34. Sloth in a race
Hello my amazing readers! So... I didn't update yesterday 😅 It was both intentional and unintentional.
Intentional cuz I wanted to build a little suspense and unintentional cuz I had some dinner plans.
Anyways, Enjoy!
34. Sloth in a race
✧ Luke ✧
“Are you sure?” I ask her again
Hazel turns around, hands on her hips and gives me a look, golden eyes gleaming with irritation.
“Luke, are you sure I was the one who feel ill?” she asks
“I don’t want to take any risk,” I cant risk you
We’ve been bantering over this since morning. It took her another day to recover from that poison. Her fever is gone, the bruise on her wound is almost gone too and her steady heart beat tells me she’s fine now.
I know that we have to move on, I know that our time is limited but I don’t want her to strain herself.
“I’m perfectly fine!” Hazel says, tossing her golden-brown hair over her shoulder “What do you think I am? A damsel in distress?”
“Then don’t complain later.” I say as I pick up the bag
“Finally!” she grins “Lets go and win!”
With a quirk of my lips, I take her hand in mine and start forward, careful to let my pace be slow in the start. We can go faster gradually.
Her hand is so small in mine, but fits perfectly. A tingly feeling rises up my arm and I wonder if she could feel it too, if she could see what I had started to see us as. I glance at Hazel from the corner of my eyes.
Bound by habit, my eyes take in the detail of her. the shades of golden and brown in her hair, the perfect arch of her brows, her wide hazel eyes that look like pools of gold, the careful incline of her nose, the pouty shape of her lips.
I always knew she was beautiful, but with the way she acts most of the time, I was fairly sure she’s just a childish, fragile girl.
But Hazel did what no other woman has ever managed to do.
She surprised me.
With resilience, bravery, wit and more hope and contentment than any one I’ve seen. She surprised me with her depth, and if I could, I would take every moment of my day asking her about the way she saw the world.
‘Maybe I’d find someone else.’ She had said that night so long ago
Maybe I already have. I tighten my hold on her hand and increase my speed slightly.
Not finding your mate isn’t rare. As the law states, unmated Lycantroups can get married to another at the age of 20
Even though the ceremony around full moon night and the two people mark each other, creating a pseudo-mate bond, if the real soulmate of either of the partners encounters them, that bond is stronger. It usually leads to pretty unhappy relationships, if not resisted vehemently.
But it just might work. A lot of couples live their entire lives without encountering their true mates.
Since I don’t have my dose of wolfsbane, my senses are more active than they should be. Not a mile later, I take in the shuffle of feet. My muscles tense, my body already preparing itself for action.
“Luke?” Hazel gives me a confused look
“Someone’s coming,” I pull my gun out, she does the same “Stay close.”
Hazel nods “How many?”
I focus and my senses pinpoint the sound coming from just ahead of us. A singular heart beat. Some of the tension in my shoulders goes out.
“Just one.” I say
“One?” I can hear the suspicion in her voice “Wait, is it—
Pop! Pop! Pop!
Confetti falls over us and soon enough a familiar face comes in my view, wearing a familiar suit.
“Ah, Alpha Winters.” The man smiles pleasantly “The first one the reach this check point. Congrats!”
I hold back a growl. What monopoly is this? Why is the Alpha Supreme being so considerate? Or is he just keeping eyes on us?
“Another break?” I cant hide my disdain
The man looks a little reluctant when he sees my expression but the clears his throat “Yes, Alpha. If you will please, follow me.”
I glance at Hazel, she looks as irritated as I, if not more. The events of the last lodge replay in my head, I refrain myself from clenching my jaw.
Grow ass lustful Alphas to trail behind her again. Perfect.
But when she meets my eyes, a smile tugs at her lips, her eyes glint with mischief.
“Last one there is a puppy,”
And she’s gone.
I roll my eyes despite my smile. Didn’t I tell her she’s not the hunting type?
I let instinct take over and my feet automatically guide me towards her, trailing after our messenger. The next moment, my arms wrap around her and a surprised squeal reaches my ears as I lift her up the ground.
“Got you,” I say in her ear
“You cheated!” Hazel looks back at me, eyes narrowed “There was no deal about catching me. It was a race!”
“I still won.”
I put her to her feet and Hazel huffs, crossing her arms across her chest.
“No you didn’t,” she says
I open my mouth to say something but a cough interrupts me. Both of us turn our eyes to our messenger, who’s standing a little ahead, a small smile on his face.
“We’re almost here,” he says
We walk a little further and I catch a glimpse of a tower. I blink and squint my eyes to see through the thick trees and my vision remains the same. A tower made of big blocks of granite, wines climbing over it. we reach a clearing and my eyes widen at the sight before me.
A sky scraping castle stands before us, four towers stand at its corners, wild wines climbing over them in ragged lines. The front gates are made of the darkest wood, with heavy brass bolts. I catch a glimpse of narrow windows with tainted glass on the inner castle.
“Are you guys—” Hazel looks at me and our messenger “Can you see this castle? Or is it just me?”
“Yes, of course,” our messenger nods “All for a little fun. One day and one night in a fairytale castle.”
I raise a skeptical eyebrow, my expression as enthusiastic as a sloth put in a race.
He offers me an apologetic smile “All on Alpha Supreme’s command, Alpha. Please, come this way.”
At the same moment, two women walk over to us. They glance at me for one moment before their eyes settle on Hazel.
“Poor dear!” the older woman takes Hazel’s hands in her own “You look exhausted! Come along, we’ll get you patched up.”
“Umm, I,” Hazel looks at me, confusion itched on her face
I put my hands on her shoulders and pull her back, protectiveness taken over my head. She’s just recovered from the moon knows what, I’m not letting her go out of my sight.
“Let the lady go with them, Alpha.” Our messenger says “She’s going to be alright, I assure you.”
I narrow my eyes at him, he takes an unsure step back, before I have the chance to say anything a soft hand falls over mine.
“I’ll be fine,” Hazel says with a small smile “I’m a tough girl, Winters.”
I take in consideration our situation. Even if I want to stay with her, I’m not in the power to argue right now. And if this is another break, its neutral territory, they have no reason to bother us.
At least it seems so.
I let out a breath and turn my gaze to the two women in front of us, making sure to put every bit of intensity in my gaze.
“I expect to see her in one hour, perfectly intact.” I say, an unsaid warning in my voice
With that I pull my hands away from her shoulders and step back. Hazel gives me an exasperated glance, the other two women exchange a nervous look.
“Come on,” the younger woman, just a girl really, takes Hazel by the arm “We really don’t have much time.”
I sigh in pure bliss and sink deeper in the bubble bath.
You know that embarrassing dream of being a princess when you were a little girl? Yeah, I’m totally living the dream.
Another knock sounds on the door, followed by a panicked voice;
“Elise, hurry up! It’s been almost forty minutes since you went in there!” Clary, the girl who got me in this tower, says
I pout but then I decide to get out afterall. I quickly dry myself and put on my clothes, my hair wrapped in a towel.
“Sorry,” I give her an apologetic smile as I come out “Its been so long since I took a bath like that.”
“No time to waste,” she hurriedly pulls me towards the huge four poster bed “Gosh, that brute of your partner is probably planning on how to kill me.”
I laugh at her panicked expression “Luke is just a little protective. He wont do anything like that, trust me.”
“Well, you had your back to him when he was staring at me and Aunt Helda with murderous eyes.” Clary says as she picks up a dress from the bed
They were the Omegas from the Alpha Supreme’s pack and they’d been sent here to take care of the competitors.
When I told her I’m an Omega too, she pretty much blew up in a rainbow from happiness that an Omega is in the leading team of this Hunt.
“I’m sure you’re going to need help in putting this on,” she holds up something that can only be described as a duchess’ ball gown
My fingers skim the soft golden material and I’m amazed at the softness, the intricate designs on the dress and the layers of cloth.
“Yeah, no way in hell am I wearing this.” I say “I’m probably going to trip and crack my head open. And ruin the dress, might I add.”
“Oh nonsense,” Clary waves a hand “You’ll look amazing. Besides, its necessary for the occasion.”
So grumbling and complaining, she puts me in the dress and the sits me infront of the dresser, drying my hair before starting to put it in a complicated hairstyle.
“Goddess, we are so late!” Clary says, fussing over makeup
“Calm down,” I chuckle “Luke wouldn’t—
The door slams open, almost breaking off its hinges. Clary jumps away with a squeal of fright, my instinct tells me to reach for my gun but then I realize this is neutral territory and they had taken it.
A tall figure strides in, a squeaking Helda behind him. Luke’s dark blue eyes take in the room with one quick glance before the settle on me.
Something similar to relief cross his face. The next moment, he’s crossed the room, standing only a few steps away from me.
“I told you, Alpha,” Helda squeaks out, trying and failing to look intimidating “She’s getting ready!”
Luke’s eyes stop searching my face for signs of worry or injury and take in my dressing, his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline.
My own eyes take in his attire. Dressed like some old timey Duke, with all the elaborate coats and the frilly dress shirt he looks so, so—
I break in a fit of giggles “You look ridiculous.”
Luke scowls at me, then looks down at his clothes self-consciously.
“I think I look fine,” he says “Handsome, even.”
Still chuckling I close the remaining distance between us. His hair has been brushed neatly back, a single strand of wavy hair is out of place.
Mindlessly, I raise my hand and put it back in place.
“Don’t be so disappointed,” I grin at him “At least you made me laugh for once.”
Clary snickers from her place by the dresser, Luke casts her a quick glare before he turns his gaze to me again. He straightens his posture, features calm and composed.
“I’m waiting in the sitting room down the hall,” he says “Don’t take long.”
With that he turns around and leaves the room.
“My moon,” Helda sighs “That’s one bossy Lycan.”
Cary grins at me as I sit back down in front of the dresser, I raise an eyebrow.
“That was quite the entrance he made,” she says, waggling her brows “He seems very worried about your safety.”
“Of course,” I say “We’ve been through a rough time, you never know what to expect on this Hunt.”
“Not that kind of worried, idiot.” She rolls her eyes “Didn’t you notice they way he was looking at you?”
“Like I’m his partner?” I offer
Clary face palms herself “How have you been surviving this Hunt, you dingdong?”
“Hey,” I make a face
“I have to admit,” Helda says, walking over to me with an old timey hand fan “Alpha Winters must really care about you.”
Unbidden, heat rushes to my face along with Luke’s words.
Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise.
I don’t remember much of that night, only muddled words in a haze of pain. But I do remember the look on Luke’s face when I told him I think I’m going to die.
The way he looked at me then is burned in my memory. Like he would drag me back from hell if he has to, but he won’t let me go.
I shake my head “Well, he does. I’ve been bearing him from over a month.”
Finally, I manage to get them off my case and once they’re done with dressing me up as if I’m an actress in a film, Clary points out where the sitting room it.
I open the huge ebony doors, fan held in front of my face like a perfect duchess. My eyes instantly find Luke, standing by the window, the wind lifting his hair.
His dark, stormy gaze snaps to me, I grin widely, feeling too excited for this break of ours. I already like it better than the last.
I gather up my huge puffy dress and walk over to him, only then do I realize there’s a door on the other side of the room as well.
It opens and my grins falls, my eyes widen and the fan slips from my hand. I stare at the man standing just behind Luke, his clothes red from blood, another man helping him inside.
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