Word Count: 1845
I'm not sure how I've managed to convince Zire to take me into the family's private library, I'm just grateful he is upholding his end of the deal.
I'm sure if I had asked Isaiah, he would have allowed me in here, but I'm not ready to arise any ounce of suspicion, especially when Kit is around. So now I sit, with Zire opposite me, flipping through his own book. I've searched throughout for history one the Alpha family, hoping to make myself seem more like a Noble's daughter over conversation at dinners.
Even if being around Kit makes me sick.
"Do you like Kit?" I ask softly, raising my gaze up.
Zire pauses, a page between his fingertips. There's some bitter simmering in his eyes, making the darkness of his irises look even more cold.
"I thought he seemed nice. But I overheard him talking to Isaiah..." I drift. It's not exactly like I want to talk to Zire, let alone confide in him with my feelings, but no one else is here to listen that has quite the connection to Isaiah. I can't risk it with Cherry. Not when she could feed my curiosity back to Savea and Mari.
"Don't," Zire admonishes, eyeing me carefully. "Their relationship is complicated. It's best to leave them to it."
Chewing on the edge of my lip, I lower my gaze back down to my book, although the words seem muddled before my distracted eyes. I'm not going to go as far to tell Zire about what Kit did to my family, but it feels like information that will naturally become apparent if I start ranting about my pure hatred towards the former Alpha.
I can't help myself, as I look back up. "You're his closest friend. You should say something."
Zire sighs, closing his book. I note the subtle eye roll. He's bothered, I realised, having me digging around, telling him how he should handle his friendship with Isaiah.
"What's your real name?" he questions.
My brows furrow as I tuck my legs up to my chest, resting my book on my thighs. "As if I'm going to tell you."
"I feel strange referring to you as Kenna when it's just you and me." I glance around the room, confirming that it truly is just him and I. Doesn't mean I'm going to hand him that information so easily. If he is trying to trip me up, he is going to have to work harder than that...
"Call me V," I say simply.
"Your name starts with V?" He pushes.
"No, but it has a V in it."
"Hmm." He leans back into the plush couch, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "We made an agreement, I'm not going to say anything to Isaiah."
Despite sitting in this room with him, I have no intention of establishing any kind of friendly relationship. He is still arrogant, and he made all those comments to me when I first moved in. The only thing I can truly commend him for is his perfect balance between self preservation and being truly protective over his friend, Isaiah.
"I still can't believe you're willing to let a rebel stay here just to keep your identity hidden," I muse, flipping through my pages, trying to find something deeper back into the history. I'm not the best at reading, nor did I learn much history since I didn't have an opportunity to go to school.
Zire tilts his head back and forth, slightly too long red hair grazing his brows. "I have my reasons."
"Fine. Do you have information?" I question.
"What specifically do you want to know today?"
"Who really makes the decisions in this Pack?" I've been having doubts about how much say Isaiah is actually allowed. Kit seems to enjoy still flexing his power, despite stepping down as Alpha. And then there's all the wealthy families and other interest groups that have been pushing him around.
"Isaiah," Zire says with a shrug, although I notice the way his gaze lowers, finding the pattern on the carpet more interesting, apparently.
"Liar," I snap. "Is it Kit? The families?"
"It's Isaiah, V," Zire says again, although his tone is more stern, borderline irritated. He doesn't want to talk about this, meaning I'm going to have to do more pushing on it later. "Isaiah makes all the decisions, even the ones you don't like."
"Okay then," I draw off, stretching my legs out on the couch, done with my book at this point. "I see the way you look at Cherry. You like her?"
Zire pauses, looking stripped bare for a moment. It wasn't hard to tell that there's something between Cherry and Zire that hasn't been acted on. They exchange glances often, and yet can only manage civil conversation when they are near each other. If he is so willing to point out what is between Isaiah and I, I don't feel bad about bringing this up.
"Uh ah. I only answer one question a day."
"I'm going to assume that's a yes," I say triumphantly, not bothering to smother my smile. Zire still looks serious though, not sharing my amusement.
"Around here, you never get to be with who you want," he says quietly. "So I wouldn't suggest saying that out loud."
For some reason, that strikes me straight in the stomach.
Zire stands, looking toward the door. "Isaiah."
"Seems I'm always catching you two hanging out together. Alone," Isaiah notes, wandering in. He looks tired, from dealing with his father all day. Part of me wants to comfort him, but that would let him know that I overheard him and his father's conversation, and I want him to be able to trust me.
"Just reading, right Kenna?" Zire notes, grinning at me. It's like he's erected a mask and smothered it over his serious face.
"Got bored." I shrug.
"Cherry and I were playing cards downstairs. Would you like to join?" Isaiah asks softly. He's looking at me as he says that, soft emerald eyes consumed with a mixture of emotions. Is he suspicious of Zire and I being together behind his back? He shouldn't be, I can hardly stand the guy...
Zire adjusts his jacket, nodding at me. "Absolutely. Meet you down there."
Both Isaiah and I stand silently while Zire walks out the room.
"Everything okay?" I ask.
"I hope my father doesn't...I hope he doesn't make you think like you deserve to be here," he murmurs softly. How long has that been on his mind? By the tension in his shoulders and his uneasy expression, he's been figuring out how to bring that up to me.
"He hired me. Of course he wants me here." I don't even believe that, after the conversation I overheard. But I have to make him believe I know nothing.
"I know." He strides forward, my entire body seeming to react to his approach. Even my palms get clammy, making me wince. Am I seriously that weak? "He is just quite set on his way, with Elise and all. Doesn't matter if I like you or not."
"You like me?" I ask softly.
He pulls his fingers back through his dark waves. "I think so."
I should kiss him. I should stride forward and just do it, knowing that at some point I'm going to have to. I'm here to make him think I like him, to gain his trust. And yet as my gaze lowers to his lips, I can't do it.
What if I'm starting to like him too?
I barely got through the second card game before I excused myself.
Seeing everyone enjoying themselves so casually, while I'm plotting to destroy their lives. I've decided I need to get out of the place and clear my head, remind myself of what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.
Slinging my leg out the bedroom window, I nudge my foot into it's usual place in the trellis, and clamber down. I haven't been to the compound in a few days now, so Malin and Kadrick will be anxious to see me.
The thin wood beneath my foot suddenly snaps, and in an instant, I'm plummeting back down to the ground.
My back hits the ground with enough force that it knocks the breath straight from my lungs, leaving gasping in the dewy grass, clutching my stomach. I'm not sure how long I'm lying there for, trying to calm my breath, concentrating on the glittering starts above me.
"Kenna! Are you okay?"
I wince, as cold hands touch my arm, trying to pull me up. It's Caiya, the girl who tends to my room. I've avoided speaking to her a lot, knowing she witnessed me climb into the room in my dark clothing in the middle of the night. She didn't ask questions, but she's going to ask questions now, that I don't have answers to.
"I just knocked the breath from me, I'll be okay," I dismiss, clutching my head as I sit up.
"You shouldn't be scaling the wall..." Caiya scolds, brushing the grass from my clothing. My head is spinning slightly, but other than that I should be fine.
"The idea, Caiya, was that no one was meant to see me," I tell her, laughing under my breath despite myself.
"Come inside and let me check the scratches."
I shake her off, getting back up to my feet. "I can't, I have to go."
"You're apart of the rebellion, aren't you?" she cuts in suddenly. For a long moment I just stare at her, unsure of what I should say. Here I thought Zire would be the one to expose me, and now it's going to be the girl who tends to my room who has witnessed far too much from me.
"Let's not have this conversation right now," I tell her uneasily, glancing toward the main door of the house. What if Isaiah heard the commotion and is coming out? I would have no excuse for him.
Caiya shoves her hands in her pockets, shivering with the cold. "I figured you were, from the first time I saw you come through the window."
"What do you want from me?" Does she want money? Does she want me to leave?
"I want to join," she admits, stepping closer to me. "I want to join the rebellion."
If you enjoy the story, it's always ten chapters ahead on Radish. It's another way of supporting me as a writer, so thank you!
I have a brand new story called IMMORTAL PRINCE now available on Radish, and soon on Wattpad (:
"Tomorrow, we don't have to speak of this again." I hardly know what I'm asking. I just know I want whatever it is.
He watches me with an intensity that I know only he is capable of. "Put my hand where you want me to touch you."
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!! Thank you all!
I hope you guys enjoyed!!
Instagram: Sophie_Midika
Snapchat: Midikacrane
~Midika 💜🐼
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