17. Kiara
The problem with doing things we end up regretting is that we don't normally realize we'll regret them until after doing them.
I was currently in the state of regret.
After slapping Will, I'd left him stunned in the hallway and slammed my own door shut behind me. I fumed for a few more minutes, then proceeded to pace in the foyer, realizing I was crying as I began to regret my selfish response- he'd gotten injured protecting me, was depressed, then apparently sold his soul to protect me and I'd slapped him. Worst. Friend. Ever.
The door flew open.
Will leaned against it. "How is it you're the one crying when I was the one who got slapped?"
"I'm crying for you too," I sniffed, wiping at my eyes.
He closed the door, regarding me quietly. His curly hair was pulled back in a small ponytail, I noticed. He only did that when he wanted to do some serious thinking, like before exam period. I wish he'd done it before selling his soul to that seemingly innocent she-demon.
"Are you going to hit me again?" Will inquired.
"No. I'm the one who deserves to get hit."
"Mom would kill me."
"She'll still kill you when I tell her what you did."
He shook his head. "I did it for you."
I sank down on the polished wooden floor, staring up at him with some of the earlier anger that had driven me to strike him. "Because I'm your mate?"
"Because you mean everything to me."
I resisted the urge to swoon. I pointed to the front door. "Really? Go out there and tell her to undo the contract."
He grinned, flashing a set of arrogant white teeth. "Your heartbeat pattern changed."
He sighed, folded his arms. "It can't be undone and I won't try to undo it, not until I catch the Alpha Eater."
"There has to be another way," I protested. "Audrey can find a spell-"
"No. I'm not wasting any time and I won't put you at risk either," Will replied, voice rising above the soft tone he'd been using so far. Bossy Will can never stay away for too long. "Come with me, I want to introduce you to my pack."
I stood up, thoughts racing through my head. "No."
Will frowned. "You don't want me?"
My smile was wobbly but I pressed forward, determined to get it out. "I love you to death, which is why I'm not going to stand by and quietly watch you kill yourself for me. Didn't you know? Women aren't all damsels in distress these days."
He froze. "You love me?"
He blinked, still frozen. But I was both a writer of horror and an avid reader of romance, so by the time the heated look in his eyes became more pronounced, I already had him out the door, and the lock in place.
His fist pounded on the door. "Kia, open the door," he called.
"Why?" I called back. "You won't do as I say so I won't do anything you say. This conversation is over, is there anything else you want?"
"I want you."
I leaned my head against the wood, unsmiling despite those words. "Break the contract."
"I can't do that," he growled.
"Then you can go back to partying, you seemed to be enjoyed that quite a bit anyway, despite the fact that I'm supposed to be your mythical fated partner or whatever."
There was a long pause.
"Are you angry about that?" He asked.
"Goodnight, Will."
I walked away from the door, head buzzing after finally confessing a long buried secret. I don't allow myself time squeal about it though, after all there was a killer on the loose, Will gave his life away to some woman and he only suddenly wanted me now of all times when he's never treated me as anything more than a friend. There was nothing to be happy about.
Nothing at all, I told myself glumly.
The next morning, I texted Travis, got Audrey's number from him and filled her in on the situation. She wasn't happy about Will's decision either and promised me that she'd continue looking for a solution.
"Is he safe? She won't try to snuff out his soul or anything?" I asked, voicing the same question that had kept me up all night long. "She didn't look dangerous but harmless people don't make other people sell their souls to them."
"Smart ones don't sell them," Audrey muttered.
"Audrey," I persisted.
"I met her last night, she seems to want something from Will. I'm not sure exactly what that thing is yet but his life isn't in immediate danger."
I tried to press for further information, but she told me we'd talk more after she got off work- which was apparently accounting.
"You're an accountant and you're going out with Travis?" I asked incredulously. The boy once jumped from a third floor window to escape a surprise math test.
"You have no filter do you?" Audrey asked.
"I've been filtering too much things out all my life, I've decided to offend people a lot more lately. It's actually kind of fun," I replied.
"I suppose you told Will something straightforward last night as well?"
I felt my skin heating up. "I've got to go to school."
She chuckled. "Have fun suffering. I'll tell you how Travis and I met when I come over- just make sure Will doesn't manage to catch you alone before then."
I frowned. "What so you mean?"
"He's been trying to curb his controlling nature since he thought you weren't interested in him, if you told him otherwise last night...you're on the endangered species list."
I rolled my eyes. "I'll be careful."
"You holding him at arms length might bring him back to his senses before he makes any more risky deals with the incubus. You need to keep it up. And don't underestimate him."
"I won't even end up in the same room as him," I promised, hanging up.
I had a long list of things to do today. Travis sleeps over at Will's place most weekdays (he claims he needs emotional support in order to wake up in the mornings) so it should be safe to check up on Will, see how he's doing before setting off for school. Once school's over I wanted to find Brad and after that I might try my hand at a little assassinating if Will was still insistent on letting the incu-whatever keep his soul.
Busy, busy day.
I stepped out of the apartment- only to be huddled back inside and shoved up against the door, which was promptly locked.
Will raised a brow at me. "Caught you."
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