Jackson sat at the edge of the lake. His leader beside him. "I shouldn't have done that. God I'm so stupid." He growled and threw a rock into the water. "Jinyoung is talking to him right now. You know him he'll get Mark to listen. Besides I bet they're already rearranging your wedding." The younger nodded. Yet he still felt guilty. An abomination was what Jackson thought of himself for the longest time. Never meeting anyone else with green eyes. They never glew red, orange, or yellow. Just green. The baby. "and there was a baby in the room. Shit parenting 101 and I'm not even the father. JB what do I do. I love Mark and that baby." He whimpered in frustration. Something a true alpha would never do. He got his tests done. He was born to be an alpha but it never showed. "We should get back to the pack s-" A baby cry in the distance made them jump to their feet. Jackson smelt the air and he could smell Mark.
"It's Mark. He shouldn't be out of the hospital. He shouldn't even be walking." The two ran over and saw Mark with his baby in the distance. "I'm sorry." Mark sobbed. He tried making a nice small flat platform. "Mark." He heard and jumped pushing the platform. The current was very strong and his pup floated away fast. "No." He regretted. Jackson and Jaebum ran up to him. Jackson hugged the older and asked him frantically if he was okay. "Sh-She's gone." He sobbed and looked towards the water. Instantly Jackson leaped into the water. Rushing as fast as he could. He had to rescue that little girl. Luckily the current smoothed down when he got closer but he was out of breath, freezing and the water got deeper. "Jackson the waterfall is coming up." Jaebum screamed over the water. Jackson looked and saw. The platform with Seongnim was still far away.
He had to save her now. "Ugh." He growled and used all his strength. Pushing through the water. Soon he got to the platform but it was too late. He wrapped his arms around the little pup and held her tight against his chest. They both went over the water fall. Jaebum quickly went down the hill and jumped in. Pulling Jackson and his mates pup out. "Seongnim." Mark choked out and held her close. "Wh-What were you thinking." Jackson asked coughing up water. Mark looked down. "I-I thought maybe if she wasn't here I'd live a happy life finally. She was never meant to be here. You told me that. She's a mistake." The omega whimpered. He hated himself. "Before you hit me I was going to say misunderstood. My parents weren't mated to one another. Jesus fuck." "We aren't in pack territory. Fight later please. We have company." Jaebum hinted towards some trees. Jackson saw the red glowing eyes hidden.
He got up and made sure Mark was okay along with Seongnim. "Get on my back." "What." Mark asked. "Just trust me." Jackson whispered. The omega nodded and secured his baby and got on Jacksons back. "On my mark. 1....2.....Go!" Jaebum yelled the last word and a bunch of wolves suddenly came out of the bushes. Mark kept his eyes closed and held onto Jackson. His skin turned into fur. He got shorter and ran faster. After a while of running they were inside the border. Mark got up and held Seongnim tight. "Go back into the hospital wing. I'll go make sure JB is okay. Go!" Jackson yelled and Mark quickly hugged him. Thanking him and ran into the mansion. "There you are. Why are you all wet. Wh-What happened to you two." Jinyoung asked. Mark was out of breath and he'd felt dizzy. His legs got wobbly and he fell to his knees. Jinyoung tried to keep him steady and yelped for help.
Instantly elites helped bring Mark to the hospital wing and set him on the bed while Jinyoung had Seongnim crying in his arms. He tried queiting her down but it wouldn't work. She was soaking wet and cold. What had happened. "Nurse." Jackson yelled. Jinyoung looked over at the door and saw Jackson holding up his mate. "What the hell happened. Why are you both soaking wet." He asked. The wounded alpha held his side. "Don't worry babe. It's just a little scratch. I'm fine." Jinyoung gave the pup to Jackson and lifted his shirt. "Yah!" He pushed the alpha to the floor. He was mad pissed even. "One of these days you'll end up dead. You can't save everyone. When you get killed count me out of your funeral." The omega stormed up the stairs and into his room. "Come on buddy." Jackson mumbled and helped his friend to the hospital wing.
Jinyoung slammed the bedroom door shut. Sniffling hard and whiped the tears from his eyes. "Aish." He sighed and rubbed his pregnant stomach. "You'd think your father had some common scense in him." The pup kicked inside Jinyoungs stomach making him smile. "Yah easy little one." He whispered. Kicking made him happy but kicking too hard was just uncalled for. A knock on the door got him onto his feet. "H-Hello." He asked the stranger. The stranger bowed respectfully. "My names Min Yoongi. C-Could I ask a favor." The omega nodded and let him in. Jaebum had told Jinyoung about the alpha named Yoongi. Trustworthy.
"A-Ani." Kihyun whimpered. He was asleep. Having nightmares once again. Hyunwoo did all he could but nothing worked to make them go away. So he tried to sooth him. Sometimes it would get him to stop fussing. "Kihyun-ah." He mumbled. "P-Please." Kihyun whispered. He spoke some more most of it was breathy and unclear, like usual. He gasp awake and layed back down. Then curled up to Hyunwoo and cried. In public he didn't let anything get to him. In front of people he refused to look broken and weak. In front of Hyunwoo he was fragile, ready to fall off the edge. "I know hamster." The alpha whispered and held Kihyun tight. "P-Please don't." Kihyun mumbled. Hyunwoo let go and watched as Kihyun was asleep still. He should have been awake by then. "Kihyun-ah." Hyunwoo shook the younger softly. He gasped and tears streamed down his face. Yet he still wasn't awake.
"Hyunwoo." The omega cried out. The alpha didn't know what to do. He was right here physically trying to do something. "Kihyun-ah wake up." He growled and grabbed the bedside glass of water. "I'm sorry." and dumped it onto Kihyuns face. The omegas eyes shot up and he turned to the side of the bed grabbing the trash and puking. Hyunwoo got a towel from the bathroom and handed it over. "Alpha what's wrong with me." He whimpered. Hyunwoo held his mate. "Thank you for waking me. Could you get me some water." The alpha nodded. Grabbing the cup he used to wake the younger and filled it up in the bathroom. He glanced in the trash and saw a pink box. He picked it up knowing exactly what it was. Then a stick fell out of it. Carefully he picked it up and saw the two lines. He walked out forgetting the cup and cooed. His mate was pregnant with his pup. Not Seongwoos but his.
"Ki~." The omega looked up and went to his feet. Trying to take the test away from the alpha. "Don't look at that. Gimmie." He whined. "Kihyuna-ah." Hyunwoo smiled. He hugged the omega who whined. "Alpha." Kihyun sniffled. The alpha stopped messing around and asked what was wrong. "J-Jennie said our pup would end up miscarrying." His heart sank. "What do you mean by that." "Th-The wolfsbane. She said I was lucky to be able to carry." Hyunwoo had forgot about that it had happened so long ago. He silently nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. Kihyun sat next to him and held his hand tight. "13% chance." He mumbled. "Hmm." The older questioned. Kihyun took a deep breath and smiled a little. "13% chance of survival. I was going to wait a while to tell you. After the first trimester there will be a 55% chance."
im sorry for not posting 😭 i met my future husband and only get to see him for a few days
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