Ch 1: MIA
A/N: I don't own anything.
Key: IJ (In Japanese), IV (In Vietnamese), IR (In Russian)
Outskirts of Aleppo, Syria, 2 miles from the city
144th Guards Motor Rifle Division (Russian Ground Forces) and the 1st Special Forces Group (US Army Green Berets) joint operation with the SDF
We were ready. 5 months of preperation to break through into the city and destroy the remaining ISIS insurgents in Syria starts today. For the past year, ISIS remnants has been holding out inside Aleppo, repelling repeated attacks from the Syrian Army and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Today though, will be their final stand. Once we take Aleppo back from ISIS, they will have nowhere to run as this is their last stronghold. Currently, I was helping to plan out the operation.
US Army Green Beret Major: Alright Captain, here is a map of Aleppo (pulls out a map). We are currently on the outskirts of the city, about close to 2 miles from the city. SDF forces will try to attack from the front first.
Me: But didn't we try that before sir?
US Army Green Beret Major: We did Captain, but this time, their forces are weakening, since the SDF and your Russian-backed government forces have destroyed almost 2/3rds of their forces.
Me: Still though sir, I don't want this to be another Kandahar sir.
US Army Green Beret Major: I know Captain. Let's just hope this works.
Me: Wait, so after the SDF forces break through, how about us?
US Army Green Beret Major: We will take the flanks to encircle the ISIS forces in a pincer movement so they can't escape. Your detachment of 144th Guards Motor Rifle Division soldiers will take the left flank, while us Green Berets will take the right.
Me: Yes sir.
US Army Green Beret Major: Alright then Captain, let's move. Слава россии. (Glory to Russia.) (He salutes me)
Me (I salute back): God bless America.
I go out of the makeshift planning tent and head to my small detachment of troops.
144th Private (IR): Товарищ капитан, что нам теперь делать? (Comrade Captain, what do we do now?)
Me (IR): Заказы даны. Как только СДФ наносят удары по городу с фронта, мы идем с левого фланга, чтобы остановить отступление противника. Тогда ... мы их уничтожим. (Orders are given. As soon as the SDF punches the city from the front, we go in from the left flank to cut off the enemy's retreat. Then ... we will destroy them.)
144th Private (IR): Да, товарищ капитан, сэр (Yes, Comrade Captain sir.)
Me (IR): Хорошо, солдаты, загрузите свое снаряжение и будьте готовы к выходу в считанные минуты. (Alright, soldiers, load up your gear and get ready to go in a minute's notice.
My detachment (IR): Так точно! (Yes sir!)
Me (IR): Тогда двигайся! (Get moving then!)
My soldiers then put on their 6B46 Plate carriers (since we are a frontline unit, we get equipment similar to our SSO counterparts), Ops-Core FAST helmets (courtesy of the US Army), and get ready their AK-12s. We then wait in the background for the signal to advance through and break through from the left flank.
A/N: Honkai Impact dialogue ahead.
St. Fountain, Africa, alternate Earth
3rd Anti-Honkai Squad, Schicksal Special Forces
Adam's POV:
A/N: That's the name of what the character who you can customize with your name is in the game logs.
I was standing on a high place and looking at a behemoth floating in the air from afar.
Me (thinking): What on Earth is that?
The setting sun stained the sky into a crimson color. For a slight moment, I felt like the floating object was alive in itself, as the red light seemed like blood flowing through its veins. Miss Raiden then interrupts my thinking.
Miss Raiden (Raiden Mei) (IJ): Thinking about the mission?
Me (IJ): Yes...I am.
Miss Raiden (IJ): We'll talk it through in a bit. Now, I have a simple task for you. Here, you'll write the mission report this time. (she then gives me the report) Sign here.
I then sign my name.
Miss Raiden (IJ): Adam, huh? You sure about this?
Me (IJ): You can actually call yourself anything, you know.
Miss Raiden (IJ): Hmm, fine. If the overseer (Theresa) has a problem with it, it will be your problem.
She then chuckled and looked into the strange floating object high up in the sky.
Miss Raiden (IJ): What is it really? It never floated up on our radar.
Me (IJ): Schicksal Air Terminal?
Miss Raiden (IJ): No way! Come on, I'm trying to think here. This thing...something tells me it's gotta be connected to Mr. Yang.
Me (IJ): ...
Miss Raiden (IJ): Come on, let's talk inside.
We then walk inside to our "HQ".
Miss Raiden (IJ): Let's go through what we know so far. 14 days ago on April 13th, Mr Yang left E.T. Studio for a business trip at the invitation of the St. Fountain government. He arrived at the Cairo Airport on 15th, and then took the maglev train to St. Fountain. A schicksal satellite caught him getting off at the Sa'ad Station and lost him ever since. No message, surveiliance nothing. Our mission is to find him and escort him safely to the Schicksal HQ. Any questions?
Me (IJ): Actually I have some.
Miss Raiden (IJ): Ask away.
Me (IJ): Who is Yelt Wang?
Miss Raiden (IJ): Hmm, he is the Joachim Nokianvirtanen in the report. The 2nd HoR, ex-sovereign of AE. He retired after the Honkai Eruption and is now the director of E.T. Studio. I haven't seen him in years, but the doctor speaks of him very often.
Me (IJ): How about St. Fountain?
Miss Raiden (IJ): An ex-colonial city with over 600 years of history independence in the middle of the last century. Tourism and plant exports are its pillar industries. it also has diverse cultral heritages for its colonial history. Badly wounded by the Honkai Eruption, it's however one of the first African cities to quit the Schicksal relief program.
Me (IJ): I think that should be enough.
Miss Raiden nodded and smiled.
Miss Raiden (IJ): I felt this was going to be a cake walk when I first received the briefing. Mr. Yang is a veteran who has seen it all. He was always fighting where the worst battle was. He used to be a Herrscher, but before that, he has always been a reliable partner and a caring friend. But...once I came here, I started to feel something is amiss. There are definitely more to the city than meets the eye. The floating mystery, for example.
Me (IJ): The SAT images are normal, but no one is in the city.
Miss Raiden (IJ): Very observant Adam. I noticed the same things. Schicksal satellite-scanned every inch of St. Fountain, but nothing came up. The SAT images showed us a perfectly normal city, only it isn't really. No residents, no living things, nothing but a false facade. Invisible barriers, jammed signals...someone is trying to cut this city out from the world. Who'd have that kind of caliber?
Miss Raiden was thinking really hard about this.
Miss Raiden (IJ): thing dosen't make sense.
Me (IJ): Mr. Yang's arrival...
Miss Raiden (IJ): Hmm, if someone is trying to cover everything up, why would they draw Mr. Yang's attention? Mr. Yang will never make an easy puppet. Unless...the kidnapper wants to make a play about his former identity? Everything we knew about this city is now useless. We are hopelessly short of clues. Adam, we're setting an operational base here. First, we split out to collect intel while keeping in contact. And we report back here in the evening. It's a bit of a waste, but the Honkai-powered commgear is the only way to keep everyone in sync.
Me (IJ): Yes maam.
I then head out into the city to figure out what was going on. First was the train station. Buildings were randomly rumbling around me.
Me (thinking): Is it an earthquake? Or an explosion?
As I was heading to the train station through the streets when suddenly, a monster appeared out of thin air.
A/N: Code 0-the Fool.
Me (thinking): A strange monster. Is it a new breed of a Honkai beast? Probably not likely, since it didn't give out a Honkai signal.
I quickly kill it with my prototype sword and slash another 2 of those monsters from the air. Miss Raiden then talks over the field comms.
Miss Raiden (IJ): You okay, Adam? Your Honkai energy level is low.
Me (IJ): Had an encounter with strange new beasts.
Miss Raiden (IJ): Wait, you ran into enemies? Honkai Beasts?
Me (IJ): Some creatures I never saw before.
Miss Raiden (IJ): Alien creatures...and hostile? No shortage of surprises in this mission. The road here has collapesed. I need to make a detour. Gonna take some time to meet you. If only Carole was here...are you alright, Adam?
Me (IJ): Nah...I'm light as rain.
Miss Raiden (IJ): Ha, thought so...guess I'm worrying too much. Be careful.
I then check over the surroundings of the road I'm on. Hm. Seems these crystals only emit weak Honkai energy, meaning that they are not Honkai cubes. I then walk towards the train station, running into some of those creatures that can fly.
A/N: Code VI-The Lovers.
Once I deal with them, another monster came in, which was stronger.
A/N: Code VIII-Strength.
Me (thinking): A new monster? Looks stronger than the one before.
The monster dodges all my attacks, but when the monster turns golden to do its ulimate attack, I then jumped into the air and counterattacked it back to great effect, eventually killing it. Miss Raiden then comes on the comms again.
Miss Raiden (IJ): Adam, I ran into them too. You were right. Not Honkai Beasts. They felt more like...
Me (IJ): Mechas..
Miss Raiden (IJ): Yeah, they move slow like mechas. But I feel something is amiss. They're not nature's children, nor from science. More like something emerged in a child's nightmare, put together, put together with fragments from a thousand different monsters. I'm sending the data back to HQ. The Overseer and the doctor should be interested. Adam, where are you at?
Me (IJ): Near the Sa'ad Station.
Miss Raiden (IJ): Oh? Right. You wanna check out the map. Come back when your investigation is done. Let's rendezvous in the evening.
I then start to run to the station. Little did I know what will come next.
Back to the 144th Guards Motor Rifle Division
Outskirts of Aleppo, midday
While my soldiers were waiting anxiously for the signal to move, we were watching the SDF forces move along the road in front of the city through a Predator drone's camera.
Me (IR): Похоже, у них все хорошо. Почти нет сопротивления. (Looks like they're doing well. Almost no resistance.)
Once the SDF forces punched through the ISIS lines in front of the city, we were given the order to advance.
US Army Green Beret Major (through radio): Captain, you have permission to move. Now get going.
Me: Yes sir. (to the rest of my soldiers) Хорошо, давайте двигаться! (Alright, lets get moving!)
144th detachment (IR): Так точно! (Yes sir!)
Me: Первая команда, вы берете ведущую машину. Вторая команда, ты со мной в тылу. (First team, you take the lead vehicle. Second team, you're with me in the rear.)
We all then get into our teams and go to our GAZ Tigr-M vehicles. I then sit in the front with the driver while the rest of my team gets situated.
Me (through radio) (IR): Все юниты это Bолк 3-1. Вы очищены, чтобы перейти на наши позиции вперед. Мы нападем на город, как только очистим истребителей ИГИЛ на западной стороне города. (All units, this is Wolf 3-1. You are clear to move to our foward positions to the west side of the city. We will attack from the west side of the city once the area is cleared of ISIS fighters.)
All units (through radio) (IR): Так точно! (Yes sir!)
A few moments later, Russian forward positions, West side outside Aleppo
We arrive at our positions and setup outposts to scan for ISIS positions and destroy them with airstrikes or sniper fire. After a while, I took out my binos and started to scan the terrain.
Me (IR): Пока ничего. (Nothing so far.)
Me (looks at the sniper and to the rest of my squad) (IR): Снайпер. Капрал, убери его. (Sniper. Corporal, take him out.)
One of the corporals under my command takes out his Dragunov SVU, with the newer PSO-1M2 scope.
144th Corporal (IR): Так точно. (Roger, sir.)
The corporal then takes out the sniper in one shot.
Me (through binos) (IR): Убить подтвердили. Хорошо убить. Хорошо убить. (Kill confirmed. Good kill. Good kill.)
Since the sniper was down, we could advance forward and surprise these motherf*ckers.
Me (signaling to move forward) (IR): Bперед, вперед. (Move up, move up.)
The rest of my detachment moves up along with me and we check our surroundings to see 2 ISIS fighters guarding the roads into the city.
Me (thinking): Only 2 men? That's lame.
Me (to one private) (IR): Вы берете парня справа, я беру парня слева. Очистить? (You take the guy on the right, I take the guy on the left. Clear?)
144th Private (IR): Так точно. (Yes sir.)
Me (IR): По моему сигналу. (On my signal.)
I wait for about 5 seconds.
Me (IR): Tри, два, один. (Three, two, one.) огонь. (Fire.)
The private and I fire our shot from the AK-12s and they both go down.
Me (IR): Они внизу. (They're down.)
I then speak to the rest of the detachment.
Me (IR): Зона свободна, давайте двигаться. (Area's clear, let's move.)
My detachment then reaches in the inside of the city and I get over the radio to the Major.
Me (through radio): Major, my forces are inside the city. Ready to support when needed.
US Army Green Beret Major (radio): Alright Captain, my forces are also in the city. The SDF is in a heavy firefight with ISIS fighters just southeast of your position. Move your forces there and we'll link up, and hit 'em from behind.
Me (radio): Yes sir.
I then relay the orders to my forces.
Me (IR): Хорошо, слушай здесь. Силы СДФ, которые должны были войти в центр города, вступили в перестрелку с бойцами ИГИЛ к юго-востоку от нашей позиции. Мы должны двигаться за этими бойцами, соединиться со спецназом США и дать им ад. Понял? (Alright, listen up here. The SDF forces that were supposed to enter the center of the city got themselves in a firefight with ISIS fighters just southeast of our position. We are to move behind those fighters, link up with US Special Forces, and give them hell. Understood?)
144th Detachment: Так точно! (Yes sir!)
We then slowly run towards the southeast from where we are to hit those ISIS bastards from behind. As we were running though, we came under heavy fire from the buildings.
Me (IR): Береги эти здания! Иначе мы не смогли бы продвигаться! (Take care of those buildings! Otherwise we won't be able to advance!)
All of us target the fighters on top of the buildings, since it was their genius idea to put fighters on the tops of buildings, leaving them exposed. A few shots from our AK-12s later, and we are moving again.
A few minutes later, behind the ISIS lines facing the SDF
We managed to get there with little to no resistance, since almost all the fighters were occupied with the SDF.
US Army Green Beret Major: Took you long enough.
Me: Well we had to go through another ambush valley, so of course it was gonna take us some time.
US Army Green Beret Major: Any casualties?
Me: No sir.
Us and the Green Berets start our attack from behind.
Me (yelling at the ISIS fighters): Surprise motherf*ckers!
We all then fire our semi-auto shots at the fighters with our AKs and M4s. We still encountered fierce resistance, even if the fighters were pinned on both sides. They were definitely fighting to the end.
Me: Keep on firing!
Eventually, after a good or so 30 minutes, a fighter threw a grenade at us, specifically, towards me. Since I had no time to throw it back, I would choose to cover everyone.
Me (IR): Граната! (Grenade!)
Once I put my whole entire body force on the grenade, it exploded just as I expected. Then suddenly, a blue light came out and engulfed me inside it.
US Army Green Beret Major: Captain!
144th Private (IR): Товарищ капитан! (Comrade Captain!)
The world as I knew it disappeared in front of my own eyes, sending me through a inter-dimensional portal to another world. For one of the first times of my life, I would be uncertain where it would take me.
The world it took me to would shock me.
A/N: Ch 1 is finished! I hope that you enjoyed this! Review down below and vote on this chapter.
Have a nice day!
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