Hyunwoo woke up on the hospital bed. Kihyun wasn't anywhere in sight. Quickly he got off the bed to go look for him. Running around and following the omegas scent. Then he saw the younger enter the kitchen. He gave himself a minute to catch his breath before walking towards the room. He heard a bit of arguing.
"H-He's really upset about it but I told him it wasn't his fault." Yoongi scoffed at this. "It really was. Do you know how reckless he wa-" "Yoongi." Jimin yelled. The alpha huffed. "Ask him what he did. How he cared for that monster." "Yoongi can we just go." Hyunwoo watched them leave and went in a different direction. Hyunwoo hated himself for what he had done. He walked in and saw Kihyun facing away from him. "K-Kihyun." The omega turned to face his mate. "Sorry I was a little hungry so I came here to get something. How are you." He asked and walked up to his alpha. The older moved back and looked down. "A-Alpha what's wrong. D-Did I do something wrong." Kihyun felt neglected again. "Wh-What did I do." Kihyun asked. He stepped back not feeling the connection between him and his mate anymore.
"I-I thought I wouldn't see you again. Kihyun you have to understand. I did it to protect you." The alpha went towards Kihyun and the younger fell to the ground. "Wh-What did you do." Hyunwoo went on his hands and knees. "Kihyun please. I'm begging you. I regret what I did. I didn't know it would effect the baby." Kihyun shook his head confused. "I-I tried to unclaim you." "Wh-When you try and break a bond with a pregnant omega you kill the baby you idiot." Kihyun choked out. Hyunwoo put his hands together and started begging. "Kihyun please." The youngers crying stopped. He looked at Hyunwoo. How broken his figure was. Maybe it was because they were meant to be but Kihyun still loved him.
"Tell me why." Hyunwoo looked up at Kihyun and sniffled. "2 days ago when everyone went back I looked for Seongwoo. We fought for hours. H-He got my eye and stabbed me. If I had died so would have you. Believe me if I could I would take it back." Kihyun looked at his wrist. The bite mark wasn't fading like it should. "Fix it then." He demanded. Hyunwoo shook his head. "I-It's not that easy Kihyun. The ritual takes a day to prepare and a few days to see if it even worked but....it's never worked before." Kihyun stood up and sighed. "I hate you Sohn Hyunwoo." With that Kihyun left the room and Hyunwoo felt his mate reject him. It hurt his heart and chest but he thought he'd already broke their bond.
He felt empty inside. For an omega it must have felt like death to them. Hyunwoo got up and tried to go after Kihyun. Not knowing which direction he went. Maybe towards their room? So the alpha went towards the main hall. Attempting to go up the stairs. Sadly he tripped and fell backwards. "Alpha." Kihyun gasped. He ran down the stairs and went onto his knees. "Alpha I-I was just mad. Please wake up. Alpha." Kihyun yelled. The older groaned and rubbed the back of his head sitting up. "Kihyun you have to believe me. Y-You can't r-reject me. I tried to protect you. Once I felt th-the knife in my side I-I had to do something." Kihyun remembered the pain in his side. It was common for mates to feel each others pain sometimes and emotions.
"Wh-When did you unclaim me." Kihyun asked. He thought the alpha had done it when he came back. Knowing the omega was safe. "After I thought I was gonna die." Kihyun sighed and felt relieved. "Idiot that's not how it works. All you did was make me think you were disowning me." Hyunwoo was confused. "H-He told me if I wanted you safe to break the bond." Shakily Hyunwoo roled up his sleeve. A bandage showed around his wrist. The younger saw tears escape his mates eye. "Alpha we're still mated. All you did was show that you rejected our bond. You didn't break it." The alpha stood wide eyed. "Really." He asked. Kihyun nodded.
"For a bond to be broken you must confront your mate and reject them, never claim them or....kill them. You did none of these." "O-Our pup." Hyunwoo mumbled. Kihyun felt his stomach and sighed. "I think when you got stabbed I felt it. H-Here right." Kihyun felt his side where he had felt the unbelievable pain. Hyunwoo nodded and lifted his t-shirt. To show the stitches he got. "It can happen. An omega going through changes in their body can cause their mates pain to link. It's weird yes but can happen. It happens for a reason but nobody really is fond of it." Hyunwoo was confused. He didn't feel their bond anymore. He felt as if they were ripped apart. "Why do I feel like this then." Hyunwoo asked. Strange to see an alpha vulnerable Kihyun didn't like the uneasy atmosphere.
"Because I miscarried. It effects both wolves. Creating a new life together and it dying weakens them." The older nodded understanding. Hyunwoo got up with the help of Kihyun. His head started hurting and so did his side. "That brother of yours really took a number on you." Kihyun frowned and lightly touched the bandage on Hyunwoos eye. "It's just a scratch. It'll heal in time. Are you alright. I can get you whatever you need. Food, water, oh I could go into town and-" Kihyun shushed the older with a kiss. "Can we go to the room." Kihyun mumbled. Despite everything that happened he was glad Hyunwoo came back safely. Each day he spent waiting the more time he had to think. What he could do when his alpha came home. Well what they could do.
He felt 95% better but had his mate? "Unless you need time to heal. I-I don't want to pressure you into anything." Kihyun blushed. Hyunwoo shook his head and stood tall. "I feel great. Shall we." Kihyun nodded. Their bond needed to be repaired and to do that they must mate. So that's exactly what they did. The wolves in them were connected by touch. Each wolf shares a bond with another each different but had one thing in common, comfort and touch.
Mark rocked Seongnim in his arms. Watching her sleep and suck on her pacifier. It calmed him down and helped him think. He knew Seongwoo was dead. Their pup felt it as well. A knock on the door made him look up. "You okay." Jackson asked leaning on the door. Mark smiled and nodded. Feeling much better now. "Let me put her down a-" Jackson shook his head. "Ani it's okay. C-Can I." He asked. Mark nodded and let Jackson hold the baby. "She's so cute. I see a lot of her in you." Mark scoffed. "All I see is Seongwoo...." He quieted his words and started to frown. Looking down and fiddled his fingers. Jackson sat down beside Mark and leaned towards him. Resting his head on the olders shoulder. "I see him to but...I guess she has more of her mothers looks to me. I hope our pups look more like you." Mark blushed at those words and smiled a bit.
"Wh-When do y-you think we'll start having pups." Jackson sat back up scaring Mark making him think he rushed things. "As soon as you want. I don't know what he did to you. I need to make sure you aren't scared of me. Wh-When I lashed out and JB held me back I felt so horrible. I have no father figure in my life and I-I don't want to mess up. I hate violence it's all I was showed when I was little. I was an elite when I turned 7. It's very young but I knew how to fight better then anyone." Mark nodded and wanted to be closer to Jackson. He felt cold and a bit neglected. He didn't know why he had everything now. A warm bed, actual food, his true mate, so what was wrong. "What's wrong." Jackson asked. Mark shook his head and lightly smiled. Jackson stood up and put Seongnim in her small hospital bed. "You're wounds are almost healed. Let's see the progress today."
Jin sat in the hospital bed tired. He was bored and felt perfectly fine. He could walk on his own yet they insisted he stay. Namjoon was sitting on a chair beside the bed. Half asleep. He refused to sleep to make sure Jin was safe. Seokjin played with his hair lightly it always worked to make Namjoon fall asleep. The older sat there and sighed. Examining his wounds. Where the bear trap mark was, was healed. All his wounds were gone or scared up. For some reason he missed being there. Feeling the pain. Now he felt nothing, nothing but emptiness. So he grabbed the knife he used to cut his food up and poked his finger. Hearing Namjoon groan as soon as the pain struck. It was fascinating how their bond worked yet they hadn't known each other for that long. Namjoon growled again and sat up. Jin quickly put the knife to his side and stabbed his leg.
Seokjin instantly didn't like the pain. It wasn't what he was looking for. Namjoon felt it like a small pinch. "What's hurting you." He asked. Jin shook his head and tried to hide the knife but Namjoon grabbed his hand. Blood dripped from his finger making him growl. "What's going on." Jin was scared yet wanted to know what the younger would do. "Don't hit me please." He whimpered. Namjoon let go of the older.
3 more chapters left 😭
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