20. The first lodge
Hello my amazing reader! I updated quicker this time😄 Three cheers for me!
U know, this chapter has some of my personal experience.
Once upon a time, both my sisters wanted burgers from the restaurant near my school and I promised to get them after school. When I went in there, there wasn't a single, I repeat, not a single female there and all the obnoxious, rouddy guys there stopped doing whatever the hell they were doing and stared at me for five seconds straight.
Then the waiter came to me, served me first and I was out.
It. Was. Awkward.
Anyways, enjoy!
20. The first lodge
Who’s a good boy?” I coo as I scratch his head “obviously, you are.”
“Hazel,” Luke says in irritation “Stop it.”
I huff “You’re just jealous because animals hate you and not me.”
“Stop playing with that squirrel, we have to get going.” He says, already starting to walk
“No arguments.”
“Asshole,” I mutter before I swing my bag on my shoulder and follow him
Since we pretty much didn’t sleep yesterday, we woke up late. Yes, Luke Winters, the perfectionist is actually not a robot and woke up late as well.
“Hey Luke,” I ask, he hmms in response “Didn’t you expect to find your mate in that crescent moon ball?”
“And during your travels?” I ask “Didn’t you think you’d find her during that?”
I see his shoulders stiffen at that “No.”
Sure, I think to myself. Even if Luke might not accept it, his tense demeanor is more than enough to tell me that he did expect to find his mate during his travels.
“So, when you become Alpha supreme, what will you do?” I ask, deciding to drop the mate subject
“We have just started a shorter route, what makes you think we’ll win?”
“Humor me.”
“I’ll do what I’m supposed to,” he shrugs “Work, maintain peace, shift to the New York HQ.”
“That’s it?” I stare at him incredulously “That’s what’s driving you to win?”
“That, and a lot of power.”
Crazy. Why would someone want to risk their life for some stupid job?
“What would you do?” Luke asks, effectively surprising me “After you leave?”
My rough sketch plan flashes in my head again “Get a job, save up money, work my ass off and start a small business which will eventually grow and I’ll be rich.”
Luke stares at me for a moment before looking ahead again, a small sound escapes him. Did he just… chuckle? Maybe I should just admit that he’s a living being too.
“So you do have a brain in that big head of yours?”
“Yes, a very bright one.” I ignore his sarcasm
“And about your mate?” he asks “You did sneak in the ball, I’m guessing you wanted to find him.”
“That was my intention,” I don’t bother denying
“But you didn’t find him.” Luke says “Now what will you do?”
I pause for a moment, trying to think past the twang of emotions in my head. What will I do? Try to find him? If I do find him, will he accept me? With all the crazy things I’ve done and probably will keep doing in the future?
“I haven’t given it much thought, actually,” I say honestly “Maybe I’ll adopt a kid or two and leave all my money in their name.”
“For someone who acts like a lunatic almost all the time,” Luke says with such a straight face, its infuriating “You’re actually quite mature.”
“I’m not sure if you’re complementing me or insulting me.” I say
“I’m a multi-tasker.”
We keep walking, me keeping up conversation and Luke simply sticking to monosyllable answers. Noon bleeds into night and the urge to stop and sleep starts its toll on me.
“You didn’t even hear me out!”
“I know you’re going to say we should stop,” He says “But we can’t. We slept too much and now we have to compensate.”
“Well, if we sleep at midnight, we’ll wake up late again.” I say “Then this cycle will never end!”
“Then get used to your new sleep schedule.”
“You can not be serious.” I give him a look
“For once, Hazel.” Luke says “You’re right.”
I breathe a sigh of relief.
“We wont wake up late again, I’ll make sure of that.”
“You bloody bas—
“Language,” He cuts me off, a steely edge to his voice “There’s a spring a few meters from here. We’ll set camp near it. Now shut up and keep walking.”
At least I get one of the things I wanted to take the shorter path for; a good sleep. We keep on walking in silence. The moon rises up in the sky, illuminating the place with its silvery glow.
Everything looks so… pristine. Bigs trees with hanging vines, moss covered forest floor, the little wild flowers scattered everywhere.
“It’s so beautiful, isn’t it?” I say softly, looking up at the moon
But while I do that, I forget that I need my eyes on the ground. The consequences of my actions catch up to me fast and I trip forward. My eyes automatically close as I brace myself for the fall.
Something warm wraps around my arm and pulls me back and upright, my eyes snap open. The sudden tug causes me to stand on my toes against something hard and warm.
Luke looks back at me, his stormy blue eyes dark in the dim light.
“Don’t you know, Hazel?” he says “Pain finds beauty a reliable disguise.”
Pop! Pop! Pop!
I jump away from Luke, startled at the sudden sound and then at the things falling on us. Confetti?
“Congrats!” a man appears from behind a few trees
“What is this?” Luke asks, taking a step infront of me
Whoa, whoa, hold up. Who told him I’m a little girl he needs to protect?
With a huff, I step aside and stand beside him. The man in front of us smiles gently. Dressed in a neat suit, he appears to be in his forties.
“Please, Alpha,” he holds up a hand as if in surrender “Allow me to explain.”
He takes out a folded piece of paper from his jacket and gives it to Luke. His eyes scan over it quickly before giving it back.
“A one day break?” he raises an eyebrow
“Yes,” the man says “The Alpha Supreme wants everyone to be comfortable.”
Luke crosses his arms and gives him a curt nod, but I notice one of his hands is close to the waistband of his jeans, where he keeps his gun.
“You see, Alpha Supreme has arranged for the competitors to have check points.” The man explains “Every now and then, the teams in the same area will be allowed a day’s rest in a lodge. And right now, I’m here to lead you to your lodge.”
Luke assesses the man in a quick glance. His eyes flicker to me, I shrug. Then he nods towards our messenger.
“Go on, we’re right after you.” He says
“Very good. This way,” The suited man starts walking
“How come there’s a lodge here?” I whisper to Luke
“Probably magic,” He says quietly “Keep your guard up. this is the first time I’m hearing anything like this.”
I nod, feeling my stomach turn a bit in anxiety. But this man hadn’t been one of the participants. Besides, if he’s allowed to pay some witch to make a lodge here, he’s probably an official.
And soon enough, we reach a little wooden cabin in a clearing. I look around for any sign of danger but everything seems normal. Then again, it’s not very well lit at this hour of the night.
The suited man opens the door for us, once all of us are in the front hallway, he turns to us again.
“You have to leave your weapons with me, Alpha,” The man says “All the other teams in this lodge have done so, this is supposed to be neutral territory.”
Luke’s shoulders stiffen at that, but still, he hands over the weapon bag. The guns he and I keep on ourselves still hidden beneath our clothes.
“Please make yourselves comfortable, there are three more duos here other than you.” He says “I should get going. I have others to attend to.”
With that he leaves us alone, closing the door behind.
“What now?” I ask Luke
“Now we see what’s going on.” He says
Surprising me, he takes my hand in his and starts forward. A strange sensation rises up my arm, but somehow, I like the press of his palm against mine.
Goddess, I need to pull my hand away
Before I have the chance to do that, I hear someone laughing as we enter the lounge.
Four guys look back at us. Their eyes fall on Luke first, not very surprised. They probably already know him. Then their gazes turn to me, curious, amused, indecent.
“Ah, Luke,” one of them stands up from the couch, running a hand through his sandy blond hair “I was wondering if you’d be joining us.”
“Adrian,” Luke gives him a curt nod “I’m surprised that you’re still alive.”
“You’re as cheerful as always, I see,” Adrian laughs “Wont introduce me to your little companion?”
I notice the momentary hesitation on Luke’s face before he pulls his hand away from mine. Is he ashamed of me being his companion? A messily omega girl?
“Elise,” he says formally, putting a hand on the small of my back “This is Adrian Woodsmen, Alpha of the Blue moon pack.”
“A pleasure to meet you, milady,” in one swift movement, Adrian takes my hand and presses a kiss to my knuckles “Allow me to introduce you to our housemates for the time being.”
He pulls me towards the couches and sits me down. Luke walks over to us and sits down on my other side, putting aside his bags, I put mine down as well.
“This is Ryan,” Adrian gestures to a man with dark hair and equally dark eyes “My beta and partner.”
“Nice to make your acquittance,” Ryan nods at me, his face passive
“I’m Joseph,” A man with long, wavy brown hair says to me. His green eyes sparkling “Alpha of the Riverfall pack.”
“My name is Freddie,” The man sitting besides him says. He has that playful childlike face with bright blue eyes and silvery blond hair “I’m Joseph’s delta.”
“Pleased to meet all of you,” I say, finally managing to take my hand away from Adrian
“Let me call our last duo,” Adrian says as he leaves the lounge and goes up the little wooden staircase
“So, Elise,” Joseph leans forward “How are you liking the Hunt so far?”
I shift a little in my seat, his gaze unnerving me “There’s not much to like.”
“Luke is lucky to have you as his partner,” Freddie says with a grin “Must be nice to have someone to cook good food and keep you motivated.”
Luke snorts quietly to himself, I throw him a quick glare. Should I pop Freddie’s bubble and tell him that I’m not a perfect maiden? Probably not.
Footsteps reach my ears and soon enough, Adrian comes down the stairs with two other men in tow. My eyes widen at the sight of them.
Rich golden hair, crystal blue eyes and a tall, well built frame.
“Ethan?” I stare at him wide-eyed, standing up from my seat
“Elise?” he mirrors my expression before giving me a bright smile
In a few long strides, he’s in front of me and before I know what’s happening, he pulls me in a hug. It lasts for just a moment but the stares that come after it last longer.
“Are you alright?” He looks me up and down
“You offend me,” I roll my eyes “I’m not alright. I’m amazing.”
That earns me a round of snickers and chuckles. Ethan smiles at me, taking a step away so as to maintain a respectable distance.
“My apologies,” He says with a chaste bow before turning around to look at the man behind him “This is Tyler, my beta and companion.”
I remember him a little from the Crescent moon ball. Same black strands of hair, same hazel eyes.
“Ms. Attwood,” he nods, evidently surprising me. He knows my name?
“Will someone tell me how you two,” Adrian motions between me and Ethan “Know each other?”
Ethan opens his mouth to say something but a deep, hard voice cuts in.
“Not likely, Woodsmen,” He stand up and stands by my side “We’d like to retire to our rooms.”
Tension charges in the air. Adrian holds Luke’s gaze with his fierce brown eyes.
Joseph observes them with a hint of interest. Ethan seems tense. Tyler, Freddie and Ryan look ready to defend each of their Alphas if needed.
“There are only four rooms,” Joseph says “Two people will have to share one room.”
“Hmm, very interesting.” Adrian says, a sudden grin on his face “So, Elise, who would you like to sleep with?”
That sounds so damn wrong.
“That is not a question,” Luke narrows his eyes at him in a spiteful glare “She’s going with me.”
“No one asked you, Winters,” Ryan speaks, backing up Adrian “She can choose for herself.”
“Whoever Elise is comfortable with should keep her company,” Ethan says with a nod
“If you’ve forgotten,” Luke says with a dangerously calm voice “I’m her partner. She’s obviously more comfortable around me.”
“She didn’t have an option about being your partner, Luke.” Ethan gives him a measured look “Now she can choose.”
“Are you saying that just because she let you hug her?” Freddie raises his brow at Ethan
“Trust me,” a voice says in my ear, I almost jump when I see Joseph behind me “You need to choose wisely right now.”
I step away from him, giving him a wary look. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
I clear my throat, everyone turns their attention to me.
“We should all just share with our partners,” I say in a professional tone “We’re still opponents.”
“That’s a reasonable argument,” Tyler nods at me
“So it’s settled,” Luke says. Did I imagine the hint of triumph in his voice? “Where’s our room?”
“There are two rooms on the second floor.” Ethan says “One of them has our luggage, you can take the other.”
Luke nods and grabs our bags from the floor, Joseph turns to me with a smirk on his face.
“If you’re scared, Elise dear,” he says like a true gentleass “My room is just in front of the stairs.”
“And if you see his face and get scared,” Adrian says “My room is just besides it.”
“I doubt she’s afraid of the night,” Luke says “She’s been sleeping under the open sky for almost two weeks.”
“All the more reason to sleep comfortably tonight,” Adrian winks at me
I offer him a tight smile before hurrying towards the stairs, Luke follows behind. We find our room and as the door closes behind, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
Goddess, that was too much testosterone.
“Don’t let them get to your head,” Luke says, glancing at me from the corner of his eyes “Alphas tend to get antsy when they’re away from females for too long.”
I crinkle my nose in distaste “You don’t do that.”
The barest smile flickers across his face “I’m a rare piece.”
Regardless of the tension downstairs, when I collapse on the soft bed, I sigh in pure estasy. After almost two weeks of sleeping in a stuffy sleeping bag, I finally get to sleep in an actual bed.
“What do you mean I’m not sleeping on the bed?”
Luke gives me a look “There’s just one bed.”
“Well, you can sleep on the couch,” I glare at him “I’m sleeping here.”
“Just look at its size, Hazel,” Luke points at the two person couch “How can I possibly sleep on it?”
“We can share the bed.”
“Not a chance.”
I open my mouth to argue, but then close it again. A devilish idea pops up in my mind.
Schooling my features in defeat, I sigh and get off the bed. Luke watches me suspiciously.
“Fine,” I say coolly “You can sleep on the bed.”
I move towards the door and give him a glance over my shoulder “Maybe one of the others would like to share a bed with me.”
I hadn’t even grabbed the handle when he says;
“Fine. We’ll share the bed.”
My lips curl upwards in a smile and I turn around to see Luke’s sour expression.
“See?” I put a hand on my hip and cock my head to a side “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“You really have no idea what you’re doing,” Luke says, disdain rolling off his voice “This isn’t a kid’s sleepover, Hazel. Grown up men aren’t to be played with.”
Ignoring his comment, I take the cushions from the couch and create a boundary on the bed, diving it into two.
As I lay in the bed, waiting for sleep, Luke’s comment swirls in my mind.
Today I wasn’t ready for what those idiots had in store for me, but tomorrow, they’ll realize what they’re dealing with.
Grown men aren’t to be played with, I feel myself smirk, unless you know how to win the game.
Sneak peek!
He leans forward, lips puckered, eyes closed.
"Oh my," like the shy little maiden I am, I shove him back
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