Day 1 Officially Starts
Disclaimer I don't own Video Game High School nor David Archuleta
Here it is guys the next chapter enjoy! \(^3^)/
Vanoss P.O.V
'After what happened yesterday my inner wolf has been acting really weird especially when I'm around Jon. It's like my protective side comes out very often now. It's like this side of me trusts him and wants to protect him so much for this side top come out so easily'. I pondered this as I was up getting dressed for my official first day at VGHS . "Hey Mom I have a question" I asked her as I walked downstairs for breakfast "What is it dear?" She replied "what does it mean when your inner wolf comes out so freely?" I asked "well most times it means that either you found your mate" she told me but the second part to her answer is what I hoped wasn't true "or you feel threatened by that person or by a group of people. Why?" "No reason" I told her as I walked out the door to go to the bus stop. "Bye mom" I yelled before I shut the door and left.
Delirious P.O.V
As I woke up I noticed there was a note on my bed from my parents "Dear Jonathan, your father and I went our to get some things for your special day today. So until we get back, have a great day at school and Happy Birthday sweetie.
Love Mom and Dad
P.S: Be careful with your new powers" I read aloud to myself "well time to get up" i got up and went to my closet to pull out my favorite blue hoodie, with a pair of black skinny jeans, a faint grey shirt, and my black vans then headed to my neighboring bathroom to my morning shower. As i was taking my shower i felt weird and when i say weird i mean like i felt a serge of power flow through me as i felt this something told me, no yelled at me to get out and go look in the mirror when i did my eyes were changing from my normal sapphire blue ones to bloodshot red ones "oh my god my powers came a lot earlier than I thought they would "I gotta tell Vanoss" I screamed with glee. The strange thing that caught my attention after I said his name my heart skipped a beat "the hell!" I screamed as I grabbed my chest from shock. As I was still holding my chest I got a text from Vanoss "speak of the devil"
V is Vanoss D is Delirious
V : dude where are you the bus is almost here
D : I'm on my way calm your tits just give me like five minutes
Meanwhile as I'm still talking to Vanoss I had already gotten dressed had walked downstairs to grab a quick bite to eat since my mom normally makes breakfast so I just grabbed a piece of toast and walked out but before I got far I had to run back because I almost forgot my mask
V : fine just hurry your ass up by order of your new alpha
D : Congrats man but yeah I don't care you know why?
V : why? :/
D : look up
Vanoss did what I told him to do for once "because you are looking at your new second in command alpha starting today "dude I'm so happy for you" he said pulling me into hug. I felt sparks fly through my body as he did that, but I inwardly frowned when he pulled away "aaaand happy birthday" he said as he pulled out a small box, I took the box to open it up and see a necklace with an ivory pendant of two wolves intertwined like the yin yang symbol. " Oh my God thank you where did you get it" (a/n: I'm making him sound so girly right now XD) I turned around so he could put it on" it was my grandmother's and it meant alot to her just like you mean alot to me" he said rubbing his neck and blushing a crimson red "well thank you again" I told him as the bus pulled up and we boarded
??? P.O.V
As I sat in the back of my first period class I couldn't help but stare at my crush. The way his curly hair fell in his face when he dropped his head to write. The way his glasses made his eyes gleam when the Sun's rays that shined through the windows bounceed off them. You may be wondering who exactly am I talking about, if so then fuck off he's mine but for those who don't his name is Craig also known as the one and only Mini Ladd. I've actually liked him since I first laid my eyes on him. Now I know what you're thinking 'hey ??? Why don't you just ask him out already then?' Well The stupid thing about that is the fact that I haven't found the right place or time to tell him.....aww who am I missing he'll never fall for me hell I don't even know if he's gay or not. And plus the fact that I'm the damn school bully he'll just be scared of me as the bell shook me out my thoughts all I could say to myself was "another hellish day awaits"
Well that's all folks I post again and I'm sorry for not posting like I was supposed to I've been caught up with a lot of things and this. So if I don't post you know why
But until then like, comment, vote, and all that good stuff so yeah....byeee
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