chapter twenty-eight ━ simplicity doesn't exist
❝ hello, i'm lucien ❞
BECAUSE REBEKAH WAS busy buying flowers for a certain someone, Melody decided to go to lunch, secretly seething to herself. Questions kept buzzing in her mind as to who the gift was for and who this person could be. Yes, the flowers being for her did cross her mind but she brushed it off as her being cocky and she did not want to come off that way towards her best friend. Though, that same best friend she could see herself being with, making things complicated between them, not to mention they did flirt quite often after she confessed to being bisexual.
She was sitting at one of the tables outside, legs crossed as she ate a burger which she had no shame in consuming because they were amazing. And at the most inconvenient time, an attractive male started walking up to her. Of course, to her luck, she didn't notice him until he spoke.
Her head snapped up, her eyes widened slightly. She went to reply in a polite manner before she remembered her mouth was full. The man chuckled, waiting patiently as she finished chewing and wiped off her lips. Then she smiled at him, laughing again. "Sorry, hi, I'm Melody." She offered her hand for him to shake and he shook her head gently.
"Lucien, it's a pleasure to meet you," he grinned. He gestured to the empty seat in front of her. "May I?" She continued with her politeness, nodding her head and took another bite of her burger. This time, she didn't bother apologizing for her eating habits.
"So tell my Lucien, how long have you been a vampire?"
He did a doubletake, eyebrows raising in shock that she noticed immediately. Lucien stared at her for a moment, his expression shaping to one of utter awe and wonder. "Couple of centuries. What gave me away?" He wasn't offended, in fact, he looked impressed and that only added to the odd vibe she got from him.
Melody shrugged, sipping from her glass cup of water with her metal straw. "That is confidential." She finished off her burger, wiping off her lips again before taking another swig, the glass becoming empty. Then she stood up. "Is there a reason you decided to come up to me?" Her waiter passed by and she handed them a ten and then a twenty dollar tip before looking back at him.
Lucien laughed in a nervous tone, choosing his words carefully. "No, I uh, saw you and I couldn't help but think you were quite beautiful."
She understood what he was insinuating and nodded her head, pursing her lip. "Thank you, but I'm not looking for a relationship right now." She had debated on saying that she already had her sights on someone but didn't.
Her decline made his smile waver, something flickering in his eyes. "Of course, my apologies." He stepped forward suddenly, right at the same time Rebekah came around the corner with the flowers in hand, ready to confess to Melody. Lucien pressed a kiss to her cheek, but from the blonde's angle, it truly looked as if they were kissing. She stopped in her tracks. The vampire pulled away and smiled at her. "Call me if you change your mind."
Melody felt him take her hand and place a piece of paper on her palm, closing her fingers before walking away in the opposite direction Rebekah was in. The brunette smiled slightly to please him but deep down she felt uncomfortable. However, the Original took it the opposite way.
She shoved the flowers into a nearby trashcan, turning around and walked away with tears streaming down her cheeks. Little did she know, this was all a part of Lucien's plan for revenge. Though it was the cliche route, he figured that there was no better way to ruin Rebekah's hope to find love by destroying the only person Rebekah actually could see a future with despite her countless lovers.
He would ruin Rebekah like she ruined Aurora before she killed her in front of him.
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