The Boy
19th June 2017---
So hi again, today was a bit chaotic to say the least.... I missed my usual routine of lessons so I had more time to track this mystery new-be down, and I was rather surprised it was easier than I thought.....
-Karle Green--
Today was unlike most days, I was up 5.30 and jumped rather enthusiastically out of my spring board bed, I had showered, curled my hair and managed to get my full face of makeup on by 7 am. I even managed to get symmetrical wings of eyeliner on the side of my eyes, which was a big achievement for me. I didn't really think about it too much, but now I write in down... Was I making an effort for this boy? Was all this for him? I certainly hadn't done it everyday. It was probably just nothing I repeated to myself as began to sweat slightly under my arms.
After a while I began to regret my decision for waking up so early, I mean sure I look half decent this morning, but now I had this extra time to ponder the things that could go wrong today.
What if he's just like the others.
What if he doesn't like me.
What if he doesn't even come.
Within a 24 hr period I had gone from being oblivious to who this boy was, to being completely obsessed with him. To the point I was panicking about whether he would like me, I mean as a friend of course...
After a few more hours of trying to persuade my self that things would be "just fine", it was 12 am. The dread I didn't even know I had, dropped to my stomach, as my phone belted out "Every little things gonna be alright", to warn me of the time. I collected my pen stained bag, mauve hoodie and headed out to catch the train.
I arrived surprising early for me to college, by this I mean I arrived on time. Skipping registration I found myself waiting patiently by the main office, I had escaped Stacy "Torture parade" through the halls and therefore wasn't as down in the dumps as always.
I waited.
And waited.
Picking, twisting and clicking my fingers as I sat in a typical school chair, of course it had to be me that picked the creaking one in a whole line of them. I tried to let my mind wander, but it seemed fixated on this boy. Every thing I did he was always in the back of my mind, would he like me if I did this? Would he like me if I spoke like that? Is he posh? Is he ENGLISH? Maybe he's----
"Hi I'm Karle, I was supposed to be here a while ago, but you know how things are with the buses and all." He smirked a little, brushing back a small strand of hair that had fallen in his eyes.
"You are late, it's a simple as that. Over 300 people apply to this school every year you excluded, when you have the chance to go here you make a good impression, and that's not what you have just done today. We have high expectations, is a bus going to prevent you from being early to every activity in your life?" The vice principles sarcastic haze brought a slightly awkward silent atmosphere, as he wondered whether to answer or not.
"No miss. No you're right I shouldn't have been late I'm sorry."
"Apologies get me nowhere young man, marks do. Be late again and you're expelled."
With that she swiftly turned and walked through the halls, snapping at any student not in their lesson.
This was my chance. Say hello. Say are you alright. Say, say say.... Anything. The thoughts shrouded over my mind and before I knew he walking towards me.
"Um, excuse me. I would explain why I need help, but I think you saw that just then. I'm Karle and well, I'm new." He smirked once again, lifting the dread away from my stomach.
"Yeah I saw it, it's ok though, I mean she gives everyone a hard time. Not saying you're not important or anything. But uno..." I frantically search for any words to prevent an awkward pause..
"And oh, don't believe what she said about the late thing, I'm always late. She never knows she stays in that office of hers playing scrabble."
"Good to know." He chuckled...
The rest of my day I spent with Karle chatting, joking, and laughing. It was odd when I spoke with him I felt like I was talking to a best friend I hadn't seen forever, I just kinda felt like I knew him...
Anyway that's how we first met; he is much sweeter than I expected but I'm used to everyone being a jerk here. The only thing that bothers me though, it's only little but... I don't think he realizes how old I truly am... And I don't know how to tell him... You can't exactly tell someone you're as old as their grandparent bluntly. Can you?
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