Chapter 17
That... is a lot of people.
He had expected a good crowd, but not something this crazy! There were people as far as the eye could see, lining the streets, hanging out of windows, and some, likely vampires, were even sitting on top of houses to get a glimpse of him.
It was a bit overwhelming, but he managed to tamp down his nerves well enough. His inner wolf, on the other hand, was howling at the top of its lungs as it paced frantically inside his mind.
It will be okay, little one. I'll protect you.
His pup slowed to a stop in his mind but continued to whine with worry.
You're a good boy.
Garlic calmed a little further, but then began to pace again, making Marquise give a silent sigh. He couldn't blame the little guy from being stressed out with so many eyes on them.
I'll handle this situation.
He wanted to tell it that there was nothing to worry about, but that would be a lie. So, he decided to just let him pace, if that was what helped him in their current situation, then it was fine.
It made him a little more nervous, but he was a master at hiding his emotions... especially since he was feeling a lot better than he had been when he'd first been brought to the town.
Licking his lips, Marquise began descending the steps with a vampire on either side. It was a little easier going down, but he had to be very careful that his left leg didn't give out on him with each step.
Once he was sure that he wasn't likely to fall, Marquise focused his attention on the massive crowd before him. Now that he was actually paying attention, he noticed that while most of the people were just staring curiously, quite a few others were sneering or baring their fangs.
Taru and Vrasje aren't responding negatively, so I'm just going to roll with it.
And so he did. It was probably because he had two well-respected vampires with him, but as he finally got to the bottom of the stairs, the sea of people parted to either side, opening up a pathway all the way down the street.
Holding his head high, but not disrespectfully-so, Marquise began leading the way back to their home. He tried to greet the few people who actually risked stepping out of the raucous crowd, but each time he went to shake hands or try to speak over the noise it felt like his wolf was literally stomping on his brain!
It's okay, little guy. We're heading home right now.
Marquise quickened his pace and only greeted a few more people before finally stepping out of the massive throng and taking a deep breath.
Taru was immediately at his side, hugging him and giving him, what he thought, was a well deserved head pat.
Figuring that Vrasje wanted to say or do something, too, since he'd stopped on his other side, Marquise looked over his shoulder at him with a boyish grin on his slightly flushed face.
When Vrasje did actually do something, it wasn't what Marquise had expected. Instead of a pat to his head or even a partial hug, the man simply reached over and adjusted his eye patch the slightest amount, then leaned away with a satisfied nod.
It was a bit... underwhelming.
Blinking as his face heated, Marquise quickly turned away and began to walk again.
Why the hell did I think that?
Garlic perked up at that moment, giving an excited huff as he padded closer to the forefront of Marquise's mind.
What are you doing, you little troublemaker? he teased, smiling as he felt the pup looking through his own eyes.
Oh? You want to look around now that most of the people are behind us, huh?
Even though he was making fun of his pup a little, Marquise still granted its wish and looked here and there as they passed different shops. Eventually, his gaze fell upon Taru, making his pup wiggle a little with interest.
You know your master, good boy.
Taru gave him a smile in return for the attention, making Marquise grin at him back.
After a few moments of looking at his master, his attention turned to his other side. The moment his eyes fell upon Vrasje's profile Garlic gave such an excited whine that it nearly made him wince.
Why?! He's your master's master, not ours, Marquise groaned in his mind, even as his pup continued to dance excitedly around his head.
Pushing aside the frustration of being misunderstood, Marquise continued leading their little group until they were finally getting close to home.
Well, he could see the beginning of the entry gates and the ridiculously long cobblestone road beyond it. That road... had been terrible to traverse with his cane earlier.
How did I forget about it?
"It's been a busy day. Would you like me to carry you the rest of the way?" Taru asked right as Vrasje was opening his mouth to say something, too.
He quickly clamped it shut a moment later, however, so Marquise figured that he was probably just going to offer the same thing. Taru was definitely his preferred mode of transportation, though.
Marquise quickly turned to his master with a tired smile and nodded.
"Yes, please. If that's alright with you," he said, already relieved that he wouldn't have to try and hobble his way over that mess again.
Taru picked him up right after Vrasje reached forward and took his cane.
"You've been gaining weight, I see. I'm glad," Taru said as he walked through the gates.
Marquise wrapped his arms comfortably around his master's shoulders, then rested his chin on his shoulder as he watched Vrasje follow them from a little ways back.
He's talking to some servants...
As soon as he seemed to finish speaking with one, two more would show up. By the third interruption Marquise felt Garlic's hackles rising, but shrugged off the pup's odd interest in the man.
"How is Garlic doing?" Taru asked as they finally neared the house.
Marquise pursed his lips and gave a tiny shrug of his shoulders.
"He's okay. He was really nervous, but I managed to get him to calm down enough to not act out," he replied, but then continued. "He doesn't seem very happy right now, though."
The little bugger was pacing again, and each time it glanced out through his eyes it seemed to get more frustrated.
Taru was beginning to reply, himself, when Marquise felt his consciousness suddenly falter, then withdraw abruptly into his mind!
Garlic? Why did you suddenly take over?
Of course, he wasn't that surprised, since the pup had been extremely stressed, but damn...
Sorry Taru, he took over abruptly.
He watched through Garlic's eyes, expecting his master to just cuddle him and finish their walk inside, but when there seemed to be a bit of a struggle, he became confused.
"U-um..." Taru mumbled as he was forced to set Garlic down.
He doesn't want to be held?
Marquise squinted as Garlic fell, but then he noticed something strange.
Is that... a hand?
Taru hadn't fallen, though.
Before he could finish pulling his thoughts together they were stumbling toward a surprised Vrasje. The man had been set upon by two more servants since the last time he'd looked, but he quickly waved them away and knelt down as Garlic got closer.
Why are you fumbling so much?
"Little one?" Vrasje questioned as he reached out right as they were about to fall again.
Vrasje easily scooped them up into his arms, but again... why are there hands? Those look like mine.
"Taru, do you know what's going on?" Vrasje asked as he hugged him gently to his chest as he hurried to catch up to his heir.
"I'm not really sure. Marquise, you said that Garlic was a new wolf to you? Has this ever happened?" Taru asked as he reached over to gently pat his head.
Considering their reaction, Marquise finally realized what had happened.
This... is so embarrassing.
Garlic didn't seem to think so, though. He was plenty happy nuzzling Marquise's forehead against Vrasje's nice dress shirt and suit. He wasn't happy about the sudden excessive attention he was giving the vampire, but it was definitely making his pup happy.
It can happen when a wolf first changes into a human form. It is especially common in omegas. Normally, the wolf is the first to exist, so the human has to learn how to manage against the beast. That is normally not too hard, but some omegas struggle with it at the beginning...
It was so embarrassing.
"I suppose that makes sense. Since he's intent on staying with me, do you want to go ahead and start getting ready for the gathering later? Will you be okay to return to your body by then, Marquise?" Vrasje asked, speaking to Taru first before asking Marquise the last question.
Yes, I should be good by then. Garlic was just overstimulated. He should be good as long as he's able to relax a little.
"Well, I wouldn't mind relaxing for a little bit. Want to go take a nap, little one?" Vrasje asked as they finally stepped inside.
Marquise fidgeted internally at the man's words, but Garlic seemed more than content, if the constant nuzzling and little hums of appreciation were anything to go by.
It's so weird making me nuzzle him in my human form. Just shift to your wolf. Do it with your own body...
Feeling a hand on his head, Marquise felt his body immediately react as Garlic closed his eyes and snuggled in closer.
"Sure, that works. You two get some rest and I'll come get you later," Taru said before heading down a hall and disappearing around a corner.
I'd rather take a nap with master...
He was snapped out of his thoughts as his body was abruptly hefted a little higher as Vrasje began climbing the stairs.
Scowling on the inside, Marquise watched with frustration as Garlic simply wiggled with more excitement and, to his horror, began to tug on a long loch of Vrasje's hair with his mouth!
We are going to be doing some serious training once you let me have control back, he grumbled.
Vrasje seemed to disagree that he needed any training, however, because he was soon coddling Garlic and whispering sweet words against his hair as he rubbed his back.
"You're a good boy. You're other half is just jealous that you're getting so much love," he said as they walked right past Marquise's room before stopping at Vrasje's.
Wait a second, we should at least rest in my room. It's not appropriate for me to be in your room, Marquise said, though Vrasje didn't think that it was an issue in the least. In fact, he actually gave a quiet laugh as he walked inside and gently set Garlic down on the bed.
He was extremely careful with him, and even waited until Garlic released his length of hair nearly a minute later before finally straightening.
"That's a good pup. Wait here a moment," he said as he turned and walked away.
Marquise was, of course, forced to watch him, because heaven forbid Garlic have eyes for literally anyone or anything other than the frustrating elder vampire.
"Don't be jealous, love," Vrasje said as he removed his suit and hung up the coat, then folded and put away the pants and dress shirt.
Once done, he pulled on a pair of more comfortable pants and turned to face him, but...
Put on a shirt.
The man raised an eyebrow at him. Garlic seemed to think that that attention was for him, though, because Marquise felt their shared body immediately wiggle as Garlic got him onto his hands and knees, trying to get closer to Vrasje without falling off the bed.
"He doesn't seem to mind that I'm not wearing a shirt," the vampire said, making Marquise honestly feel uneasy.
Vrasje's expression changed immediately as he turned back around and pulled on a long-sleeved shirt. The action had Marquise relaxing with an internal sigh of relief.
Seemingly sensing that he'd calmed down, Vrasje walked over and finally sat down on the bed. Marquise could tell that it was taking everything Garlic had to not jump the man and lick him to death.
They watched in silence, minus a few quiet whines, as Vrasje got himself comfortable at the head of the bed, then tugged his blanket about halfway up his body. Once that was all done, he looked back up at Garlic and reached out a hand.
"Come here, little one. Let's rest for a bit, hmm?"
As much as he didn't want to cuddle with the guy, Garlic had been incredibly good while they were out. Even the massive crowd of people hadn't made the wolf act out.
You know what, go ahead, bud. You've done really well today, and if you just want to snuggle with him for a quick nap, then you can... even though you're using my body.
The moment he finished that thought Garlic was lunging into Vrasje's arms, ignoring his hand altogether so that he could get closer, quicker.
The guy literally had to catch him, and even though he managed to, for the most part, he still grunted from the impact!
"I'm glad your other half let you cuddle, too," Vrasje said as he hugged him tightly and allowed Garlic to immediately grab another length of his hair and tug playfully.
Marquise fidgeted as Vrasje's arms settled around him, withdrawing internally a little at the uncomfortable sensation it caused.
"Is it okay, Marra?" Vrasje asked, clearly sensing his discomfort.
No, not really...
He didn't really mind being carried around by the man if it was just part of helping him with his disability, but he had never really been a cuddly person. Hell, even if he might be, he'd never gotten the chance to even try to be around someone else in such a way.
Marquise felt his body being lifted as Vrasje gently moved Garlic off of him, making the pup give out a confused cry through his human mouth.
Hey now, stop being mean to him, Marquise chastised, making Vrasje pause with his hands holding Marquise's upper half just above his chest.
"But you're not comfortable..." he said, sounding quite confused.
So what, I've lived my life being uncomfortable. Garlic behaved very well today, and if your attention is the only reward he wants, then so be it.
Marquise watched the man's expression change several times as he contemplated his words, then, eventually lowered him back down to rest against his chest.
Garlic immediately had Marquise's arms wrapped around Vrasje's neck in a hug, making the elder vampire reach up and pat his head gently.
"Ready to rest a bit, pup? I'm sure you're probably tired," he said, making Garlic give a quiet mumble in response as he finally settled down.
Marquise drifted in and out of sleep for a while once everything quieted, but never quite passed out. It was a good thing, because after about twenty minutes, Garlic fell completely asleep and slipped back into his mind, allowing him full control of his body once again.
He quickly pushed himself up and off of Vrasje, then slid to the edge of the bed to swing his legs over the edge.
I need to take this coat off before it gets even more wrinkled.
Blinking, Marquise looked over his shoulder with a furrowed brow.
"Marra?" he asked, confused about the nickname.
Vrasje pushed himself up off his pillows and gave him a sleepy grin as his long dark hair drifted partially into his face.
"It's your new nickname," he stated as if it was perfectly fine to just rename someone!
Marquise's brow smoothed into a more dead-pan expression as he leaned slightly closer.
"Do I get a say in this new name?" he asked, partially sarcastic.
Vrasje tilted his head, making several lengths of silky hair drift in front of his left eye.
"It's up for discussion."
This man...
Rolling his eyes, Marquise turned back around, only to jerk abruptly when he felt Vrasje poke his back!
Grumbling, he glared over his shoulder at the man... who was nonchalantly sitting in the exact same spot he had been.
Damn vampire speed.
"You said that it was up for discussion. I want you to change it," Marquise said with an unimpressed look.
Vrasje's grin turned into a full-on smirk as he leaned a little closer.
"Key, Q, Isse, Mari, Qis—" Marquise couldn't handle anymore. He'd reached over and pressed his palm to the man's babbling mouth, thankfully silencing him.
Marki, Qiqi, Chaos—"You're definitely creating chaos!" Marquise growled as he yanked his hand away from the man's mouth, then spun around, intent on getting the hell out of the room.
"Your pup will be sad if he wakes up somewhere else," Vrasje said, making Marquise stop right as he was about to stand up.
He hated it, but the guy wasn't wrong. He said that he'd let Garlic rest with Vrasje, and now he was trying to get out of it since his pup had fallen asleep.
Giving a defeated sigh, he slowly turned and lifted his legs back up onto the bed, then realized something and put them back over the edge.
Leaning over, he quickly got his boots undone, then slid them off before straightening up again. He then took off his long coat and set it aside on the nightstand to his left. There was no way he was taking off his pants, but at least he wouldn't get the coat wrinkled.
When he was finally more comfortable, Marquise got himself situated on top of the blankets, then forced himself to curl up and close his eyes.
He felt some static from Vrasje's thoughts as he laid there, but he couldn't figure out what the man was thinking. At least, not until he was beginning to doze off and felt something that drew him back to full consciousness... though he pretended not to be awake.
Vrasje had moved closer and gently lifted his head up just enough to slide a pillow beneath it. He then lowered his head carefully back down until Marquise felt the cool, crisp pillowcase press against his cheek.
He felt the bed shift a little next, but to his surprise, the man was actually getting up. His footsteps were mostly silenced by the rug surrounding his bed, but after a few moments Marquise realized what he was doing when a light blanket drifted down to rest overtop his body.
It was far lighter than the man's normal heavy covers, but it was honestly perfect for him. He'd been a tiny bit cold, possibly because he was a little hungry, but the blanket helped keep in what little heat his body was giving off.
A minute later and Vrasje was back in bed, but thankfully he kept to himself after dowsing the two lit candles in the room.
"Rest well, Marra. Don't worry about the party. You're an alpha. You'll do amazing... but if you need a shoulder to lean on, at any time, and Taru is not available, I'll be ready and waiting. Whenever, wherever... forever."
Marquise heard most of what he had said, but he ended up falling asleep before Vrasje had finished speaking. He'd gotten the idea, though. The guy would be available if he needed him at the party. He didn't think that he would, but the gesture was still appreciated.
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