Then Hablu was taking out a folder piece of paper. It wasn't any paper, but quite unique one. Its glittering aspects had their eyes and mouth wide. A shocking moment may change their lives to the fullest. On the other hand, that moment might be better or worse. Secondly, everything was quite different to the fullest, that the fun-loving neighborhood will turn something dark and gritty.
"What's that?" asked the gang.
"It's a miracle! I haven't had a good food for a long time" said Hablu.
They just got disgusted. It wasn't a day, where Hablu doesn't eat good food and doesn't give a due. The first was Sajed's tea stall and the second was Anthony's father's newly built restaurant that, served cooked chicken and beef in a juicy and delicious way. Both foods might be exquisite but 'Altab's Tea Stall' was an emotion. But due to the strict policy, recently made by Sajed because of his wife's rage about the payment, they go for less food but more hangout.
"Oh God! Stop fan-girling! Tell me, what's in the paper?" said Arhaan.
"I think, it's for Fardeen, our pharmacist!" said Hablu.
He unfolded the paper and excitingly curious looking at the paper. Hablu read aloud:
My Dear Nephew Fardeen,
Hope you're well. I will be stayin' in your town, just for a month from abroad. As I live in a mansion beside a garage in your area, I'd like to invite you to a party full of Goat Biriyani, Beef Curry, Roasted Chicken Curry, Sautéed Potatoes, Grilled Fish and Sautéed Vegetables, including Ice Cream. Hence, this will be a huge treat.
Yours faithfully,
Your Dear Uncle Shahib Ali
After that, their stomach started to sound a lot loud with hunger, but Ikkhon was quite suspicious. He realized that something bad may happen. But didn't speak of it, as his mom told him not to speak ill. Speaking of it, Hablu and the gang went to Sajed's shop. Thank goodness! His mood turned good, actually not good but great like a groovy disco. Delwar was decorating all the food at a tray, and the puris looked delicious, along with the potato devil scotch below it. The others may have limited their meal, except Hablu who even ate quicker than horse and ended up taking too much, even half of the share from Ikkhon.
"How is he so skinny, even after eating too much food?" asked Ehsaan.
"He has inherited it from his dad, also has a low BMI (Body Mass Index), perks of being a premature baby" said Arhaan.
"Woah! That's a miracle" exclaimed Ehsaan.
Ehsaan's delight was quite toned down, because his body overpowers his energetic excitement but not quite much. The other Musketeers have tolerated his overeating, more they grew older. Little did they knew that the simplicity of the 'Altab Nagari' neighborhood will fade in unexpected ways. Hence, we, as readers should mentally prepare...
It was nightfall, and electricity had fallen for an hour. Coincidentally, it was Friday the 13th due to Ikkhon's mild superstitious beliefs. He controlled himself due intervening perspectives. Despite that, he was quite scared to death. The gang was on their way to the invitation.
"I can't go in there..." said Ikkhon, petrified.
"Don't be a scaredy cat...Be a man" said Arhaan.
"Better eat your dry fish curry" teased Hablu.
"Hey, chill" calmed Ehsaan with a chuckle.
After they walked and reached the address, George saw an old abandoned mansion in the middle of the dark neighborhood, plus smelling a lot of rats and other strong narcotic substances. Even Hablu identified the address. But they were shocked that it wasn't maintained well, along with the lights on.
Hablu had the intuition that the abandoned house was the right address.
"Come on, guys!" whispered Hablu.
The Musketeers stepped to the house and Hablu knocked the door. When the door opened by a fat man with an aggressive eyes, yet friendly demeanor calmed the gang-except for George who was suspicious because of the man's scary eyes. Along with the man with the scary eyes, there was another person of a fatherly figure with a suit was sitting on a rocking chair.
"Well, is that you, Fardeen?" asked the rocking chaired man.
"Shahib Uncle, your nephew Fardeen is busy with my sister-in-law. Hence, we're here as a representative" said Hablu.
"Oh, I nearly forgot his face, so I mistook you as Fardeen. Anyway, how about some tea?" said Shahib in a cold calm voice.
Sahib and his henchmen took them to an empty, uncomfortable, broken store-room. It had some strong smell of an old banana skin, rotten eggs, stale food and vomit. The others were disgusted about their so-called 'hospitality'. Whereas George smelt more than what to expect, Ikkhon was scared, Ehsaan and Arhaan had a doubt regarding it.
"What the shit! Is this the way you hospitalize your guests?" screamed Hablu.
Shahib made a cackling laugh. It was sinister than ever. Something wicked would come on its way. George was reminded of Sahib as Professor Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes. For worse, there's more to reveal than what the whole 'Altab Nagari' would be facing.
"I've no other ways, my dear. Our boss, Champu Bhai have been on Dubai. As for his absence, I'm peddling it. One day, I went to his narcotic shop-posing myself as an owner of one of the pain relief drugs and I offered a deal to supply the medicines. Hence, he told me to wait for a minute, he skimmed through his phone. Then he realized our real intention that was a bribe.
He screamed "Sorry, I can't accept this deal with you! Your company has harmed a lot of people. If you want to distribute it, do it somewhere else!"
I was filled with insecurities. I was enraged and afraid of a spark that had been created by him. He came to know our activities that might change for good. Perhaps, it's time to blow the bomb.
"You'll pay for this" I said, calmly but enraged.
Until...I saw you, a familiar face".
Hablu was shocked to know what went on. Both locked the door. The storeroom turned a little bit, stinky. It smelled like a stale fish and some of the rotten foods were looking like vomits. Covered by old furniture, they almost stuck like devil's snare, grabbing tightly like poison. Hence, Ehsaan looked around the dark room. It was a closed window, hard to be opened and an old glass was covered with spider's webs.
"Hey guys! Look, I've found a window!" said Ehsaan.
"Where?" said the others.
"At the right corner!" said Ehsaan.
The others except Hablu, tiptoed to the window by pushing the old furniture. But they tried hard to open. Hence, Hablu quickly walked fast and smashed the window glass. They hoped out of the window, but ended up slipping into the horse poop altogether. All were about to run except Arhaan and Ehsaan turning back. They asked Hablu "Won't you come with us?"
"You two smell like horse shit! You guys go! I have some takedown to do!" said Hablu.
Everyone ran away from the dark mansion. Hence, in each homes, except Arhaan went to Ehsaan's house had their parents fainted with disgust because of the horse poop. Then each was forced to shower, despite sweating in the hot weather. After a minute of rest, Ehsaan had wondered around Hablu's past and his issues. They went to the rooftop, and Ehsaan started to discuss.
"Arhaan, I need to ask you something" said Ehsaan in a deep voice.
"Sure, spill it!" said Arhaan.
"Well, about Hablu, why is he so weird? Is there any chances of why he fails a lot in his academics? Are there any issues that some of the bad guys like Shahib and Mustaqim? It's not even adding up!" said Ehsaan anxiously.
"You really wanna know it? Then, we need to go to 1997, though it may not be accurate enough. Hablu was not the one we knew. He might have failed in seventh grade thrice, but eventually, he became one of the renowned pharmacist. He was even engaged with a five year junior in class named Henaz, everything went perfect. Until, Hablu investigated about Dr. Mustaqim's forgery. He found a lot of 'inappropriate' pictures of girls from the medical college, similar to the ones in girl's high school.
"The mission's accomplished Mr. HSO!" said Dr. Mustaqim from the back.
And to give you the context, a South Indian teacher arrived in our school. According to its origin South India invented martial arts, where Japanese and Chinese were actually inspired by it. One of them was Kalaripattyu- one of the most complex martial arts till date. It's also known as sword, spear, shield, bow and arrow. It includes strikes, kicks, grappling, preset forms, weaponry, and healing methods. Hablu excelled in all of them, that's why people quickly positioned him as a certified homeopathic doctor and pharmacist.
Fardeen was one of the distributors of his recommended meds. Hablu usually used to check quality as well. Anyway, getting into the story, he looked back and said "So, Professor, your fake medicines are based from girls' perfume? I think you need a break"
"Hmm...you know about my intentions now, I see?" said Dr. Mustaqim.
"Do you think, murdering people-especially young girls with early pregnancy would have it on your way?"
"I tried to frame pharmacist like you, because I supposed to become the health minister of this country"
"We don't need any more corruptions..."
Hablu, enraged with anger. He growled and started to chase Dr. Mustaqim all the way from the medical college to the streets of Dhaka. Until, he was hit by a grotesque looking man with a shovel and hit by the bus. Here, Hablu lost his memory. His brother left with few chunks of fortune, which were spent with Hablu's treatment. He had no place to stay. That's why we've sheltered him. Now that he believed that he failed in the seventh grade seven times, which isn't true. He was the legendary pharmacist and his shop was even managed by Fardeen. "
"That means...?" said Ehsaan
"He regained his memory on the day, we exposed Dr. Mustaqim on the Girl's School" said Arhaan.
His mouth was widened with the extreme element of wonder. It did last long, till Hablu arrived at the rooftop. His forehead was sweating and his face blackened. Arhaan and Ehsaan looked at a potion-like bottle on Hablu's palm. On the other hand, sweat on his arm was pulping a bit of his veins. But his serious attitude turned chilled "Hey, what?"
"What's new?"
"Flashback time,
After you guys left, these two clowns broke the door. I stood a bit of five minutes. They were saying about his boss 'Champu Bhai', it was a bit embarrassing. As they also said that, they're bringing some kind of a drug, called 'Yaba' that might destroy the youths of 'Altab Nagari'. Implying one of them wasn't enough. They were about to beat the crap out of me.
Then, I took out a small bottle from my pocket, which I bought it from Fardeen's wife. As instructed, I wore a mask and opened the bottle. Afterall, gases spread in such a way as if a 'beautiful fart' turned poison, both the henchmen of 'Champu Bhai' has been fainted. It reminded me of a Mozart music 'Leck mich im Arsch'."
"So what's the plan regarding Champu Bhai?" asked Arhaan
"This will be a little complicated, and does Ehsaan know something about me?"
"Umm...Not much, we'll figure it out" said Ehsaan.
Then, the trio devised a plan regarding something unlikely. On that way, the plan itself was mysterious and something more that might add Hablu's past into a semi-conclusion. On the other hand, it may become something educative for the lifetime.
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