Side Chat
T The Dank Engine added Dad, Specs, Sir Sing-A-Lot, and several others
emo nightmare: oh god
Dad: Hiii! :D
Snek boi: May I ask why?
Specs: I would also like to know that answer.
T The Dank Engine: I just felt that this was necessary
emo nightmare: were all gonna die
Trash Rat: Sounds fun!
Snek boi: Remus. No.
emo nightmare: i actually agree with re on this one
Dad: Virgil! No! :(
emo nightmare: sorry dad
y e s s i r: awwww 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Crystal Gem: That's cute!
Dad: :D
emo nightmare: :)
Snek boi: Mkay? What do you guys wanna talk about?
emo nightmare: death
Sir Sing-A-Lot: DISNEY
y e s s i r: starbucks
T The Dank Engine: The three types of gays
y e s s i r: ✨periodt✨
Specs: I have ran out of vocabulary cards. Does anyone have spares?
Sir Sing-A-Lot: Remind me later, book germ!
Specs: Okay.
emo nightmare: so are we not gonna talk about death?
Trash Rat: I like that idea!
Snek boi: I don't
y e s s i r: we could talk about crushes
Sir Sing-A-Lot: OOO! Yes!
emo nightmare: ew
Sir Sing-A-Lot: Oh c'mon, cuddly cactus!
emo nightmare: ick fine u start then mr roman-ce
Sir Sing-A-Lot: Ha! I like that nickname!
emo nightmare: who is it?
Sir Sing-A-Lot: Me?
emo nightmare: your crush cassanova
Sir Sing-A-Lot: Uhh I don't one!
Snek boi: Liar
Specs: Falsehood.
y e s s i r: yeah, spill the tea gurl
Sir Sing-A-Lot: Do I have to go first?
Dad: We can save you for last!
Sir Sing-A-Lot: Ah yes! Save the best for last of course!
Snek Boi: Wow, you always have to be on top don't you?
Trash Rat: Unless it's Virgil
emo nightmare: r e m u s s t f u
Sir Sing-A-Lot: Come again?
Dad: I don't get it
Specs: Good.
y e s s i r: ill go first, its emmy ;)
Crystal Gem: Really?!
y e s s i r: (my username)
Crystal Gem: Yay! I feel the same way Remy! 🥰
y e s s i r: :)
y e s s i r: your turn specs
Specs: I do not feel feelings.
Sir Sing-A-Lot: FaLsEhOoD
Snek boi: Yeah, that's a lie
Specs: Okay, fine. I'm just concerned he won't feel the same.
Dad: I'm sure whoever it is, their feelings are the same! You're great Logie!
Specs: Thank you, Patton.
Specs: I'm 'crushing', if that's how you put it, on Patton.
emo nightmare: haha his face is so red
y e s s i r: Pat or Lo?
emo nightmare: i was talkin bout pat but prolly lo too
Dad: O//w//O
Trash Rat: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Snek boi: I take they feel the same
Trash Rat: My is Janus
y e s s i r: well that was fast
Snek boi: Yea we know Re
Crystal Gem: I didn't
Trash Rat: And he loves me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
emo nightmare: my respect keeps going further down for u
emo nightmare: am i next?
Specs: I know we said Roman could go last, but I believe we should let you go last, I do not want to further your anxiety to a bad degree.
emo nightmare: thnx
Sir Sing-A-Lot: Well...
Sir Sing-A-Lot: It's...
Sir Sing-A-Lot: ...
Sir Sing-A-Lot: ...Virgil...
emo nightmare: oh thank god
emo nightmare: my f u c k i n g anxiety
Dad: Language!
emo nightmare: sorry dad
Sir Sing-A-Lot: Wait, 'thank god'?
emo nightmare: :)
(annnd thats the end :))
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