Chapter 3: New school
Taking out her earphones she glared at the school gateway. Her body shivers at the sight of her unfamiliar surroundings, all alone.
The playgrounds are covered with people socializing amongst themselves.
Not even five steps in and the majority stares at her. Maybe it's because she's new; or maybe it's because of the fact it is a hot summers day and she's wearing neck to toe in thick winter clothing.
She felt their gazes pierce through her skin and even if she didn't see it, she knew they never looked away.
Please look away...
Mary stood there, not knowing what to do; it was too early for her to go inside but she didn't want to be there Infront of everyone. So she stood Infront a brick wall, looking down, trying to ignore the tourmenting gazes that were making her want to sink into a never ending hole of non existence.
She impatiently shivered with anxiety, wanting to go inside so bad, to get out of this non social, social interaction; it was slowly killing her.
She clutched her thick, dark grey jumper with her pale hands tightly, grabbing on harder with every new stare that hit her.
Finally the bell went off
She quietly makes her way into the hallway of the school. It was quite spacious, big blue lockers and tiled floors. The school was very modern and fancy; made her feel really small, as she wasn't used to it.
Mary soon realizes she was going around pointlessly, she had no idea were the principals office was.
Stumbling aimlessly through the corridors,she knew full well that if she doesn't get herself together fast, she's going to be made fun of and get in serious trouble.
After a while, she gave up. This school was large and felt like a huge maze that never ended. She grasped her angular face in her scrawny hands whilst falling down into a sitting position by the boys bathroom.
She held her legs close to her chest meanwhile her hands rubbed against her sunken eyes.
"Need help?"
"Oh wait,are you new right!"
Mary looked up, startled by the sudden human interaction. Her eyes were fuzzy due to her rubbing them so long. She tried to make out the features of her new acquaintance:
It was a girl, she had a diamond shaped face with rosey cheeks plus she had round amber jewel - like eyes that glistened whenever she smiled plastered on it;
She had fire like hair that was frizzy, puffy, and put up in two short ponytails.
She was a clear optimist, a child that could see good in people and one that was able to protect the ones she cared for from harm.
Mary smiled weakly in response to the redheads question, "y..yes i-i Am!"
She stutters out, the last word a little too loud so embarrassed, she covered her mouth. She was taught to not raise her voice and felt very ashamed.
The girl looked at Mary's confused, scared and tired face; analyzing her, trying to figure out her emotions it felt like.
Redhead holds out her tanned hand to help the weakling up. Mary hesitated but to not be rude she took the strangers hand. It was so warm. She focused her gaze on the girls sympathetic eyes. They locked eye contact for a while and stood there.
"So.... Do you need help?" The redhead suddenly spoke whilst kicking her foot outwards and looking away in a playful but awkward manner. Mary slowly noded.
"Let me guess, uhhh... You're knew and don't know your way to the principals office right?" She guesses whilst excitedly moving her face closer to Mary's with a smile; Mary stumbled back at the sudden movement of the redhead and hits her back on the wall.
The girl looked at her, embarrassed, "Oops, sorry, but I'm right,aren't i?" Mary noded silently, trying her best to smile, but it turned out as a crooked smirk, the girl chuckled and lead Mary to the principals office.
On the way there Mary learned the girl's name was Autumn, pretty fitting really.
When they arrived at the office, the principal gave her a time table and informed her about the school rules.
After that Autumn walked Mary to mentor class; sadly Autumn was in a different set so Autumn couldn't stay around any longer.
This made her even more anxious, Autumn was the only person she knew maybe even trusted a little and now that it turns out she alone again it makes her feel even more alone.
Mary rolled up her right sleeve revealing her frail, ghostly white wrist. She knocked on the door three times before a tall man (soon to be mentor) answered.
"Oh, I'm so glad you could join us," the man responded with a sincere smile, he opened the door wider, reaching out his arm into the room, "come on in and please introduce yourself."
She slowly and carefully walked in, analyzing the classroom and new classmates. To her, it all looked so intimidating: the class, the students.
The door is shut and she felt a hand grab her shoulder gently, she flinched and looked up, it was the teacher.
"Now then, would you kindly like to introduce yourself to the class?"
It sounded like a question, but to her it also sounded like a command.
She took her tired glare off of the man and turned it to the class. She bit her lip, took a big gulp but trying to make it silent and then slowly the panic drove in.
She felt blood pumping in her ears; her chest felt as tight as if someone continuously was tightening a corset and she felt her hands twitch uncontrollably.
Her eyes scanned the room like a predator trying to spot their prey, but here she felt like the prey.
Closing her eyes and opening them again she looked to the nearest exit.
"M- my name is M..Mar..Mary..." She stuttered out. She took a deep breathe and tried her best to smile,
"I like music and..... I h- hope we can get along....maybe?" Mary turned her attention back to the teacher again. He he returned the gesture back at her, smiled then whispered,
"okay so we don't have many places left so it okay if you sit at the very back?" Mary noded. He scanned the room for chairs,
"Uhh, is it okay if you sit next to Michael?" Mary noded again, though she didn't even know who he was.
"Michael Smallwood, please put up your hand." He says out loud.
She spoted a scrawny looking boy with an uneven hair cut and a huge scar across his cheek.
Mary walked over and carefully sat to the left off him, trying to avert her gaze and look as busy as possible to not engage in a conversation, but as luck would have it, he spoke up first.
"Sooo.... My name is Michael, you're Mary right?" Mary noded, trying to finish the conversation as soon as possible. She took out her pencil case and notebook then turns her gaze towards the front of the class.
Michael looks at her for a while then commented,
"Isn't that a little warm? It's the middle of summer and one of the hottest days so far." Mary flinched then reluctantly turns to face the boy. He was eyeing her in confusion. She tried to respond to his statement, she opened her mouth but no words escaped.
She quickly shut her mouth and turned away, and pretended she heard nothing. The gaze of her neighbour stayed, but after a while she heard a sigh and the dagger - glare stopped.
She should've been happy but she just felt rude now.
Break time
Mary walked into the playground and saw a bench. Silently she crept to it and sat down; taking out her book to avoid making accidental eye contact.
The dagger - like gaze hovered over her. With dread she looked up. She saw the gleaming face of Autumn again.
"How are you Mary, oooo what are you reading?" She greated her acquaintance and started they both started a pleasant conversation.
"Oh ho ho ho, who do we have here~?
It was a male voice.
"Knock off Oliver, you weren't invited here" argued Autumn. Mary averted her sight towards the male; it was a boy about her age, except his face was plastered with an evil smirk and way more confidence than she has ever had.
He grabbed Mary by the chin and pulled his face close to hers, staring deeply into her tired, sunken, dead, grey eyes; Mary returned the gesture.
Mary started to sweat as his jade eyes scanned her ghostly pale face. Luckily soon after he lifted his head away from her.
" Hah, like looking at a corpse, bye girls~" he spoke before he left. It left Mary puzzled but her heart was still having a panic attack. Autumn saw her and helped Mary calm down, it seemed to work a bit.
At the end of the day Mary walked out of school with Autumn whilst having a pleasant conversation about favourite books.
"Oh we're out of school grounds already, well I need to go this way so bye!" Autumn smiled and waved as she walked away.
Mary had a quite pleasant day, as she walked to the car she was smiling to herself.
I made a friend, maybe it won't be as bad as I thought.
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