Hyunwoo watched as the omega slept. Smiling and feeling like an alpha. His alpha. "Kihyun-ah." He whispered. The omega didn't respond. Then he stretched and snuggled close yawning. "Hmm." He responded. "We should take a bath or shower. You know clean up." Kihyun nodded but stayed where he was. Eyes shut and ready to go back to sleep. Hyunwoo figured to let the omega sleep some more. "I'll shower now and when I get out it's your turn." No response. Carefully he got off the bed not disturbing the younger and showered. He felt refreshed. A towel around his waist and heat coming off of him. The alpha prepared a bath for Kihyun and walked out to the main room. "Good morning." Kihyun yawned. "Hey." The alpha smiled and kissed the youngers forehead. "How are you feeling." The younger shrugged. "Was last night okay." He asked. Kihyun nodded frantically.
"Perfect." He smiled and got up. Instantly his legs were wobbly. Hyunwoo caught him the omega giggled. "Bath time for you." The taller smiled. He carried Kihyun and lightly set him down in the bath. A knock on the door broke their moment. "Probably maids coming to clean the room." Kihyun felt uneasy. He didn't like it. "S-Stay here." He said and grabbed the olders hand shakily. "Don't worry Kihyun-ah. I'll shut the door when I leave the bathroom. Nothing is gonna happen." The younger was hesitant but nodded knowing to trust his alpha. Hyunwoo kissed the youngers cheek and walked out shutting the door. He went to the front door and opened it a crack. "Hoseok." He said and fully opened it. "Whats up." "Jesus crist it smells like sex in here. I came to tell you that Changkyun was asking for Kihyun. I heard you two had a good night." The alpha smirked proud of himself. "I told him we could hold it off till he's better but he refused to take no as an answer."
"Alpha." They heard Kihyun yell from the bathroom. "Be right there." Hyunwoo yelled back. "I gotta go. I'll tell him you said hi." Hoseok nodded and walked off. Hyunwoo walked back into the bathroom Kihyun jumped but calmed down instantly. "It was just Hoseok. He said Changkyun wants to talk to you." The omega nodded and scrubbed some soap on his arms. Hair full of soapy shampoo. "Also Hoseok said he's glad you feel safe with me. To be able to....do stuff you know." The omega covered his face. "H-He heard us." "You to be particular." Hyunwoo smiled. Kihyun huffed in embarrassment. "Yah stop smiling it's embarrassing. Who else heard me." Kihyun laughed. Hyunwoo bursted out laughing. "Get out." Kihyun splashed water towards Hyunwoo and got him soaked. "Oops." He mumbled trying not to laugh as well. Hyunwoo just shook his head. "Welp now I gotta redry off."
The alpha took the towel around his waist off. Kihyun looked away and blushed hard. "I'm gonna get dressed. Don't take too long." With that he walked out, bare ass naked. Kihyun quickly finished and got out draining the tub. "Yah." He gasped. Hyunwoo was leaning against the door watching him. "You scared me." Kihyun tightened the towel around his chest. "We get it not all of us can look as good as you." He chuckled. Hyunwoo was clothed but didn't have a shirt on. "I planned your outfit for the day. Something soft and lounging. Here." Turned around and walked out. He'd placed the clothes on the counter. While he walked off Kihyun saw the fresh marks on his mates back knowing he had done it. Quickly he got dressed and walked out. "Does it hurt." He asked. The alpha hummed in question. "Y-Your back." Hyunwoo shook his head. "No, why."
Kihyun walked up and traised them. Hyunwoo hissed. "That did." He chuckled and turned his back to the mirror looking at it. "Are you sure I didn't hurt you last night." Hyunwoo asked. "Y-Yeah. To be honest I enjoyed everything. Nothing hurt and I wasn't scared." Hyunwoo walked up to the scared omega and hugged him. "It doesn't hurt. I like it. Let's me know you were more then satisfied." Kihyun smiled and hugged him back. "P-Put a shirt on. I don't want anyone seeing." He mumbled and shyly looked away. "Baby I want everyone to see." Kihyun smacked his chest. "Weirdo." The older smiled and finally put a shirt on, "Come on lets go." and dragged Kihyun out of the room. "Hyung I don't wanna-" he was picked up. Technically he was givin a piggy back ride.
Hyunwoo raced down the hall and into the hospital wing. "Changkyun-ah you're walking." the other omega smiled. "Hyung." the younger crutched over and hugged his older cousin. "You should be on bedrest still." The younger shrugged. "I need to get my leg strength back so I can go back into the field." "He wont be able to be an elite anymore." Kihyun remembered what Jooheon said. Did his cousin know he wouldn't be able to. "Ch-Changkyun." He mumbled. Jooheon came up behind them and hugged Changkyun. "Wolfie get back to the bed. Please." The omega sighed. "I need to put strength back in my leg. H-How am I gonna be able to protect people if I'm laying in a bed the whole time." Jooheon hadn't told him yet. "Jooheon lets talk." Kihyun suddenly said. Pulling the two out of their conversation. "Privately." He made it clear.
"S-Sure. Hyunwoo could you get Changkyun to the bed." The alpha nodded. Jooheon and Kihyun left the room. The omega made sure the door was shut. "You didn't tell him. Joonie the hell is wrong with you." the beta looked down. "I'm sorry I just can't do it. You don't know what it was like. Having to watch your mate almost die. His leg was ripped to shreds Kihyun-ah." Jooheon sniffled. The omega saw the tears in his eyes. "Come on." He mumbled and led the beta to an empty room. "I-I know but you have to tell him. He deserves to know."
"Last night me and Hyunwoo had sex. I was terrified at first. Remembering what that monster did every time Hyunwoo kissed me or showed affection. I'm not saying what happened to me was worse then Changkyun. Everyone's experiences are different, but I faced my fear. Hyunwoo showed me how to heal with just one night. Changkyun will take more than a night but he has to know now. Not tomorrow not next week. Now." Jooheon nodded. "B-But don't tell him. What really happened to me. He still only knows what everyone else does. He takes revenge on a different level. If he knew...he'd just end up dead." The younger nodded at that. It was true every word of it. Revenge was everything Changkyun wanted.
"I'll tell him he can't be an elite anymore. His birthday is in a month. Wh-What will happen when his heat hits." Kihyun sighed and crossed his arms. "It's different for every omega. An alpha and a beta taking care of an omegas heat is definitely very different. Mine didn't hit till 2 years later, then two weeks after that. Just make sure he isn't alone before, during, and after." Jooheon nodded. "Come on lets go back before they get suspicious." They walked back and saw Changkyun crying. Jooheon ran up and asked what was wrong hugging him tight. "Joonie is it true." "What." Jooheon asked. "Th-That I can't be an elite anymore." Both Kihyun and Jooheon looked at Hyunwoo. The omega hitting the alpha and growling lowly. "Was I just suppose to let him think that. His leg was torn. Lisa said it was a miracle he could walk."
"Could you wait outside." Kihyun snapped. Hyunwoo was gonna protest but figured it would be safe not to. "Wolfie I-I was gonna tell yo-." "What else can't I do. Shift into wolf form. I already can't have pups of my own, my leg. God damnit my fucking dreams are crushed. Might as well just kill myself. No point in living if I have nothing." The beta pushed Changkyun away from their hug and ran off. He'd never been the type to get mad but he was now furious. When Changkyun got hurt he was more depressed then mad. Terrorized by what he had to watch. He shifted into wolf form and ran outside into the woods. Not noticing someone following him.
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