So, I did this at the end of Alpha Landon, and I have decided to do it again for Alpha Kaden!
(This took over a month of hand writing usernames down. I think I contributed to six tree deaths)
If you have been a commenter throughout this story, than you may have your name mentioned down below! (:
I'm doing this as a way to thank you all for your support. Commenters are such an amazing drive for me, that I am forever grateful for. So this is my way of thanking you guys for what you do for me :)
First of all, I have SPECIAL mentions to those commenters I've seen from the start! If not from the start, they have been extra special to me over the course of writing this book (:
Thank you so much for being an endless support throughout this entire book. You've been here from the start, including in Alpha Landon. Every comment is supportive and kind, and it's always comforting to see your name pop up in the comment section (:
Toward the end of the story, I thought you stopped reading as you were always commenting lovely things toward the start of the book. And I realised that you have always been here, and that means the world to me.
Thank you so much for your support and involvement throughout this book! I swear I see you all the time in the comment section, which it awesome!
Another familiar face in the comment section! I've memorised your profile picture and username now, so every time I see you, I recognise you. Thank you so much for reading! (:
It's always comforting to see your name in the comment section. You're almost always there in the comment section, keeping up to date so thank you very much for that!
When I was going back through the comment section looking for mentions, you were always a reoccurring face that I've gotten to know as well! Thank you for being here for a long while, it means a lot to me (:
Thank you for always putting in your input and getting into the story from the start, it honestly means so much to me! Please never change your profile picture, cause' I'm used to it :D
If you are still here, then thank you! Thank you for being here for a very long time, and always been one of the first people to get to a chapter and comment. You're another familiar name that I hope joins me at the next book!
Your another one with a super bright profile picture that easy to remember. Of course I can memorise you though, because you've been here forever, and that honestly means so much! Thank you for your support and contribution!
I'm not sure when you came into the mix, but the moment you did, you've been into the story and have supported me since, so thank you very very much for that (:
Have you been here forever? It feels as if you have, because whenever I see your username and profile picture, I get a little bit happier because you're so familiar. Thank you for contributing to the process of writing this book! It means a lot.
Am I right to say you've been here since the start? You may have stopped commenting a little toward the middle, but you came back at the end and I got really excited because you're an awesome commenter. Thank you!
I hope you're still here! You were a very very supportive commenter since the beginning of the book, and then you disappeared. And then on the last few chapters, you started commenting again! Thank you so much for sticking around, and thank you for being the initial drive when I started this book out.
Your comments always make me laugh, and not only are you a familiar user, with your relatable username, and bright profile picture, but you seemed to always comment during the story, me I'm grateful for that, so thank you (:
Now for other AMAZING people that have supported me throughout this! Whether it be briefly, or not, YOU helped me write this too.
If your name is here, it means I found your support so much help. I know words can't stress this, but I truly mean it (:
If your name isn't on here, it doesn't mean you haven't been supportive! It probably means you're from the future reading this :D
(Also, some names were not able to be tagged. And I may have repeated some names because it's borderline 3 am right now)
In no particular order...
_greeneyes3_ (I think I followed like four others with similar names to yours in attempts to find you)
I am so sorry if you are a commenter who wasn't mentioned...My phone only allowed me to tag certain names, hence why many aren't tagging anyone, but know that I truly do appreciate you
Also, sorry for those who I wrote down, but didn't mention in this video. I filmed it earlier, and there were last minute additions.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
If you're a voter, or even a ghost reader, who feels they should be acknowledged, message me personally, and I'll thank you myself! (:
Because seriously everyone, I can't begin to comprehend how much you all mean to me. It's hard for me, as an author to express this, when you're probably half way across the world from me right now.
Every single one of you is incredible. Thank you again...I love you all.
~Midika 💜🐼
See yah at Alpha Grayson (:
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