May 23,1983
There was an attack on Cheddar.
My father was already on his way to Cheddar by the time we reached the Police Forces Temporary Headquarters or they call it the PFTH.
Integra and Walter communing with the Police Force.
"Could you please repeat yourself,Sir Integra FairBrooks Wingates HellSing."Asked Officer Wren.
"Very well,I'll start again.There Ghouls and Cheddar has become a den of Ghouls."Said Integra.
'Ghouls.Moving corpses controlled by the vampire.Humans bitten if del-flowered.Then Are Slaves to the vampire.While vampires are created by vampires bitting a Virgin of the opposite sex.An are their servant for all eternity,until they drink their masters blood.'
"HellSing's top agent is already on site,this will be solved in a matter of hours."Smirked Integra.
"What kind of agent could handle this?"Asked a commander.
Integra's smirk deepened."When dealing with monsters,vampires especially there is no better expert walking this earth."She replied.
I stepped out from the shadows I was hidden under.To speak with Integra then I hear,"She looks like a Demon."
I don't know how I heard it but two cops were conversing.
"A demon you say she is,her father is one as well."
"Your Agents's a vampire?"Asked a soldier.
"Correct."She replies.
My Father is a Vampire....
My body quivered.
"Humans make poor vampire hunters there frail,there mortal,there croup-table,body mind and soul."She then said.
My Father is a vampire....
He's a blood drinking vampire like the woman,Carmella
He's A Vampire...
"The thing is you beat a vampire with a stronger more powerful vampire."She said looking to me.
"He's...A....Vamp..ire."I mutter.
"Is she okay?"Asked a commander.
"She's as well is a victim of a vampire attack.Walter Take her outside."
He's a vampire.Alucard.My father is a vampire...
Walter takes me outside and holds me to him."He didn't tell you,did he?"
My quivering body answered his question.
The moment we returned to the estate.I sped walked to my room on sat on my bed quivering still.Alucard hasn't seen me since the mission.
My eyelids were closed tight and I held myself tighter.
'My father is a vampire.
I could be one too for all I'm aware of,he's a vampire.Yet why am I so surprised.I look like him,I always have been called a demon so why am I Not excepting it.Why don't I believe it.I just meet him.'
"Skata?"Asked Alucard who's hand was on my shoulder.
I faced away from him,shaking my head back and forth,breathing hard.
I then look to the opposing wall.
He sat behind me,on the other side of the bed.
"I'm sorry for not telling you."He said.
"It's not your fault."I reply.
"But it is."He somewhat argues.
"It's not your fault."I say a bit darker.
He stayed silent.
"I should have assumed such things.Our faces are identical and yet our tongues have nothing alike in words."I reply.
He continued to stay silent.However I hug him from behind.
"It's not your fault father,It's mine,it's all mine Father."I reply.
He sucked in his breath."Fa-Father."He said as if trying to process that word.
"Father,train me.Please?"I ask.
"I've got something better in mind."He replies.
"Being my daughter you'll learn everything just by saying a few,powerful words.Now.Close your eyes and let me assist you to were we wonder."He said Roman accent filing through.He then grabbed my hand.
His fingers tip's touched my wrists.He then carefully takes me around the way and I'm assuming to his room.
A cold hand then pushed mine on something wooden.My eyes where then covered.
"Say the words,close your mind and honor those words."His words were very faint,almost gone.
I open my eyes an see nothing but black.Shadows and blood."I'm the Bird of Hermes,Eating my own Wings to keep self tame."Said a white haired,red eyed woman.
I then repeated those words.I then felt it deep inside.A pain oozing into my neck or maybe I wasn't imagining it.
Once I came to my senses,I felt my fathers fangs in my neck.I yell and scream but begin to moan in pain and try to collect my breath.
"Shhh,"He cooed."I'm enhancing your vampiric abilities and finalizing your title as my daughter."
He somehow said while biting my neck
"Telepathy?"I minded back.
"Yes Indeed."My father said releasing my neck.My knees then buckle from underneath me.
"Are you alright?"
I nod.
"Good we have a new servant to meet."
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