Another day, Sazed opened the shutter. It was dawn at 6 am, where only few people were lurking in the streets, while most coming out from their most respective prayers. It was an aura of peace and harmony. Sazed started to clean the store and following the dirt wash, his chef-Delwar arrived while the sweetest sun shone in with a cool breeze of nature.
Little did Delwar knew, Sazed was concerned about something more than his stall. Despite the clear and colorful nature, his own set of problems were strolling around the surface. Unlike his jolly and wonderful days, there was something that was upsetting him. He was sitting inside the shop, seemingly waiting for his customers to arrive. Delwar was looking at him as a pitiful soul.
"Where's Shehzad?" he asked.
"What happened, sir?" asked Delwar.
Sazed revealed.
"I was snoring. Sleeping peacefully. It was so loud that my sultry loudmouth wife, Khadijah angrily poured the water on my body. It was so chilled and spicy at the same time that I jumped out, 'yikes!'
I sat on the bed slowly.
"Wake up, sleepy-head! Do you know what time it is? Just put a clip on your nose, your snoring stinks like an alarm clock!"
I yawned loud by uplifting the arms. Khadijah continuously bickering around, which I couldn't listen properly...Until the end of the line.
"What's wrong, honey?"
"What's wrong? Shehzad's fees haven't been paying on time! Or else, he'll be kicked out from school. SO FROM NOW ON, NO DUES SHOULD BE TAKEN! THAT'S MY ORDER, YOU SON OF A CATTLE!" screamed Khadijah.
Shehzad had been bunking off school lately, especially on Thursdays to play carom with his friends. I don't know what will become of this child'.
"That's awful! But don't worry, everything will be fine!" said Delwar.
Time passed by. The place became crowded, food has been served during the time-lapse. On that moment, the gang were being ready to go on school. Now, it's time to introduce the gang in a new light, as we've seen through Ehsaan's at first glance.
Ikkhon, an upper middle-class Hindu family were way advanced than their community, also known as Bhrammo. It's quite similar to the traditional Muslims who are sober in nature and doesn't discriminate caste, creed and religion. They only believe in one God or the Almighty only. But he was more a foodie than Hablu. Otherwise, a cute chubby kid everyone wants to cuddle and press their cheeks with.
Just like every day, he went for a shower. Whereas, his mom, Sumitra was cooking some delicious vegetarian dishes such as soya curry, sautéed pepper salad, spicy butter-filled lentils with separately a creamy mutton curry. Her forehead had a sweat of concerns: Ikkhon's school fees, her fish merchant husband-Manik's business-despite its skyrocketing roots, his toddler sister- Abishka who will be admitted in school and most of all, the best ingredient in her 'rich' cooking, while stumbling around 'Grandmom's Recipe Book'.
"IKKHON! Breakfast's ready! You need to be early in class" cried Sumitra, Ikkhon's mom.
He answered "Alright mom, I won't be late!"
They lived in a two storied house, right beside the colony where Ehsaan lived. Criticized by the other members of the community at home, they never ever cared, until or unless it's too much of a necessity. Their biggest fear was Hablu, due to his extreme fondness if food but otherwise, his helping nature won their trust.
Meanwhile, George, after the Sunday Church prayer, he got into an old, Victorian-like apartment. His dad was reading a newspaper on a wooden rocking chair, where his mom was typing a scattered page article. George's presence stopped her typing and anyhow finished it. She smiled at him and his dad dropped the newspaper on the sofa. He was the only child in the family to be adored and cared for love. George's father Mr. Rodney Roberts was regarded as one of the richest and most influential people in the world, despite his humble beginnings. He was a hotelier, where Mrs. Roberts have a clothing store but was a housewife at the same time.
'Good morning, son' said both the parents Mr. and Mrs. Roberts.
Their apartment was named as 'Altab's Christian Colony', which was funded by Altab himself before his death. It was right across the neighboring grocery stores, where Altab's Tea Stall was situated. The neighborhood might be small but the unity of all the religions were inevitable.
Going to Arhaan, he was the first richest of the family. Despite their huge property, they lead a simple, middle class life. Unlike certain cocky rich people, they were so humbled that everyone underestimated them a lot. Similar to Ikkhon, they didn't even care about the consequences. The only person who bullies the family was Saad, who might have been slightly less rich than Arhan but more arrogant, despite having neighboring mansions. He boost his father's 'pleasures' as a tool of a toy.
"Have you finished your prayers, dear?" asked Mrs. Roberts.
"I did, mom. Dad, what's the news today?" said George
"The earth may destroy in 2004. I think, it's another theory after UFO. But the real news is the government banned the sale of polythene bags for environmental safety" said Mr. Roberts.
After looking at the time, he was worried. George might have looked cute but was quite time punctual.
"That's alright, to be exact. By the way, mom and dad, I got to go!" said George.
Arhaan was about to leave. Whilst, he was about to cross Saad's house, due to the school's location that was 15 minutes away from their house. When George looked at an expensive car that, will become normal for the coming years, his teeth widened and about to take a look at it. Until, Saad forcefully grabbed his arm and said "Why are you touching my things, despite suspending me off from school?"
"I've no intent to touch your car. It may look awesome but not as awesome as you! You spoilt brat!"
Saad growled so immaturely for his age that, George was giggling because of Saad's incompetence to hit him, since the day he and the gang saved Ehsaan.
Until Saad's mom called him. He was scared and ran from George and left him stunned with disbelief. In every bully, humanity comes first but if they're such bullies forever, they're the ultimate psychopaths. After that, George walked away normally.
In the meantime, Arhaan-the richest of the colony with a mansion, quite similar to Michael Jackson's Neverland. It had full of amusement rides, though it's quite small for today's standards such as slippers, see-saw, swings and house of colorful balls. Inside the front gate, there was a statue of his grandfather- Aziz Bahadur, having tea with Altab Hossein Miah. Secondly, the mansion was instructed by a French architect, who blended it with the Bengali feel along with French houses.
Aziz Bahadur was one of the first Bengali elites to encourage Altab's humble nature and his love for food. He might have an image of an arrogant character but Altab's services melt his mood all the time. The statue itself was a replica of the photograph that was stuck in the stairway through Arhaan's room.
On the other hand, Arhaan's room was more of the vintage 80's movie posters, particularly of Hollywood and Bengali movies. The walls were painted with blue marble wallpapers, but on the window side, it was golden. He was snoring. Until, his mother called him like an alarm clock. He woke up relaxingly. He entered his father's study room, where he was reading Maxim Gorky's 'The Mother', whereas George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' was laid on the wooden table, alongside a golden globe.
"What you'll be learning today, my dear son?" asked Mr. Bahadur Jr.
"Maybe, a beautiful day with a beautiful world" said Arhaan.
"Wonders, it is! Hopefully you'll be doing fine"
"Yes, dad. But I'll go to school, now"
Arhaan's parents were working people. Arhaan's father, Aziz Bahadur Jr. was a property businessman but his hobbies are analyzing different books and other forms of entertainment. It's where Arhaan was inherited from. Arhaan's mother, Mrs. Shammi Bahadur was a custom's collector and they have one thing in common: smart. His mom who wore a sari, had a bow hair and worn rounded spectacles. She was holding a file and said "Arhaan, let's go to school, shall we?"
"Yes, mom" said Arhaan.
Arhaan and his mom hoped into the car and waved his father bye to school.
Lastly, Ehsaan just had a toasted bread and fruit jam. Humayrah was tidying up her bag to go to the university. After he finished eating after few minutes, he drank a glass of cold milk and slowly walked out with his mom. They hoped into the rickshaw.
It was school time. Everyone became available in class, except for Hablu. The class teacher smoothly taken it and teaching on the chalkboard. Anyway, after the class was over, the gang went to the Altab's tea stall. The first comers were George and Ikkhon. Sazed and Delwar were constantly making spicy small flatbread puri with onion fritters.
"What's up Ikkhon?" said George
"Showering in the morning after a week made me peace. How about you?" answered Ikkhon.
"Just got to know the news that, the government has banned the use of polythene bags in shops..."
Interrupted by Ehsaan and Arhaan walked into the stall. After they sat, Arhaan said "Hey George, I heard that you scared Saad to death! What's the fuss all about?"
George was quite shy, for the first time hearing a compliment from his friends. Otherwise, he was a goofball of the bunch.
"Actually...I was about to look at his car. When he was about to frame me, his mom just called him-quite scared at a cat" said George.
"Saad is really a scared cat! Until, the fat-ass Anthony's with him. Anyway, where's Hablu?"
Speaking of Hablu, he was nowhere to be seen. Be it in school, or here in the stall. It did really question out the gang. Their eyes widened with fingers, trembling around like an earthquake or a tsunami. At the time, cellphones were used only by the elites and the exposure to the internet was no available. It...was...intense!
"Hablu might be on the way to the stall, I guess" said Ehsaan.
"How do you know?" stunned by the other gang members.
Ehsaan said
"Right after I got out from the rickshaw, I met Hablu in the school gate. He was brushing off his soccer skills. I was shocked with his unique moves that reminded me of Argentinian Diego Maradona and some karate moves from Brazil Soccer player, Ronaldo.
"Heyy, Hablu!" I called.
"What's up, Ehsaan?" said Hablu.
"Are you practicing something?"
"Just to be fit! I heard, Sazed is catering a wedding, after four years. It turned out to be Sami, the son of our grocery store owner, Liaqat.''
"Weren't you invited to his wedding?"
"Umm...nope, but I have plans for it. After school, gather the boys, we'll have a talk!"
Since then, he was nowhere to be found. Maybe, he'll come here-right now".
After mentioning about Hablu, the gang sighed with relief. Until, Hablu arrived with his broken bicycle that have some features of an Italian Classic, along with the serial number. It shocked the other members for this jet black vehicle to come along. Sazed said "Hablu, your bike looks great! But by the way, you haven't paid your dues-yet".
"De La Grande Amour, Signor. I just finished my appetite'' said Hablu and took out a two five-hundred notes. "Here are your dues. You're lucky".
"Hey, it's lesser than that! You haven't paid for months"
"I will, I will, just give me some time! Anyway, how about an onion fritter?"
Except for Sazed and Hablu, everyone put their palm on the face. Like every time, Hablu's food cravings last longer than his academic results. Especially Arhaan, who was worried about Hablu's antics that might go too far.
As expected, Hablu took a bunch of onion fritter, along with the others who had lesser amount of fried fritters than him. Shockingly, Hablu was eating faster than the others, while Arhaan was annoyed 'not again!', and others-especially Ehsaan's eyes were fainted, looking at his eating style-similar to monsters like Godzilla and pests like an earthworm.
Hablu had done that a lot of times, maybe a million but wasn't even fat.
After eating, he burped out loud that the whole area held their ears, while some even put earwax. Anyway, Hablu drank a glass of soda and said "Boys, are you aware of the wedding?"
"Yes, sir!"
"So listen carefully"
Then he whispered to Arhaan's ears. "Liaqat is a miser! No matter what it takes, we'll go for a wedding crash. There were biryanis, roasted mutton, kebabs, wholly roasted chicken, Russian salads. Yum! Yum!"
The rest of the words were unheard, while the whispers cycled from the other members of the gang to Ehsaan. Everyone realized their own cunning plans. So eventually, Ehsaan agreed. It was such a joy that Hablu screamed with his tagline "De La Grande Amour!"
While the others, except for Ehsaan, chanted "Yak! Yak!"
Times passed. It was afternoon, the wedding was under a red-orange like tent. Orange represents the bride, while yellow shows the grandeur of both-especially when love is blooming upon. It was crowded like a fish market, where the smell of food had been spread into the surface. Hosts including Liaqat, Sazed and Delwar were serving food, while the bride and the groom were having some romantic chit-chat. Until, Hablu and the gang, including Ehsaan- the newbie arrived.
Immediately, Ikkhon looked at the food "Good gracious! So much food! The lentils, fried pomfret fillet, mutton biriyani, potato roti canai! I can't wait"-
"Patience, Ikkhon! We're in the middle of the crowd" said Hablu but... "NEW FOOD! Bump it all!"
Arhaan, George and Ehsaan realized 'not again!'
Until then, they took the plates from the corner of the buffet table, without even Liaqat noticing the guest. They took a plateful of food, especially Hablu, who took only four to five plates of the food, where the others took only a plate. It shocked Ehsaan and Ikkhon, as Ikkhon was a foodie, his stomach started to sound like a bubble. Arhaan was quite irritated of Hablu's antics. 'Oh no! He'll lead us to the gallows, I'm sure'.
As they went to the table, the others calmly sat down, while Hablu was too much excited for the food. His food enthusiasm was noticed by the guests. Others pretended to eat fast like Hablu, which Liaqat slowly looked at the back. But Sajed was silenced. The only people who didn't notice on the incident were the bride and the groom. One of the staffs from the catering services screamed "Sir, our food is under shortage!"
The guests heard his screams, especially the hungry ones. Then their rage stooped so much that, ran towards the gang. Except for Ikkhon, most of them run faster than a chicken. The Guests ran towards each other like a Himalaya mountain and smashed each other. Thankfully! Ikkhon crawled out from one of the guest's asses such as of a newborn cub. Whereas, everyone was smashing at each other. The bride and the groom calmed Liaqat down.
"Guests, he's a kid! Please calm down, the food is coming" commanded the bride.
Later the guests calmed down after smashing each other, Ikkhon was injured a bit. Especially, his arms and the right side of the forehead. When he reached home, Ikkhon's parents asked with anxiousness and calming voice, on the otherwise- hammering persona 'Are you alright, son?'
It was a devastating moment from Ikkhon's parents but wasn't quite surprised of the wedding crash. As they knew about the mischief they were about to make. Most concerning was about their growth in character. Looking at his condition, they put clothes and handkerchief in the injurious parts. A day after that, Anthony, Saad, Bablu and Fazarul were standing in the 'bicycle' parking. Ikkhon was crippled. He was passing towards them. Anthony asked sarcastically "Monsieur Ikkhon, what have you eaten in Sami Bhai's wedding?"
"Mashed potato! It's smashing!"
The opposition gang got mortified.
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