Word Count: 1638
I've decided I hate the snow.
But what I hate more, is sitting inside the cabin up the hill more.
This is because Isaiah is my mate, I know that. My patience has officially worn to scraps, and I can't be around these people anymore. I hate that I don't hate them. But if I have to hear Elise talk about marrying Isaiah one more time, I'm going to tear my hair out.
I just wish there is somewhere else to go though, that isn't so freezing.
At least the view is stunning. Mountain ranges stretch as far as I can see, the setting sun casting a golden glow over the perfectly packed snow. Night is coming, and I'm going to have to return, but I can't bring myself to yet.
Isaiah's voice echoing through the valley has me whirling around. He stands at the top of the hill, looking around frantically, delving his hands into his hair. His gaze brushes over me, and his eyes widen. In seconds he is scaling down the hill toward me.
"What are you doing?" He demands, snow rushing down the slope as Isaiah comes to stand beside me.
"Thinking," I mumble.
"It's freezing out here." He sounds like he's scolding me, tugging his jacket off to lay it over my shoulders. Shivering, I pull it closer to myself, ignoring how delightful it smells. It makes sense now, why everything about Isaiah has made me so attracted to him.
He crouches down, emerald eyes examining my face, likely making note of my red eyes. I've only just stopped crying. That seems like a distant memory, though, now that I'm looking at him. He's awake, and he has no idea what I know.
What if I told him, right now.
No, I know what would happen. He would make me stay, make me be with him. Although he's the Alpha, Isaiah's a romantic, and he would give everything up for me. I could use that, for the rebellion, but it feels wrong to be with him just because he might put away being the Alpha.
"I couldn't handle another second in there with all of them," I tell him, motioning behind me.
His expression softens. "Did one of them say something to you?"
Exhaling, I look at him, nearly breaking into a laugh. This is all insane. How can he be my mate? It makes both perfect, and no sense altogether. I mean, he's beautiful, he's soft and he's kind. He's not a killer, he doesn't oppress anyone, he's just a puppet being used by his father.
I'm going to kill his father. I can't wait to kill his father.
"No. I just have a lot on my mind," I tell him. He sits next to me on the rock, taking my hand in his. The feeling of his leather glove on my hand is cold.
I hate both love when he dresses like an Alpha. It reminds me of who he really is, and all his terrible obligations. But he looks so handsome, his hair perfectly curled, his dark clothing well fit to his body, reminding me of how well built he is.
"You can talk to me," he assures me, his gentle tone making my throat tighten. I don't have it in me to cry anymore. "Is this all too much? Do you want to go home?"
Home. I don't even have a home.
"No, I want to stay here..." I don't mean that, but I have to. I don't want him to start thinking I'm not capable of doing my job. And it's not as if I can refuse to go back in, considering how cold I'm getting sitting out here. "I'm just not all that like them. It's hard for me to fit in."
"Do you feel that way about me? That you and I are not alike?" he asks, winding his fingers through mine.
It's impossible to smile at this point. "Isaiah, I hardly know you."
"What would you like to know?"
This is my chance. I've been forgetting I'm here to do a job, to get information about Isaiah that I can use to tear apart his reign. As his mate, it makes me sick to think about what I've committed to, but when I think about his father, I know it will all be worth it. I just hope he will forgive me after everything is done.
"I want to know about your family, first of all. I barely spoke to Kit, and I know nothing about your mother..." I break off. I only know what Malin has been able to dig up, but none of it we can rely on for certain.
Isaiah looks over me, a frown deepening between his brows. "Can we do this inside, where it's warm. I'm worried about you."
I am shaking uncontrollably, unable to feel my fingers and my toes. Isaiah pulls my hands close to himself, warming them against him. I resist the urge to fall into an embrace with him, to let his warmth envelop me.
"Everyone is in there," I whisper.
"Alright. Well, my father and I aren't very close. He has a lot of expectations for me that I've never been able to meet, even as Alpha, which he has always wanted me to be," Isaiah admits as he stares blankly out into the distance.
I squeeze his hand. "You didn't want to be Alpha?"
"Honestly, I wanted for a long time to move anywhere else that isn't this Pack and start a new life as someone different, and hope people wouldn't notice me." He shrugs. I note the sadness in his eyes, the desire for an entirely new start. "Now, I'm not so sure. I'm clearly not very good at the job, and I'm expected to be with Elise..."
My heart hurts. He doesn't want to be with her as much as I don't want him to be with her. Part of it even makes me angry. Why do things have to be this way?
"You're not. That's just what your father wants," I remind him.
He shakes his head. "It's more complicated than you think."
"Oh trust me, I'm aware." I know complicated. I'm living through complicated right now. And I can't talk to a single person about it. Not Malin, not Kadrick, and especially not Isaiah.
"Is Zire the problem?" He asks.
"No...Let's get back. I'm okay now," I affirm, getting to my feet. My entire body is still from the cold, but Isaiah's jacket around my shoulders has definitely helped. Zire and I seem to be a sensitive subject for Isaiah.
He grabs my arm, turning me around. "Because if Zire is trying to seduce you..."
The fire in his eyes hit me at full force. I'm glad he has no idea about Kadrick, because I would hate to see how he would handle that. It entrenches the fact that he wants me, that he feels as though he has some kind of claim to me. He doesn't bother to hide it either. He wants me to know about his desire.
"He isn't, we are just friends," I assure him.
We start up the hill, trudging through the snow. "Do you have anyone waiting for you back home, in the Love Pack?"
"I do, actually." I'm going to have to speak to Kadrick as soon as possible. As much as I've loved him over this past year, it has to end. I can't stay with him now that I've found my mate, and he deserves to be able to live his life without having to wait around for me.
"Is he nice?" The grating tension in Isaiah's tone doesn't go unnoticed.
"He is. I don't deserve him."
Isaiah exhales, breath fogging in front of him. He wants to say more, I know it, but he doesn't want to push it. He's aware that he has to be with Elise, so he can't get possessive about me being with another man.
"Come on, let's get you inside."
We emerge back into the cabin, the heat nearly making me collapse with relief. Everyone looks up, Cherry being the first one to get to her feet, rushing over to me and my shaking form. I let her hug me, as one of the only people in here that isn't insufferable.
"Kenna, are you okay?" she gasps, clutching my freezing fingers.
"Sorry, I just needed some air," I tell her.
"We should all get back soon. My business here is done." Isaiah takes his jacket that I hand him, strolling into the centre of the room. He's looking at Zire like he didn't believe what I said about him and I only being friends.
"Good, because if I have to deal with you idiots for a moment longer, I'm going to tear my hair out," Elise mutters.
Zire reaches over, flicking a chunk of it over her shoulder. "And it's such pretty hair."
She swats his hand away. "Don't touch me, freak."
"Tomorrow morning we leave, so get some sleep soon," Isaiah says. And just like that, everyone's mood is lifted.
If you enjoy the story, it's always ten chapters ahead on Radish. It's another way of supporting me as a writer, so thank you!
I have a brand new story called IMMORTAL PRINCE now available on Radish, and soon on Wattpad (:
"Tomorrow, we don't have to speak of this again." I hardly know what I'm asking. I just know I want whatever it is.
He watches me with an intensity that I know only he is capable of. "Put my hand where you want me to touch you."
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!! Thank you all!
I hope you guys enjoyed!!
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~Midika 💜🐼
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