XXXVIII .. voices carry
THERE'S AN AGES OLD SAYING: news travels at the speed of light, both good and bad. amongst the socialites of the valley, rumors, whether true or false, tend to travel fast, especially the scandals; one of them being bella's pregnancy. word got out that isabella, elisabeth and matthew's daughter, is expecting a baby with johnny, laura's son and sid's stepson; and boy did the news travel far.
now, they didn't wish ill on the parents or the baby, but unfortunately, voices carry. these same people are the people that bella wasn't too fond of because of their materialistic way of thinking. she would have to face those people at an upcoming dinner she and a couple of other girls from the office would have to attend.
bella sat in her parents' bedroom as she played with the snake chain bracelet on her wrist. she turned to find her mother walking in to the room. "haven't found a dress yet?" lisa said as she sat next to bella.
"i stopped looking." bella softly chuckled. "i hate going to these things."
"i know the feeling." lisa smiled as she took her daughter's hand in hers. she brought bella into her embraced and placed a kiss atop of her head. "it's gonna be alright."
"let's hope so." bella sighed as she got up from the bed and walked into the closet, going through her mother's dresses until her eyes landed on a red one-shouldered gown.
"i see you found the red halston." lisa smirked as bella turned to find her mother standing behind her. "this one of the first dresses i bought, fresh out out law school. it was like a graduation gift to myself."
"it's gorgeous." bella smiled.
"i want you to wear it." lisa smiled as she handed the dress to her daughter. "it'd look beautiful on you."
"ma, it's a designer–"
"i don't care." lisa chuckled. "wear it, you'd look great in it."
bella held the dress in her hands and she ran her fingers through the soft silky fabric. she walked into the bathroom to change into the dress, admiring the way her dress draped over her body and highlighted her small bump. bella walked out of the bathroom as lisa sat her down and offered to do her hair and makeup. as lisa brushed her light brown hair, she was reminded of when bella was younger.
"did you get fresh highlights?" lisa smiled as she looked up to look at her daughter's reflection in the mirror.
"about a week ago." bella said.
"when'd you start adding color to your hair?" lisa softly chuckled.
"it was kind of an impulse." bella laughed. "i remembered that one conversation we had back when i was about 11 or 12, about doing my hair and how you'd said that i could do whatever i wanted to my hair when i got older. well, i figured i was old enough so, spring semester of junior year, i rebelled. i wanted to tint my hair, but i resorted to highlights."
"you remind me a lot of myself when i was your age." lisa said. "impulsive, quick-tempered, rebellious, but headstrong."
"how'd you two do it?" bella softly smiled. "seriously."
"well, it started with your father telling me he wanted to run away with me. of course, your grandfather wouldn't allow it, so i went against him." lisa began explaining.
"you left?" bella chuckled.
"your grandmother knew and allowed it, she eventually convinced him that we would be okay because we both would be studying." lisa said. "and we did; your father in med school and i went to law school, but because we were in our twenties and it was the sixties, we rebelled. we moved in together, got married and eventually two weeks after, i came out pregnant. all behind your grandfather's back."
"and let me guess, he freaked out." bella laughed as she began with her makeup. "this sounds all too familiar."
"your grandfather didn't think we could do it, so it was days of endless arguments of your father trying to prove my father wrong. i remember my father constantly telling your father; 'once i see you perform surgery on someone, i'll believe you.'" lisa sighed. "then, you were born and well, things changed."
"well, aren't you glad grandpa and johnny didn't meet." bella softly chuckled as she applied some lipstick. "he would've had a fit."
bella stood up from the vanity as lisa smiled as she looked at her daughter. "now, get outta here, you're gonna be late." lisa chuckled. "you look beautiful, honey."
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・
bella took a deep breath as she walked up to the entrance of the encino oaks country club. she looked around and was immediately reminded of her younger years, which she spend accompanying her parents to events here. she felt the bittersweet nostalgia as she saw the familiar faces of the valley's notable socialites who were members. normally, events at the country club turned into runways, as all the ladies were fixated on the designers the others were sporting, but tonight, everyone's gaze was fixated on bella and her small bump.
"look at you!" jenna smiled as she turned to find her best friend and embraced her. "you look so beautiful, you're glowing."
"quit it, parker, you're making me blush." bella laughed as she fixed the sleeve on her dress. "where are the rest of the girls?"
"they should be here soon." jenna said as the two walked into the main ballroom. "so, tell me, you really used to come here with your folks? like every weekend?"
"yeah, i spent about half of my life here." bella sighed as the two sat on their table. "but let me tell you a little secret, it's not as glamorous as it looks. trust me."
"yeah, i can see already." jenna said as the waiter served champagne. before the waiter could serve bella some champagne, she stopped him.
"i'll take an iced tea, please." bella smiled as the waiter nodded and walked away. as the two girls waited for the rest of their table to arrive, bella felt the heavy stares of her parents' acquaintances, some who came up to greet her.
all the people who came up to greet her talked about how she's grown so much and even asked her about her job, but then came the expressions she heard all night, on loop; you're pregnant? when's the wedding? who's the father? bella had to repeat herself the whole night and of course, once she mentioned who the father was, there was brief periods of silence. nobody actually congratulated her, but questioned her.
after a while of having the socialites of the san fernando valley speculate and frown upon her pregnancy, she walked to the bathroom and paced around a little bit. she then walked out and got into her car. she needed to get out of there and head somewhere where she could think. jenna, after looking for bella, called jimmy asking if he knew anything about bella, but there was no luck.
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upon coming home, johnny laid on the couch, switching the channels attempting to find a program to watch. he finally settled on watching whatever mtv was playing. normally, he would've gone to the bar with tony, after class, but tonight, he didn't feel like it. he wanted to get home to bella and just spend the rest of the night with her, but forgot that she was out at that benefit dinner.
as he slowly drifted off to sleep, he saw bella walk into the apartment and place her purse down, while letting out a soft sigh. "hey." she softly smiled. "you're home early. i thought you'd be out."
"didn't feel like going out. you're back early." johnny said as he sat up. "you look gorgeous, by the way."
bella softly smiled as she walked to the refrigerator to grab a cherry coke. "what's up? you're quiet." johnny said as he walked up to the kitchen counter. "something's bothering you."
"you know how these things go." bella softly smiled. "you know how news travels fast between these people and apparently, my pregnancy is among the headlines. voices carry, y'know?"
"i knew it. bella, these people are full of shit, you do know that right?" johnny said as he intertwined his hands with hers. "just don't let this bother you so much."
"it's easy for you to say because nobody stares at you–"
"i get those stares too, because i'm the guy that knocked up dr. monroe's daughter." johnny sighed as he wrapped his arms around her. "look, i'm sorry you were put through that shit, but in the end, it's none of their business. it's ours.
"you should've seen the way they whispered to one another." bella sighed as she leaned her forehead onto his and let a few tears stream from her eyes. "they looked at me as if i were a whore."
"they probably looked at you because of how hot you looked in that dress." johnny smiled as he placed a kiss on her nose. "everything's gonna be fine, baby."
bella cupped his face in her hands and pressed her lips onto his, softly running her tongue across his bottom lip. she ran her fingers down his jawline as he placed a hand on the bump. "we'll be okay, right?" bella smiled.
"of course, you and me right?" johnny smiled.
bella nodded as she softly chuckled, cupping his face in her hands. "you and me."
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