Chapter Two
Word Count: 1881
I feel myself coming to, my eyes naturally opening. But I am immersed in darkness, which throws me off balance for a moment.
Where am I?
I instantly can tell that I am tied to something, whatever binds me digging deeply into my wrists. So I take a deep breath, trying to gather my wits.
I have been kidnapped. I know that much. By who, and why I still can't grasp quite yet. I have an idea of who has done this at the back of my mind, but I can't address it yet, because it is so horrific to even think about.
I am sitting on a chair, in a cold room. I try to concentrate on my surroundings, but all I can think about is the feeling of someone watching me.
I pull at the restraints a little harder, but it is worthless. I am stuck fast, with even my feet tied to the legs of the chair. There is no way out, I just have to wait.
Suddenly the sound of footsteps echo throughout the room. I freeze, cringing.
Someone is in this room with me. Right now.
I don't struggle, I just remain still. I listen closely to the footsteps, trying to gauge whereabouts the sound is coming from, and where this person is situated in the room. They are close to me, I can feel it, and hear it.
Breathing in deeply, I close my eyes, considering saying something. But saying something wouldn't get me out of here. Whoever kidnapped me has a reason...I just need to find out what that reason is.
A sudden, thick silence fills the room. The footsteps have ceased, and I begin to feel my heart start to pick up pace again. I like to think that I am quite smart. I have always been the one in the Pack to consider things before I actually do them.
So having all my senses toyed with like this, is making me more than uneasy...
"Lock your doors," a soft voice whispers in my left ear.
I jump, twisting my head around as though I could see who is behind me. I can't; everything is immersed in complete darkness.
"Hold them tight," the voice whisper again, this time in my right ear. The voice belongs to a man. It's soft and raspy, like nothing I have heard before. Whoever this kidnapper might be, I definitely don't know them.
"Close your windows," the voice repeats, this time right in front of my face. I struggle in my binds, squeezing my eyes shut. Fear has exploded and consumed my entire body.
A finger is dragged down my cheek. Soft feeling, but the pressure he uses is opposite. "Every night."
"Don't go out, in case he's there," the voice continues, sounding further away now. I want to scream in terror. I want to lash out. I want to run. But I am frozen in fear. I couldn't move, even if I was standing in a the room with no restraints.
The sound of the loud footsteps draw closer, until they stop right in front of me. I can't explain the terrible feeling of knowing someone who could potentially end your life is standing right in front of you, but you can't do anything about it.
"Always live in total fear."
I gasp, as I feel his warm breath against my face. He is undeniably close to me.
And through all this fright, it dawns on me what he is chanting. This soft, deadly melodic voice is reciting the exact poem that has been drilled into my head by my parents and teachers since I was a young girl.
"Even if it means sacrificing your mate," the voice drawls, now from behind me. I can feel their breath now on my neck, fanning across my shivering skin. I can't even tell if I am wearing any clothes; not that the superficial idea of clothes really applies right now.
All of a sudden, the binds on my arm are cut free, and for a moment I am stunned on what to do.
"Don't let Alpha Kaden seal your fate..."
I bend down, my clammy finger struggling to untie the thick knots around my ankles. I need to get out of here as soon as I can. Whoever is in this room is messing with me. They are enjoying seeing my struggle for survival.
Once both knots are untied, I begin running in one direction, my hands out stretched in case I hit a wall. I still can't see a thing...
I run into a wall soon enough. The wallpaper feels velvety under my fingertips, compared to the cold, hard concrete ground underneath me. I rest my forehead against the wall, trying to get my bearings
"You can't escape something you can't see," the mans voice says from right behind me. This time I do scream. A loud, shrill scream as lash my hands out. But nothing is there. Am I going crazy?
I run to the right, keeping my hand on the wall. I have to find a way out of here. A light laugh coming from the other end of the room is doing my head in.
"Is this a game?" I ask into the air, not sure if my kidnapper can even hear me. He must be able to, if he knows where I am at all times. Of course this is a game...A sick, twisted game run by and equally sick and twisted man.
I run till I feel the glassy feeling of a window underneath my hand. I burst of hope fills through me, but I have to think.
My kidnapper would never let me have an exit like this easily without a catch. I have to take that risk. I bang my hands against the glass, but it doesn't smash, but bends and retracts under my constant beating.
"Why am I here?" I ask blindly into the air, falling to my knees. Just as my words left my mouth, a light flickered on, igniting the room with a blinding light. I cover my eyes. Being immersed in darkness for such a long time has adjusted my eyes.
Once I had blinked multiple times, I could see again.
The room I'm in is larger than I expected. The chair I just escaped from lingers in the middle of the room.
And on that chair, sits a man.
I can't see much of him. He's wearing some sort of hood that shadows his face. The rest of his clothes are all black and leather, covering most of his body, but I can still see his massive frame.
He lounges comfortably, twirling a piece of rope in his gloved hands. The same rope that was used to keep me bound to the chair.
"You want to know why I only ever take girls from the Purity Pack?" The man asks. His voice is deadly soft and deceiving, yet I can hear every words despite the lack of proximity. I knew the answer. We had been taught...
"Because you have a deep vendetta against our Alpha..."
"Incorrect!" He cuts me off. He tosses the rope over his shoulder casually, and stands. I watch nervously as he approaches, his gait suggesting he's almost floating over; his steps are so soft. I back myself as far into the wall as possible.
"I have nothing against Rylan. In fact he's rather pleasant in my opinion," he says. He stands over me, looking down at me. But still I can't see past the shadow that seems to cover his face.
The man folds his hands over his front, and proceeds to say, "But I hate pleasant."
He kneels down in front of me, and my breath catches in my throat. I hate that he's anywhere near me. I hate how I can't see his identity.
"I kidnap girls from the Purity Pack because they are weak, and pathetic, and believe in some bullshit being that lives in the sky," he tells me, in a raspy voice.
(Stop getting triggered darlings, it's a fictional religion 😂 ^^)
I narrowed me eyes at him, despite my fear.
"And I find that amusing," he laughs.
I want to slap him for saying such things, but I'm not even sure if he has a face. And that scares me that most.
"So what, am I your pet now?" I question angrily. I have never wanted to hurt someone as much as I want to hurt this man. How could he do this to me? Or anyone else for that matter. He's stolen my life away from me before I even had the chance to live it.
"You're different from the others, Mara," he says, blowing off my question. Different?
He exclaims, "I have been watching you for some time now. I know you weren't afraid of me."
He wrings his hands together.
"But you are now..."
I decided to go for to. I launched at him, ready to hurt him in some way. But instead he grabbed me before I could do anything to retaliate.
My skin made brief contact with his leather gloves, before he tossed me away carelessly like I am a piece of trash. I land hard on the ground, pain splitting through the half of my body that felt the impact.
"You're feisty. It's new, and I like it," he tells me, standing back up from his crouch. I on the other hand am hunched in the ground, nursing my wounds.
"And what you need to understand, is that I am an Alpha, and you are my game. I am not yours," he states.
He's setting ground rules already? He is carefully insinuating that he doesn't want me to strike out again.
"I will not be your slave," I growl. He laughs.
Kaden laughs...
I am in the presence of the deadliest Alpha in the world. He hasn't shown mercy to anyone, so why would he show mercy toward me?
"Your fate shall be a little more interesting then that," he murmurs. He walks closer to me and holds his hand out. I don't think I should take it. But I know if I don't, he might do something bad to me.
So I let him help me to standing position. He's over a head taller than me, but I am closer to him than ever.
"In fact, I would like you to meet someone special," he said.
I backed away, as he clapped his hands together. A set of doors on the far side of the room opened. I hadn't noticed those doors before...
In walks a younger looking man, with quite a swagger. He has a multitude of cuts and scratches over his bare arms, and some on his face.
He looks as though he's been beaten, or fallen from great heights. He even hobbles a little.
"Mara, I would like you to met my brother. Kace."
Hey guys!
So Kace is alive!
If you don't remember him, or you didn't read Alpha Landon, Kace played a pretty big part in the book.
Now he's back! But who knows what part he will be playing this time?
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, vote and comment if you did (:
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~Midika 💜🐼
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