Dedicated to:@Google5555666666 XD
Thanks a lot for the numerous votes and your amazing, constant support :)
"Passion and shame torment him. And rage is mingled with his grief"
Claire's POV
It wasn't only the tears that came falling out of my eyes, but it was the crippling ache that seeped into my bones, into my heart, into my mind, that hurt the most.
I had a very bad feeling lingering in my chest since the day he told me he didn't want to love me, there was something eerily off about his behavior. But I hadn't imagined, in the worst of my nightmares, that he had someone else in mind.
I wrapped my arm tighter around my pillow, as I lay on my bed when another headache came barrelling in. My pillows and sheets were soaked in tears that I had been shedding.
Why was my life always trying to take Logan away from me?
Everytime I thought, things might turn out better afterall, I was hit by a wave of misery with the same kind of vehemence – but this time, it had completely swept me away, so much that I was still trying to process if it really happened.
Suddenly my phone, placed on my bedside table, started ringing.
Wiping my tears away with the back of my hand, I reached forward to lift it off the surface and to my surprise – it was Breanna.
Why was this bitch calling me? To tell me she made out with Logan?
Angrily, I threw the phone on my bed, screaming at it all the while "Fuck you Breanna! Fuck you!" I merely stared at it, eyebrows furrowed together until it stopped ringing.
I hopped off, preparing to head downstairs but my phone rang yet again.
She didn't have to tease me like this.
Consumed with curiosity, I picked my phone up and placed it on my ear "What the fuck do you want?" I yelled in fury.
I ran, as fast as my legs could take me.
The sound of my shoes, pounding on the floor, resonated off the walls with a clanging echo that matched my heart throbbing inside my chest with the thick grief and fear I felt. Tears kept blurring my vision as I clasped my hands into a fist and tried to run faster.
I dodged the wheelchairs, the stretchers, the nurses and the doctors as I made my way from amidst them, down the never ending sleek white-tiled corridor of the hospital.
I ran with all my might, I ran with dread, feeling like if I don't make it, I'm going to lose something, something very dear to me.
I felt like I was getting late for something.
The journey never seemed to end; I kept running and running, occasionally wiping my tears off and never stopping to catch a breath.
That was until I reached where I was headed and what I saw was a vacant end of a corridor and in the centre stood Breanna, nervously clutching her hair as she stared at the doors on her right.
I predicted that's the room where he might be so I dashed towards the door. Before I could reach the handles, someone fiercely caught my arm and pulled me away.
"You can't go inside!" Breanna bellowed, her face reddening "It's not allowed!"
"But I want to see him!" I wailed and tried to break out of her grip.
She held on with an immeasurable amount of strength and pushed me back, yelling "Fucking shut up!"
I had to see him.
I needed to know what he was going through.
I wanted to be there for him.
Just like he's always been there for me.
"God" I covered my face in my palms wholly, but my trembling eyelids were too feeble to push the tears back.
"Do you realize what you have done?" Breanna's husky voice made me look at her. Her jaw was stretched tautly and she was angrily gritting her teeth. Looking as furious as ever "This is all your fault, if something happens to Logan, it's all going to be your fucking fault"
My anger flooded out, my voice trembled "How the hell is it my fault?"
She walked towards me, rage emanating out of her as her long strides echoed in the corridor. She stopped a few inches from me, throwing daggers at me through her eyes "Claire Annesley. You're so fucking blind. So much that I pity you. How can you not see it?"
The intensity of her whirling gaze perplexed me "See what?"
"That you are being played, dammit! In plain sight! And you don't even realize it!"
Was I being played? By who? How?
My mind was completely focused on Logan right then and I couldn't think straight, I couldn't understand a thing she was saying.
She began to elucidate, with the same fury as before "Do you really think Logan kissed me because he likes me? That's not true! Not true at all! I was the one who kissed him first against his own will, all he was doing was trying to stay away from me and you–"
"Why did you kiss him?" I cut her off "How dare you lay your hands on him!" our voices bounced off the walls of the empty, hushed corridor, reverberating down as we yelled at each other.
"Oh fuck you Annesley! I didn't kiss him because I like him either! I don't like him at all, I only perceive him as a friend!"
"Then why in the world would you kiss him?"
My sentence completely shut her up as I had said something out of the world. Something was uncannily wrong about the way her glare locked into my eyes, remaining abruptly quiet as she breathed.
Her eyes fell on the floor as hasty breaths escaped her throat. And then she began "It was a setup. A setup to separate Logan and you. It was all planned but, it ended way more horribly than we had imagined"
I felt like the walls started to spin with exceedingly fast speeds.
Logan was saying the truth.
He was right when he told me he didn't like her.
And I...I told him I didn't trust him.
For a second I just stared shockingly at her apologetic face and the next, I pushed her back with rage "What the hell! A setup? Who is behind all of this? You?"
I was consumed with anger beyond measure. Just the mere thought of someone finding bliss in taking Logan away from me, sent wild tremors down my spine.
"Yes part of this" she breathed heavily and bit her lower lip hard "But, someone else made the entire plan"
"And who is this?"
She gulped once, twice "Venetia Grey"
I wanted to scream with all the frustration that I was holding in when I heard her name. Her fucking name.
All I was thinking was....why? Why? Why? What did we ever do to deserve this?
My mind screamed revenge, revenge of what she had done to my Logan.
"She was the planner" she continued in a broken voice "I was supposed to wait for you to arrive and the moment I saw you pull in the driveway of the party...I...I went to Logan and I made sure I kissed him in...front of you..."
My entire body had frozen, rooted to the ground, anger boiling up in my blood.
"And Claire, I am so so sorry" finally, Breanna Riley started to cry "I am so sorry I had no idea Logan would take such a big step"
I ran my hands through my hair exasperatingly as she stuttered "He started to drink, Claire. He drank a hell lot of beer after you left and then he went for his car. I...I tried to stop him, I tried my best but he wouldn't listen"
She stopped but I urged her to tell me more.
"What else would I have done?" she sobbed "I followed him in my car and...I found him crashed into a pole...unconscious...bleeding"
"God" I clasped a hand over my mouth as a whimper left my throat. My head started to hurt to even imagine him...bleeding.
Bleeding...because of me.
I had no mettle to ask her anymore, I didn't know if I would be able to handle the details.
"God I want to see him..." I placed my forehead on the doors as another painful, burning tear trickled down my cheek.
"The doctors say he might have fainted due to pain" she strolled up to me, still holding immense rage in her voice "They believe either his head or his chest hit the steering wheel before the air bags came out. He wasn't wearing his seatbelt. But he's okay now"
Another violent jolt pulsated throughout my body.
That was exactly where the car had hit him that day when he tried to flee from Carlton.
My head started to spin and I thought I'd faint when I clutched the door handles for support. A sob left my mouth as I remembered how much he was complaining about the pain in his chest, and now...the steering wheel hit him right there.
Oh God, it must've hurt him so much. My heart was hurting so bad. So fucking bad.
I fisted my hands tightly, endeavoring to hold it all in. Logan had to go through all this pain, all because of a stupid setup. He could've lost his life!
Venetia Grey...
You tried to mess with me, but now you have expanded your boundaries, you pushed your limits. You hunted for Logan this time.
It was all good when it was just me...but now you've dragged Logan into this.
Venetia Grey...
Now you're dead. Dead as fuck.
Woohoo! *cheers for Claire*
What do ya'll think Claire's going to do to Venetia??
Please don't confuse between Venetia and Natalie! They're two completely different people. Natalie has been added to the cast list :)
Do let me know what you guys think about the story so far! I've kind of started to feel this story isn't going that good :(
Love you guys to the moon and back! Thanks for supporting me! Don't forget to vote, loves ;)
Love, K
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