Chapter Sixteen
Top Commenter: myworldnbooks
Word Count: 1930
Stumbling over my feet, I watch Alpha Grayson slowly begin to lose control in front of my very eyes. It's as if a demon has consumed his soul, while he tries his very best to fight it.
"I said run!"
And I do. Twisting around, I run at full speed in the opposite direction. Shifting would be like dangling myself on a stick for him to cease; my scent would follow me for miles.
So I run on my two sneakered feet as fast as my unfit legs will allow. Dodging between trees, I here the wildest growl rip through the night. Whatever Grayson has turned into, I don't want to witness it.
Panting, I pull my legs through the thick grass. Faintly, I hear the patter of paws across the ground, and I realise with a grim heart that Grayson is in hot pursuit
Pushing myself further, I try wager the odds of him ending my life. Obviously even he was scared of the monster he was about to turn into. These thoughts are like hands on my back, pushing me further.
But it doesn't take long for him to catch up.
I don't turn, scared of what I might be faced with. Instead I keep my eyes past the trees, praying I might make it there alive. His proximity is suddenly obvious as I feel his hot breath on my neck. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. There's no way I'm not going to die.
Then suddenly, it's as if he's gone. All noise stops, and his breath no longer dances dangerously across my neck. Glancing over my I see that he has truly disappeared. Slowing down, I try catch a breath.
And then I see, two massive wolves scrambling in a fight metres away from me. One large brown wolf, and a lighter, almost blonde wolf. The sight is terrifying, watching them tear at each other's skin.
In shock, I watch the black wolf get tossed into the air, slamming against the base of a tree. The sound of bones snapping makes me turn, vomiting into a nearby bush.
Or maybe it's because I'm unfit...
Wiping my mouth, I stumble to my feet again. And when I look up, both wolves are gone.
I back up slowly. If they aren't there, then where are they? Staring at the space where they once were, I begin to doubt it they truly existed in the first place.
The suddenly, out of the shadows emerges a naked figure. I back up slowly, assuming it's Grayson, but instead, I see a head a blonde hair. Their eyes glimmer green like the forest around them.
"Don't be afraid...He's gone," the strange man murmurs to me. Something about his voice makes me relax, allowing me to regain my breath again.
It's as if my eyes have naturally learnt to not look down at all these naked men. Instead, I stare into his eyes as he advances closer. Noticing cuts upon his face bleeding thick blood, I begin to worry, but I push away that for awhile.
"Was that you?" I question, referring to the blonde wolf that attacked Grayson. He nods solemnly.
"Indeed. I heard Grayson leave the house this afternoon, and went to investigate. When I saw him chasing you, I had to act," he says. I thank him profusely, for saving my life, trying not to get emotional about the fact that it had nearly ended.
He brushes it off modestly.
"You live with the Alpha?" I question. Again, he nods.
"He's my brother. Hence why I was able to disarm him enough for him to come back to his senses," the man says.
"His senses?"
"You see, my brother has a condition. We have found no one to cure his insatiable need to turn into his Werewolf form every night," he says. By the look in his eyes, I can tell that this has been an issue for him for many years.
I stick my hand out in front of me. "Mara."
"Evan." We shake hands.
He smiles warmly at me, and I can't help but sigh in relief. I suddenly feel as if I've found somebody that might actually be able to help me.
"So, where were you heading?" He questions. I shrug in response, telling him that I truly don't know where I'm supposed to go, and that I'm awfully lost.
He gazes at me sympathetically. "The Freedom Pack is a dangerous place. I know somewhere you can stay in the meantime. On one condition..."
I narrow my eyes expectantly.
"If you tell me why you're here, then I will take you to a dear friend of mine," he says. Somehow, I knew this was coming. Bending the truth seems like the only option for me at this point.
"I'm running from someone. I thought this place would be the best Pack to hide in," I tell him. He nods, thinking about that.
"You're not wrong."
Together, we walk through the night. Mainly, I follow Evan's footsteps, trusting that he knows where he's going. I want to ask him where Alpha Grayson is, but as long as he's not here, I couldn't care less.
And for the most part, I feel safe around Evan.
"You know, they say a mate can cure any condition," I tell Evan, referring to Grayson's strange habit of turning into a killer every night.
"Doesn't seem the Moon Goddess has granted him his mate yet," Evan says.
I can only imagine the burden his brother must be on him. But the fact that he believes in the Moon Goddess is bound to have helped.
Few Packs believe in her nowadays. The Power Pack doesn't, and neither does the Wisdom Pack, who believes in the evolution of science. The Passion Pack does, but the Devotion Pack lacks the strong belief they used to. The Love Pack does, of course, and even Discipline Pack has some strong believers.
But still, the remaining Packs, like the Harmony Pack, and the Loyalty Pack believe it's Werewolves behaviour that fuels the ability to mate.
"I'm sure Grayson will meet his mate soon," I say positively.
We walk for awhile longer, before we emerge in a township of sorts. Houses of all shapes and sizes scatter the land in no particular order. Roads and paths are non existent, I notice, as we walk slowly past homes. Some are in good conditions, others look abandoned.
"So who am I meeting?" I ask gently. I hope he's not sending me to stay with a serial murderer or something. No, I trust Evan.
He doesn't answer, but instead approaches a quaint looking home in decent condition. He knocks on the yellow door loudly, and we wait for it to be answered.
A short woman answers. Her soft brown hair is tied back from her face, showing off her high cheek bones, and silvery eyes. A very common colour in this Pack. She wears clothes typical of a home worker.
The smile that lights up her face when she sees Evan is like none other. She jumps at him, and he responds by wrapping his arms around her. Watching them embrace is not awkward in slightest. In fact, I'm almost envious of the obvious love shared between them.
When they pull away, Evan keeps an arm securely around her. She smiles at me warmly.
"Meet my Leia, my mate."
Everything suddenly slots into place. Of course...His special friend.
"Leia baby, meet Mara. I met her in the woods, and she needs a place to stay," Evan says, introducing us. She thrusts out her hand, and I shake it.
"Of course you can stay! A Purity Pack member is always welcome in my home," she says brightly. I never knew it was so obvious that I'm a Purity Pack member until today. But I'm glad I don't have to explain myself.
"Come in, it's getting cold out here," Leia states. She right, and I happily follow her inside. A fire is roaring wildly within her fireplace, warming up the small house immensely.
Leia leaves the room to make us some tea, and I'm left with Evan in the lounge room.
"Your mate...You don't live with her?"
The idea seems strange. Mates should be around each other at all times.
If I knew who my mate was, I would never leave his side.
"My duty is to ensure Grayson behaves during evening. Until he finds his own mate," Evan says, rubbing the back of his neck.
Suddenly, the sound of a loud news alert from the television diverts my attention. The Passion Pack usually do the news reporting, since they are so tech savvy.
A woman and a man sit at a news desk. Both have the characteristic Passion Pack features; silky black hair, and piercing green eyes.
"Today, the Vengeance Pack has once again riled up the Pack news after Alpha Kaden's shocking live announcement today," the woman says. Instantly, my heart drops, and my stomach rises in my throat.
"That's right Sally. Today, the notorious Alpha made a threatening statement to a girl no one has even heard of!" The man exclaims. He glances off, and it's obvious he's checking his trimmed beard in the view finder.
Instantly, I know exactly who they are talking about.
"I thought the Alpha had bigger issues on his plate, than some girl from the Purity Pack," the woman with the bun named Sally says, laughing softly. The man nods his head, still blatantly looking at himself.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Evan looking at me.
"Here is the footage from Alpha Kaden's shocking announcement."
Suddenly, the sight of the reporters disappears, and instead, I'm looking into the cruel eyes of Alpha Kaden.
I have never seen him look like this before. Darkness shadows his eyes, as if he hasn't slept in months. His jaw is clenched painfully, showing his taunt cheekbones. He even looks paler than I remember. Something is definitely wrong with him...He's hardly recognisable.
Despite these observations, I still see the taunting race of the Alpha I know inside his eyes. It's almost comforting.
"I know you'll see this, Mara," he says softly. His voice is broken-cracked at the edges. My heart begins to race as he mentions my names. I knew this was about me.
"And you did it. You escaped me when I thought no one could possibly do so," he murmurs.
I lick my dry lips.
"You may think you've won. But you haven't. Not yet."
Suddenly, he smiles wickedly, and the same man is back. The Alpha that scares me more than any other. Even a demon one chasing after me in the dead of night. Because this Alpha knows me well enough to taunt me.
"You have successfully initiated another game. And it's one of my favourites."
I bite back my terror.
"Eventually every game of chase ends, Mara," he says. It's suddenly as if the screen isn't there, and I'm left facing Kaden in person.
"This time, we are both players. And I have bets on the winner," he says cruelly. Evan is now standing right beside me, as we stare in horror at the man on screen.
"Let the hunt begin."
The game maker inside Kaden is back my friends!
And this time, it's a game of chase.
Who do you think is going to win this one?
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~Midika 💜🐼
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