Chapter 30
(In case anyone missed it, here's the spin-off for brown wolf: This story will likely take over Alpha to Omega very soon.)
He was getting tired of having that other wolf around.
The pup, he didn't mind, but the alpha stalking about constantly? And around his master? He was just beginning to lose himself to his frustrated mind when he felt familiar lips press against his cheek, snapping him back to himself right away.
"Would you like me to remove him from our home? I have no issue ordering his dismissal, as his injuries have mostly healed and his pup is recovering well, too," Vrasje said as he moved his lowered his free arm to wrap around Marquise's waist gently but firmly.
They were at a function held by one of the other local higher-ranking vampires, and while it wasn't really interesting to him, Vrasje was at least keeping most of the overly excited crowd at bay.
Thankfully, it was clear that there would be no chance for a love interest heir anymore, so now most of the crowd were reconsidering how to go about getting into his favor.
"I honestly feel like going to find the most underwhelming homeless child that's old enough to change and giving them the option as opposed to all of these annoying vultures," he said without bothering to lower his voice any.
Unsurprisingly, Vrasje simply laughed before turning his beautiful smile towards him.
"Whomever you pick, no matter their status, will be treated with the utmost respect and be spoiled rotten by a certain elder vampire," he said, making Marquise shake is head.
"So, what are your thoughts on everyone in this room? Anyone good enough?" he asked, half-joking.
Vrasje, however, didn't seem to catch the jest as he spared the gathered gawking gaggle the briefest of glances, then returned his gaze to Marquise.
"No. None."
"E-excuse me, lord Marquise?"
Hearing the odd title, Marquise and his vampire turned their attention toward someone they truly hadn't expected.
A little old granny?
The woman had clearly tried to dress up, as the evening's event was meant to be impressive, but poverty was clear in her clean but old garment, thin frame, and sunken eyes.
"Yes ma'am? How can I help you?" he asked, putting on an honest smile as he leaned a little closer so the poor woman didn't have to shout over the boisterous crowd.
They both knew what she was likely to request, but it never hurt to hear out an honest person. Especially one that wasn't throwing herself at them or gossiping from afar like many of the others did.
"You must get similar requests quite often, but could I trouble you for a spot of tea at my humble home? You see, my grandson is quite fascinated with werewolves and begged me for days to try and simply bring him along to meet you. I feel that his enthusiasm would have been a bit too much for this kind of gathering, though," the lady said, clutching her little purse with both knobby hands as she looked humbly up at them.
Marquise tilted his head as he looked at Vrasje. The man seemed to be contemplating the request rather seriously.
"Is he not well?" he eventually asked, clearly wanting to weed out if the woman was just trying to trick them into going to her home.
The lady quickly shook her head.
"Oh no, my lords. He is in perfect health! I even told him to weed the garden while I'm gone since he wanted stew for dinner tomorrow evening," she said, her eyes lighting up with love as she spoke of her grandson.
Marquise couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.
I think I like the idea of going to visit a kid over standing here all night in this stuffy room, he thought to Vrasje as his love grinned at him.
I completely agree. Let's get out of here.
Returning his attention to the woman, Marquise gave her a slight bow and a smile.
"We humbly accept your offer, ma'am. Tea sounds lovely."
The woman looked like she was about to faint from sheer disbelief.
Marquise quickly stepped forward and took hold of one of her frail elbows to steady her.
"Don't get too excited. I might not be what he expected," he said with a calm chuckle as he carefully tucked her little arm into his, then slowly began leading her toward the stairs with Vrasje hot on his heels.
"Oh no, I believe he will absolutely love you. He used to go to the top of the hill outside of town to enjoy the view, the one that looks out over the gorge that stretches for several miles. That's where he saw his first wolf a few years ago. Of course, our amazing hunter, lord Vrasje, has kept our land safe from feral packs, but now that you have come with the elder's blessing, you're all my grandson talks about."
His blessing, huh?
That was a strange way of saying the guy became obsessed with him.
"Ah, yes. He's been a great help," he said with a forced chuckle as they made it to the bottom of the stairs.
Of course, all eyes were now on them, but that was no surprise. Most of them already had been, anyways.
You should hear the flurry of words being shoved into my mind right now, love. It is quite humorous.
Marquise frowned over his shoulder as his vampire fell into step beside them on the other side of the old woman. He even took her other arm, giving the surrounding vampires and humans quite the spectacle.
I bet they're howling warnings as loud as they can to stay away from the little old human grandma, he thought to Vrasje, earning a half-grin.
Oh yes, everyone says this little old lady is just an elderly widower with a ward grandson left behind by parents that died young to disease. Clearly she's trying to get in our good graces and change her ward before she dies.
Even if she were trying to do that, they wouldn't change their mind. The little old lady was beaming and blushing with their simple agreement and careful assistance while the people behind them were sipping spiked blood and hissing all sorts of foul thoughts to his vampire.
There was no comparison, at all.
They walked slowly but comfortably out into the crisp evening air, then followed the old ladies directions for quite some time.
She walked this far just to ask me to come meet her grandson?
"It's just up ahead, sweethearts. Oh, he will be so excited!" she said as she hurried along a fraction of a bit faster.
Are you doing alright, love?
Marquise smiled at him over the little lady's gray hair.
I'm okay. I remembered my cane so it's not too bad right now.
Vrasje didn't look entirely convinced, but that was alright. If the guy wasn't happy with him limping later, he had no doubt that he'd just lift him right up and carry him all the way back home. With or without permission.
"Leo! My sweet Leonardo!" the little old lady called as they approached what appeared to be an extremely rundown home.
It did look like they were trying to keep it up, but repairs cost money, and it was clear that such a thing was in scant supply for them.
Marquise felt both of his wolves perk up as a young boy that appeared to be around fifteen stepped out from around the side of the tiny home. He was completely covered in dirt from head to toe and quickly earned a chastising click of his old grandma's tongue as reprimand.
"Here I am walking so far on my little old legs to request his lordships to come visit at your behest, and you greet them in such a way!"
This lady has quite some spunk. Even after having walked all that way.
Marquise nodded his agreement to his love's words, but his attention was honestly focused elsewhere. Both of his wolves were vying for viewing rights and neither seemed willing to cede to the other.
Of course, he was fighting back extra hard against Pepper, too, because god knows the wolf likely wanted to end the old lady and boy as opposed to joining them for a nice little cup of tea.
I do not wish to kill them.
Marquise frowned at that as he hesitated with his restraint and, of course, Pepper immediately took advantage of the distraction he'd caused.
Before his cane could even clatter to the ground his body had sprouted black fur and much larger teeth.
"Ah, Pepper. I was expecting Garlic, but you're a sweetheart, too," Vrasje said, making Marquise nudge at his mind.
This is definitely not the right wolf for this job!
Vrasje walked forward and placed a hand on the panting fuzzball before leaning down to pick up Marquise's cane.
Nonsense, he's being very good. Not even baring his teeth or anything.
He... had a point. The wolf also hadn't locked his consciousness away, either.
Garlic quickly cut off his train of thought as he began spinning circles around him excitedly.
You were the wolf that was supposed to go out, he said, chastising the overly-hyper brat even as Pepper was fitted with the little contraption Kova had made for him in order to walk better... because, evidently Vrasje brought it everywhere just in case.
"Oh my!"
The little old lady looked scared witless, and he couldn't blame her. While Pepper had healed up quite nicely under Taru and Vrasje's care, he still had some bits of bone visible along his ribs and right arm. The worst part, however, was clearly the right side of his face.
Internally distraught, Marquise waited for the boy to run for the hills, or at least pass out from shock, but when he simply stood there, still covered in dirt with a surprised expression on his face, something within him slowly settled down.
Eventually, Pepper made his way closer, ignoring the old lady in favor of the young boy. It wasn't until he was within reach of the child that the kid seemed to snap out of his daze and realize what was going on.
"You... actually brought him? He really came all the way here with you Nana?" he asked as Pepper finally got close enough to nudge his damaged wet nose against the boy's hand.
The little old lady quickly gathered her scattered wits and held her head high.
"Of course I did! I told you I would bring you the lord Marquise, and I most certainly have!" she said with about as much force as a puppy passing gas.
It was an A for effort, at least.
"You did. You really did say you would get him to visit, but I didn't think..."
As the boy's words drifted off into silence his lips turned upward into the biggest smile Marquise had ever seen.
"You are so damn cool!" he squeaked out right before falling forward to give Pepper a huge hug.
"Leo, language!" his grandma said in reprimand, though her voice wasn't quite as chastising as before.
Pepper, to his surprise, took the attention with a much better attitude than he'd expected. Not only did his grumpy, dangerous alpha wolf accept the boy's hug, and soon after, excessive pets and even a kiss to the forehead, but he also didn't bother going after him, or his grandmother, at all.
Not even a growl? A grumble? A huff?
Pepper flicked an ear at the same time Garlic's form settled contently against Marquise's ethereal one.
Behave, was Pepper's only response for him.
Behave? Him?
Marquise bristled but before he could start grumbling at his stubborn black wolf Vrasje stepped forward and knelt down beside him and the boy.
"Do you like him? His name is Pepper. He's had it a bit rough, but he's a sweet pup," he said as the boy looked up at him with Pepper's giant head settled in his arms.
"Yes, I love him! He looks so cool!" the boy replied as he stroked his wolf's fur happily.
They talked for a few minutes before Marquise felt Garlic nudge his way forward. In the blink of an eye the giant black wolf was replaced with a tiny coffee and dust colored one.
"Wait... you," the boy stuttered, having trouble finding his next words as he stared at the new arrival.
His grandmother, surprisingly, managed to find hers first.
"His lordship has... two wolves?" she rasped out in sheer aw, then added; "I like this one's size much better."
Marquise couldn't blame her. A wolf was nothing to scoff at, and one as big as Pepper wasn't seen very often. Let alone one with such a grizzly set of features.
Flicking an ear, Garlic gave a quiet whine, clearly wanting his allotted attention.
Instead of speaking, the boy simply reached forward and pulled Garlic into a tight hug. Of course, that wasn't quite enough for the little attention sponge. Before Leo could even react he was on his back with slobber all over his face!
Marquise wanted Vrasje to intervene after the poor kid's hair began to stick up at weird angles from slobber, but his vampire had evidently sauntered away to the side to speak with the grandmother, leaving the boy to his fate.
Garlic didn't finish his masterpiece until about fifteen minutes later, and even after he had, he didn't bother getting off of Leo. Instead, he settled down on his chest and crossed his paws as he panted quietly. He was quite content with his work.
"Alright, I suppose the introductions are over. Go get your backside in the house and wash up while I prepare the tea for our guests," his grandmother finally said, making a stunned Leo blink up at the dark sky, then slowly push himself up after maneuvering Garlic back into his arms.
To both their surprise, the tea was actually amazing. Sofia, the lads grandmother, had grown the leaves for it herself. And, who knew, but Garlic absolutely loved it, too!
The crazy pup drank so much of it that he had to run outside several times to relieve himself. Of course, the moment he returned each time he hurried to settle right back into Leo's lap like the cat he now thought he was.
While Leo was mostly engrossed in the wolf that still wanted his undivided attention, Vrasje and grandmother Sofia talked about all sorts of things. The woman might have been poor, but she'd had quite the life.
From a little girl begging on the streets to a happy grandmother that grew tea for a meager, yet-happy, living. She truly was an awe-inspiring lady.
By the time they had finished quite the amount of tea, it was getting close to sunrise. Leo had already drifted off to sleep with Garlic just-barely hanging onto consciousness in his arms.
Vrasje finally decided it was time to go and gently retrieved his pup from the sleeping boy, then whispered a few more words to grandmother Sofia before handing her something, then bidding her a good night.
Marquise was curious about what he had just said, but couldn't even find the thoughts to question him.
"Just taking care of future family, love," his vampire said as he began rubbing a hand along Garlic's fuzzy back.
Vrasje chuckled quietly at his muddled mind.
"Do not worry, Marra. We can talk tomorrow. Get some rest now," he said contently.
He didn't need to be told twice. Within seconds he was asleep, quietly snoring through Garlic's little nose as he rested in Vrasje's arms.
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