Jooheon swallowed hard. Afraid the alpha before him would rip him to shreds. "I-I was just watching over them. I promise nothing happened. A-Ask Hyungwon." Hoseok walked up to the bed still growling. Jooheon didn't feel the need to submit to the alpha but to challenge him. Knowing that would be a bad idea. "I'll leave, but when he wakes up ask him. He's the one who asked me to help him with the pups. Said he hadn't slept in days hadn't seen you in days as well." The alpha growled more. Jooheon left and ran. He was very fast and made it down the hall in seconds. He huffed out of breath. "Joonie there you are." It was Changkyun. He dropped the crutches and limped over to his mate. The older walked up to him and quickly made sure the omega wouldn't fall.
"I-I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't mean it. I really didn't...believe me." Jooheon sighed. "I believe you." It was a small mumble. Changkyun knew he'd have to make it up to his mate. So he kissed him but Jooheon had other things on his mind and pulled away. "Let's get you back into bed. Lisa said you could go home soon, which is good." He didn't sound all that happy. To be honest he was tired, afraid, worried, angry. "Alpha." "What." he asked suddenly. "I-I asked what was wrong." Changkyun mumbled sadly. He felt ignored which never happened when speaking to Jooheon. "Come on." he sighed again and grabbed the youngers crutches. Changkyun would have thought the beta would carry him. Treat him like a prince as always. While he protested that he could walk and they'd end up happy again like always. "I'll walk you back." With that they walked in silence. Changkyun not liking it at all.
The beta or alpha was thinking about them. Even if he didn't show it. They'd be able to have a family. Meaning Jooheon would stress even more about protecting his mate. With what happened he wasn't sure he wanted to be an alpha. Would being an omega be easier. No. They were hunted and taken advantage of, preyed on and scarce. Really there weren't that many of them, omegas that is. The pack was still small and they were on the low side of the strength pole. Mainly the wolves here were betas. At least 3-4 alphas. Maybe 5 if Jooheon finds out his real type. "Jooheon." He heard someone yell at him. He looked back and saw Changkyun. "Huh." He asked not realizing the omega had stopped walking. Changkyun was on the verge of tears. "I was apologizing about earlier. I see it doesn't bother you. I'll get out of your way. You can leave now." Changkyun whispered. He felt neglected.
He looked away as a tear fell from his cheek. "W-Wolfie." Jooheon whispered. He reached out but the omega moved away from his hand. "Clearly something is more important than me. I get it I said things I regret deeply but that doesn't mean you have to hurt me like that." A knock on the door stopped Changkyun from continuing. "Jooheon." They looked up and saw Lisa. It was the paper declaring if he was an alpha or not. He took it and thanked her, unfolding it. He'd have to show Changkyun now. "Wh-What is it." The omega asked. Jooheons face was pale...His parents lied to him. "Joonie." Changkyun pleaded. "Wh-Whatever it is w-we can deal with it. Right?" The alpha shrugged. He handed the paper over and the omega took it instantly.
His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Now you can get the family you always wanted or whatever." Jooheon mumbled and looked down. "Earlier when I ran off Hyunwoo followed me. He noticed something a beta shouldn't have. I've been thinking about it all day. Lisa did the test in short notice." The alpha explained. "S-So you're an alpha then." Changkyun asked. "Since birth I guess." Changkyun dropped the crutches on the floor and walked towards Jooheon. "My heat will start in a few weeks. When I turn 16. Wh-What will we do we're too young. I want to do so much. When we met I figured children were out of the picture. I-I don't want any pups. Not yet atleast." It was the normal for omegas to start having pups around 16 and 17. Unless if they waited it out. After the first heat they'd be able to control it. "W-We just need to get the first one out of the way. Then it'll be easy." They came to an agreement. Changkyun would have to deal with his first heat, after that he could start taking suppressants.
"S-So....alpha." Changkyun said. It was weird but he liked it, really liked it. The omega went on his tiptoes and kissed the newly known alpha. Wrapping his arms around the olders neck. "Where did this come from." Jooheon asked. He wasn't complaining but about 5 minutes ago they were fighting. The younger pulled him towards the bed. Knowing nothing too drastic would happen. Laying on the bed Changkyun had struggles with his leg. Jooheon helped him instantly and he felt loved. It was as if they met for the first time again. "Wow." Someone gasped and covered their eyes. The sound of lips separating filled the room. "H-Hyung." Changkyun stuttered. It was Hyunwoo. "Well now what's that all about. Thought y'all were in an argument." They separated and wiped their mouths. "Y-You know how it is. Mates can't stay mad at each other forever." The alpha of the pack nodded. "Sure...I came to see how you were doing. Glad I know Kihyuns little cousin has all the hands on care he can get."
Changkyun blushed at that. Kihyun walked in and chuckled. "What's up." Jooheon asked trying to act normal. "Well according from what I can see you are." He choked on his laugh. Jooheon looked down and covered his crotch. Both Kihyun and Hyunwoo laughed. Changkyun grabbed 2 pillows from behind and used one to cover his mate the other to throw at the two at the door. They left immediately still laughing. "Well wasn't that awkward." Jooheon sighed. Changkyun just looked at him and shook his head, trying to cover his smile. "What." The older chuckled. "Just because you're an alpha doesn't mean you have to flash your dick to everyone." Jooheon smacked the omega with the pillow. Putting it back on the bed and kissed Changkyun. Instantly he laid back down and let the older dominate his lips. "One more thing."
It was Kihyun. Both sat back up and tried to pretend like nothing happened. "Heats can start early if you keep sucking face like that. I know you have nothing really to worry about though. Good luck and be safe, try not getting my little cousin pregnant." Changkyun threw the pillow at his cousin. "Yah." he yelled. Kihyun was done messing with them. Yeah it was gross thinking someone you grew up with was doing something like that but it was fun to tease. "Come on alpha." Kihyun smiled and pulled Hyunwoos arm. "What are we doing." He asked. "Experimenting." The omegas eyes lit up. Hyunwoo was right behind him. "Well then where shall we start." He questioned.
"the shower"
i forgot to post earlier today but i just bought my first car yesterday and brought home a kitten for mothers day so my life a lil hectic rn 🥵
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