fimiliar. The reason so many wolves are in the woods behind the park is because the pack house his a couple of miles into the woods from here. As we walked by some wolves stopped to stare at us and then keep running along.
The trail faded and I stopped. This is were it all happened. With out thinking I sat down on the bare woods ground and starred at the moon. Sometime I wish I could shift like the boys but sadly I couldn’t sift until I was marked by my mate.
If you asked me, I think that was a stupid rule. It’s not far that boys get to shift when they ten and girls don’t get to shift until they are marked by there mates. If they didn’t have a mate? They will never be able to shift, it’s like we have to wait on our mates for us to shift and I hated that.
“What are you thinking about?” Nathan asked surprising me from my deep thinking.
“ I was thinking about shifting. I don’t think it’s far that girls have to wait to be marked by there mates to shift.” the leave next to me started crinkling and then a warm hand grabbed mine. I felt sparks go throw my hand straight to my heart and I wanted to pull away but my body wouldn’t allow me to do that.
“ If it makes you feel better. You might find your mate pretty soon.” he said looking up at me and quickly looking away.
“Yeah, sure I will.” I said laughing a little at how confident he said that. It was silent for a little while, looking over at Nathan be was to busy looking up at the stars. He looked deep in thought about something but who am I to butt in.
I took my hand from his hand and flipped it over. I started tracing the lines on his hand and if I didn’t know any better he shivered. But I knew it was just my eyes pulling mean pranks on me. It’s been almost a full week and I was still thinking about what my mom told me. Maybe I should ask him now, but how would he react?
Would he get mad and leave me here all alone? Would he turn me down? But I couldn’t go any longer with out asking him. “Nathan?” I asked. He turned his head towards me and I pulled away from his hand and started playing with the growing grass on the floor.
“How do you.. Um.. “ I hesitated. Maybe if I say it really fast I won’t be as nervous. I let my long brown hair fall in my face so he wouldn’t see my expression when I ask him.
“How do I what?” he asked with a smirk on his face. He reached over a pushed the hair in my face back so that he could have a better view of my face.
“How do you feel…about me?” I said not once looking at him. He didn’t say anything and his smile dropped. Great! I’m so stupid, I should’ve never asked. “You know what, that was a stupid question to ask. Maybe we should…’ he cut I was cut off.
“I love you.” he said simply. Of course he loves me, he practical tells me that everyday. He loves me as just friend and nothing more. “ My love for you is past the limit of friends.I wanted to tell you for so long but I didn’t and I’m so glad that I’m telling you this now. I love you so much and all I want is you” he stated and you can tell that he had said that with confidents and he didn’t regret saying it.
I shift myself off to the side a little and he seemed to notice because every time I moved over to the side he would move with me until my hand it something hard. "Cupcake..." he said softly. I keep my eyes on everything but him. "Autumn..." he said this time being serious".. look at me." Instead I looking down on the ground I saw something shiny. It was my necklace that Nathan gave me. The one with that he gave me the day before the incident.
“look what I found.” I said distracting myself from what he just told me. He sighed deeply and looked at the necklace. “I was wondering were it disappeared to.” he said.
“Turn around.” he said taking the necklace from me. I did as he said pushing all my hair over my right shoulder. He put the necklace on me and when he was done attacking the necklace he let his hands linger near my neckline for a little while.
Nathan’s P.O.V.
I never knew how hard I was to control my wolf anymore. Every time when we would go around her I always wanted to mark her. I didn’t want any other guy but me touching my mate, she was mine and no one else’s. When I told her I loved her past the limit of friends I meant it and I didn’t regret saying it.
When I was done putting the necklace on her I let my hands linger on her neckline. Breathing in her scent smelt so good. She pulled away fully from me and I had to try to hold in a growl. She stood up looking down at me with her green eyes sparkling in the moonlight.
“Are you ok?” she asked me backing away. Why was she backing away from me likes she’s scared that I’ll hurt her.
“Stop moving away from me!” I yelled making her flinch a little at my voice. I could feel my wolf taking over slowly. She started backing away from me even more but stopped once her back hit a tree.
“Stop Nathan.” she said softly putting her hands out before her. But I couldn’t stop myself I just moved in front of her moving her hand to her sides. “ Your scaring me.” she whispered and that when I stopped and closed my eyes waiting for my wolf to back down and let me take control over again.
“Sorry” I said opening my eyes and wiping her tears away. She didn’t say anything, she just starred at me with no emotion at all. “ I didn’t mean to scare you, I just don’t know what got over me.”
“ It’s ok.” she whispered. We stayed in that position and I don’t know how it happen but I started leaning forwards, closing the distance between us. I just wanted her lips on mine and that’s when she walked away from me.
“ I think we should start heading home.” she said quickly making no eye contract with me what so ever.
I was so close, I should’ve just kissed her before she could move away.
“Yeah, let’s go.” I said I followed her all the way back to the car and dropped her off home but not before she fell asleep.
Tomorrow is going to be a very long day for us both.
That's the end of this of that chapter as you guess. Ok, I already had this chapter written already on my laptop but then my laptop wanted to die on me and my charger for it had to break! To top things off the piece that's suppose to go into my laptop is very small and hard to find. Good news is that I found a new replacement for my charger but I have to wait for my mom to by it. So I don't know how long that would take but until then I'll continue writing from this computer.
Just so you guys know I wrote this all from memory! So I'm so proud of myself! (Whoo!) Honestly I think it's better the second time around when I wrote it. So that's the end. Tell me what you think about this chapter and next chapter you guys will be meeting a new character! He's going to be a main character and I think everyone that read this story is going to love him <3 P.S. Sorry for the long wait if I haven't said it already, thanks for sticking with me :)
Peace, Love & A Pocket Full Of Doves!
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