Hyunwoo staired at Kihyun in the hospital bed once again. His omega always ended up here. The older couldn't look away he was afraid Kihyun would disappear. He wondered if that was what the younger wanted. Yet he had seemed happy the last time they saw each other. "Kihyun-ah what's going on in your mind." Hyunwoo asked knowing he wouldn't get an answer. Kihyun had lost a lot of blood and his whole arm was wrapped. Hyunwoo sighed and kissed his omegas hand. "Kihyun-ah I want a family with you before we part. I want to spend my whole life with you so please don't leave me early. I know I'm a handful sometimes and I'm not always around but I'm trying. I want to give you the family you deserve." The older looked at Kihyun for answers wanting, needing his mate to wake up.
"Hyung." Hyunwoo looked over towards the door and saw Changkyun. "How is he." The alpha took a deep breath and looked down. "He'll wake up soon I know it." Changkyun walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down on a chair. He had so much to tell his older cousin. "I didn't know you were coming. Is everything alright." Hyunwoo asked the younger. Changkyun nodded blushing a little he smiled too but it faded quickly. "C-Can he hear me." Hyunwoo shrugged. "Jisoo said he might be but I don't know. H-He won't do anything or show any sign he's listening." The younger nodded. "Could I be alone with him for a minute." The older nodded this time and got up kissing Kihyuns forhead before leaving.
Changkyun waited for the older to leave before busting into tears. "Hyung please don't leave me. I-I wish you had reached out or something. If I knew you weren't doing good I would have visited. Hyung...I can't raise my baby alone. I-" Kihyun shuffled in his sleep and groaned. Changkyun watched and held his hand. "Hyung are you waking up." He asked knowing he probably wouldn't get an answer. "Ch-Changkyun." It was faint but the younger heard it. "Hyunwoo he's awake." Changkyun yelled towards the door. Hyunwoo ran in instantly and sat where he did before. "Baby speak to me." He mumbled and kissed the youngers hand.
Kihyun had heard the two talk to him. He knew what he had done but had no energy to let them know how sorry he was. When he built up enough he opened his eyes and saw his little cousin and Hyunwoo. "I-I didn't mean to hyu-" Kihyun brought his hands up to his face but didn't get far as he was restrained. "Kihyun-ah." Hyunwoo mumbled. He didn't know what to say and just held his lovers hand. "Ch-Changkyun you're..." The younger nodded wiping his tears. "Can we take these off." The maknae asked, he hated seeing Kihyun like this. Hyunwoo scratched the back of his head not knowing if he should. "H-Hyung I won't hurt myself." "Changkyun can you excuse us for a second." "I have to go anyway. Joonie has a surprise dinner waiting for me. I haven't told him yet but I'll come back and visit." The three knew Jooheon couldn't keep a secret. Changkyun kissed his cousin on the forehead and left.
"Hyung." Kihyun mumbled and looked at his mate asking to be set free. "I want to but...I was coming to the room to get you so we could go for a hunt. J-Just me and you like we did before but I felt this unbelievable pain and wave of emotions." The alpha remembered how it felt every cut the younger did and the feeling of relief. "I don't know why I did it. I was cleaning and the vase fell. I just...I don't...." Kihyun was at a loss of words. "Did you want to leave me so early. I hate being selfish but you are the only thing I have. You are the light in my darkness, jelly to my peanut butter, sun to the moon." Kihyun blushed and tried to hide his smile knowing the older was never good with his words. "I know a sorry wont fix things. I know you work so hard and have so much to do for the pack. I'm so pathetic." Kihyun sighed and tried to put his head in his hands yet he was still restrained.
"Kihyun-ah" "Can you just go. I wanna be alone." Kihyun looked away from Hyunwoo. "I'm staying." Hyunwoo made it clear yet his mate denied him. "You have responsibilities for the pack. You can't be here for some broken object." "Why are you pushing me away. You're the one who did this to yourself, you're the one who wants to stay in that room 24/7." Hyunwoo told the younger how he felt hating himself for it but the younger needed to know. "But...you're the one I love and want a family with. I can't have that if you leave me. Just imagine our puppies playing together in a backyard. We'll have 3 of them one of each kind. Alpha, beta and a baby omega. She'll definitely be the cutest." Kihyun's heart throbbed at this and tears escaped his eyes. "I-I want that too, but I'll just miscarry like the last time." He stuttered a bit and his voice was a bit shaky.
"That was 5 months ago. Mark and Jackson already have a pup on the way. Seokjin too I hear and many other omegas who where taken." The younger hadn't learned this news knowing he kept himself locked in his room to avoid the outside world. "S-Seokjin." Kihyun knew his brothers health history and all that depressing jazz. "Do you think we're ready." Kihyun asked. Hyunwoo hadn't thought that. All he wanted was to make his mate happy and take care of him.
A knock on the door put a stop to their conversation. "Kihyun-ah I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling." Lisa asked walking in with a clipboard. Kihyun shrugged at her question and held his grip with Hyunwoos hand tight. "We can take off the restraints it was just a precaution." When she said that Hyunwoo quickly undid them and the younger hugged him unexpectedly, sobbing in fear of the thought of dying. He wanted to believe in heaven and hell but deep down he believed it was the empty. He believed that dreams were clips of memories playing over. Sometimes he felt as if he couldn't dream, he still had dreams but he also saw pitch dark some nights. It terrified him and wondered why he had done what he did. "Kihyun-ah you're alright. You're alive and that's all that matters." It soothed the younger till it made him tired. "H-Hy-yun-ung I-I didn't....m-mean to d-do i-it." The younger was now hickup crying and it was hard for him to get a proper breath.
"Shhhh Kihyun-ah just breathe." Kihyun tried to calm down following Hyunwoos breathing. He yawned not having much energy. "Sleep my citrus flower." He lowered the younger to the pillow and watched as he tried to stay awake mumbling small words and again, hiccuping one last time. Soon Kihyun fell asleep. Lisa watched at the heart broken moment. "He's asleep." Hyunwoo whispered. The two walked out and shut the door. "How is he." She asked instanty. Hyunwoo took a deep breath. "I don't know." He hated not knowing his mate was safe. "Can I ask how things are between you two. I need to know everything in order to fully know what to do other wise I can't really help." Hyunwoo nodded. "We have been distant lately and I know he feels left out but everytime I ask him to leave he never will. I open up the windows before I leave and when I come back they're all shut."
Lisa jotted down words on her clipboard. "Are you guys intimate at all?" Hyunwoo shook his head blushing a little at the question. "He doesn't want to which is fine I'm not gonna force him." "When did that start." She wondered. "A little bit after the war. We started taking it slow because of the miscarriage but then it faded into nothing. He doesn't let me touch him anymore. That was the first time he hugged me in a long time." Lisa nodded and clicked her pen. "He didn't mourn your pups loss well and the omega in him is rejecting its alpha. It wants to shut down because of it." Hyunwoo grew worried for his omega wishing he had done more. "He seems to know what he had done and is scared. Take a month off as the alpha of the pack taking care of his luna. People will understand." Hyunwoo nodded knowing the doctor was right.
"Thank you Lisa. Do you think he's able to go back to the room." Lisa was hesitant at first. "I don't know he's cooped himself up in there and this happened. I guess you can but just watch out for him." Hyunwoo nodded again. "Thank you again for everything." Lisa nodded and walked away to her office. Hyunwoo went back into the room walking up to Kihyun and sat down. "I'll give you the perfect family. You'll never feel lonely again." Hyunwoo whispered and kissed Kihyuns forehead.
Thee End
ugh 😩 im so sad this book has come to an end. im afraid i wont be posting any new stories for a while. i fell out of kpop last year and trying so hard to get back into it. everytime i listen im like why tf did i stop and then i'll play the music i listen to know 😆😭 but ugh its comeback season guysssss hope your wallets are gonna be okay
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