"Jiminie." Yoongi smiled and walked into the room they stayed in. The omega looked up with glassy eyes. "Alpha." He whimpered and held his arms out. Yoongi instantly sat down and hugged him. "I had a dream you were...." The omega couldn't continue. He saw vividly how his mate died. "Nothing will happen to me. I won't let it happen." The omega didn't listen and continued crying in his mates arms. "Lil meow meow doesn't like it when her mommy cries." Yoongi tried to mimic a baby voice. He blushed in embarrassment. Jimin looked up with a questioning face. Yoongi rubbed the back of his head. "W-Well I-I was thinking the pup would be a girl. Jimin sniffled and smiled. Looking down at his stomach. "Y-You think so." He whispered. The alpha nodded and rubbed his pregnant mates belly. He wanted a girl. Originally Jungkook wanted a girl before a boy making Yoongi want that too. "Y-You think we'll have a girl." Jimin smiled. The older shrugged. "A boy is fine too."
Jimin shivered. "It's so cold." He mumbled. "I miss being in wolf form. With all the fur. Being pregnant is terrible." The omega pouted. He shivered and pulled his bottom lip out. Yoongi chuckled and got up stretching then shifted jumping onto the bed and letting his mate snuggle into him. In his pack they really embraced the wolf side. Every pack is different this one prefered human form. "I have a bad feeling. With our leader. D-Do you think he'll be okay. He looks weaker then normal. Seokjin the omega who's supposed to be his mate. He's gonna die soon if you guys don't find him right." Yoongi sighed and slightly nodded. He wasn't much of a talker. "Sleep chiminie." The omega nodded and closed his eyes. Sinking deep into his mates fur. Yoongi yawned and kept his eyes on every window and every door of the room. Hearing what happened to Kihyun he wasn't about to let that happen to Jimin.
Kihyun and Hyunwoo got ready for bed. Both sliding under the covers. "Do you think Seokjin is gonna be okay." The omega asked. "If he's an omega he'll be dead from what Seongwoo could do to him. If he's a beta he has a chance." Hyunwoo thought for a bit. He had thoughts that Seokjin was an omega. He didn't seem strong at all and he was more of the protective type. When Kihyun was in the hospital he never left his side. "With your help we'll find him." He reasured. "Lets sleep." He kissed the youngers head and held him close.
Hoseok sat in the hospital chair. Like he did every night. "We'll probably attack soon. With Kihyuns help I think we'll win this fight...Today he told us what happened. What really happened. How he was attacked and forced against his will. It made me think. I'm sorry for not being there for you. These past weeks isn't an excuse to not see you. I think I'm just scared. Scared that I'll fail as a father. Like mine before me, his before him. My mother was the only one there for me. I hated it. I don't want our girls to feel that emptiness in their hearts because their father is a coward. I'm gonna fight and win this war. Not for Seokjin or Kihyun...okay maybe for them but mostly you. So you feel safer and our puppies can grow up in a save environment." He held his omegas hand tight.
Letting him know how much he meant it. He looked at the omega for a response. Anything, a small movement or even just a deep breath. Yet it never came. The omega just laid there lifelessly. Hoseok hated it. A crying noise made him jump up. "Don't cry little one. Daddy is right here." He sniffled and picked up one of the twins. Minseok. She was the most noisey. "You'll wake your sister if you keep crying." Hoseok lightly bounced her and kissed her forhead. "Mhmm." A small whimper came out of the unconscious omegas lips. Hearing his baby cry out probably made the omega side in him need to protect her. "Baby." Hoseok mumbled and held the youngers hand. "Please open your eyes." Nothing. Once again. "Hyung." The older looked at the door and saw Changkyun. They grew closer now a days.
"Let me and Joonie watch over your pups." The alpha shook his head. "I can take care of my family perfectly fine. You should still be resting." The omega took a deep breath and leaned on the door. "I hate seeing you here every night. You need to sleep, eat, and properly take care of your pups." The alpha growled in anger. His mate was lying on a hospital bed. Nobody knew when or even if he'd wake up. "How would you feel if Jooheon was lying on a bed basically dead, Kihyun even. When we find Kim Seokjin alive." The alpha scoffed. "If we find him alive. I doubt he'll be in any condition for his mate to be all happy and giddy. You think you can still be an elite. Whoever decided you an omega could protect anyone is stupid. You're weak and now...broken." At this point the alpha was screaming. He had so much built up anger he didn't mean to take it out on an omega.
He took a deep breath and saw the tears. How the omega was trembling. His own pups crying in fear of the loud noise. "Ch-Changkyun-ah I-I didn't mean..." He couldn't finish. The younger sniffled and whiped the fallen tears. "Wolfie you okay. I heard screaming. Why are you crying." It was Jooheon. "I'm fine. I think it's just a leg cramp." The omega lied. The older bent down and lightly felt his leg. "Ow." The omega whimpered. Jooheon apologized quickly and stood up. "You've done enough walking for today. I'll get some ice and advil." He looked over at Hoseok and bid him goodnight, then helped Changkyun back to the room he stayed in. "Ow, ow, ow." Changkyun whimpered. It always hurt getting back into bed. Having to use his muscles to put his leg up onto the bed.
Instantly Jooheon grabbed a pillow setting it under the omegas leg. "Is that better." He asked. The younger nodded. Then Jooheon did whatever he could to make Changkyun comfortable. "Where did it hurt on your leg." The younger pointed to his cafe. "Let's see how it healed today." Carefully Jooheon took off the bandage. His heart shattering. It hadn't healed any better the last time he saw. "Wolfie." He frowned. The younger looked down. He kept straining his leg. "I'm gonna have to strap you to this bed if this continues." The omega didn't say anything again. "I love you Wolfie so much. If I cou-" "Ani! I won't let you get hurt like this. I'm glad it happened to me. Its what I get for thinking I could protect anyone." Jooheon held the youngers hand. Changkyun was frustrated with himself.
"Changkyun I'm an alpha. I remember those alphas holding me down. The betas tearing your leg apart. Everytime I blink or even just think....I couldn't protect my mate. Being an alpha, beta, or omega. It doesn't matter. I loved having you as an elite. I could see you everyday. Yeah I worried but..." He took a deep breath and kissed the omegas lips. "I'm gonna take care of you from now on. Nothing will ever happen to you again." The omega nodded and smiled. Their lips connecting still made sparks fly. Ever since day one. "Get some rest if you can. I'm gonna clean your leg tonight." Changkyun thanked his mate. Staying awake to help. He thought about what Hoseok said. Knowing he was just frustrated but the omega side of him was scared of Hoseoks alpha side. The dark red eyes. How he yelled. "Ow." He hissed in pain.
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