Chapter Seventeen
Top Commenter: frasermagoo
Word Count: 2231
That night, I couldn't sleep.
Tossing and turning, Kaden haunted my mind. And then, he haunted my dreams. I imagined him chasing me, those gloves laced with poison that could kill me.
I even woke up screaming.
When dawn rolled around, I was exhausted. Already, Kaden is winning the game.
Laying in bed, Leia almost gave me a fright when she opened my bedroom door. Grateful she wasn't naked like most of the other Pack members seem to be, I give her my full attention.
"Good morning! I'm going to the markets this morning. Care to join?" She asked. The thing about Leia, that I have gathered so far, is that she is far too optimistic. I'm not sure if it's a side effect of having a mate, or not.
"Sure, that sounds great," I mumble, sleep still having a hold on me. She smiles broadly.
"Great, I lay out some clean clothes for you in the bathroom. I hope you fit them!"
Once she leaves, I lay back down and close my eyes. Perhaps this will take my mind of Kaden, but I was hoping to stay inside to lower the risk of seeing Alpha Grayson again.
Turns out, I didn't regret following Leia to this market place she spook about. Stalls clustered around a small area, people milling around selling, buying and bartering. The place is lit with colour, and foreign smells. Many people I walk past give me strange glances, noticing that I'm a Purity Pack member.
"I'm just going to go grab some things from the far side. Meet me back here, and don't talk to many people if you can," Leia whispered in my ear. Nervously, I watched her skip off with her whicker basket in the opposite direction.
Suddenly, I fee vulnerable. Most of the men that pass me are fully naked, while the woman wear thin fabrics over their bodies in all different colours.
I can't help feeling overdressed in my yellow sundress.
Wading though the heat, I look around. Lacking money to buy things, I feel lost and useless in this market.
Until my eyes meet a pair of silver ones.
Alpha Grayson. What is he doing here?
He loiters at the far end of the market, leaning against an abandoned building. He is fully dressed, in a dark cloak with a hood pulled over his head to shadow his face. How long he's been watching me, I don't know.
Stumbling backward, I try sought out a plan within my head. The crowd is thick, so maybe I can get lost within it, and find a place to hide until he's gone.
He seems to notice my plan, and begins to stalk over, a look of determination on his face.
Falling back into the crowd, I keep low so my head can't be seen. Spotting a tent across the path from me, I try make my way toward it. It's bright purple and has mysterious looking ornaments hanging from it, but it's shelter...
Slipping into the cool arms of the tent, I close the fabric behind me. Hopefully he didn't see me come in here.
"Mara," a voice whispered from the shadows. Turning, I watch an elderly woman hobble across the small expanse of the tent. She's draped in a golden robe, and has an unspeakable atrocity curled around he head. Is it a dead animal? I don't want know.
"How do you know my name?" I question uneasily. Suddenly I'm wondering who's worst; this woman, or Alpha Grayson.
She pauses by a table in the middle of tent. It's covered in a purple tablecloth.
"I know a lot Mara. Now sit down before the Alpha sees you through the crack," she stated. She points to a chair at the table, before sitting down on the one opposite. Glancing behind me, I see a small gap in the curtains. Quickly I move to sit in the seat.
"You're running from two Alphas, aren't you?"
I frown at this lady, who stares straight into my eyes. It makes me squirm. Her eyes are silver, but a tint of lilac swirls around her irises. She truly does look mysterious.
"Who are you? And how do you know about the-"
"My name is Esmerelda, and I am a Gaze Reader!" She says proudly. My eyebrows crease together. I though Gaze Readers were a myth...I remember my mother scolding me when she caught me with a book explaining Gaze Readers. Back then, I had into imagined what it would be like to meet one.
Gaze Readers. Those blessed by the Moon Goddess. Those who can look into ones eyes, and read what they have seen. They are said to have originated from the Devotion Pack, and also bedtime stories.
The woman, Esmerelda, leans over the table and grabs my face between her spindly hands. She twists my face around, making me cringe. Her hands feel calloused and aged against my face.
"You have made a grave mistake, running from the Alpha of the Vengeance Pack," she says. As she stares into my eyes, I stare into hers. Instead of seeing them, all I see are my eyes in her place. My dull, lifeless blue eyes.
"I had no choice," I stutter, not knowing what to say.
"You always have a choice...Surrender to him, for otherwise he will come for you!" She says loudly. I try hush her, but she just cackles loudly. If someone hears us, they might wonder what the heck is going on. I need to get out of here.
Standing from my chair, I kick it back.
"Gaze Readers are supposed to give good advice..." I say to her. The words she says will get me murdered by him. Does she not understand what Kaden would do to me if he did find me?
"I am! You must listen silly girl, for Kaden will not hurt you," she says, standing with me. Frazzled, I shake my head. Kaden is a murderer, and I'm sure the punishment at the end of the game will not be a pleasant one.
Esmerelda looks crazy right, her peppered hair sticking up in all ends. She tries to grab for my hands, but I snatch them away.
"Please listen, silly girl-"
"Stop calling me that!" I snap, annoyed.
"You are blinded! Do you not see what you are to Kaden?" She questions. What is she talking about? I am nothing but a player in Kaden's sick game.
She lashes out and grabs my wrist. When I try to pull away, I realise she's holding on tighter than I expected. A slice of fear cuts through me.
"Stay...Let me tell you exactly what you are!" She demands, pulling me further into the tent. I struggle against her, to no avail. Thinking I'm about to be murdered or something by this crazy woman, I begin to call out for help.
But that ceases, as I feel two warm hands land on my shoulders.
"Esmerelda, you old hag. Are you terrorising young girls again with your absurd proclamations," a mans voice says from behind me. I freeze up, as I come to realise that it's Alpha Grayson who has saved my life.
Esmerelda curtsies low at the sight of her Alpha.
"Oh, Alpha Grayson. What an honour to have you in my tent," she croons. Turning around seems like a terrible idea right now, as I don't want to see Alpha Grayson. He has his hands on me now, and I'm sure he's not going to let me go any time soon.
"Thank you for holding Mara for me while I tried to find her," Alpha Grayson said. His voice is low and taunting, and I can tell that he is amused by the entire situation.
My heart plummets to my feet. A feeling of dread draped over me like Esmerelda's golden cloak. He knows my name, which means he knows I'm running from Alpha Kaden. He probably has alerted him, and Kaden is on his way here right now.
Carefully, Grayson grabs my wrists, and leads me from the tent. I don't dare struggle, knowing it would only give him the childish pleasure I know he would enjoy. Instead I comply.
"Shall we go somewhere private?" Alpha Grayson asks. He doesn't need an answer though, for he has easily made his mind up already.
Allowing Alpha Grayson to lead me from the market place made me feel a sense of loss. Does this mean Kaden has already won the game...
"You look so sad," Alpha Grayson observes, noticing my drawn off look. I ignore him, gazing down at my feet.
We have made it to a rather private area by the edge of the woods. It brings back memories from last night, so when I look at Grayson, who stands in front of me, I shiver. How he go from a handsome Alpha, so a disturbing creature of the night?
"You're going to tell Alpha Kaden that I am here, aren't you," I say. Grayson laughs, a flicker of amusement showing in his eyes.
"I don't owe that man anything. Don't worry, you are safe here," he says warmly. For some reason, his words make me sigh in relief.
If he is truly telling the truth, then I am still in the game...
Narrowing my eyes at him, I watch him pull the hood back off his head, letting his messy brown hair fall out around his face. Is he being serious though?
"You're cursed. Am I truly that safe?"
He smiles. "Most nights I am chained to my bed. Maybe you should stop worrying so much."
Easy for him to say. He is the Alpha of the most laid back Pack. His life is meant to be free and easy. A life of a Purity Pack member holds many burdens and responsibilities.
He takes a step toward me, and I surprise myself, as I don't step back. Close up, I see truly how attractive he is. His straight cut jaw, and high cheekbones. But I instantly scold myself, as this man is not my mate.
"I will look after you here," he murmurs. Something about his tone makes me believe him.
He reaches a hand up, and places is on my face. Naturally, I find myself lean into his touch. The thought of the forbidden makes a surge of excitement fill my body. Purity Pack members should never indulge in the touch of the opposite sex.
"It's been a long time since a beautiful girl like you has come into my Pack," he says softly. It's as if his words expel all breath from my body, as his thumb skims over my lower lip. What is he thinking?
Suddenly, he leans down, and before our lips can meet, I turn my head. Instead, he kisses my cheek. As he pulls away, I see his eyes blaze dangerously. For a moment I think he is going to say something, but instead, he brushes it off.
"I was planning on going for a run, would you accompany me?"
"Yes, as Wolves. I promise you will enjoy it," he says. My jaw clenched. I haven't shifted in many years, since it's not suggested within the Purity Pack. Apparently it's letting ourselves indulge in a sin.
Grayson notices my expression. "Come on, it's fun! Let loose for once."
"You're right. I'm in a new Pack, and my parents aren't here...", I muse, basically convincing myself. Grayson flashed me a grin, and I brush away my feelings of doubt. Sure, he's probably a bad influence, but I haven't had fun in a long time.
I watch Grayson begin to shift, and in a quick decision, I follow suit.
Sitting at my desk, I hold my head in my hands. My guards have scoured four Packs, and have found nothing.
I miss her.
Slamming my fists against my desk, I enjoy the pain. How is she winning already? As an Alpha, I have never lost any game I have started. And I am not willing to lose this one either.
But how has she gotten such a hold on me, that I'm beginning to weaken by the day. I need to see her.
"Alpha," a voice prompts from the doorway. I look up, so see my Head Guard, looking solemn.
I nod at him to talk. He rubs the back of his neck.
"No sign of her within the Love Pack. We have hung posters, and offered rewards like you suggested," he said. I cringe. Another Pack where she is not. Good. I'm sure she would have fallen in love with one of the soppy males over there anyway.
"Good. Perhaps try the Harmony Pack next..."
He nods, and closes the door behind him. My searches are narrowing down places where she could be. I will not stop till I find her.
Suddenly, a sweet scent consumes my office. I stand, breathing in deeply. The scent is so familiar. One that belongs to one She Wolf, and one She Wolf only.
A cruel smile makes its way onto my face.
"Oh Mara, you've made a mistake."
Ohh snap. Maybe Mara shouldn't have shifted?
Next chapter is going to have a little bit of a more Sexy scene *wink wink* So you can have that to look forward to.
Unless you don't like that, then BEWARE!
Vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter! (:
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~Midika 💜
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